diff --git a/grudge/execution.py b/grudge/execution.py
index ff14c6f3bddd2555c3ab22dafb694845b38d7d6a..177cd52e281445bc312330064355662aafeb8fd8 100644
--- a/grudge/execution.py
+++ b/grudge/execution.py
@@ -281,6 +281,95 @@ class ExecutionMapper(mappers.Evaluator,
     def map_opposite_partition_face_swap(self, op, field_expr):
         raise NotImplementedError("map_opposite_partition_face_swap")
+        # TODO: Fetch these variables
+        local_mesh = None
+        vol_discr = None
+        group_factory = None
+        TAG_SEND_MESH = 1
+        from mpi4py import MPI
+        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
+        # FIXME: Assumes rank 0 is a 'central hub' and
+        #           i_part = rank - 1 for all other ranks
+        rank = comm.Get_rank()
+        num_parts = comm.Get_size() - 1
+        i_local_part = rank - 1
+        local_bdry_conns = {}
+        for i_remote_part in range(num_parts):
+            if i_local_part == i_remote_part:
+                continue
+            # Mark faces within local_mesh that are connected to remote_mesh
+            from meshmode.discretization.connection import make_face_restriction
+            from meshmode.mesh import BTAG_PARTITION
+            # TODO: May not be necessary to compute every time
+            local_bdry_conns[i_remote_part] =\
+                    make_face_restriction(vol_discr, group_factory,
+                                          BTAG_PARTITION(i_remote_part))
+        # Send boundary data
+        send_reqs = []
+        for i_remote_part in range(num_parts):
+            if i_local_part == i_remote_part:
+                continue
+            bdry_nodes = local_bdry_conns[i_remote_part].to_discr.nodes()
+            if bdry_nodes.size == 0:
+                # local_mesh is not connected to remote_mesh; send None
+                send_reqs.append(comm.isend(None,
+                                            dest=i_remote_part+1,
+                                            tag=TAG_SEND_MESH))
+                continue
+            # Gather information to send to other ranks
+            local_bdry = local_bdry_conns[i_remote_part].to_discr
+            local_adj_groups = [local_mesh.facial_adjacency_groups[i][None]
+                                for i in range(len(local_mesh.groups))]
+            local_batches = [local_bdry_conns[i_remote_part].groups[i].batches
+                                for i in range(len(local_mesh.groups))]
+            local_to_elem_faces = [[batch.to_element_face for batch in grp_batches]
+                                        for grp_batches in local_batches]
+            local_to_elem_indices = [[batch.to_element_indices.get(queue=self.queue)
+                                            for batch in grp_batches]
+                                        for grp_batches in local_batches]
+            local_data = {'bdry_mesh': local_bdry.mesh,
+                          'adj': local_adj_groups,
+                          'to_elem_faces': local_to_elem_faces,
+                          'to_elem_indices': local_to_elem_indices}
+            send_reqs.append(comm.isend(local_data,
+                                        dest=i_remote_part+1,
+                                        tag=TAG_SEND_MESH))
+        # Receive boundary data
+        remote_buf = {}
+        for i_remote_part in range(num_parts):
+            if i_local_part == i_remote_part:
+                continue
+            remote_rank = i_remote_part + 1
+            status = MPI.Status()
+            comm.probe(source=remote_rank, tag=TAG_SEND_MESH, status=status)
+            remote_buf[i_remote_part] = np.empty(status.count, dtype=bytes)
+        recv_reqs = {}
+        for i_remote_part, buf in remote_buf.items():
+            remote_rank = i_remote_part + 1
+            recv_reqs[i_remote_part] = comm.irecv(buf=buf,
+                                                  source=remote_rank,
+                                                  tag=TAG_SEND_MESH)
+        remote_data = {}
+        for i_remote_part, req in recv_reqs.items():
+            status = MPI.Status()
+            remote_data[i_remote_part] = req.wait(status=status)
+            # Free the buffer
+            remote_buf[i_remote_part] = None  # FIXME: Is this a good idea?
+            print('Rank {0}: Received rank {1} data ({2} bytes)'
+                            .format(rank, i_remote_part + 1, status.count))
+        for req in send_reqs:
+            req.wait()
         return None
     def map_opposite_interior_face_swap(self, op, field_expr):