Skip to content 51.9 KiB
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                    % escape(response.stdout))
        if hasattr(response, "stderr") and response.stderr:
                _("Your code printed the following error messages"),
                "<pre>%s</pre></p>"]) % escape(response.stderr))
        if hasattr(response, "figures") and response.figures:
            fig_lines = ["".join([
                _("Your code produced the following plots"),
                '<dl class="result-figure-list">',

            for nr, mime_type, b64data in response.figures:
                if mime_type in ["image/jpeg", "image/png"]:
                            _("Figure"), "%d<dt>"]) % nr,
                        '<dd><img alt="Figure %d" src="data:%s;base64,%s"></dd>'
                        % (nr, mime_type, b64data)])

Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
        # {{{ html output / sanitization

        if hasattr(response, "html") and response.html:
            if (page_context.course is None
                    or not page_context.course.trusted_for_markup):
                        for snippet in response.html)
        return AnswerFeedback(

    def correct_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, grade_data):
        result = ""

        if hasattr(self.page_desc, "correct_code_explanation"):
            result += markup_to_html(

        if hasattr(self.page_desc, "correct_code"):
            result += ("".join([
                _("The following code is a valid answer"),
                ": <pre>%s</pre>"])
                % escape(self.page_desc.correct_code))
    def normalized_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data):
        if answer_data is None:
            return None

        normalized_answer = self.get_code_from_answer_data(answer_data)

        from django.utils.html import escape
        return f"<pre>{escape(normalized_answer)}</pre>"
    def normalized_bytes_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data):
Neal Davis's avatar
Neal Davis committed
        if answer_data is None:
            return None
Neal Davis's avatar
Neal Davis committed
        suffix = self.suffix
        return (suffix, self.get_code_from_answer_data(answer_data).encode("utf-8"))
Neal Davis's avatar
Neal Davis committed

class PythonCodeQuestion(CodeQuestion, PageBaseWithoutHumanGrading):
    An auto-graded question allowing an answer consisting of Python code.
    All user code as well as all code specified as part of the problem
    is in Python 3.


    .. code-block:: yaml

        type: PythonCodeQuestion
        id: addition
                - change_answer
        value: 1
        timeout: 10
        prompt: |
            # Adding two numbers in Python
            Your code will receive two variables, *a* and *b*. Compute their sum and
            assign it to *c*.
        setup_code: |
            import random
            a = random.uniform(-10, 10)
            b = random.uniform(-10, 10)
        names_for_user: [a, b]

        correct_code: |
            c = a + b
        names_from_user: [c]

        test_code: |
            if not isinstance(c, float):
                feedback.finish(0, "Your computed c is not a float.")
            correct_c = a + b
            rel_err = abs(correct_c-c)/abs(correct_c)
            if rel_err < 1e-7:
                feedback.finish(1, "Your computed c was correct.")
                feedback.finish(0, "Your computed c was incorrect.")

    If you are not including the
    permission for your entire flow, you likely want to
    include this snippet in your question definition:

    .. code-block:: yaml

                - change_answer

    This will allow participants multiple attempts at getting
    the right answer.

    .. attribute:: id


    .. attribute:: type


    .. attribute:: is_optional_page


    .. attribute:: access_rules


    .. attribute:: title


    .. attribute:: value


    .. attribute:: prompt

        The page's prompt, written in :ref:`markup`.

    .. attribute:: timeout

        A number, giving the number of seconds for which setup code,
        the given answer code, and the test code (combined) will be
        allowed to run.

    .. attribute:: setup_code

        Python code to prepare the environment for the participants

    .. attribute:: show_setup_code

        Optional. ``True`` or ``False``. If true, the :attr:`setup_code`
        will be shown to the participant.

    .. attribute:: names_for_user

        Symbols defined at the end of the :attr:`setup_code` that will be
        made available to the participant's code.

        A deep copy (using the standard library function :func:`copy.deepcopy`)
        of these values is made, to prevent the user from modifying trusted
        state of the grading code.

    .. attribute:: names_from_user

        Symbols that the participant's code is expected to define.
        These will be made available to the :attr:`test_code`.

    .. attribute:: test_code

        Code that will be run to determine the correctness of a
        student-provided solution. Will have access to variables in
        :attr:`names_from_user` (which will be *None*) if not provided. Should
        never raise an exception.

        This may contain the marker "###CORRECT_CODE###", which will
        be replaced with the contents of :attr:`correct_code`, with
        each line indented to the same depth as where the marker
        is found. The line with this marker is only allowed to have
        white space and the marker on it.

    .. attribute:: show_test_code

        Optional. ``True`` or ``False``. If true, the :attr:`test_code`
        will be shown to the participant.

    .. attribute:: correct_code_explanation

        Code that is revealed when answers are visible
        (see :ref:`flow-permissions`). This is shown before
        :attr:`correct_code` as an explanation.

    .. attribute:: correct_code

        Code that is revealed when answers are visible
        (see :ref:`flow-permissions`).

    .. attribute:: initial_code

        Code present in the code input field when the participant first starts
        working on their solution.

    .. attribute:: data_files

        A list of file names in the :ref:`git-repo` whose contents will be made
        available to :attr:`setup_code` and :attr:`test_code` through the
        ``data_files`` dictionary. (see below)

    .. attribute:: single_submission

        Optional, a Boolean. If the question does not allow multiple submissions
        based on its :attr:`access_rules` (not the ones of the flow), a warning
        is shown. Setting this attribute to True will silence the warning.

    The following symbols are available in :attr:`setup_code` and :attr:`test_code`:

    * ``GradingComplete``: An exception class that can be raised to indicated
      that the grading code has concluded.

    * ``feedback``: A class instance with the following interface::

          feedback.set_points(0.5) # 0<=points<=1 (usually)
          feedback.add_feedback("This was wrong")

          # combines the above two and raises GradingComplete
          feedback.finish(0, "This was wrong")

          feedback.check_numpy_array_sanity(name, num_axes, data)

          feedback.check_numpy_array_features(name, ref, data, report_failure=True)

          feedback.check_numpy_array_allclose(name, ref, data,
                  accuracy_critical=True, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8,
                  report_success=True, report_failure=True)
              # If report_failure is True, this function will only return
              # if *data* passes the tests. It will return *True* in this
              # case.
              # If report_failure is False, this function will always return,
              # and the return value will indicate whether *data* passed the
              # accuracy/shape/kind checks.

          feedback.check_list(name, ref, data, entry_type=None)

          feedback.check_scalar(name, ref, data, accuracy_critical=True,
              rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8, report_success=True, report_failure=True)
          # returns True if accurate

          feedback.call_user(f, *args, **kwargs)
          # Calls a user-supplied function and prints an appropriate
          # feedback message in case of failure.

    * ``data_files``: A dictionary mapping file names from :attr:`data_files`
      to :class:`bytes` instances with that file's contents.

    * ``user_code``: The user code being tested, as a string.

    def language_mode(self):
        return "python"

    def container_image(self):
        return settings.RELATE_DOCKER_RUNPY_IMAGE

    def suffix(self):
    def __init__(self, vctx, location, page_desc, language_mode="python"):
        super().__init__(vctx, location, page_desc,
Neal Davis's avatar
Neal Davis committed
Neal Davis's avatar
Neal Davis committed

# {{{ python code question with human feedback

class PythonCodeQuestionWithHumanTextFeedback(
        PageBaseWithHumanTextFeedback, PythonCodeQuestion):
    A question allowing an answer consisting of Python code.
    This page type allows both automatic grading and grading
    by a human grader.

Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
    If you are not including the
Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
    permission for your entire flow, you likely want to
    include this snippet in your question definition:

    .. code-block:: yaml

                - change_answer

    This will allow participants multiple attempts at getting
    the right answer.

Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
    Besides those defined in :class:`PythonCodeQuestion`, the
    following additional, allowed/required attribute are introduced:
    Supports automatic computation of point values from textual feedback.
    See :ref:`points-from-feedback`.

    .. attribute:: human_feedback_value

Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
        Optional (deprecated).
        A number. The point value of the feedback component
        by the human grader (who will grade on a 0-100 scale,
        which is scaled to yield :attr:`human_feedback_value`
        at 100).

Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
    .. attribute:: human_feedback_percentage

        A number. The percentage the feedback by the human
        grader takes in the overall grade. Noticing that
        either this attribute or :attr:`human_feedback_value`
        must be included. `

    .. attribute:: rubric

        The grading guideline for this question (for the human-graded component
        of the question), in :ref:`markup`.

    def __init__(self, vctx, location, page_desc):
                vctx, location, page_desc)

Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
        if vctx is not None:
Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
            if (
                    hasattr(self.page_desc, "human_feedback_value")
                    and hasattr(self.page_desc, "human_feedback_percentage")):
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
                raise ValidationError(
                        "%(location)s: ",
                        _("'human_feedback_value' and "
                          "'human_feedback_percentage' are not "
                          "allowed to coexist"))
                    % {"location": location}
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
            if not (hasattr(self.page_desc, "human_feedback_value")
                    or hasattr(self.page_desc, "human_feedback_percentage")):
                raise ValidationError(
                        "%(location)s: ",
                        _("expecting either 'human_feedback_value' "
                          "or 'human_feedback_percentage', found neither."))
                    % {"location": location}
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
            if hasattr(self.page_desc, "human_feedback_value"):
                    _("Used deprecated 'human_feedback_value' attribute--"
                      "use 'human_feedback_percentage' instead."))
                if self.page_desc.value == 0:
                    raise ValidationError("".join([
                        "%s: ",
                        _("'human_feedback_value' attribute is not allowed "
                          "if value of question is 0, use "
                          "'human_feedback_percentage' instead")])
                        % location)
                if self.page_desc.human_feedback_value > self.page_desc.value:
                    raise ValidationError("".join([
                        "%s: ",
                        _("human_feedback_value greater than overall "
                            "value of question")])
                        % location)
            if hasattr(self.page_desc, "human_feedback_percentage"):
                if not (
                        0 <= self.page_desc.human_feedback_percentage <= 100):
                    raise ValidationError("".join([
                        "%s: ",
                        _("the value of human_feedback_percentage "
                          "must be between 0 and 100")])
                        % location)

        if hasattr(self.page_desc, "human_feedback_value"):
            self.human_feedback_percentage = (
                self.page_desc.human_feedback_value * 100 / self.page_desc.value)
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
            self.human_feedback_percentage = (

    def required_attrs(self):
Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
        return (
            # value is otherwise optional, but we require it here
            ("value", (int, float)),
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed

    def allowed_attrs(self):
Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
        return (
            ("human_feedback_value", (int, float)),
            ("human_feedback_percentage", (int, float)))
    def human_feedback_point_value(self, page_context, page_data):
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
        return self.page_desc.value * self.human_feedback_percentage / 100
    def grade(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, grade_data):
        if answer_data is None:
            return AnswerFeedback(correctness=0,
ifaint's avatar
ifaint committed
                    feedback=_("No answer provided."))

        if grade_data is not None and not grade_data["released"]:
            grade_data = None

        code_feedback = PythonCodeQuestion.grade(self, page_context,
                page_data, answer_data, grade_data)

Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
        human_points = self.human_feedback_point_value(page_context, page_data)
        code_points = self.page_desc.value - human_points

        correctness = None
        percentage = None
        if (code_feedback is not None
                and code_feedback.correctness is not None
                and grade_data is not None
                and grade_data["grade_percent"] is not None):
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
            code_feedback_percentage = 100 - self.human_feedback_percentage
            percentage = (
                    code_feedback.correctness * code_feedback_percentage

                    + grade_data["grade_percent"] / 100
Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
                    * self.human_feedback_percentage
            correctness = percentage / 100
        elif (self.human_feedback_percentage == 100
                and grade_data is not None
                and grade_data["grade_percent"] is not None):
            correctness = grade_data["grade_percent"] / 100
            percentage = correctness * 100
        elif (self.human_feedback_percentage == 0
                and code_feedback.correctness is not None):
            correctness = code_feedback.correctness
            percentage = correctness * 100

        human_feedback_text = None

        human_feedback_points = None
        if grade_data is not None:
            assert grade_data["feedback_text"] is not None
            if grade_data["feedback_text"].strip():
                human_feedback_text = markup_to_html(
                        page_context, grade_data["feedback_text"])

Dong Zhuang's avatar
Dong Zhuang committed
            human_graded_percentage = grade_data["grade_percent"]
            if human_graded_percentage is not None:
                human_feedback_points = (human_graded_percentage/100.
                        * human_points)

        code_feedback_points = None
        if (code_feedback is not None
                and code_feedback.correctness is not None):
            code_feedback_points = code_feedback.correctness*code_points
        from django.template.loader import render_to_string
        feedback = render_to_string(
                    "percentage": percentage,
                    "code_feedback": code_feedback,
                    "code_feedback_points": code_feedback_points,
                    "code_points": code_points,
                    "human_feedback_text": human_feedback_text,
                    "human_feedback_points": human_feedback_points,
                    "human_points": human_points,

        return AnswerFeedback(