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Commit aef58128 authored by Kaushik Kulkarni's avatar Kaushik Kulkarni
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Added documentation for scoped functions.

parent 8f69ca43
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1 merge request!2Draft: Kernel callables: self review
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Please check :ref:`installation` to get started.
``ScopedFunctions`` are pymbolic nodes within expressions in a
```` kernel, whose name has been resolved by the kernel.
A pymbolic ``Call`` node can be converted to a ``ScopedFunction`` if it
is resolved by one of the ``function_scoper`` in a :attr:`LoopKernel.scoped_functions`
- Functions already registered by the target. Some examples include --
``sin()``, ``cos()``, ``exp()``, ``max()`` (for C-Targets.)
- Functions that are defined in ```` and are realized into
different set of instructions during code generation. Some examples
include ``make_tuple``, ``ArgExtOp``, ``index_of``, ...
- Functions registered as ``CallableKernels`` using
- Functions that have been provided through
- Functions that can be made known from the user through
``lp.register_function_mangler``. This is planned to be deprecated,
as its functionality is superseded by
Expressions after a function is scoped.
Consider the following expression.
sin(a[i]) + unknown_func(b[i]) + callable_knl_func(c[i])*mangler_call(d[i])
During the kernel creation phase, the kernel would know that ``sin`` is
a function known to the target and hence it should be scoped. And as
expected, after ``make_kernel`` has been called the above expression
would get converted to:
ScopedFunction(Variable('sin'))(a[i]) + unknown_func(b[i]) +
This would also make an entry in the kernel's ``scoped_functions``
dictionary as:
{Variable('sin'): ScalarCallable(name='sin', arg_id_to_dtype=None,
arg_id_to_descr=None, name_in_target=None)}
It might be noteworthy that at this step, it only scopes functions
through their names without any information about the types of the
Once, the user calls the transformation:
``lp.register_callable_kernel(knl, 'callable_knl_func', callee_knl)``,
the expression gets converted to:
ScopedFunction(Variable('sin'))(a[i]) + unknown_func(b[i]) +
This also makes an entry in the ``scoped_functions`` dictionary as --
{Variable('sin'): ScalarCallable(name='sin', arg_id_to_dtype=None,
arg_id_to_descr=None, name_in_target=None),
Variable('callable_knl_func'): CallableKernel(subkernel=LoopKernel(...),
arg_id_to_dtype=None, arg_id_to_descr=None, name_in_target=None)}
Now, if the user calls
``register_function_mangler(knl, 'mangler_call')``, one might expect
that the mangler call function should get scoped, but that does **not**
happen, because the "old" ``function_manglers``, would return a match
only if all the parameters of the function match viz. name, argument
arity and argument types. Hence, the ``scoped_functions`` dictionary
would remain unchanged.
``ScopedFunctions`` and specializations
Consider the same ``ScopedFunction('sin')`` as above. This function
although scoped does not the know the types i.e. it does yet know that
for a ``C-Target``, whether it should emit ``sin`` or ``sinf`` or
``sinl``. Hence, right now the function can be called as a
"type-generic" function as further in the pipeline it can take any one
of the above definitions. The functions go through a "specialization"
processes at various points in the pipeline, where the attributes of the
callables are resolved.
- During type inference, the functions go though type specialization
where in the ``arg_id_to_dtype`` of the functions is realized.
- During descriptor inference, the functions goes through a description
specialization where the ``arg_id_to_descr`` is populated. The
``arg_id_to_descr`` contains important information regarding shape,
strides and scope of the arguments which form an important part of
``CallableKernel`` as this information would be helpful to to
generate the function signature and make changes to the data access
pattern of the variables in the callee kernel.
- Whenever a ``ScopedFunction`` goes through a specialization, this is
indicated by changing the name in the ``pymbolic`` node.
If during type inference, it is inferred that the type of ``a[i]`` is
``np.float32``. The new ``pymbolic`` node would be:
ScopedFunction('sin_0')(a[i]) + ...
This name change is done so that it indicates that the node points to a
different ``ScalarCallable`` in the dictionary. And hence a new entry is
added to the ``scoped_functions`` dictionary as:
{'sin': ScalarCallable(name='sin', arg_id_to_dtype=None,
arg_id_to_descr=None, name_in_target=None),
Variable('callable_knl_func'): CallableKernel(subkernel=LoopKernel(...),
arg_id_to_dtype=None, arg_id_to_descr=None, name_in_target=None),
'sin_0': ScalarCallable(name='sin', arg_id_to_dtype={0:np.float32,
-1: np.float32}, arg_id_to_descr=None, name_in_target='sinf')}
Description Inference
Although this step has no significance for a ``ScalarCallable``, it
forms a very important part of ``CallableKernel``. In which the
``dim_tags``, ``shape`` and ``mem_scope`` of the arguments of the
callable kernel is altered.
- The ``dim_tags`` attribute helps to ensure that the memory layout
between the caller and the callee kernel is coherent.
- The ``mem_scope`` attribute ensures that, while writing the device
code we emit the appropriate scope qualifiers for the function
declaration arguments.
- The ``shape`` attribute helps in:
- Storage allocation.
- Memory layout.
- Out of bounds accesses to be caught in ````.
Hence, in the ```` pipeline, one might expect the following
developments of the ``sin`` pymbolic call expression node.
sin -> (Kernel creation) -> ScopedFunction(Variable('sin')) ->
(Type Inference) -> ScopedFunction(Variable('sin_0')) ->
(Descriptor Inference) -> ScopedFunction(Variable('sin_1'))
Changes on the target side to accommodate the new function interface.
The earlier "function\_mangler" as a member method of the class
``lp.ASTBuilderBase`` will be replaced by ``function_scopers``. The
function scopers would return a list of functions with the signature
``(target, identifier)->lp.InKernelCallable``.
An example of registering Vector callables is shown below.
.. code:: python
import loopy as lp
import numpy as np
from loopy.diagnostic import LoopyError
from import CTarget
# {{{ blas callable
class BLASCallable(lp.ScalarCallable):
def with_types(self, arg_id_to_dtype, kernel):
for i in range(0, 2):
if i not in arg_id_to_dtype or arg_id_to_dtype[i] is None:
# the types provided aren't mature enough to specialize the
# callable
return self.copy(arg_id_to_dtype=arg_id_to_dtype)
mat_dtype = arg_id_to_dtype[0].numpy_dtype
vec_dtype = arg_id_to_dtype[1].numpy_dtype
if mat_dtype != vec_dtype:
raise LoopyError("DGEMV should have same dtype for matrix and "
if vec_dtype == np.float32:
name_in_target = "cblas_sgemv"
elif vec_dtype == np.float64:
name_in_target = "cblas_dgemv"
raise LoopyError("GEMV only supported for float32 and float64 "
from loopy.types import NumpyType
return self.copy(name_in_target=name_in_target,
arg_id_to_dtype={0: NumpyType(vec_dtype), 1: NumpyType(vec_dtype),
-1: NumpyType(vec_dtype)})
def emit_call_insn(self, insn, target, expression_to_code_mapper):
assert self.is_ready_for_codegen()
from loopy.kernel.instruction import CallInstruction
assert isinstance(insn, CallInstruction)
parameters = insn.expression.parameters
parameters = list(parameters)
par_dtypes = [self.arg_id_to_dtype[i] for i, _ in enumerate(parameters)]
# no type casting in array calls.
from loopy.expression import dtype_to_type_context
from pymbolic.mapper.stringifier import PREC_NONE
from loopy.symbolic import SubArrayRef
from pymbolic import var
mat_descr = self.arg_id_to_descr[0]
c_parameters = [
expression_to_code_mapper(par, PREC_NONE,
dtype_to_type_context(target, par_dtype),
par_dtype).expr if isinstance(par, SubArrayRef) else
expression_to_code_mapper(par, PREC_NONE,
dtype_to_type_context(target, par_dtype),
for par, par_dtype in zip(
parameters, par_dtypes)]
c_parameters.insert(0, var('CblasRowMajor'))
c_parameters.insert(1, var('CblasNoTrans'))
c_parameters.insert(2, mat_descr.shape[0])
c_parameters.insert(3, mat_descr.shape[1])
c_parameters.insert(4, 1)
c_parameters.insert(6, 1)
c_parameters.insert(8, 1)
c_parameters.insert(10, 1)
return var(self.name_in_target)(*c_parameters), False
def generate_preambles(self, target):
assert isinstance(target, CTarget)
yield("99_cblas", "#include <cblas.h>")
def blas_fn_lookup(target, identifier):
if identifier == 'gemv':
return BLASCallable(name='gemv')
return None
# }}}
n = 10
knl = lp.make_kernel(
"{[i]: 0<=i<10}",
y[:] = gemv(A[:, :], x[:])
""", [
lp.ArrayArg('A', dtype=np.float64, shape=(n, n)),
lp.ArrayArg('x', dtype=np.float64, shape=(n, )),
lp.ArrayArg('y', shape=(n, )), ...],
knl = lp.register_function_lookup(knl, blas_fn_lookup)
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