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beamerthemedonders.sty 9.65 KiB
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  • Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % This style was created by Daniel Gomez % 31/5/2018
    % (Adaption from Philipp Homan) % 4/1/18
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % (Adaption from Rob J Hyndman and David Vilar)
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \usefonttheme{professionalfonts} prevents beamer from overwriting
    % your fonts and is therefore needed to use specified font packages.
    % use Adobe's Source Pro fonts:
    % Source Serif Pro:
    % Source Sans Pro:
    % Source Code Pro:
    % \setmainfont{Source Serif Pro}
    % \setsansfont{Source Sans Pro}
    % \setmonofont{Source Code Pro}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \usepackage{fontspec}
    % \usepackage{microtype}
    % \usepackage{unicode-math}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \usepackage{sourceserifpro}
    % \usepackage{sourcecodepro}
    % \usepackage{FiraSans}
    % \setmathfont{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}
    % \urlstyle{same}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % custom colors
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    %% Donders Colors
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % headline colors and fonts
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamercolor{title in headline}{fg=white,bg=white}
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % footline colors and fonts
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \setbeamerfont{footline}{size=\small}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % body colors and fonts
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=dblack,bg=white}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % block environment
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamercolor*{block body}{bg=white,fg=dblack}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamerfont{block body}{size=\normalsize}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamercolor*{block title}{fg=white,bg=dlightred}
    \setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\Large,series=\bf}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % % references environment
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \newenvironment<>{references}[1]{%
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \setbeamerfont{block body}{size=\small}%
    % \begin{block}#2{#1}}{\end{block}}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % example environment
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamercolor*{example title}{fg=white,bg=white}
    \setbeamerfont{example title}{size=\large,series=\bf}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamerfont{alerted text}{series=\bf}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=dblack}
    \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % caption
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamerfont{caption name}{series=\bfseries,size={\small}}
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % block
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % headline
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamertemplate{sidebar canvas left}{
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    \setbeamersize{sidebar width left=3cm}{}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
        \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\columnwidth, leftskip=2cm, ht=12.55cm]{headline}
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
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        \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\columnwidth, leftskip=2cm, ht=7.55cm]{headline}
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
          % \vskip2.10cm
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % % Footer
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
      % \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{upper separation line foot}
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
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    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
            \makebox[\textwidth][c]{      \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{./Logos/Radboud.png}}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
          % \hfill \raisebox{-0.4cm}{\insertfooter}
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          %     \textbf{Philipp Homan, MD, PhD} & & & & & \\
          % & &
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          %     \includegraphics[width=0.5in]{github.pdf} & \\
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          %   \vspace{-1cm}
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          %     \authemail & &
          %   %     \includegraphics[width=0.5in]{twitter.pdf} & \authtwitter &
          %   %     \includegraphics[width=0.5in]{github.pdf} & \authgithub
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          %   \vspace{0.3ex}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
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      % \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{lower separation line head}
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      % \end{beamercolorbox}
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Daniel Gomez's avatar
    Daniel Gomez committed