What do the dots mean?
@mattwala Dealing with this right now:
↱[i22_0,iel] sum_tmp_0_0[i22_0] <- reduce(sum, [i56], cnst_1[i22_0, i56]*w_2_subst(iel, i56, 0)) # sum_tmp_0
└...[i2_0,iel] sum_tmp_1_0[i2_0] <- reduce(sum, [i22], cnst[i22]*abs((coords_subst(iel, 0, 0)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 1, 0))*(coords_subst(iel, 0, 1)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 2, 1)) + (-1.0)*(coords_subst(iel, 0, 0)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 2, 0))*(coords_subst(iel, 0, 1)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 1, 1)))*(cnst_0[i22, 2]*w_0_subst(iel, 2, 0) + cnst_0[i22, 0]*w_0_subst(iel, 0, 0) + cnst_0[i22, 1]*w_0_subst(iel, 1, 0))*cnst_1[i22, i2_0]*sum_tmp_0_0[i22]) # sum_tmp_1
↱...[i1_0,iel] sum_tmp_2[i1_0] <- reduce(sum, [i22_1], cnst[i22_1]*abs((coords_subst(iel, 0, 0)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 1, 0))*(coords_subst(iel, 0, 1)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 2, 1)) + (-1.0)*(coords_subst(iel, 0, 0)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 2, 0))*(coords_subst(iel, 0, 1)*(-1.0) + coords_subst(iel, 1, 1)))*(cnst_0[i22_1, 2]*w_0_subst(iel, 2, 0) + cnst_0[i22_1, 0]*w_0_subst(iel, 0, 0) + cnst_0[i22_1, 1]*w_0_subst(iel, 1, 0))*cnst_0[i22_1, i1_0]*(cnst_0[i22_1, 2]*w_1_subst(iel, 2, 0) + cnst_0[i22_1, 0]*w_1_subst(iel, 0, 0) + cnst_0[i22_1, 1]*w_1_subst(iel, 1, 0))) # sum_tmp
│...[i2,iel] A1[iel, i2] <- A1[iel, i2] + sum_tmp_1_0[i2] # insn_0_0
└...[ibf_gather_0,iel] A0_global[ltg_1[iel, ibf_gather_0]] <- A0_global[ltg_1[iel, ibf_gather_0]] + A0_subst(iel, ibf_gather_0) # insn,atomic=update[A0_global]seq_cst/auto
..[ibf_gather_1,iel] A1_global[ltg_2[iel, ibf_gather_1]] <- A1_global[ltg_2[iel, ibf_gather_1]] + A1[iel, ibf_gather_1] # insn_0,atomic=update[A1_global]seq_cst/auto
Can you remind me what the dots in the instruction list mean? Why is there one fewer dot on the last line?