diff --git a/doc/misc.rst b/doc/misc.rst
index 488262acbc29882a93c25d4ba137d77ac37e8660..b3fa9ffae0c88eef24b42f1109e463b0ab2021ea 100644
--- a/doc/misc.rst
+++ b/doc/misc.rst
@@ -3,28 +3,44 @@
-This command should install :mod:`meshmode`::
+This set of instructions is intended for 64-bit Linux and MacOS computers.
-    pip install meshmode
+#.  Make sure your system has the basics to build software.
-(Note the extra "."!)
+    On Debian derivatives (Ubuntu and many more),
+    installing ``build-essential`` should do the trick.
-You may need to run this with :command:`sudo`.
-If you don't already have `pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>`_,
-run this beforehand::
+    Everywhere else, just making sure you have the ``g++`` package should be
+    enough.
-    curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
-    python get-pip.py
+#.  Installing `miniforge for Python 3 on your respective system <https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge>`_.
-For a more manual installation, `download the source
-<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/meshmode>`_, unpack it, and say::
+#.  ``export CONDA=/WHERE/YOU/INSTALLED/miniforge3``
-    python setup.py install
+    If you accepted the default location, this should work:
-You may also clone its git repository::
+    ``export CONDA=$HOME/miniforge3``
-    git clone --recursive git://github.com/inducer/meshmode
-    git clone --recursive http://git.tiker.net/trees/meshmode.git
+#.  ``$CONDA/bin/conda create -n dgfem``
+#.  ``source $CONDA/bin/activate dgfem``
+#.  ``conda config --add channels conda-forge``
+#.  ``conda install git pip pocl islpy pyopencl``
+#.  Type the following command::
+        hash -r; for i in pymbolic cgen genpy modepy pyvisfile loopy meshmode; do python -m pip install git+https://github.com/inducer/$i.git; done
+Next time you want to use :mod:`meshmode`, just run the following command::
+    source /WHERE/YOU/INSTALLED/miniforge3/bin/activate dgfem
+You may also like to add this to a startup file (like :file:`$HOME/.bashrc`) or create an alias for it.
+After this, you should be able to run the `tests <https://github.com/inducer/meshmode/tree/master/test>`_
+or `examples <https://github.com/inducer/meshmode/tree/master/examples>`_.
 User-visible Changes
diff --git a/meshmode/discretization/connection/opposite_face.py b/meshmode/discretization/connection/opposite_face.py
index 97570b338f9938165004a46c59fb3ec1570e0cbe..e084525ba9a6eb5001548f432c25a0a8f861173e 100644
--- a/meshmode/discretization/connection/opposite_face.py
+++ b/meshmode/discretization/connection/opposite_face.py
@@ -342,22 +342,42 @@ def make_opposite_face_connection(volume_to_bdry_conn):
                     # {{{ index wrangling
-                    # Assert that the adjacency group and the restriction
-                    # interpolation batch and the adjacency group have the same
-                    # element ordering.
+                    # The elements in the adjacency group will be a subset of
+                    # the elements in the restriction interpolation batch:
+                    # Imagine an inter-group boundary. The volume-to-boundary
+                    # connection will include all faces as targets, whereas
+                    # there will be separate adjacency groups for intra- and
+                    # inter-group connections.
                     adj_tgt_flags = adj.element_faces == i_face_tgt
+                    adj_els = adj.elements[adj_tgt_flags]
+                    if adj_els.size == 0:
+                        # NOTE: this case can happen for inter-group boundaries
+                        # when all elements are adjacent on the same face
+                        # index, so all other ones will be empty
+                        continue
+                    vbc_els = vbc_tgt_grp_face_batch.from_element_indices.get(queue)
+                    if len(adj_els) == len(vbc_els):
+                        # Same length: assert (below) that the two use the same
+                        # ordering.
+                        vbc_used_els = slice(None)
+                    else:
+                        # Genuine subset: figure out an index mapping.
+                        vbc_els_sort_idx = np.argsort(vbc_els)
+                        vbc_used_els = vbc_els_sort_idx[np.searchsorted(
+                            vbc_els, adj_els, sorter=vbc_els_sort_idx
+                            )]
-                    assert (np.array_equal(
-                                adj.elements[adj_tgt_flags],
-                                vbc_tgt_grp_face_batch.from_element_indices
-                                .get(queue=queue)))
+                    assert np.array_equal(vbc_els[vbc_used_els], adj_els)
                     # find to_element_indices
                     tgt_bdry_element_indices = (
-                            .get(queue=queue))
+                            .get(queue=queue)[vbc_used_els])
                     # find from_element_indices
diff --git a/meshmode/mesh/processing.py b/meshmode/mesh/processing.py
index 97b9bbda9c99fd0dc1f537e6cbbbaf043bc6140c..8cb8c13f3b16d4c0d3fbc9862b45ac944e226082 100644
--- a/meshmode/mesh/processing.py
+++ b/meshmode/mesh/processing.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ __doc__ = """
 .. autofunction:: perform_flips
 .. autofunction:: find_bounding_box
 .. autofunction:: merge_disjoint_meshes
+.. autofunction:: split_mesh_groups
 .. autofunction:: map_mesh
 .. autofunction:: affine_map
@@ -569,6 +570,64 @@ def merge_disjoint_meshes(meshes, skip_tests=False, single_group=False):
 # }}}
+# {{{ split meshes
+def split_mesh_groups(mesh, element_flags, return_subgroup_mapping=False):
+    """Split all the groups in *mesh* according to the values of
+    *element_flags*. The element flags are expected to be integers
+    defining, for each group, how the elements are to be split into
+    subgroups. For example, a single-group mesh with flags::
+        element_flags = [0, 0, 0, 42, 42, 42, 0, 0, 0, 41, 41, 41]
+    will create three subgroups. The integer flags need not be increasing
+    or contiguous and can repeat across different groups (i.e. they are
+    group-local).
+    :arg element_flags: a :class:`numpy.ndarray` with
+        :attr:`~meshmode.mesh.Mesh.nelements` entries
+        indicating how the elements in a group are to be split.
+    :returns: a :class:`~meshmode.mesh.Mesh` where each group has been split
+        according to flags in *element_flags*. If *return_subgroup_mapping*
+        is *True*, it also returns a mapping of
+        ``(group_index, subgroup) -> new_group_index``.
+    """
+    assert element_flags.shape == (mesh.nelements,)
+    new_groups = []
+    subgroup_to_group_map = {}
+    for igrp, grp in enumerate(mesh.groups):
+        grp_flags = element_flags[
+                grp.element_nr_base:grp.element_nr_base + grp.nelements]
+        unique_grp_flags = np.unique(grp_flags)
+        for flag in unique_grp_flags:
+            subgroup_to_group_map[igrp, flag] = len(new_groups)
+            # NOTE: making copies to maintain contiguity of the arrays
+            mask = grp_flags == flag
+            new_groups.append(grp.copy(
+                vertex_indices=grp.vertex_indices[mask, :].copy(),
+                nodes=grp.nodes[:, mask, :].copy()
+                ))
+    from meshmode.mesh import Mesh
+    mesh = Mesh(
+            vertices=mesh.vertices,
+            groups=new_groups,
+            is_conforming=mesh.is_conforming)
+    if return_subgroup_mapping:
+        return mesh, subgroup_to_group_map
+    else:
+        return mesh
+# }}}
 # {{{ map
 def map_mesh(mesh, f):  # noqa
diff --git a/test/test_meshmode.py b/test/test_meshmode.py
index ded91fe297a14c1d2241fb67486fbc0843fa237a..047362d20c1b297e22eed758fbe633bee01a82cc 100644
--- a/test/test_meshmode.py
+++ b/test/test_meshmode.py
@@ -1348,6 +1348,89 @@ def test_is_affine_group_check(mesh_name):
     assert all(grp.is_affine for grp in mesh.groups) == is_affine
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("ambient_dim", [1, 2, 3])
+def test_mesh_multiple_groups(ctx_factory, ambient_dim, visualize=False):
+    ctx = ctx_factory()
+    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
+    order = 4
+    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh
+    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(
+            a=(-0.5,)*ambient_dim, b=(0.5,)*ambient_dim,
+            n=(8,)*ambient_dim, order=order)
+    assert len(mesh.groups) == 1
+    from meshmode.mesh.processing import split_mesh_groups
+    element_flags = np.any(
+            mesh.vertices[0, mesh.groups[0].vertex_indices] < 0.0,
+            axis=1).astype(np.int)
+    mesh = split_mesh_groups(mesh, element_flags)
+    assert len(mesh.groups) == 2
+    assert mesh.facial_adjacency_groups
+    assert mesh.nodal_adjacency
+    if visualize and ambient_dim == 2:
+        from meshmode.mesh.visualization import draw_2d_mesh
+        draw_2d_mesh(mesh,
+                draw_vertex_numbers=False,
+                draw_element_numbers=True,
+                draw_face_numbers=False,
+                set_bounding_box=True)
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+        plt.savefig("test_mesh_multiple_groups_2d_elements.png", dpi=300)
+    from meshmode.discretization import Discretization
+    from meshmode.discretization.poly_element import \
+            PolynomialWarpAndBlendGroupFactory as GroupFactory
+    discr = Discretization(ctx, mesh, GroupFactory(order))
+    if visualize:
+        group_id = discr.empty(queue, dtype=np.int)
+        for igrp, grp in enumerate(discr.groups):
+            group_id_view = grp.view(group_id)
+            group_id_view.fill(igrp)
+        from meshmode.discretization.visualization import make_visualizer
+        vis = make_visualizer(queue, discr, vis_order=order)
+        vis.write_vtk_file("test_mesh_multiple_groups.vtu", [
+            ("group_id", group_id)
+            ], overwrite=True)
+    # check face restrictions
+    from meshmode.discretization.connection import (
+            make_face_restriction,
+            make_face_to_all_faces_embedding,
+            make_opposite_face_connection,
+            check_connection)
+    for boundary_tag in [BTAG_ALL, FACE_RESTR_INTERIOR, FACE_RESTR_ALL]:
+        conn = make_face_restriction(discr, GroupFactory(order),
+                boundary_tag=boundary_tag,
+                per_face_groups=False)
+        check_connection(conn)
+        bdry_f = conn.to_discr.empty(queue)
+        bdry_f.fill(1.0)
+        if boundary_tag == FACE_RESTR_INTERIOR:
+            opposite = make_opposite_face_connection(conn)
+            check_connection(opposite)
+            op_bdry_f = opposite(queue, bdry_f)
+            error = abs(cl.array.sum(bdry_f - op_bdry_f).get(queue))
+            assert error < 1.0e-11, error
+        if boundary_tag == FACE_RESTR_ALL:
+            embedding = make_face_to_all_faces_embedding(conn, conn.to_discr)
+            check_connection(embedding)
+            em_bdry_f = embedding(queue, bdry_f)
+            error = abs(cl.array.sum(bdry_f - em_bdry_f).get(queue))
+            assert error < 1.0e-11, error
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     import sys
     if len(sys.argv) > 1: