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Commit eb306fbe authored by Andreas Klöckner's avatar Andreas Klöckner
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Don't run bitonic sort tests on Apple pocl

parent 383c3360
Pipeline #4993 failed with stage
in 8 minutes and 22 seconds
  • Developer

    What version of pocl were these tests run with? (I am excited to see that it seems to be working on Apple.)

    Edited by Matt Wala
  • Author Owner

    0.13. Grabbing miniconda and running

    conda add-channel conda-forge
    conda install osx-pocl-opencl pyopencl

    gives something that does a reasonable job of the PyOpenCL test suite. (on OSX)

    (The arg count bug workaround doesn't seem to be viable on OSX, so those tests segfault.) 0.14 (modulo, stands a real chance of being fine.

    Edited by Andreas Klöckner
  • Developer

    Ah, okay. This just ended up xfailing all the tests that were segfaulting for me.

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