@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ and then use the ``%%cl_kernel`` 'cell-magic' command. See `this notebook
You can pass build options to be used for building the program executable by using the ``-o`` flag on the first line of the cell (next to the ``%%cl_kernel`` directive). For example: `%%cl_kernel -o "-cl-fast-relaxed-math"``.
There are also line magics: ``cl_load_kernel`` which will load a file into the next cell (adding ``cl_kernel`` to the first line) and ``cl_run_kernel`` which will compile kernels from a file (as if you copy-and-pasted the contents of the file to a cell with ``cl_kernel``). Boths of these magics take options ``-f`` to specify the file and optionally ``-o`` for build options.
There are also line magics: ``cl_load_edit_kernel`` which will load a file into the next cell (adding ``cl_kernel`` to the first line) and ``cl_kernel_from_file`` which will compile kernels from a file (as if you copy-and-pasted the contents of the file to a cell with ``cl_kernel``). Boths of these magics take options ``-f`` to specify the file and optionally ``-o`` for build options.