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    OpenCL Runtime: Memory
    .. currentmodule:: pyopencl
    .. class:: MemoryObject
        .. attribute:: info
            Lower case versions of the :class:`mem_info` constants
            may be used as attributes on instances of this class
            to directly query info attributes.
        .. attribute:: hostbuf
        .. method:: get_info(param)
            See :class:`mem_info` for values of *param*.
        .. method:: release()
        .. method:: get_host_array(shape, dtype, order="C")
            Return the memory object's associated host memory
            area as a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of the given *shape*,
            *dtype* and *order*.
        .. automethod:: from_int_ptr
        .. autoattribute:: int_ptr
    Memory Migration
    .. function:: enqueue_migrate_mem_objects(queue, mem_objects, flags=0, wait_for=None)
        :param flags: from :class:`mem_migration_flags`
        .. versionadded:: 2011.2
        Only available with CL 1.2.
    .. class:: Buffer(context, flags, size=0, hostbuf=None)
        Create a :class:`Buffer`.
        See :class:`mem_flags` for values of *flags*.
        If *hostbuf* is specified, *size* defaults to the size of
        the specified buffer if it is passed as zero.
        :class:`Buffer` inherits from :class:`MemoryObject`.
        .. note::
            Python also defines a type of `buffer object
            and PyOpenCL interacts with those, too, as the host-side
            target of :func:`enqueue_copy`. Make sure to always be
            clear on whether a :class:`Buffer` or a Python buffer
            object is needed.
        Note that actual memory allocation in OpenCL may be deferred.
        Buffers are attached to a :class:`Context` and are only
        moved to a device once the buffer is used on that device.
        That is also the point when out-of-memory errors will occur.
        If you'd like to be sure that there's enough memory for
        your allocation, either use :func:`enqueue_migrate_mem_objects`
        (if available) or simply perform a small transfer to the
        buffer. See also :class:``.
        .. method:: get_sub_region(origin, size, flags=0)
            Only available in OpenCL 1.1 and newer.
        .. method:: __getitem__(slc)
            *slc* is a :class:`slice` object indicating from which byte index range
            a sub-buffer is to be created. The *flags* argument of
            :meth:`get_sub_region` is set to the same flags with which *self* was
    .. function:: enqueue_fill_buffer(queue, mem, pattern, offset, size, wait_for=None)
        :arg mem: the on device :class:`Buffer`
        :arg pattern: a buffer object (likely a :class:`numpy.ndarray`, eg. `np.uint32(0)`)
            The memory associated with *pattern* can be reused or freed once the function
        :arg size: The size in bytes of the region to be filled. Must be a multiple of the
            size of the pattern.
        :arg offset: The location in bytes of the region being filled in *mem*.
            Must be a multiple of the size of the pattern.
        Fills a buffer with the provided pattern
        Only available with CL 1.2.
        .. versionadded:: 2011.2
    .. function:: enqueue_copy_buffer(queue, src, dst, byte_count=-1, src_offset=0, dst_offset=0, wait_for=None)
        :arg src: the source :class:`Buffer`
        :arg dst: the destination device :class:`Buffer`
        :arg byte_count: the number of bytes to copy
        Performs a device to device copy from `src` to `dst`.
    Shared Virtual Memory (SVM)
    Shared virtual memory allows the host and the compute device to share
    address space, so that pointers on the host and on the device may have
    the same meaning. In addition, it allows the same memory to be accessed
    by both the host and the device. *Coarse-grain* SVM requires that
    buffers be mapped before being accessed on the host, *fine-grain* SVM
    does away with that requirement.
    SVM requires OpenCL 2.0.
    Allocating SVM
    .. autofunction:: svm_empty
    .. autofunction:: svm_empty_like
    .. autofunction:: csvm_empty
    .. autofunction:: csvm_empty_like
    .. autofunction:: fsvm_empty
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
    Andreas Klöckner committed
    Operations on SVM
    (See also :ref:`mem-transfer`.)
    .. autofunction:: enqueue_svm_memfill
    .. autofunction:: enqueue_svm_migratemem
    SVM Allocation Holder
    .. autoclass:: SVMAllocation
    .. class:: ImageFormat([channel_order, channel_type])
        .. attribute:: channel_order
            See :class:`channel_order` for possible values.
        .. attribute:: channel_data_type
            See :class:`channel_type` for possible values.
        .. attribute:: channel_count
            .. versionadded:: 0.91.5
        .. attribute:: dtype_size
            .. versionadded:: 0.91.5
        .. attribute:: itemsize
            .. versionadded:: 0.91.5
        .. method:: __repr__
            Returns a :class:`str` representation of the image format.
            .. versionadded:: 0.91
        .. versionchanged:: 0.91
            Constructor arguments added.
        .. versionchanged:: 2013.2
            :class:`ImageFormat` was made comparable and hashable
    .. function:: get_supported_image_formats(context, flags, image_type)
        See :class:`mem_flags` for possible values of *flags*
        and :class:`mem_object_type` for possible values of *image_type*.
    .. class:: Image(context, flags, format, shape=None, pitches=None, hostbuf=None, is_array=False, buffer=None):
        See :class:`mem_flags` for values of *flags*.
        *shape* is a 2- or 3-tuple. *format* is an instance of :class:`ImageFormat`.
        *pitches* is a 1-tuple for 2D images and a 2-tuple for 3D images, indicating
        the distance in bytes from one scan line to the next, and from one 2D image
        slice to the next.
        If *hostbuf* is given and *shape* is `None`, then *hostbuf.shape* is
        used as the *shape* parameter.
        :class:`Image` inherits from :class:`MemoryObject`.
        .. note::
            If you want to load images from :mod:`numpy.ndarray` instances or read images
            back into them, be aware that OpenCL images expect the *x* dimension to vary
            fastest, whereas in the default (C) order of :mod:`numpy` arrays, the last index
            varies fastest. If your array is arranged in the wrong order in memory,
            there are two possible fixes for this:
            * Convert the array to Fortran (column-major) order using :func:`numpy.asarray`.
            * Pass *ary.T.copy()* to the image creation function.
        .. versionadded:: 0.91
        .. versionchanged:: 2011.2
            Added *is_array* and *buffer*, which are only available on CL 1.2 and newer.
        .. attribute:: info
            Lower case versions of the :class:`mem_info`
            and :class:`image_info` constants
            may be used as attributes on instances of this class
            to directly query info attributes.
        .. attribute:: shape
            Return the value of the *shape* constructor argument as a :class:`tuple`.
        .. method:: get_image_info(param)
            See :class:`image_info` for values of *param*.
        .. method:: release()
    .. function:: image_from_array(ctx, ary, num_channels=None, mode="r", norm_int=False)
        Build a 2D or 3D :class:`Image` from the :class:`numpy.ndarray` *ary*.  If
        *num_channels* is greater than one, the last dimension of *ary* must be
        identical to *num_channels*. *ary* must be in C order. If *num_channels* is
        not given, it defaults to 1 for scalar types and the number of entries
        for :ref:`vector-types`.
        The :class:`ImageFormat` is chosen as the first *num_channels* components
        of "RGBA".
        :param mode: "r" or "w" for read/write
        .. note::
            When reading from the image object, the indices passed to `read_imagef` are
            in the reverse order from what they would be when accessing *ary* from
        If *norm_int* is `True`, then the integer values are normalized to a floating
        point scale of 0..1 when read.
        .. versionadded:: 2011.2
    .. function:: enqueue_fill_image(queue, mem, color, origin, region, wait_for=None)
        :arg color: a buffer object (likely a :class:`numpy.ndarray`)
        Only available with CL 1.2.
        .. versionadded:: 2011.2
    Andreas Klöckner's avatar
    Andreas Klöckner committed
    .. _mem-transfer:
    .. autofunction:: enqueue_copy(queue, dest, src, **kwargs)
    Mapping Memory into Host Address Space
    .. autoclass:: MemoryMap
    .. function:: enqueue_map_buffer(queue, buf, flags, offset, shape, dtype, order="C", strides=None, wait_for=None, is_blocking=True)
        *shape*, *dtype*, and *order* have the same meaning
        as in :func:`numpy.empty`.
        See :class:`map_flags` for possible values of *flags*.
        *strides*, if given, overrides *order*.
        :return: a tuple *(array, event)*. *array* is a
            :class:`numpy.ndarray` representing the host side
            of the map. Its *.base* member contains a
        .. versionchanged:: 2011.1
            *is_blocking* now defaults to True.
        .. versionchanged:: 2013.1
            *order* now defaults to "C".
        .. versionchanged:: 2013.2
            Added *strides* argument.
        Sample usage::
            mapped_buf = cl.enqueue_map_buffer(queue, buf, ...)
            with mapped_buf.base:
                # work with mapped_buf
            # memory will be unmapped here
    .. function:: enqueue_map_image(queue, buf, flags, origin, region, shape, dtype, order="C", strides=None, wait_for=None, is_blocking=True)
        *shape*, *dtype*, and *order* have the same meaning
        as in :func:`numpy.empty`.
        See :class:`map_flags` for possible values of *flags*.
        *strides*, if given, overrides *order*.
        :return: a tuple *(array, event)*. *array* is a
            :class:`numpy.ndarray` representing the host side
            of the map. Its *.base* member contains a
        .. versionchanged:: 2011.1
            *is_blocking* now defaults to True.
        .. versionchanged:: 2013.1
            *order* now defaults to "C".
        .. versionchanged:: 2013.2
            Added *strides* argument.
    .. class:: Sampler(context, normalized_coords, addressing_mode, filter_mode)
        *normalized_coords* is a :class:`bool` indicating whether
        to use coordinates between 0 and 1 (*True*) or the texture's
        natural pixel size (*False*).
        See :class:`addressing_mode` and :class:`filter_mode` for possible
        argument values.
        .. attribute:: info
            Lower case versions of the :class:`sampler_info` constants
            may be used as attributes on instances of this class
            to directly query info attributes.
        .. method:: get_info(param)
            See :class:`sampler_info` for values of *param*.
        .. automethod:: from_int_ptr
        .. autoattribute:: int_ptr