Welcome to PyOpenCL's documentation!
PyOpenCL gives you easy, Pythonic access to the `OpenCL
<>`_ parallel computation API.
What makes PyOpenCL special?
* Object cleanup tied to lifetime of objects. This idiom,
`RAII <>`_
in C++, makes it much easier to write correct, leak- and
* Completeness. PyOpenCL puts the full power of OpenCL's API at your
disposal, if you wish. Every obscure `get_info()` query and
* Automatic Error Checking. All errors are automatically translated
into Python exceptions.
* Speed. PyOpenCL's base layer is written in C++, so all the niceties above
are virtually free.
* Helpful Documentation. You're looking at it. ;)
:ref:`MIT license <license>`
and free for commercial, academic, and private use.
(You can find this example as
:download:`examples/ <../examples/>` in the PyOpenCL
* Gaston Hillar's `two-part article series
in Dr. Dobb's Journal provides a friendly introduction to PyOpenCL.
* `Simon McIntosh-Smith <>`_
and `Tom Deakin <>`_'s course
`Hands-on OpenCL <>`_ contains
both `lecture slides <>`_
and `exercises (with solutions) <>`_
(The course covers PyOpenCL as well as OpenCL's C and C++ APIs.)
* PyOpenCL course at `PASI <>`_: Parts
`1 <>`_
`2 <>`_
`3 <>`_
`4 <>`_
(YouTube, 2011)
* PyOpenCL course at `DTU GPULab <>`_ and
`Simula <>`_ (2011):
`Lecture 1 <>`_
`Lecture 2 <>`_
`Problem set 1 <>`_
`Problem set 2 <>`_
* Ian Johnson's `PyOpenCL tutorial <>`_.
Software that works with or enhances PyOpenCL
* Jon Roose's `pyclblas <>`_
(`code <>`_)
makes BLAS in the form of `clBLAS <>`_
available from within :mod:`pyopencl` code.
Two earlier wrappers continue to be available:
one by `Eric Hunsberger <>`_ and one
by `Lars Ericson <>`_.
* Cedric Nugteren provides a wrapper for the `CLBlast <>`_ OpenCL BLAS library: `PyCLBlast <>`_.
* Gregor Thalhammer's `gpyfft <>`_ provides a
Python wrapper for the OpenCL FFT library clFFT from AMD.
* Bogdan Opanchuk's `reikna <>`_ offers a
variety of GPU-based algorithms (FFT, random number generation, matrix
multiplication) designed to work with :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` objects.
* Troels Henriksen, Ken Friis Larsen, and Cosmin Oancea's `Futhark
<>`_ programming language offers a nice way to code
nested-parallel programs with reductions and scans on data in
:class:`pyopencl.array.Array` instances.
<>`_ offers a variety of GPU-enabled non-linear optimization algorithms
and MCMC sampling routines for parallel optimization and sampling of multiple problems.
If you know of a piece of software you feel that should be on this list, please
let me know, or, even better, send a patch!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Note that this guide does not explain OpenCL programming and technology. Please
refer to the official `Khronos OpenCL documentation <>`_
for that.
PyOpenCL also has its own `web site <>`_,
where you can find updates, new versions, documentation, and support.
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`