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  • Reference Guide
    .. module:: loopy
    .. moduleauthor:: Andreas Kloeckner <>
    This guide defines all functionality exposed by loopy. If you would like
    a more gentle introduction, you may consider reading the example-based
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    .. _inames:
    Domain Tree
    Loops are (by default) entered exactly once. This is necessary to preserve
    dependency semantics--otherwise e.g. a fetch could happen inside one loop nest,
    and then the instruction using that fetch could be inside a wholly different
    loop nest.
    Loopy's expressions are a slight superset of the expressions supported by
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    * `reductions`
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        * duplication of reduction inames
    * complex-valued arithmetic
    * tagging of array access and substitution rule use ("$")
    * ``indexof``, ``indexof_vec``
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    .. _types:
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    Specifying Types
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    :mod:`loopy` uses the same type system as :mod:`numpy`. (See
    :class:`numpy.dtype`) It also uses :mod:`pyopencl` for a registry of
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    user-defined types and their C equivalents. See :func:``
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    and related functions.
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    For a string representation of types, all numpy types (e.g. ``float32`` etc.)
    are accepted, in addition to what is registered in :mod:`pyopencl`.
    .. _iname-tags:
    Iname Implementation Tags
    ========================= ====================================================
    Tag                       Meaning
    ========================= ====================================================
    ``None`` | ``"for"``      Sequential loop
    ``"l.N"``                 Local (intra-group) axis N
    ``"g.N"``                 Group-number axis N
    ``"unr"``                 Unroll
    ``"ilp"`` | ``"ilp.unr"`` Unroll using instruction-level parallelism
    ``"ilp.seq"``             Realize parallel iname as innermost loop
    ========================= ====================================================
    .. "" intentionally undocumented
    (Throughout this table, `N` must be replaced by an actual, zero-based number.)
    * Restricts loops to be innermost
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    * Duplicates reduction storage for any reductions nested around ILP usage
    * Causes a loop (unrolled or not) to be opened/generated for each
      involved instruction
    .. _creating-kernels:
    Creating Kernels
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    .. autoclass:: auto
    .. autoclass:: ValueArg
    .. autoclass:: ImageArg
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    .. _temporaries:
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    Loop domains
    TODO: Explain the domain tree
    .. _isl-syntax:
    ISL syntax
    The general syntax of an ISL set is the following::
    ``VARIABLES`` is a simple list of identifiers representing loop indices,
    or, as loopy calls them, inames. Example::
        {[i, j, k]: CONDITIONS}
    The following constructs are supported for ``CONDITIONS``:
    * Simple conditions: ``i <= 15``, ``i>0``
    * Conjunctions: ``i > 0 and i <= 15``
    * Two-sided conditions: ``0 < i <= 15`` (equivalent to the previous
    * Identical conditions on multiple variables:
      ``0 < i,j <= 15``
    * Equality constraints: ``i = j*3`` (**Note:** ``=``, not ``==``.)
    * Modulo: ``i mod 3 = 0``
    * Existential quantifiers: ``(exists l: i = 3*l)`` (equivalent to the
      previous example)
    Examples of constructs that are **not** allowed:
    * Multiplication by non-constants: ``j*k``
    * Disjunction: ``(i=1) or (i=5)``
      (**Note:** This may be added in a future version of loopy.
      For now, loop domains have to be convex.)
    Temporary Variables
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    Temporary variables model OpenCL's ``private`` and ``local`` address spaces. Both
    have the lifetime of a kernel invocation.
    .. autoclass:: TemporaryVariable
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    .. _assignments:
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    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
    Andreas Klöckner committed
    The general syntax of an instruction is a simple assignment::
        LHS[i,j,k] = EXPRESSION
    Several extensions of this syntax are defined, as discussed below.  They
    may be combined freely.
    You can also use an instruction to declare a new temporary variable. (See
    :ref:`temporaries`.) See :ref:`types` for what types are acceptable. If the
    ``LHS`` has a subscript, bounds on the indices are inferred (which must be
    constants at the time of kernel creation) and the declared temporary is
    created as an array. Instructions declaring temporaries have the following
        <temp_var_type> LHS[i,j,k] = EXPRESSION
    You can also create a temporary and ask loopy to determine its type
    automatically. This uses the following syntax::
        <> LHS[i,j,k] = EXPRESSION
    Lastly, each instruction may optionally have a number of attributes
    specified, using the following format::
        LHS[i,j,k] = EXPRESSION {attr1,attr2=value1:value2}
    These are usually key-value pairs. The following attributes are recognized:
    * ``id=value`` sets the instruction's identifier to ``value``. ``value``
      must be unique within the kernel. This identifier is used to refer to the
      instruction after it has been created, such as from ``dep`` attributes
      (see below) or from :mod:`context matches <loopy.context_matching>`.
    * ``id_prefix=value`` also sets the instruction's identifier, however
      uniqueness is ensured by loopy itself, by appending further components
      (often numbers) to the given ``id_prefix``.
    * ``inames=i:j:k`` forces the instruction to reside within the loops over
      :ref:`inames` ``i``, ``j`` and ``k`` (and only those).
      .. note::
          The default for the inames that the instruction depends on is
          the inames used in the instruction itself plus the common
          subset of inames shared by writers of all variables read by the
          You can add a plus sign ("``+``") to the front of this option
          value to indicate that you would like the inames you specify here
          to be in addition to the ones found by the heuristic described above.
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    * ``dup=i:j->j_new:k->k_new`` makes a copy of the inames ``i``, ``j``, and
      ``k``, with all the same domain constraints as the original inames.
      A new name of the copy of ``i`` will be automatically chosen, whereas
      the new name of ``j`` will be ``j_new``, and the new name of ``k`` will
      be ``k_new``.
      This is a shortcut for calling :func:`loopy.duplicate_inames` later
      (once the kernel is created).
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    * ``dep=id1:id2`` creates a dependency of this instruction on the
      instructions with identifiers ``id1`` and ``id2``. The meaning of this
      dependency is that the code generated for this instruction is required to
      appear textually after all of these dependees' generated code.
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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      Identifiers here are allowed to be wildcards as defined by
      the Python module :mod:`fnmatchcase`. This is helpful in conjunction
      with ``id_prefix``.
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      .. note::
          Since specifying all possible dependencies is cumbersome and
          error-prone, :mod:`loopy` employs a heuristic to automatically find
          dependencies. Specifically, :mod:`loopy` will automatically add
          a dependency to an instruction reading a variable if there is
          exactly one instruction writing that variable. ("Variable" here may
          mean either temporary variable or kernel argument.)
          If each variable in a kernel is only written once, then this
          heuristic should be able to compute all required dependencies.
          Conversely, if a variable is written by two different instructions,
          all ordering around that variable needs to be specified explicitly.
          It is recommended to use :func:`get_dot_dependency_graph` to
          visualize the dependency graph of possible orderings.
          You may use a leading asterisk ("``*``") to turn off the single-writer
          heuristic and indicate that the specified list of dependencies is
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    * ``priority=integer`` sets the instructions priority to the value
      ``integer``. Instructions with higher priority will be scheduled sooner,
      if possible. Note that the scheduler may still schedule a lower-priority
      instruction ahead of a higher-priority one if loop orders or dependencies
      require it.
    * ``if=variable1:variable2`` Only execute this instruction if all condition
      variables (which must be scalar variables) evaluate to ``true`` (as
      defined by C).
    * ``tags=tag1:tag2`` Apply tags to this instruction that can then be used
      for :ref:`context-matching`.
    * ``groups=group1:group2`` Make this instruction part of the given
      instruction groups. See :class:`InstructionBase.groups`.
    * ``conflicts_grp=group1:group2`` Make this instruction conflict with the
      given instruction groups. See
    Assignment instructions are expressed as instances of the following class:
    .. autoclass:: ExpressionInstruction
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    .. _expression-syntax:
    Expression Syntax
    TODO: Functions
    TODO: Reductions
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    C Block Instructions
    .. _substitution-rule:
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    Substitution Rules
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    Syntax of a substitution rule::
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        rule_name(arg1, arg2) := EXPRESSION
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    .. class:: LoopKernel
    Do not create :class:`LoopKernel` objects directly. Instead, use the following
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    function, which is responsible for creating kernels:
    .. autofunction:: parse_fortran
    .. autofunction:: parse_transformed_fortran
    .. autofunction:: make_copy_kernel
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    Transforming Kernels
    .. _context-matching:
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    Matching contexts
    TODO: Matching instruction tags
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    .. automodule:: loopy.context_matching
    .. autofunction:: parse_match
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    .. autofunction:: parse_stack_match
    .. currentmodule:: loopy
    Wrangling inames
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    .. autofunction:: split_iname
    .. autofunction:: join_inames
    .. autofunction:: tag_inames
    .. undocumented .. autofunction:: link_inames
    .. autofunction:: rename_iname
    .. autofunction:: remove_unused_inames
    .. autofunction:: split_reduction_inward
    .. autofunction:: split_reduction_outward
    .. autofunction:: affine_map_inames
    .. autofunction:: realize_ilp
    Dealing with Parameters
    .. autofunction:: fix_parameters
    .. autofunction:: assume
    Dealing with Substitution Rules
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    .. autofunction:: assignment_to_subst
    .. autofunction:: expand_subst
    .. autofunction:: find_rules_matching
    .. autofunction:: find_one_rule_matching
    Caching, Precomputation and Prefetching
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    .. autofunction:: precompute
    .. autofunction:: add_prefetch
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    .. autofunction:: buffer_array
    Influencing data access
    .. autofunction:: change_arg_to_image
    .. autofunction:: tag_data_axes
    .. autofunction:: remove_unused_arguments
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    .. autofunction:: split_arg_axis
    .. autofunction:: find_padding_multiple
    .. autofunction:: add_padding
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    .. autofunction:: set_instruction_priority
    .. autofunction:: add_dependency
    .. autofunction:: remove_instructions
    Library interface
    .. autofunction:: register_reduction_parser
    .. autofunction:: register_preamble_generators
    .. autofunction:: register_symbol_manglers
    .. autofunction:: register_function_manglers
    .. autofunction:: set_argument_order
    .. autofunction:: infer_unknown_types
    .. autofunction:: add_and_infer_dtypes
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    .. autofunction:: to_batched
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    .. autofunction:: generate_loop_schedules
    .. autofunction:: get_one_scheduled_kernel
    .. autofunction:: generate_code
    .. autoclass:: CompiledKernel
    Automatic Testing
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    .. autofunction:: auto_test_vs_ref
    Printing :class:`LoopKernel` objects
    If you're confused about things loopy is referring to in an error message or
    about the current state of the :class:`LoopKernel` you are transforming, the
    following always works::
        print kernel
    (And it yields a human-readable--albeit terse--representation of *kernel*.)
    .. autofunction:: preprocess_kernel
    .. autofunction:: get_dot_dependency_graph
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
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    .. autofunction:: show_dependency_graph
    Controlling caching
    .. autofunction:: set_caching_enabled
    .. autoclass:: CacheMode
    Obtaining Kernel Statistics
    .. autofunction:: get_op_poly
    .. autofunction:: get_gmem_access_poly
    .. autofunction:: sum_mem_access_to_bytes
    .. autofunction:: get_barrier_poly