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def test_indexof_vec(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    if ctx.devices[0]"Portable"):
        # Accurate as of 2015-10-08
        pytest.skip("POCL miscompiles vector code")

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
         ''' { [i,j,k]: 0<=i,j,k<4 } ''',
         ''' out[i,j,k] = indexof_vec(out[i,j,k])''')

    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, {"i": "vec"})
    knl = lp.tag_data_axes(knl, "out", "vec,c,c")
    knl = lp.set_options(knl, write_cl=True)

    (evt, (out,)) = knl(queue)
    #out = out.get()
    #assert np.array_equal(out.ravel(order="C"), np.arange(25))

def test_is_expression_equal():
    from loopy.symbolic import is_expression_equal
    from pymbolic import var

    x = var("x")
    y = var("y")

    assert is_expression_equal(x+2, 2+x)

    assert is_expression_equal((x+2)**2, x**2 + 4*x + 4)
    assert is_expression_equal((x+y)**2, x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64])
def test_atomic(ctx_factory, dtype):
    if (
            np.dtype(dtype).itemsize == 8
            and "cl_khr_int64_base_atomics" not in ctx.devices[0].extensions):
        pytest.skip("64-bit atomics not supported on device")

    import pyopencl.version  # noqa
    if (
            cl.version.VERSION < (2015, 2)
            and dtype == np.int64):
        pytest.skip("int64 RNG not supported in PyOpenCL < 2015.2")

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i]: 0<=i<n }",
            "out[i%20] = out[i%20] + 2*a[i] {atomic}",
                lp.GlobalArg("out", dtype,, for_atomic=True),
                lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype,,
    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 512)
    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i_inner", 128, outer_tag="unr", inner_tag="g.0")
    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=10000))
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@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64])
def test_atomic_load(ctx_factory, dtype):
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    from import temp_var_scope as scopes
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    n = 10
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    vec_width = 4

    if (
            np.dtype(dtype).itemsize == 8
            and "cl_khr_int64_base_atomics" not in ctx.devices[0].extensions):
        pytest.skip("64-bit atomics not supported on device")

    import pyopencl.version  # noqa
    if (
            cl.version.VERSION < (2015, 2)
            and dtype == np.int64):
        pytest.skip("int64 RNG not supported in PyOpenCL < 2015.2")

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
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            "{ [i,j]: 0<=i,j<n}",
                <> upper = 0  {id=init_upper}
                <> lower = 0  {id=init_lower}
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                temp = 0 {id=init, atomic}
                    upper = upper + i * a[i] {id=sum0,dep=init_upper}
                    lower = lower - b[i] {id=sum1,dep=init_lower}
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                temp = temp + lower {id=temp_sum, dep=sum*:init, atomic,\
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                ... lbarrier {id=lb2, dep=temp_sum}
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                out[j] = upper / temp {id=final, dep=lb2, atomic,\
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                lp.GlobalArg("out", dtype,, for_atomic=True),
                lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype,,
                lp.GlobalArg("b", dtype,,
                lp.TemporaryVariable('temp', dtype, for_atomic=True,
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            silenced_warnings=["write_race(init)", "write_race(temp_sum)"])
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    knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, n=n)
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    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "j", vec_width, inner_tag="l.0")
    _, out = knl(queue, a=np.arange(n, dtype=dtype), b=np.arange(n, dtype=dtype))
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    assert np.allclose(out, np.full_like(out, ((1 - 2 * n) / 3.0)))
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@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64])
def test_atomic_init(dtype):
    vec_width = 4

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i,j]: 0<=i<100 }",
            out[i%4] = 0 {id=init, atomic=init}
                lp.GlobalArg("out", dtype,, for_atomic=True),
    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, 'i', vec_width, inner_tag='l.0')

def test_within_inames_and_reduction():
    # See

    # This is (purposefully) somewhat un-idiomatic, to replicate the conditions
    # under which the above bug was found. If assignees were phi[i], then the
    # iname propagation heuristic would not assume that dependent instructions
    # need to run inside of 'i', and hence the forced_iname_* bits below would not
    # be needed.

    i1 = lp.CInstruction("i",

    from pymbolic.primitives import Subscript, Variable
    i2 = lp.Assignment("a",
            lp.Reduction("sum", "j", Subscript(Variable("phi"), Variable("j"))),

    k = lp.make_kernel("{[i,j] : 0<=i,j<n}",
            [i1, i2],
                lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype=np.float32, shape=()),
                lp.ValueArg("n", dtype=np.int32),
                lp.TemporaryVariable("phi", dtype=np.float32, shape=("n",)),

    k = lp.preprocess_kernel(k)

    assert 'i' not in k.insn_inames("insn_0_j_update")

def test_literal_local_barrier(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i]: 0<=i<n }",
            for i
                ... lbarrier
            """, seq_dependencies=True)

    knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, n=128)

    ref_knl = knl

    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=5))

def test_local_barrier_mem_kind():
    def __test_type(mtype, expected):
        insn = '... lbarrier'
        if mtype:
            insn += '{mem_kind=%s}' % mtype
        knl = lp.make_kernel(
                "{ [i]: 0<=i<n }",
                for i
                """ % insn, seq_dependencies=True,

        cgr = lp.generate_code_v2(knl)
        assert 'barrier(%s)' % expected in cgr.device_code()

    __test_type('', 'CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE')
    __test_type('global', 'CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE')
    __test_type('local', 'CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE')

def test_kernel_splitting(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i]: 0<=i<n }",
            for i
                c[i] = a[i + 1]
                ... gbarrier
                out[i] = c[i]
            """, seq_dependencies=True)

    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl,
            {"a": np.float32, "c": np.float32, "out": np.float32, "n": np.int32})

    ref_knl = knl

    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0")

    # schedule
    from loopy.preprocess import preprocess_kernel
    knl = preprocess_kernel(knl)

    from loopy.schedule import get_one_scheduled_kernel
    knl = get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl)

    # map schedule onto host or device

    cgr = lp.generate_code_v2(knl)

    assert len(cgr.device_programs) == 2


    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=5))

def test_kernel_splitting_with_loop(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i,k]: 0<=i<n and 0<=k<3 }",
            for i, k
                ... gbarrier
                c[k,i] = a[k, i + 1]
                ... gbarrier
                out[k,i] = c[k,i]
            """, seq_dependencies=True)

    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl,
            {"a": np.float32, "c": np.float32, "out": np.float32, "n": np.int32})

    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0")

    # schedule
    from loopy.preprocess import preprocess_kernel
    knl = preprocess_kernel(knl)

    from loopy.schedule import get_one_scheduled_kernel
    knl = get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl)

    # map schedule onto host or device

    cgr = lp.generate_code_v2(knl)

    assert len(cgr.device_programs) == 2


    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=5))
def save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, out_expect, debug=False):
    from loopy.preprocess import preprocess_kernel
    from loopy.schedule import get_one_scheduled_kernel

    knl = preprocess_kernel(knl)
    knl = get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl)

    from import save_and_reload_temporaries
    knl = save_and_reload_temporaries(knl)
    knl = get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl)

    if debug:
        cgr = lp.generate_code_v2(knl)

    _, (out,) = knl(queue, out_host=True)
    assert (out == out_expect).all(), (out, out_expect)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("hw_loop", [True, False])
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def test_save_of_private_scalar(ctx_factory, hw_loop, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
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    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{ [i]: 0<=i<8 }",
        for i
            <>t = i
            ... gbarrier
            out[i] = t
        """, seq_dependencies=True)

    if hw_loop:
        knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="g.0"))
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    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, np.arange(8), debug)
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def test_save_of_private_array(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
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    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{ [i]: 0<=i<8 }",
        for i
            <>t[i] = i
            ... gbarrier
            out[i] = t[i]
        """, seq_dependencies=True)

    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t", "private")
    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, np.arange(8), debug)
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def test_save_of_private_array_in_hw_loop(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
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    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{ [i,j,k]: 0<=i,j,k<8 }",
        for i
            for j
               <>t[j] = j
            ... gbarrier
            for k
                out[i,k] = t[k]
        """, seq_dependencies=True)
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    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="g.0"))
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t", "private")
        queue, knl, np.vstack((8 * (np.arange(8),))), debug)
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def test_save_of_private_multidim_array(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
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    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{ [i,j,k,l,m]: 0<=i,j,k,l,m<8 }",
        for i
            for j, k
               <>t[j,k] = k
            ... gbarrier
            for l, m
                out[i,l,m] = t[l,m]
        """, seq_dependencies=True)
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    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t", "private")
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    result = np.array([np.vstack((8 * (np.arange(8),))) for i in range(8)])
    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, result, debug)
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def test_save_of_private_multidim_array_in_hw_loop(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
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    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{ [i,j,k,l,m]: 0<=i,j,k,l,m<8 }",
        for i
            for j, k
               <>t[j,k] = k
            ... gbarrier
            for l, m
                out[i,l,m] = t[l,m]
        """, seq_dependencies=True)
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t", "private")
    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="g.0"))
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    result = np.array([np.vstack((8 * (np.arange(8),))) for i in range(8)])
    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, result, debug)
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@pytest.mark.parametrize("hw_loop", [True, False])
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def test_save_of_multiple_private_temporaries(ctx_factory, hw_loop, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i,j,k]: 0<=i,j,k<10 }",
            for i
                for k
                    <> t_arr[k] = k
                <> t_scalar = 1
                for j
                    ... gbarrier
                    out[j] = t_scalar
                    ... gbarrier
                    t_scalar = 10
                <> flag = i == 9
                out[i] = t_arr[i] {if=flag}
            """, seq_dependencies=True)
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t_arr", "private")
    if hw_loop:
        knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="g.0"))
    result = np.array([1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9])
    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, result, debug)
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def test_save_of_local_array(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{ [i,j]: 0<=i,j<8 }",
        for i, j
            <>t[2*j] = j
            t[2*j+1] = j
            ... gbarrier
            out[i] = t[2*i]
        """, seq_dependencies=True)
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t", "local")
    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="g.0", j="l.0"))
    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, np.arange(8), debug)
def test_save_of_local_array_with_explicit_local_barrier(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{ [i,j]: 0<=i,j<8 }",
        for i, j
            <>t[2*j] = j
            ... lbarrier
            t[2*j+1] = t[2*j]
            ... gbarrier
            out[i] = t[2*i]
        """, seq_dependencies=True)

    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t", "local")
    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="g.0", j="l.0"))

    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, np.arange(8), debug)

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def test_save_local_multidim_array(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i,j,k]: 0<=i<2 and 0<=k<3 and 0<=j<2}",
            for i, j, k
                <> t_local[k,j] = 1
                out[k,i*2+j] = t_local[k,j]
            """, seq_dependencies=True)

    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "t_local", "local")
    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(j="l.0", i="g.0"))
    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, 1, debug)
def test_save_with_base_storage(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i]: 0 <= i < 10}",
            <>a[i] = 0
            <>b[i] = i
            ... gbarrier
            out[i] = a[i]

    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="l.0"))
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "a", "local")
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "b", "local")

    knl = lp.alias_temporaries(knl, ["a", "b"],

    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, np.arange(10), debug)

def test_save_ambiguous_storage_requirements():
    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i,j]: 0 <= i < 10 and 0 <= j < 10}",
            <>a[j] = j
            ... gbarrier
            out[i,j] = a[j]

    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="g.0", j="l.0"))
    knl = lp.duplicate_inames(knl, "j", within="writes:out", tags={"j": "l.0"})
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "a", "local")

    knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl)
    knl = lp.get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl)

    from loopy.diagnostic import LoopyError
    with pytest.raises(LoopyError):

def test_save_across_inames_with_same_tag(ctx_factory, debug=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i]: 0 <= i < 10}",
            <>a[i] = i
            ... gbarrier
            out[i] = a[i]

    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="l.0"))
    knl = lp.duplicate_inames(knl, "i", within="reads:a", tags={"i": "l.0"})

    save_and_reload_temporaries_test(queue, knl, np.arange(10), debug)

def test_missing_temporary_definition_detection():
    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i]: 0<=i<10 }",
            for i
                <> t = 1
                ... gbarrier
                out[i] = t
            """, seq_dependencies=True)

    from loopy.diagnostic import MissingDefinitionError
    with pytest.raises(MissingDefinitionError):

def test_missing_definition_check_respects_aliases():
    # Based on
    knl = lp.make_kernel("{ [i] : 0<=i<n }",
             "a": lp.TemporaryVariable("a",
                        dtype=np.float64, shape=("n",), base_storage="base"),
             "b": lp.TemporaryVariable("b",
                        dtype=np.float64, shape=("n",), base_storage="base")
def test_global_temporary(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i]: 0<=i<n}",
            for i
                <> c[i] = a[i + 1]
                ... gbarrier
                out[i] = c[i]
            """, seq_dependencies=True)

    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl,
            {"a": np.float32, "c": np.float32, "out": np.float32, "n": np.int32})
    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "c", "global")

    ref_knl = knl

    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0")

    cgr = lp.generate_code_v2(knl)

    assert len(cgr.device_programs) == 2


    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=5))

def test_assign_to_linear_subscript(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    knl1 = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i]: 0<=i<n}",
            "a[i,i] = 1")
    knl2 = lp.make_kernel(
            "{ [i]: 0<=i<n}",
            "a[[i*n + i]] = 1",
            [lp.GlobalArg("a", shape="n,n"), "..."])

    a1 = cl.array.zeros(queue, (10, 10), np.float32)
    knl1(queue, a=a1)
    a2 = cl.array.zeros(queue, (10, 10), np.float32)
    knl2(queue, a=a2)

    assert np.array_equal(a1.get(),  a2.get())

def test_finite_difference_expr_subst(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    grid = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 2048, endpoint=False)
    h = grid[1] - grid[0]
    u = cl.clmath.sin(cl.array.to_device(queue, grid))

    fin_diff_knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{[i]: 1<=i<=n}",
        "out[i] = -(f[i+1] - f[i-1])/h",
        [lp.GlobalArg("out", shape="n+2"), "..."])

    flux_knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "{[j]: 1<=j<=n}",
        "f[j] = u[j]**2/2",
            lp.GlobalArg("f", shape="n+2"),
            lp.GlobalArg("u", shape="n+2"),

    fused_knl = lp.fuse_kernels([fin_diff_knl, flux_knl],
                ("f", 1, 0)

    fused_knl = lp.set_options(fused_knl, write_cl=True)
    evt, _ = fused_knl(queue, u=u, h=np.float32(1e-1))

    fused_knl = lp.assignment_to_subst(fused_knl, "f")

    fused_knl = lp.set_options(fused_knl, write_cl=True)

    # This is the real test here: The automatically generated
    # shape expressions are '2+n' and the ones above are 'n+2'.
    # Is loopy smart enough to understand that these are equal?
    evt, _ = fused_knl(queue, u=u, h=np.float32(1e-1))

    fused0_knl = lp.affine_map_inames(fused_knl, "i", "inew", "inew+1=i")

    gpu_knl = lp.split_iname(
            fused0_knl, "inew", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0")

    precomp_knl = lp.precompute(
            gpu_knl, "f_subst", "inew_inner", fetch_bounding_box=True)

    precomp_knl = lp.tag_inames(precomp_knl, {"j_0_outer": "unr"})
    precomp_knl = lp.set_options(precomp_knl, return_dict=True)
    evt, _ = precomp_knl(queue, u=u, h=h)

# {{{ call without returned values

def test_call_with_no_returned_value(ctx_factory):
    import pymbolic.primitives as p

    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        [lp.CallInstruction((), p.Call(p.Variable("f"), ()))]
    from library_for_test import no_ret_f_mangler, no_ret_f_preamble_gen
    knl = lp.register_function_manglers(knl, [no_ret_f_mangler])
    knl = lp.register_preamble_generators(knl, [no_ret_f_preamble_gen])
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# {{{ call with no return values and options
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def test_call_with_options():
    knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "f() {id=init}"

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    from library_for_test import no_ret_f_mangler
    knl = lp.register_function_manglers(knl, [no_ret_f_mangler])


def test_unschedulable_kernel_detection():
    knl = lp.make_kernel(["{[i,j]:0<=i,j<n}"],
                         mat1[i,j] = mat1[i,j] + 1 {inames=i:j, id=i1}
                         mat2[j] = mat2[j] + 1 {inames=j, id=i2}
                         mat3[i] = mat3[i] + 1 {inames=i, id=i3}

    knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl)

    # Check that loopy can detect the unschedulability of the kernel
    assert not lp.has_schedulable_iname_nesting(knl)
    assert len(list(lp.get_iname_duplication_options(knl))) == 4

    for inames, insns in lp.get_iname_duplication_options(knl):
        fixed_knl = lp.duplicate_inames(knl, inames, insns)
        assert lp.has_schedulable_iname_nesting(fixed_knl)
    knl = lp.make_kernel(["{[i,j,k,l,m]:0<=i,j,k,l,m<n}"],
                         mat1[l,m,i,j,k] = mat1[l,m,i,j,k] + 1 {inames=i:j:k:l:m}
                         mat2[l,m,j,k] = mat2[l,m,j,k] + 1 {inames=j:k:l:m}
                         mat3[l,m,k] = mat3[l,m,k] + 11 {inames=k:l:m}
                         mat4[l,m,i] = mat4[l,m,i] + 1 {inames=i:l:m}

    assert not lp.has_schedulable_iname_nesting(knl)
    assert len(list(lp.get_iname_duplication_options(knl))) == 10
def test_regression_no_ret_call_removal(ctx_factory):
    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i] : 0<=i<n}",
            "f(sum(i, x[i]))")
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"x": np.float32})
    knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl)
    assert len(knl.instructions) == 3

def test_regression_persistent_hash():
    knl1 = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i] : 0<=i<n}",
            "cse_exprvar = d[2]*d[2]")

    knl2 = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i] : 0<=i<n}",
            "cse_exprvar = d[0]*d[0]")
    from import LoopyKeyBuilder
    lkb = LoopyKeyBuilder()
    assert lkb(knl1.instructions[0]) != lkb(knl2.instructions[0])
    assert lkb(knl1) != lkb(knl2)

def test_sequential_dependencies(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i]: 0<=i<n}",
            for i
                <> aa = 5jf
                <> bb = 5j
                a[i] = imag(aa)
                b[i] = imag(bb)
                c[i] = 5f
            """, seq_dependencies=True)


    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=5))

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    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i,itrip]: 0<=i<n and 0<=itrip<ntrips}",
            for itrip,i
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                <> z[i] = z[i+1] + z[i]  {id=wr_z}
                <> v[i] = 11  {id=wr_v}
                ... nop {dep=wr_z:wr_v,id=yoink}
                z[i] = z[i] - z[i+1] + v[i]  {dep=yoink}
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    knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, n=15)
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"z": np.float64})

    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(ntrips=5))

def test_global_barrier(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i,itrip]: 0<=i<n and 0<=itrip<ntrips}",
            for i
                for itrip
                    ... gbarrier {id=top}
                    <> z[i] = z[i+1] + z[i]  {id=wr_z,dep=top}
                    <> v[i] = 11  {id=wr_v,dep=top}
                    ... gbarrier {dep=wr_z:wr_v,id=yoink}
                    z[i] = z[i] - z[i+1] + v[i] {id=iupd, dep=wr_z}
                ... gbarrier {dep=iupd,id=postloop}
                z[i] = z[i] - z[i+1] + v[i]  {dep=postloop}

    knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, ntrips=3)
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"z": np.float64})

    ref_knl = knl
    ref_knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(ref_knl, "z", "global")
    ref_knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(ref_knl, "v", "global")

    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 256, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0")

    knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl)
    assert knl.temporary_variables["z"].scope == lp.temp_var_scope.GLOBAL
    assert knl.temporary_variables["v"].scope == lp.temp_var_scope.GLOBAL


    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(ntrips=5, n=10))

def test_missing_global_barrier():
    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "{[i,itrip]: 0<=i<n and 0<=itrip<ntrips}",
            for i
                for itrip
                    ... gbarrier {id=yoink}
                    <> z[i] = z[i] - z[i+1]  {id=iupd,dep=yoink}
                # This is where the barrier should be
                z[i] = z[i] - z[i+1] + v[i]  {dep=iupd}

    knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "z", "global")
    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 256, outer_tag="g.0")
    knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl)

    from loopy.diagnostic import MissingBarrierError
    with pytest.raises(MissingBarrierError):

def test_index_cse(ctx_factory):
    knl = lp.make_kernel(["{[i,j,k,l,m]:0<=i,j,k,l,m<n}"],
                         for i
                            for j
                                c[i,j,m] = sum((k,l), a[i,j,l]*b[i,j,k,l])
    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, "l:unr")
    knl = lp.prioritize_loops(knl, "i,j,k,l")
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"a": np.float32, "b": np.float32})
    knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, n=5)

def test_ilp_and_conditionals(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel('{[k]: 0<=k<n}}',
         for k
             <> Tcond = T[k] < 0.5
             if Tcond
                 cp[k] = 2 * T[k] + Tcond

    knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, n=200)
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"T": np.float32})

    ref_knl = knl

    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, 'k', 2, inner_tag='ilp')

    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl)

def test_unr_and_conditionals(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel('{[k]: 0<=k<n}}',
         for k
             <> Tcond[k] = T[k] < 0.5
             if Tcond[k]
                 cp[k] = 2 * T[k] + Tcond[k]

    knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, n=200)
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"T": np.float32})

    ref_knl = knl

    knl = lp.split_iname(knl, 'k', 2, inner_tag='unr')

    lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl)
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def test_constant_array_args(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    knl = lp.make_kernel('{[k]: 0<=k<n}}',
         for k
             <> Tcond[k] = T[k] < 0.5
             if Tcond[k]
                 cp[k] = 2 * T[k] + Tcond[k]