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  • isuruf/pymbolic
  • inducer/pymbolic
  • xywei/pymbolic
  • wence-/pymbolic
  • kaushikcfd/pymbolic
  • fikl2/pymbolic
  • zweiner2/pymbolic
7 results
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Commits on Source (522)
Showing with 733 additions and 536 deletions
root = true
indent_style = space
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
indent_size = 4
indent_size = 4
indent_size = 2
indent_size = 2
# There may be one in doc/
indent_style = tab
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
version: 2
# Set update schedule for GitHub Actions
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"
# vim: sw=4
name: Gitlab mirror
- main
name: Automatic push to
if: startsWith(github.repository, 'inducer/')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- run: |
curl -L -O
. ./ci-support-v0
# vim: sw=4
name: CI
- main
- 'doc/*.rst'
- cron: '17 3 * * 0'
group: ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Typos
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: crate-ci/typos@master
name: Ruff
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- name: "Main Script"
run: |
pip install ruff
ruff check
name: Pylint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.x'
- name: "Main Script"
run: |
EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy scipy pexpect"
curl -L -O
. ./ci-support-v0
pip install symengine || true
run_pylint pymbolic test/test_*.py
name: Mypy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.x'
- name: "Main Script"
run: |
curl -L -O
. ./ci-support-v0
pip install -e .[test]
python -m pip install mypy numpy
name: Pytest on Py${{ matrix.python-version }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
python-version: ["3.10", "3.12", "3.x"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: "Main Script"
run: |
EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy pexpect"
curl -L -O
. ./ci-support-v0
pip install symengine || true
name: Documentation
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.x'
- name: "Main Script"
run: |
EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy"
curl -L -O
. ./ci-support-v0
downstream_project: [loopy, pytential, pytato]
fail-fast: false
name: Tests for downstream project ${{ matrix.downstream_project }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: "Main Script"
DOWNSTREAM_PROJECT: ${{ matrix.downstream_project }}
run: |
curl -L -O
. ./ci-support-v0
test_downstream "$DOWNSTREAM_PROJECT"
# vim: sw=4
Python 2.7: Python 3:
script: script: |
- py_version=2.7 PY_EXE=python3
- EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy pexpect" # pytest tries to import this, but it doesn't find symengine
- curl -L -O -k rm pymbolic/interop/
- ". ./" EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy pexpect"
curl -L -O
. ./
tags: tags:
- python2.7 - python3
- maxima - maxima
except: except:
- tags - tags
junit: test/pytest.xml
Python 2.7 Conda: Python 3 Conda:
script: script: |
- CONDA_ENVIRONMENT=.test-py2.yml CONDA_ENVIRONMENT=.test-py3.yml
- curl -L -O -k curl -L -O
- ". ./" . ./
- linux
- tags
Python 3.5:
- py_version=3.5
- EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy pexpect"
- curl -L -O -k
- ". ./"
- python3.5
- maxima
- tags
Python 3.5 Conda:
- CONDA_ENVIRONMENT=.test-py3.yml
- curl -L -O -k
- ". ./"
tags: tags:
- linux - linux
except: except:
- tags - tags
junit: test/pytest.xml
Python 3.5 Apple: Pylint:
script: script:
- CONDA_ENVIRONMENT=.test-py3.yml - EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy symengine scipy pexpect"
- curl -L -O -k - PY_EXE=python3
- ". ./" - curl -L -O
- ". ./ pymbolic test/test_*.py"
tags: tags:
- apple - python3
except: except:
- tags - tags
Python 2.6: Mypy:
script: script: |
- py_version=2.6 curl -L -O
- EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy" . ./ci-support-v0
- curl -L -O -k build_py_project_in_venv
- ". ./" pip install -e .[test]
python -m pip install mypy numpy
tags: tags:
- python2.6 - python3
except: except:
- tags - tags
Documentation: Documentation:
script: script:
- EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy" - EXTRA_INSTALL="numpy sympy"
- curl -L -O -k - curl -L -O
- ". ./" - ". ./"
tags: tags:
- python3.5 - linux
- master
Flake8: Ruff:
script: script: |
- curl -L -O -k pipx install ruff
- ". ./ pymbolic test" ruff check
tags: tags:
- python3.5 - docker-runner
except: except:
- tags - tags
- DOWNSTREAM_PROJECT: [loopy, pytential, pytato]
- large-node
- "docker-runner"
script: |
curl -L -O
. ./ci-support-v0
test_downstream "$DOWNSTREAM_PROJECT"
- arg: ignored-modules
- symengine
name: py2
- symengine
- conda-forge
- defaults
- pexpect
- pytools
- conda-forge::numpy
- conda-forge::sympy
- python=2.7
- symengine::python-symengine=0.3.0
- maxima
name: py3 name: py3
channels: channels:
- symengine
- conda-forge - conda-forge
- defaults - defaults
dependencies: dependencies:
- conda-forge::numpy - conda-forge::numpy
- conda-forge::sympy - conda-forge::sympy
- python=3.5 - python
- symengine::python-symengine=0.3.0 - python-symengine
# - pexpect # - pexpect
# - maxima # - maxima
cff-version: 1.2.0
message: "If you use this software, please cite it as below."
- family-names: "Kloeckner"
given-names: "Andreas"
orcid: ""
- family-names: "Wala"
given-names: "Matt"
- family-names: "Fernando"
given-names: "Isuru"
- family-names: "Kulkarni"
given-names: "Kaushik"
- family-names: "Fikl"
given-names: "Alex"
- family-names: "Weiner"
given-names: "Zach"
- family-names: "Kempf"
given-names: "Dominic"
- family-names: "Ham"
given-names: "David A."
- family-names: "Mitchell"
given-names: "Lawrence"
- family-names: "Wilcox"
given-names: "Lucas C"
- family-names: "Diener"
given-names: "Matthias"
- family-names: "Kapyshin"
given-names: "Pavlo"
- family-names: "Raksi"
given-names: "Reno"
- family-names: "Gibson"
given-names: "Thomas H."
title: "pymbolic"
version: 2022.1
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6533945
date-released: 2022-05-08
url: ""
license: MIT
Pymbolic Pymbolic: Easy Expression Trees and Term Rewriting
======== ==================================================
.. image::
:alt: Gitlab Build Status
.. image::
:alt: Github Build Status
.. image::
:alt: Python Package Index Release Page
.. image::
:alt: Zenodo DOI for latest release
Pymbolic is a small expression tree and symbolic manipulation library. Two Pymbolic is a small expression tree and symbolic manipulation library. Two
things set it apart from other libraries of its kind: things set it apart from other libraries of its kind:
...@@ -11,20 +24,17 @@ things set it apart from other libraries of its kind: ...@@ -11,20 +24,17 @@ things set it apart from other libraries of its kind:
Pymbolic currently understands regular arithmetic expressions, derivatives, Pymbolic currently understands regular arithmetic expressions, derivatives,
sparse polynomials, fractions, term substitution, expansion. It automatically sparse polynomials, fractions, term substitution, expansion. It automatically
performs constant folding, and it can compile its expressions into Python performs constant folding, and it can compile its expressions into Python
bytecode for fast(er) execution. bytecode for fast(er) execution.
If you are looking for a full-blown Computer Algebra System, look at If you are looking for a full-blown Computer Algebra System, look at
`sympy <>`_ or `sympy <>`__ or
`PyGinac <>`_. If you are looking for a `PyGinac <>`__. If you are looking for a
basic, small and extensible set of symbolic operations, pymbolic may basic, small and extensible set of symbolic operations, pymbolic may
well be for you. well be for you.
.. image::
Resources: Resources:
* `documentation <>`_ * `PyPI package <>`__
* `download <>`_ (via the package index) * `Documentation <>`__
* `source code via git <>`_ (also bug tracker) * `Source code (GitHub) <>`__
...@@ -2,12 +2,3 @@ Algorithms ...@@ -2,12 +2,3 @@ Algorithms
========== ==========
.. automodule:: pymbolic.algorithm .. automodule:: pymbolic.algorithm
.. autofunction:: integer_power
.. autofunction:: extended_euclidean
.. autofunction:: gcd
.. autofunction:: lcm
.. autofunction:: fft
.. autofunction:: ifft
.. autofunction:: sym_fft
from __future__ import absolute_import from importlib import metadata
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from urllib.request import urlopen
# pymbolic documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Fri May 24 11:29:00 2013.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
# autogenerated file.
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.
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# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. with urlopen(_conf_url) as _inf:
#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) exec(compile(, _conf_url, "exec"), globals())
# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- copyright = "2013-24, Andreas Kloeckner"
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copyright = u'2013, Andreas Kloeckner'
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# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
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# for a list of supported languages.
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# unit titles (such as .. function::).
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# output. They are ignored by default.
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"💾 Download Releases": "", ("", None),
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'**': [
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# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme "Expression": "Expression",
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# documentation.
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# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
#html_show_copyright = True
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# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
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# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'pymbolic.tex', u'pymbolic Documentation',
u'Andreas Kloeckner', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of import sys
# the title page.
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# not chapters.
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# <unknown>:1: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: ExpressionNode [ref.class] # noqa: E501
# Understandable, because typing can't import primitives, which would be needed
# to resolve the reference.
["py:class", r"ExpressionNode"],
["py:class", r"_Expression"],
["py:class", r"p\.AlgebraicLeaf"],
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["py:class", r"TypeAliasForwardRef"],
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# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('index', 'pymbolic', u'pymbolic Documentation',
[u'Andreas Kloeckner'], 1)
] ]
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
#man_show_urls = False
# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
('index', 'pymbolic', u'pymbolic Documentation',
u'Andreas Kloeckner', 'pymbolic', 'One line description of project.',
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#texinfo_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
#texinfo_domain_indices = True
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#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
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autoclass_content = "both" sys._BUILDING_SPHINX_DOCS = True
Welcome to pymbolic! Welcome to pymbolic!
==================== ====================
Pymbolic is a simple and extensible package for precise manipulation of
symbolic expressions in Python. It doesn't try to compete with :mod:`sympy` as
a computer algebra system. Pymbolic emphasizes providing an extensible
expression tree and a flexible, extensible way to manipulate it.
A taste of :mod:`pymbolic`
Follow along on a simple example. Let's import :mod:`pymbolic` and create a
symbol, *x* in this case.
.. doctest::
>>> import pymbolic as pmbl
>>> x = pmbl.var("x")
>>> x
Next, let's create an expression using *x*:
.. doctest::
>>> u = (x+1)**5
>>> u
Power(Sum((Variable('x'), 1)), 5)
>>> print(u)
(x + 1)**5
Note the two ways an expression can be printed, namely :func:`repr` and
:class:`str`. :mod:`pymbolic` purposefully distinguishes the two.
:mod:`pymbolic` does not perform any manipulations on expressions
you put in. It has a few of those built in, but that's not really the point:
.. doctest::
>>> print(pmbl.differentiate(u, 'x'))
5*(x + 1)**4
.. _custom-manipulation:
Manipulating expressions
The point is for you to be able to easily write so-called *mappers* to
manipulate expressions. Suppose we would like all sums replaced by
.. doctest::
>>> from pymbolic.mapper import IdentityMapper
>>> class MyMapper(IdentityMapper):
... def map_sum(self, expr):
... return pmbl.primitives.Product(expr.children)
>>> print(u)
(x + 1)**5
>>> print(MyMapper()(u))
Custom Objects
You can also easily define your own objects to use inside an expression:
.. doctest::
>>> from pymbolic import ExpressionNode, expr_dataclass
>>> from pymbolic.typing import Expression
>>> @expr_dataclass()
... class FancyOperator(ExpressionNode):
... operand: Expression
>>> u
Power(Sum((Variable('x'), 1)), 5)
>>> 17*FancyOperator(u)
Product((17, FancyOperator(Power(Sum((..., 1)), 5))))
As a final example, we can now derive from *MyMapper* to multiply all
*FancyOperator* instances by 2.
.. doctest::
>>> FancyOperator.mapper_method
>>> class MyMapper2(MyMapper):
... def map_fancy_operator(self, expr):
... return 2*FancyOperator(self.rec(expr.operand))
>>> MyMapper2()(FancyOperator(u))
Product((2, FancyOperator(Power(Product((..., 1)), 5))))
.. automodule:: pymbolic .. automodule:: pymbolic
Pymbolic around the web Pymbolic around the web
----------------------- -----------------------
* `download <>`_ (via the package index) * `PyPI package <>`__
* `documentation <>`_ * `Documentation <>`__
* `source code via git <>`_ (also bug tracker) * `Source code (GitHub) <>`__
Contents Contents
-------- --------
...@@ -22,6 +116,8 @@ Contents ...@@ -22,6 +116,8 @@ Contents
algorithms algorithms
geometric-algebra geometric-algebra
misc misc
🚀 Github <>
💾 Download Releases <>
* :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`modindex`
...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Mappers ...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Mappers
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper
More specialized mappers More specialized mappers
------------------------ ------------------------
...@@ -12,57 +11,43 @@ Converting to strings and code ...@@ -12,57 +11,43 @@ Converting to strings and code
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.stringifier .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.stringifier
.. autoclass:: StringifyMapper
.. automethod:: __call__
.. autoclass:: CSESplittingStringifyMapperMixin
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.c_code .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.c_code
.. autoclass:: CCodeMapper
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.graphviz .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.graphviz
.. autoclass:: GraphvizMapper
Some minimal mathematics Some minimal mathematics
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.evaluator .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.evaluator
.. autoclass:: EvaluationMapper
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.differentiator .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.differentiator
.. autoclass:: DifferentiationMapper
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.distributor .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.distributor
.. autoclass:: DistributeMapper
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.collector .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.collector
.. autoclass:: TermCollector
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.constant_folder .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.constant_folder
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.substitutor
.. autoclass:: ConstantFoldingMapper
.. autoclass:: CommutativeConstantFoldingMapper
Finding expression properties Finding expression properties
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.dependency .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.dependency
.. autoclass:: DependencyMapper
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.flop_counter .. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.flop_counter
.. autoclass:: FlopCounter .. autoclass:: FlopCounter
.. autoclass:: CSEAwareFlopCounter
Analysis tools
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.analysis
.. automodule:: pymbolic.mapper.flattener
.. vim: sw=4 .. vim: sw=4
...@@ -5,17 +5,23 @@ This command should install :mod:`pymbolic`:: ...@@ -5,17 +5,23 @@ This command should install :mod:`pymbolic`::
pip install pymbolic pip install pymbolic
You may need to run this with :command:`sudo`. You may need to run this with :command:`sudo` if you are not in a virtual environment
If you don't already have `pip <>`_, (not recommended). If you don't already have `pip <>`__,
run this beforehand:: run this beforehand::
curl -O python -m ensurepip
For a more manual installation, download the source, unpack it, For a more manual installation, download the source, unpack it, and run::
and say::
python install pip install .
This should also install all the required dependencies (see ``pyproject.toml``
for a complete list).
For development, you may want to install in `editable mode
pip install --no-build-isolation --editable .[test]
Why pymbolic when there's already sympy? Why pymbolic when there's already sympy?
======================================== ========================================
...@@ -65,10 +71,10 @@ At any rate, to answer your question, here goes: ...@@ -65,10 +71,10 @@ At any rate, to answer your question, here goes:
This part is a bit of a red herring though, since this can be This part is a bit of a red herring though, since this can be
implemented for sympy (and, in fact, `I have implemented for sympy (and, in fact, `I have
<>`_). <>`__).
Also, I noticed that sympy's codegen module implements something similar (e.g. Also, I noticed that sympy's codegen module implements something similar (e.g.
`here `here
<>`_). <>`__).
The remaining issue is that most of sympy's behaviors aren't available to The remaining issue is that most of sympy's behaviors aren't available to
extend in this style. extend in this style.
...@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ Version 2015.3 ...@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ Version 2015.3
.. note:: .. note::
This version is currently under development. You can get snapshots from This version is currently under development. You can get snapshots from
Pymbolic's `git repository <>`_ Pymbolic's `git repository <>`__
* Add :mod:`pymbolic.geometric_algebra`. * Add :mod:`pymbolic.geometric_algebra`.
* First documented version. * First documented version.
Frequently Asked Questions
The FAQ is maintained collaboratively on the
`Wiki FAQ page <>`_.
Glossary Glossary
======== ========
.. glossary:: .. glossary::
mix-in mix-in
See `Wikipedia article <>`_. See `Wikipedia article <>`__.
Be sure to mention the mix-in before the base classe being mixed in the Be sure to mention the mix-in before the base class being mixed in the
list of base classes. This way, the mix-in can override base class list of base classes. This way, the mix-in can override base class
behavior. behavior.
Primitives (Basic Objects) Primitives (Basic Objects)
========================== ==========================
.. automodule:: pymbolic.typing
.. automodule:: pymbolic.primitives .. automodule:: pymbolic.primitives
.. vim: sw=4 .. vim: sw=4
#! /bin/sh #! /bin/sh
rsync --verbose --archive --delete _build/html/* doc-upload:doc/pymbolic rsync --verbose --archive --delete _build/html/ doc-upload:doc/pymbolic
...@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Parser ...@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Parser
.. function:: parse(expr_str) .. function:: parse(expr_str)
Return a :class:`pymbolic.primitives.Expression` tree corresponding to *expr_str*. Return a :class:`pymbolic.primitives.ExpressionNode` tree corresponding
to *expr_str*.
The parser is also relatively easy to extend. See the source code of the following The parser is also relatively easy to extend. See the source code of the following
class. class.
...@@ -43,3 +44,14 @@ Interoperability with Python's :mod:`ast` module ...@@ -43,3 +44,14 @@ Interoperability with Python's :mod:`ast` module
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
.. automodule:: pymbolic.interop.ast .. automodule:: pymbolic.interop.ast
Interoperability with :mod:`matchpy.functions` module
.. automodule:: pymbolic.interop.matchpy
Visualizing Expressions
.. autofunction:: pymbolic.imperative.utils.get_dot_dependency_graph
# See for context
import sys
from pymbolic import parse
from pymbolic.mapper import CachedIdentityMapper
from pymbolic.mapper.optimize import optimize_mapper
from pymbolic.primitives import Variable
code = ("(-1)*((cse_577[_pt_data_48[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
"_pt_data_49[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_48[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_577[_pt_data_46[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_47[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_46[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_577[_pt_data_7[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_43[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_7[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_577[_pt_data_44[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_45[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_44[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_579[_pt_data_68[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_69[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_68[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_579[_pt_data_66[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_67[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_66[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_579[_pt_data_50[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_63[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_50[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_579[_pt_data_64[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_65[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_64[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_581[_pt_data_88[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_89[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_88[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_581[_pt_data_86[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_87[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_86[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_581[_pt_data_70[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_83[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_70[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_581[_pt_data_84[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_85[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_84[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_582[_pt_data_107[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_108[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_107[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_582[_pt_data_105[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0],"
" _pt_data_106[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_105[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_582[_pt_data_90[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_102[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_90[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_582[_pt_data_103[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_104[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_103[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0))"
" + (cse_572[_pt_data_48[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_49[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_48[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0) "
"+ (cse_572[_pt_data_46[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_47[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_46[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0) "
"+ (cse_572[_pt_data_7[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_43[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_7[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_572[_pt_data_44[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_45[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_44[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_573[_pt_data_68[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_69[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_68[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_573[_pt_data_66[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_67[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_66[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_573[_pt_data_50[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_63[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_50[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_573[_pt_data_64[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_65[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_64[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_574[_pt_data_88[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_89[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_88[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_574[_pt_data_86[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_87[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_86[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0) "
"+ (cse_574[_pt_data_70[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_83[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_70[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_574[_pt_data_84[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_85[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_84[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_575[_pt_data_107[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_108[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_107[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_575[_pt_data_105[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_106[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_105[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_575[_pt_data_90[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_102[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_90[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
" + (cse_575[_pt_data_103[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0], _pt_data_104[(iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 10]]"
" if _pt_data_103[((iface_ensm15*1075540 + iel_ensm15*10 + idof_ensm15) % 4302160) // 10, 0] != -1 else 0)"
expr = parse(code)
expr = CachedIdentityMapper()(expr) # remove duplicate nodes
replacements = {
"iface_ensm15": Variable("_0"),
"iel_ensm15": Variable("_1"),
"idof_ensm15": Variable("_2"),
@optimize_mapper(drop_args=True, drop_kwargs=True,
# inline_cache=True, inline_rec=True,
class Renamer(CachedIdentityMapper):
def map_variable(self, expr):
return replacements.get(, expr)
def get_cache_key(self, expr):
# Must add 'type(expr)', to differentiate between python scalar types.
# In Python, the following conditions are true: "hash(4) == hash(4.0)"
# and "4 == 4.0", but their traversal results cannot be re-used.
return (type(expr), expr)
def main():
mapper = Renamer()
# print(type(new_expr))
if __name__ == "__main__":
from time import time
if 1:
t_start = time()
for _ in range(10_000):
t_end = time()
print(f"Took: {t_end-t_start} secs.")
import pyinstrument
from pyinstrument.renderers import SpeedscopeRenderer
prof = pyinstrument.Profiler()
with prof:
for _ in range(10_000):
with open("ss.json", "w") as outf:
from __future__ import division from __future__ import annotations
from __future__ import absolute_import
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Andreas Kloeckner" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Andreas Kloeckner"
...@@ -24,137 +24,99 @@ THE SOFTWARE. ...@@ -24,137 +24,99 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
""" """
__doc__ = """ from functools import partial
Pymbolic is a simple and extensible package for precise manipulation of
symbolic expressions in Python. It doesn't try to compete with :mod:`sympy` as from pytools import module_getattr_for_deprecations
a computer algebra system. Pymbolic emphasizes providing an extensible
expression tree and a flexible, extensible way to manipulate it. from . import compiler, parser, primitives
from .compiler import compile
A taste of :mod:`pymbolic` from .mapper import (
-------------------------- dependency,
Follow along on a simple example. Let's import :mod:`pymbolic` and create a distributor,
symbol, *x* in this case. evaluator,
.. doctest:: stringifier,
>>> import pymbolic as pmbl )
from .mapper.differentiator import differentiate, differentiate as diff
>>> x = pmbl.var("x") from .mapper.distributor import distribute, distribute as expand
>>> x from .mapper.evaluator import evaluate, evaluate_kw
Variable('x') from .mapper.flattener import flatten
from .mapper.substitutor import substitute
Next, let's create an expression using *x*: from .parser import parse
from .primitives import ( # noqa: N813
.. doctest:: ExpressionNode,
>>> u = (x+1)**5 Variable as var,
>>> u disable_subscript_by_getitem,
Power(Sum((Variable('x'), 1)), 5) expr_dataclass,
>>> print u flattened_product,
(x + 1)**5 flattened_sum,
Note the two ways an expression can be printed, namely :func:`repr` and make_common_subexpression as cse,
:func:`str`. :mod:`pymbolic` purposefully distinguishes the two. make_sym_vector,
:mod:`pymbolic` does not perform any manipulations on expressions subscript,
you put in. It has a few of those built in, but that's not really the point: variables,
.. doctest:: from .typing import (
>>> print pmbl.differentiate(u, 'x') Bool,
5*(x + 1)**4 Expression,
Expression as _TypingExpression,
.. _custom-manipulation: Number,
Manipulating expressions Scalar,
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ )
The point is for you to be able to easily write so-called *mappers* to
manipulate expressions. Suppose we would like all sums replaced by
.. doctest::
>>> from pymbolic.mapper import IdentityMapper
>>> class MyMapper(IdentityMapper):
... def map_sum(self, expr):
... return pmbl.primitives.Product(expr.children)
>>> print u
(x + 1)**5
>>> print MyMapper()(u)
Custom Objects
You can also easily define your own objects to use inside an expression:
.. doctest::
>>> from pymbolic.primitives import Expression
>>> class FancyOperator(Expression):
... def __init__(self, operand):
... self.operand = operand
... def __getinitargs__(self):
... return (self.operand,)
... mapper_method = "map_fancy_operator"
>>> u
Power(Sum((Variable('x'), 1)), 5)
>>> 17*FancyOperator(u)
Product((17, FancyOperator(Power(Sum((Variable('x'), 1)), 5))))
As a final example, we can now derive from *MyMapper* to multiply all
*FancyOperator* instances by 2.
.. doctest::
>>> class MyMapper2(MyMapper):
... def map_fancy_operator(self, expr):
... return 2*FancyOperator(self.rec(expr.operand))
>>> MyMapper2()(FancyOperator(u))
Product((2, FancyOperator(Power(Product((Variable('x'), 1)), 5))))
from pymbolic.version import VERSION_TEXT as __version__ # noqa from pymbolic.version import VERSION_TEXT as __version__ # noqa
import pymbolic.parser
import pymbolic.compiler
import pymbolic.mapper.evaluator
import pymbolic.mapper.stringifier
import pymbolic.mapper.dependency
import pymbolic.mapper.substitutor
import pymbolic.mapper.differentiator
import pymbolic.mapper.distributor
import pymbolic.mapper.flattener
import pymbolic.primitives
from pymbolic.polynomial import Polynomial # noqa
var = pymbolic.primitives.Variable
variables = pymbolic.primitives.variables
flattened_sum = pymbolic.primitives.flattened_sum
subscript = pymbolic.primitives.subscript
flattened_product = pymbolic.primitives.flattened_product
quotient = pymbolic.primitives.quotient
linear_combination = pymbolic.primitives.linear_combination
cse = pymbolic.primitives.make_common_subexpression
make_sym_vector = pymbolic.primitives.make_sym_vector
disable_subscript_by_getitem = pymbolic.primitives.disable_subscript_by_getitem
parse = pymbolic.parser.parse __all__ = (
evaluate = pymbolic.mapper.evaluator.evaluate "ArithmeticExpression",
evaluate_kw = pymbolic.mapper.evaluator.evaluate_kw "Bool",
compile = pymbolic.compiler.compile "Expression",
substitute = pymbolic.mapper.substitutor.substitute "ExpressionNode",
diff = differentiate = pymbolic.mapper.differentiator.differentiate "Number",
expand = pymbolic.mapper.distributor.distribute "RealNumber",
distribute = pymbolic.mapper.distributor.distribute "Scalar",
flatten = pymbolic.mapper.flattener.flatten "Variable",
__getattr__ = partial(module_getattr_for_deprecations, __name__, {
"ExpressionT": ("pymbolic.typing.Expression", _TypingExpression, 2026),
"ArithmeticExpressionT": ("ArithmeticExpression", ArithmeticExpression, 2026),
"BoolT": ("Bool", Bool, 2026),
"ScalarT": ("Scalar", Scalar, 2026),