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Commit b492dd94 authored by Andreas Klöckner's avatar Andreas Klöckner
Browse files

Add memory access pattern visualizer

parent dedb956b
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import numpy as np
# Inspired by a visualization used in the Halide tutorial
def div_ceil(nr, dr):
return -(-nr // dr)
def product(iterable):
from operator import mul
from functools import reduce
return reduce(mul, iterable, 1)
class ArrayAccessPatternContext:
def __init__(self, gsize, lsize, subgroup_size=32):
self.lsize = lsize
self.gsize = gsize
self.subgroup_size = subgroup_size
self.timestamp = 0
self.ind_length = len(gsize) + len(lsize)
self.arrays = []
def l(self, index): # noqa: E743
subscript = [np.newaxis] * self.ind_length
subscript[len(self.gsize) + index] = slice(None)
return np.arange(self.lsize[index])[tuple(subscript)]
def g(self, index):
subscript = [np.newaxis] * self.ind_length
subscript[index] = slice(None)
return np.arange(self.gsize[index])[tuple(subscript)]
def nsubgroups(self):
return div_ceil(product(self.lsize), self.subgroup_size)
def animate(self, f):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
fig = plt.figure()
plots = []
for iary, ary in enumerate(self.arrays):
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, len(self.arrays), 1+iary)
def data_gen():
for _ in f():
for ary, plot in zip(self.arrays, plots):
yield plots
# must be kept alive until after
return animation.FuncAnimation(
fig, lambda x: x, data_gen, blit=False, interval=200, repeat=True)
def tick(self):
self.timestamp += 1
class Array:
def __init__(self, ctx, name, shape, strides, elements_per_row=None):
# Each array element stores a tuple:
# (timestamp, subgroup, g0, g1, g2, ) of last acccess
assert len(shape) == len(strides)
self.nattributes = 2+len(ctx.gsize)
if elements_per_row is None:
if len(shape) > 1:
minstride = min(strides)
for sh_i, st_i in zip(shape, strides):
if st_i == minstride:
elements_per_row = sh_i
elements_per_row = 256
self.array = np.zeros((product(shape), self.nattributes,), dtype=np.int32)
self.ctx = ctx = name
self.shape = shape
self.strides = strides
self.elements_per_row = elements_per_row
def __getitem__(self, index):
if not isinstance(index, tuple):
index = (index,)
assert len(index) == len(self.shape)
all_subscript = (np.newaxis,) * self.ctx.ind_length
def reshape_ind(ind):
if not isinstance(ind, np.ndarray):
return ind[all_subscript]
assert len(ind.shape) == self.ctx.ind_length
lin_index = sum(
ind_i * stride_i
for ind_i, stride_i in zip(index, self.strides))
self.array[lin_index, 0] = self.ctx.timestamp
for i, glength in enumerate(self.ctx.gsize):
if lin_index.shape[i] > 1:
self.array[lin_index, 2+i] = self.ctx.g(i)
workitem_index = 0
for i in range(len(self.ctx.lsize))[::-1]:
workitem_index = (
workitem_index * self.ctx.lsize[i]
+ self.ctx.l(i))
subgroup = workitem_index//self.ctx.subgroup_size
self.array[lin_index, 1] = subgroup
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
def get_plot_data(self):
nelements = self.array.shape[0]
base_shape = (
div_ceil(nelements, self.elements_per_row),
shaped_array = np.zeros(
base_shape + (self.nattributes,),
shaped_array.reshape(-1, self.nattributes)[:nelements] = self.array
modulation = np.exp(-(self.ctx.timestamp-shaped_array[:, :, 0]))
subgroup = shaped_array[:, :, 1]/(self.ctx.nsubgroups()-1)
rgb_array = np.zeros(base_shape + (3,))
if 1:
if len(self.ctx.gsize) >= 1:
# g.0 -> red
rgb_array[:, :, 0] = shaped_array[:, :, 2]/(self.ctx.gsize[0]-1)
if len(self.ctx.gsize) >= 2:
# g.1 -> blue
rgb_array[:, :, 2] = shaped_array[:, :, 3]/(self.ctx.gsize[1]-1)
if 1:
rgb_array[:, :, 1] = subgroup
return rgb_array*modulation[:, :, np.newaxis]
def plot(self, ax, **kwargs):
return ax.imshow(
self.get_plot_data(), interpolation="nearest",
def show_example():
n = 2**7
n16 = div_ceil(n, 16)
ctx = ArrayAccessPatternContext(gsize=(n16, n16), lsize=(16, 16))
in0 = Array(ctx, "in0", (n, n), (n, 1))
if 0:
# knl a
i_inner = ctx.l(1)
i_outer = ctx.g(1)
k_inner = ctx.l(0)
def f():
for k_outer in range(n16):
in0[i_inner + i_outer*16, k_inner + k_outer*16]
# knl b
j_inner = ctx.l(0)
j_outer = ctx.g(0)
k_inner = ctx.l(1)
def f():
for k_outer in range(n16):
in0[k_inner + k_outer*16, j_inner + j_outer*16]
ani = ctx.animate(f)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if 1:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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