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Commit b1eacb5e authored by Matt Wala's avatar Matt Wala
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Add test.

parent b4783e9c
Pipeline #6789 passed with stage
in 9 minutes and 47 seconds
  • Author Maintainer

    @inducer: this test does exercise the problem, because without the fix the iname "i" gets included the host code and so generates a runtime error.

    However, I'm not sure this kernel should even compile. How many times should the k loop execute?

  • I agree that it's a tad weird. By the (current... :) semantics, bounds for k and j are computed by projecting out i.

    >>> s = isl.BasicSet("{[i,j,k]: 0 < k < i and 0 < j < 10 and 0 < i < 10}")
    >>> s.project_out(isl.dim_type.set, 0, 1)
    BasicSet("{ [j, k] : 0 < j <= 9 and 0 < k <= 8 }")

    We could yell if we have to project out anything but "boxy" dimensions, but that would be a pretty drastic change to the semantics.

  • Author Maintainer

    That's what I thought was going on. I was not sure if the fact that i ought to be nested inside k should have anything to do with it - but I can live with this semantics.

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