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Xiaoyu Wei's avatar
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Xiaoyu Wei committed
``Lappy`` is a fork of Sophia Lin's ``lazyray`` that supports more operations beyond arithmetics.
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Xiaoyu Wei committed
In ``Lappy``, everything computable is considered an array object (unlike ``numpy``, it does not offer separate scalar types).
An array object has six basic components: the shape, the dtype, the expression, the value, the formal argument list, and the environment (capture list).
Scalars are special arrays with shape being an empty tuple.
If the dtype is an integer type, there can be assumptions associated with the array elements represented by an integer set (for scalars) or map (for non-scalars).

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Xiaoyu Wei committed

This is a list of things that can be achieved with ``lappy`` today:

- ✅ Arithmetic and scalar mathematics (lifted scalar functions / universal functions)
- ✅ Axis reordering / transpose
- ✅ Reshaping
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- ✅ Broadcasting (semi-dynamic)
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Xiaoyu Wei committed
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Xiaoyu Wei committed

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- ✅ Scan and fold
- ✅ Tensor contractions, like ``np.einsum`` (including dot products and matrix multiply)
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Xiaoyu Wei committed
- ✅ Slicing (static and dynamic)
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Xiaoyu Wei committed
- ✅ Fancy indexing (static and dynamic)
- ✅ Integration with Numpy's dispatch mechanism like ``__array__`` and ``__array_ufunc__``
- ✅ Some linear algebra like ``svd``, ``qr``, ``lstsq``
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Xiaoyu Wei committed

Xiaoyu Wei's avatar
Xiaoyu Wei committed
Xiaoyu Wei's avatar
Xiaoyu Wei committed

Xiaoyu Wei's avatar
Xiaoyu Wei committed
- ❌ Another array IR like APL. ``lappy`` is not an IR and does not intend to be.
     It serves as a tool to build parametrized array expressions for lazy evaluation,
     and strives to provide ``numpy`` compatible APIs.
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Xiaoyu Wei committed

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Sophia Lin committed
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Xiaoyu Wei committed
``Lappy`` is licensed under the `MIT license <>`_ and free for commercial, academic,
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Sophia Lin committed
and private use.