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Commit 4408a6df authored by Christian Howard's avatar Christian Howard
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Modified vector potential representation to appropriately use new methods for...

Modified vector potential representation to appropriately use new methods for evaluating normal-based cross products across multiple disjoint objects. Also tweaked density retrieval after stuffing the scalar quantities, {v_j}, into the density vector.
parent ff4037d8
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......@@ -419,17 +419,14 @@ class DPIEOperator:
# extract the densities needed to solve the system of equations
rho = A_densities[:self.nobjs]
rho_m = rho.resize((1,self.nobjs))
a_loc = A_densities[self.nobjs:]
a_loc = A_densities[(2*self.nobjs):]
a = np.zeros((3,self.nobjs),dtype=self.stype)
for n in range(0,self.nobjs):
a[:,n] = sym.tangential_to_xyz(a_loc[2*n:2*(n+1)],where=self.geometry_list[n])
# define the normal vector in symbolic form
n = sym.normal(len(a), None).as_vector()
# define the vector potential representation
return sym.curl(self.S(a,target)) - self.k*self.S(n*rho_m,target) \
+ 1j*(self.k*self.S(sym.n_cross(a),target) + sym.grad(self.S(rho_m,target)))
return sym.curl(self.S(a,target)) - self.k*self.S(self.n_times_multi(rho_m,self.geometry_list),target) \
+ 1j*(self.k*self.S(self.n_cross_multi(a,self.geometry_list),target) + sym.grad(self.S(rho_m,target)))
def scattered_volume_field(self, phi_densities, A_densities, qbx_forced_limit=None):
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