diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 34ebe33ae273291063fc884cb3bd4d157271a499..8ec4e2344bd54b6705cf1ccecbaeef2a1fa54571 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Python 2.7 POCL:
   - export PY_EXE=python2.7
-  - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable
+  - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable:pthread
   - export EXTRA_INSTALL="pybind11 cython numpy mako mpi4py"
   # cython is here because pytential (for now, for TS) depends on it
   - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project.sh
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Python 3 Nvidia K40:
 Python 3 POCL:
   - export PY_EXE=python3
-  - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable
+  - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable:pthread
   # cython is here because pytential (for now, for TS) depends on it
   - export EXTRA_INSTALL="pybind11 cython numpy mako mpi4py"
   - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project.sh
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Python 3 POCL:
 Python 3 POCL:
   - export PY_EXE=python3
-  - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable
+  - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable:pthread
   # cython is here because pytential (for now, for TS) depends on it
   - export EXTRA_INSTALL="pybind11 cython numpy mako mpi4py"
   - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project.sh
diff --git a/.test-conda-env-py3.yml b/.test-conda-env-py3.yml
index f277a48523488996c4296fac3c29d0ee4ee5ab0f..1b35907b017e46cc11e6d7c503b85f929dccf2f9 100644
--- a/.test-conda-env-py3.yml
+++ b/.test-conda-env-py3.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 name: test-conda-env
 - conda-forge
-- defaults
+- nodefaults
 - python=3
 - git
-- conda-forge::numpy
+- numpy
 - pocl
 - mako
 - pyopencl
diff --git a/meshmode/discretization/__init__.py b/meshmode/discretization/__init__.py
index 6a4fcda7565487d44ee49045871d9226762af2db..a3847f2c3ab6c262c390f3c805619d74c85ab401 100644
--- a/meshmode/discretization/__init__.py
+++ b/meshmode/discretization/__init__.py
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ class ElementGroupBase(object):
         Returns an array of length :attr:`nunit_nodes` containing
         quadrature weights.
+    .. attribute:: is_affine
+        A :class:`bool` flag that is *True* if the local-to-global
+        parametrization of all the elements in the group is affine. Based on
+        :attr:`meshmode.mesh.MeshElementGroup.is_affine`.
     def __init__(self, mesh_el_group, order, node_nr_base):
@@ -78,6 +84,10 @@ class ElementGroupBase(object):
         self.order = order
         self.node_nr_base = node_nr_base
+    @property
+    def is_affine(self):
+        return self.mesh_el_group.is_affine
     def nelements(self):
         return self.mesh_el_group.nelements
diff --git a/meshmode/mesh/__init__.py b/meshmode/mesh/__init__.py
index 19ef8e5ddaf46b283ea9ca3431d672f57deca4fb..9df70d387b5d40d435982024c1dd0b78429915d8 100644
--- a/meshmode/mesh/__init__.py
+++ b/meshmode/mesh/__init__.py
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ from six.moves import range
 import six
 import numpy as np
-import modepy as mp
 import numpy.linalg as la
-from pytools import Record
+import modepy as mp
+from pytools import Record, memoize_method
 __doc__ = """
@@ -162,6 +163,11 @@ class MeshElementGroup(Record):
         *Not* the ambient dimension, see :attr:`Mesh.ambient_dim`
         for that.
+    .. attribute:: is_affine
+        A :class:`bool` flag that is *True* if the local-to-global
+        parametrization of all the elements in the group is affine.
     .. automethod:: face_vertex_indices
     .. automethod:: vertex_unit_coordinates
@@ -227,6 +233,10 @@ class MeshElementGroup(Record):
     def nunit_nodes(self):
         return self.unit_nodes.shape[-1]
+    @property
+    def is_affine(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def face_vertex_indices(self):
         """Return a tuple of tuples indicating which vertices
         (in mathematically positive ordering) make up each face
@@ -307,6 +317,11 @@ class SimplexElementGroup(MeshElementGroup):
         super(SimplexElementGroup, self).__init__(order, vertex_indices, nodes,
                 element_nr_base, node_nr_base, unit_nodes, dim)
+    @property
+    @memoize_method
+    def is_affine(self):
+        return is_affine_simplex_group(self)
     def face_vertex_indices(self):
         if self.dim == 1:
             return (
@@ -1367,4 +1382,44 @@ def is_boundary_tag_empty(mesh, boundary_tag):
 # }}}
+# {{{
+def is_affine_simplex_group(group, abs_tol=None):
+    if abs_tol is None:
+        abs_tol = 1.0e-13
+    if not isinstance(group, SimplexElementGroup):
+        raise TypeError("expected a 'SimplexElementGroup' not '%s'" %
+                type(group).__name__)
+    # get matrices
+    basis = mp.simplex_best_available_basis(group.dim, group.order)
+    grad_basis = mp.grad_simplex_best_available_basis(group.dim, group.order)
+    vinv = la.inv(mp.vandermonde(basis, group.unit_nodes))
+    diff = mp.differentiation_matrices(basis, grad_basis, group.unit_nodes)
+    if not isinstance(diff, tuple):
+        diff = (diff,)
+    # construct all second derivative matrices (including cross terms)
+    from itertools import product
+    mats = []
+    for n in product(range(group.dim), repeat=2):
+        if n[0] > n[1]:
+            continue
+        mats.append(vinv.dot(diff[n[0]].dot(diff[n[1]])))
+    # check just the first element for a non-affine local-to-global mapping
+    ddx_coeffs = np.einsum("aij,bj->abi", mats, group.nodes[:, 0, :])
+    norm_inf = np.max(np.abs(ddx_coeffs))
+    if norm_inf > abs_tol:
+        return False
+    # check all elements for a non-affine local-to-global mapping
+    ddx_coeffs = np.einsum("aij,bcj->abci", mats, group.nodes)
+    norm_inf = np.max(np.abs(ddx_coeffs))
+    return norm_inf < abs_tol
+# }}}
 # vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/test/test_meshmode.py b/test/test_meshmode.py
index a0248712a7f052d697cbc99b6d09caa81fea3013..038637842fcadbe38de1bd2b334b895d77d27449 100644
--- a/test/test_meshmode.py
+++ b/test/test_meshmode.py
@@ -1265,6 +1265,73 @@ def test_open_curved_mesh(curve_name):
+def _generate_cross_warped_rect_mesh(dim, order, n):
+    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh
+    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(
+            a=(0,)*dim, b=(1,)*dim,
+            n=(n,)*dim, order=order)
+    def m(x):
+        results = np.empty_like(x)
+        results[0] = 1 + 1.5 * (x[0] + 0.25) * (x[1] + 0.3)
+        results[1] = x[1]
+        return results
+    from meshmode.mesh.processing import map_mesh
+    return map_mesh(mesh, m)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("mesh_name", [
+    "box2d", "box3d",
+    "warped_box2d", "warped_box3d", "cross_warped_box",
+    "circle", "ellipse",
+    "sphere", "torus"
+    ])
+def test_is_affine_group_check(mesh_name):
+    from meshmode.mesh.generation import (
+            generate_regular_rect_mesh, generate_warped_rect_mesh,
+            make_curve_mesh, ellipse,
+            generate_icosphere, generate_torus)
+    order = 4
+    nelements = 16
+    if mesh_name.startswith("box"):
+        dim = int(mesh_name[-2])
+        is_affine = True
+        mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(
+                a=(-0.5,)*dim, b=(0.5,)*dim,
+                n=(nelements,)*dim, order=order)
+    elif mesh_name.startswith("warped_box"):
+        dim = int(mesh_name[-2])
+        is_affine = False
+        mesh = generate_warped_rect_mesh(dim, order, nelements)
+    elif mesh_name == "cross_warped_box":
+        dim = 2
+        is_affine = False
+        mesh = _generate_cross_warped_rect_mesh(dim, order, nelements)
+    elif mesh_name == "circle":
+        is_affine = False
+        mesh = make_curve_mesh(
+                lambda t: ellipse(1.0, t),
+                np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nelements + 1), order=order)
+    elif mesh_name == "ellipse":
+        is_affine = False
+        mesh = make_curve_mesh(
+                lambda t: ellipse(2.0, t),
+                np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nelements + 1), order=order)
+    elif mesh_name == "sphere":
+        is_affine = False
+        mesh = generate_icosphere(r=1.0, order=order)
+    elif mesh_name == "torus":
+        is_affine = False
+        mesh = generate_torus(10.0, 2.0, order=order)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("unknown mesh name: {}".format(mesh_name))
+    assert all(grp.is_affine for grp in mesh.groups) == is_affine
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     import sys
     if len(sys.argv) > 1: