diff --git a/examples/geometry.py b/examples/geometry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f332741576f12174241e6ba706df9a226189fa46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/geometry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+"""Minimal example of a grudge driver."""
+from __future__ import division, print_function
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2015 Andreas Kloeckner"
+__license__ = """
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import numpy as np  # noqa
+import pyopencl as cl
+from grudge import sym, bind, Discretization, shortcuts
+def main(write_output=True):
+    cl_ctx = cl.create_some_context()
+    queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx)
+    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh
+    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=(-0.5, -0.5), b=(0.5, 0.5))
+    discr = Discretization(cl_ctx, mesh, order=4)
+    sym_op = sym.normal(sym.BTAG_ALL, mesh.dim)
+    #sym_op = sym.nodes(mesh.dim, where=sym.BTAG_ALL)
+    print(sym.pretty(sym_op))
+    op = bind(discr, sym_op)
+    print()
+    print(op.code)
+    vec = op(queue)
+    bvis = shortcuts.make_boundary_visualizer(discr, 4)
+    print(vec[0].shape)
+    print(discr.zeros(queue).shape)
+    bvis.write_vtk_file("geo.vtu", [
+        ("normals", vec)
+        ])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/grudge/discretization.py b/grudge/discretization.py
index c9d988448ac8c11043dfa9dc2ad75f3983366b5a..7fb4562df39a35c8c5278f642b47b8fd642bc654 100644
--- a/grudge/discretization.py
+++ b/grudge/discretization.py
@@ -89,5 +89,9 @@ class Discretization(object):
     def zeros(self, queue, dtype=None, extra_dims=None):
         return self.volume_discr.zeros(queue, dtype, extra_dims=None)
+    def is_volume_where(self, where):
+        from grudge import sym
+        return where == sym.VTAG_ALL
 # vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/grudge/execution.py b/grudge/execution.py
index df8f0724e116fdddef294b68d764f523a3e787fd..030ab447bd3918347b3df1fde2d835520565015a 100644
--- a/grudge/execution.py
+++ b/grudge/execution.py
+import six
 import numpy as np
 import grudge.symbolic.mappers as mappers
+from grudge import sym
 import logging
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -56,13 +58,12 @@ class ExecutionMapper(mappers.Evaluator,
         if expr.quadrature_tag is not None:
             raise NotImplementedError("node coordinate components on quad. grids")
-        return self.discr.volume_discr.nodes()[expr.axis] \
-                .with_queue(self.queue)
+        if self.discr.is_volume_where(expr.where):
+            discr = self.discr.volume_discr
+        else:
+            discr = self.discr.boundary_discr
-    def map_normal_component(self, expr):
-        if expr.quadrature_tag is not None:
-            raise NotImplementedError("normal components on quad. grids")
-        return self.discr.boundary_normals(expr.boundary_tag)[expr.axis]
+        return discr.nodes()[expr.axis].with_queue(self.queue)
     def map_boundarize(self, op, field_expr):
         return self.discr.boundarize_volume_field(
@@ -72,26 +73,13 @@ class ExecutionMapper(mappers.Evaluator,
     def map_scalar_parameter(self, expr):
         return self.context[expr.name]
-    def map_jacobian(self, expr):
-        return self.discr.volume_jacobians(expr.quadrature_tag)
-    def map_forward_metric_derivative(self, expr):
-        return (self.discr.forward_metric_derivatives(expr.quadrature_tag)
-                    [expr.xyz_axis][expr.rst_axis])
-    def map_inverse_metric_derivative(self, expr):
-        return (self.discr.inverse_metric_derivatives(expr.quadrature_tag)
-                    [expr.xyz_axis][expr.rst_axis])
     def map_call(self, expr):
         from pymbolic.primitives import Variable
         assert isinstance(expr.function, Variable)
-        func_name = expr.function.name
-        try:
-            func = self.discr.exec_functions[func_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            func = getattr(np, expr.function.name)
+        # FIXME: Make a way to register functions
+        import pyopencl.clmath as clmath
+        func = getattr(clmath, expr.function.name)
         return func(*[self.rec(p) for p in expr.parameters])
@@ -241,7 +229,8 @@ class ExecutionMapper(mappers.Evaluator,
     # }}}
-    # {{{ code execution functions --------------------------------------------
+    # {{{ code execution functions
     def exec_assign(self, insn):
         return [(name, self.rec(expr))
                 for name, expr in zip(insn.names, insn.exprs)], []
@@ -254,7 +243,8 @@ class ExecutionMapper(mappers.Evaluator,
             stats_callback = None
-        if insn.flop_count() == 0:
+        # FIXME: Reenable compiled vector exprs
+        if True:  # insn.flop_count() == 0:
             return [(name, self(expr))
                 for name, expr in zip(insn.names, insn.exprs)], []
@@ -387,9 +377,22 @@ class ExecutionMapper(mappers.Evaluator,
         return result, []
     def exec_diff_batch_assign(self, insn):
-        rst_diff = self.executor.diff(insn.operators, self.rec(insn.field))
+        field = self.rec(insn.field)
+        repr_op = insn.operators[0]
+        if not isinstance(repr_op, sym.ReferenceDifferentiationOperator):
+            # FIXME
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        if self.discr.is_volume_where(repr_op.where):
+            discr = self.discr.volume_discr
+        else:
+            discr = self.discr.boundary_discr
-        return [(name, diff) for name, diff in zip(insn.names, rst_diff)], []
+        return [
+            (name, discr.num_reference_derivative(
+                self.queue, (op.rst_axis,), field)
+                .with_queue(self.queue))
+            for name, op in zip(insn.names, insn.operators)], []
     exec_quad_diff_batch_assign = exec_diff_batch_assign
@@ -496,7 +499,21 @@ class Executor(object):
                         coeffs, matrix, field, out)
     def __call__(self, queue, **context):
-        return self.code.execute(ExecutionMapper(queue, context, self))
+        import pyopencl.array as cl_array
+        def replace_queue(a):
+            if isinstance(a, cl_array.Array):
+                return a.with_queue(queue)
+            else:
+                return a
+        from pytools.obj_array import with_object_array_or_scalar
+        new_context = {}
+        for name, var in six.iteritems(context):
+            new_context[name] = with_object_array_or_scalar(replace_queue, var)
+        return self.code.execute(ExecutionMapper(queue, new_context, self))
 # }}}
diff --git a/grudge/shortcuts.py b/grudge/shortcuts.py
index 0de88a50df5527cd9834401f548cbe9f24c2c1c1..0e6940ff6f120018a8b5c3c9af29de04eb1bddcb 100644
--- a/grudge/shortcuts.py
+++ b/grudge/shortcuts.py
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
+import pyopencl as cl
 def set_up_rk4(field_var_name, dt, fields, rhs, t_start=0):
     from leap.rk import LSRK4Method
     from dagrt.codegen import PythonCodeGenerator
@@ -39,3 +42,15 @@ def set_up_rk4(field_var_name, dt, fields, rhs, t_start=0):
             context={dt_method.component_id: fields})
     return dt_stepper
+def make_visualizer(discr, vis_order):
+    from meshmode.discretization.visualization import make_visualizer
+    with cl.CommandQueue(discr.cl_context) as queue:
+        return make_visualizer(queue, discr.volume_discr, vis_order)
+def make_boundary_visualizer(discr, vis_order):
+    from meshmode.discretization.visualization import make_visualizer
+    with cl.CommandQueue(discr.cl_context) as queue:
+        return make_visualizer(queue, discr.boundary_discr, vis_order)
diff --git a/grudge/symbolic/compiler.py b/grudge/symbolic/compiler.py
index 2b367255e01eae3236f0f5853502971023646b40..cfbec3c3d7e41e7045bf9c8d157a8312e5821b27 100644
--- a/grudge/symbolic/compiler.py
+++ b/grudge/symbolic/compiler.py
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ class Code(object):
         if self.static_schedule_attempts:
             self.last_schedule = schedule
-        from grudge.tools import with_object_array_or_scalar
+        from pytools.obj_array import with_object_array_or_scalar
         return with_object_array_or_scalar(exec_mapper, self.result)
     # }}}
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ class OperatorCompiler(mappers.IdentityMapper):
     # {{{ top-level driver ----------------------------------------------------
     def __call__(self, expr, type_hints={}):
         # Put the result expressions into variables as well.
-        expr = sym.make_common_subexpression(expr, "_result")
+        expr = sym.cse(expr, "_result")
         from grudge.symbolic.mappers.type_inference import TypeInferrer
         self.typedict = TypeInferrer()(expr, type_hints)
@@ -702,7 +702,9 @@ class OperatorCompiler(mappers.IdentityMapper):
         # Finally, walk the expression and build the code.
         result = super(OperatorCompiler, self).__call__(expr)
-        return Code(self.aggregate_assignments(self.code, result), result)
+        # FIXME: Reenable assignment aggregation
+        #return Code(self.aggregate_assignments(self.code, result), result)
+        return Code(self.code, result)
     # }}}
diff --git a/grudge/symbolic/mappers/__init__.py b/grudge/symbolic/mappers/__init__.py
index ed8ff2341fed41a0476003eae49f5a5c944e09e2..14fea40a18c1edf788ee660d80a479a12a3e4bfa 100644
--- a/grudge/symbolic/mappers/__init__.py
+++ b/grudge/symbolic/mappers/__init__.py
@@ -186,10 +186,6 @@ class IdentityMapperMixin(LocalOpReducerMixin, FluxOpReducerMixin):
     map_ones = map_scalar_parameter
     map_node_coordinate_component = map_scalar_parameter
-    map_normal_component = map_elementwise_linear
-    map_jacobian = map_scalar_parameter
-    map_inverse_metric_derivative = map_scalar_parameter
-    map_forward_metric_derivative = map_scalar_parameter
     map_nodal_sum = map_elementwise_linear
     map_nodal_min = map_elementwise_linear
@@ -258,11 +254,6 @@ class DependencyMapper(
     map_ones = _map_leaf
     map_node_coordinate_component = _map_leaf
-    map_normal_component = _map_leaf
-    map_jacobian = _map_leaf
-    map_forward_metric_derivative = _map_leaf
-    map_inverse_metric_derivative = _map_leaf
 class FlopCounter(
@@ -283,13 +274,6 @@ class FlopCounter(
     def map_node_coordinate_component(self, expr):
         return 0
-    def map_normal_component(self, expr):
-        return 0
-    map_jacobian = map_normal_component
-    map_forward_metric_derivative = map_normal_component
-    map_inverse_metric_derivative = map_normal_component
 class IdentityMapper(
@@ -475,27 +459,6 @@ class OperatorSpecializer(CSECachingMapperMixin, IdentityMapper):
             return IdentityMapper.map_operator_binding(self, expr)
-    def map_normal_component(self, expr):
-        from grudge.symbolic.mappers.type_inference import (
-                NodalRepresentation)
-        expr_type = self.typedict[expr]
-        if not isinstance(
-                expr_type.repr_tag,
-                NodalRepresentation):
-            from grudge.symbolic.primitives import (
-                    BoundaryNormalComponent)
-            # for now, parts of this are implemented.
-            raise NotImplementedError("normal components on quad. grids")
-            return BoundaryNormalComponent(
-                    expr.boundary_tag, expr.axis,
-                    expr_type.repr_tag.quadrature_tag)
-        # a leaf, doesn't change
-        return expr
 # }}}
@@ -506,25 +469,32 @@ class GlobalToReferenceMapper(CSECachingMapperMixin, IdentityMapper):
     reference elements, together with explicit multiplication by geometric factors.
-    def __init__(self, dimensions):
+    def __init__(self, ambient_dim, dim=None):
-        self.dimensions = dimensions
+        if dim is None:
+            dim = ambient_dim
+        self.ambient_dim = ambient_dim
+        self.dim = dim
     map_common_subexpression_uncached = \
     def map_operator_binding(self, expr):
-        from grudge.symbolic.primitives import (
-                Jacobian, InverseMetricDerivative)
         # Global-to-reference is run after operator specialization, so
         # if we encounter non-quadrature operators here, we know they
         # must be nodal.
-        def rewrite_derivative(ref_class, field, quadrature_tag=None,
+        jac_notag = sym.area_element(self.ambient_dim, self.dim,
+                where=expr.op.where, quadrature_tag=None)
+        def rewrite_derivative(ref_class, field, quadrature_tag, where,
+            jac_tag = sym.area_element(self.ambient_dim, self.dim,
+                    where=expr.op.where, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag)
             if quadrature_tag is not None:
                 diff_kwargs = dict(quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag)
@@ -532,43 +502,50 @@ class GlobalToReferenceMapper(CSECachingMapperMixin, IdentityMapper):
             rec_field = self.rec(field)
             if with_jacobian:
-                rec_field = Jacobian(quadrature_tag) * rec_field
-            return sum(InverseMetricDerivative(None, rst_axis, expr.op.xyz_axis) *
+                rec_field = jac_tag * rec_field
+            return sum(
+                    sym.inverse_metric_derivative(
+                        rst_axis, expr.op.xyz_axis,
+                        ambient_dim=self.ambient_dim, dim=self.dim) *
                     ref_class(rst_axis, **diff_kwargs)(rec_field)
                     for rst_axis in range(self.dimensions))
         if isinstance(expr.op, op.MassOperator):
             return op.ReferenceMassOperator()(
-                    Jacobian(None) * self.rec(expr.field))
+                    jac_notag * self.rec(expr.field))
         elif isinstance(expr.op, op.QuadratureMassOperator):
+            jac_tag = sym.area_element(self.ambient_dim, self.dim,
+                    where=expr.op.where,
+                    quadrature_tag=expr.op.quadrature_tag)
             return op.ReferenceQuadratureMassOperator(
-                    expr.op.quadrature_tag)(
-                            Jacobian(expr.op.quadrature_tag) * self.rec(expr.field))
+                    expr.op.quadrature_tag, expr.op.where)(
+                            jac_tag * self.rec(expr.field))
         elif isinstance(expr.op, op.InverseMassOperator):
-            return op.ReferenceInverseMassOperator()(
-                1/Jacobian(None) * self.rec(expr.field))
+            return op.ReferenceInverseMassOperator(expr.op.where)(
+                1/jac_notag * self.rec(expr.field))
         elif isinstance(expr.op, op.StiffnessOperator):
-            return op.ReferenceMassOperator()(Jacobian(None) *
+            return op.ReferenceMassOperator(expr.op.where)(jac_notag *
         elif isinstance(expr.op, op.DifferentiationOperator):
             return rewrite_derivative(
-                    expr.field, with_jacobian=False)
+                    expr.field, where=expr.op.where, with_jacobian=False)
         elif isinstance(expr.op, op.StiffnessTOperator):
             return rewrite_derivative(
-                    expr.field)
+                    expr.field, where=expr.op.where)
         elif isinstance(expr.op, op.QuadratureStiffnessTOperator):
             return rewrite_derivative(
-                    expr.field, quadrature_tag=expr.op.quadrature_tag)
+                    expr.field, quadrature_tag=expr.op.quadrature_tag,
+                    where=expr.op.where)
         elif isinstance(expr.op, op.MInvSTOperator):
             return self.rec(
@@ -590,6 +567,18 @@ class StringifyMapper(pymbolic.mapper.stringifier.StringifyMapper):
             return repr(tag)
+    def _format_op_props(self, op):
+        result = ""
+        if hasattr(op, "where") and op.where is not None:
+            result += "@"+self._format_btag(op)
+        if (hasattr(op, "quadrature_tag")
+                and op.quadrature_tag is not None):
+            result += "Q[%s]" % self.quadrature_tag
+        return result
     def __init__(self, constant_mapper=str, flux_stringify_mapper=None):
                 self, constant_mapper=constant_mapper)
@@ -623,20 +612,21 @@ class StringifyMapper(pymbolic.mapper.stringifier.StringifyMapper):
     # {{{ global differentiation
     def map_diff(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "Diffx%d" % expr.xyz_axis
+        return "Diffx%d%s" % (expr.xyz_axi, self._format_op_props(expr))
     def map_minv_st(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "MInvSTx%d" % expr.xyz_axis
+        return "MInvSTx%d%s" % (expr.xyz_axi, self._format_op_props(expr))
     def map_stiffness(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "Stiffx%d" % expr.xyz_axis
+        return "Stiffx%d%s" % (expr.xyz_axi, self._format_op_props(expr))
     def map_stiffness_t(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "StiffTx%d" % expr.xyz_axis
+        return "StiffTx%d%s" % (expr.xyz_axis, self._format_op_props(expr))
     def map_quad_stiffness_t(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "Q[%s]StiffTx%d" % (
-                expr.quadrature_tag, expr.xyz_axis)
+        return "StiffTx%d%s" % (
+                expr.input_quadrature_tag, expr.xyz_axis,
+                self._format_op_props(expr))
     # }}}
     # {{{ global mass
@@ -654,31 +644,34 @@ class StringifyMapper(pymbolic.mapper.stringifier.StringifyMapper):
     # {{{ reference differentiation
     def map_ref_diff(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "Diffr%d" % expr.rst_axis
+        return "Diffr%d%s" % (expr.rst_axis, self._format_op_props(expr))
     def map_ref_stiffness_t(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "StiffTr%d" % expr.rst_axis
+        return "StiffTr%d%s" % (expr.rst_axis, self._format_op_props(expr))
     def map_ref_quad_stiffness_t(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "Q[%s]StiffTr%d" % (
-                expr.quadrature_tag, expr.rst_axis)
+        return "StiffTr%dQ[%s]%s" % (
+                expr.input_quadrature_tag, expr.rst_axis,
+                self._format_op_props(expr))
     # }}}
     # {{{ reference mass
     def map_ref_mass(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "RefM"
+        return "RefM" + self._format_op_props(expr)
     def map_ref_inverse_mass(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "RefInvM"
+        return "RefInvM" + self._format_op_props(expr)
     def map_ref_quad_mass(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "RefQ[%s]M" % expr.quadrature_tag
+        return "RefM" + self._format_op_props(expr)
     # }}}
     def map_elementwise_linear(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "ElWLin:%s" % expr.__class__.__name__
+        return "ElWLin:%s%s" % (
+                expr.__class__.__name__,
+                self._format_op_props(expr))
     # {{{ flux
@@ -723,10 +716,12 @@ class StringifyMapper(pymbolic.mapper.stringifier.StringifyMapper):
     # }}}
     def map_elementwise_max(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "ElWMax"
+        return "ElWMax" + self._format_op_props(expr)
     def map_boundarize(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "Boundarize<tag=%s>" % self._format_btag(expr.tag)
+        return "Boundarize<tag=%s>%s" % (
+                self._format_btag(expr.tag),
+                self._format_op_props(expr))
     def map_flux_exchange(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
         from pymbolic.mapper.stringifier import PREC_NONE
@@ -734,10 +729,7 @@ class StringifyMapper(pymbolic.mapper.stringifier.StringifyMapper):
                 ", ".join(self.rec(arg, PREC_NONE) for arg in expr.arg_fields))
     def map_ones(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        if expr.quadrature_tag is None:
-            return "Ones"
-        else:
-            return "Q[%s]Ones" % expr.quadrature_tag
+        return "Ones" + self._format_op_props(expr)
     # {{{ geometry data
@@ -747,33 +739,6 @@ class StringifyMapper(pymbolic.mapper.stringifier.StringifyMapper):
             return ("Q[%s]x[%d]" % (expr.quadrature_tag, expr.axis))
-    def map_normal_component(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        if expr.quadrature_tag is None:
-            return ("Normal<tag=%s>[%d]"
-                    % (self._format_btag(expr.boundary_tag), expr.axis))
-        else:
-            return ("Q[%s]Normal<tag=%s>[%d]"
-                    % (expr.quadrature_tag, self._format_btag(expr.boundary_tag),
-                        expr.axis))
-    def map_jacobian(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        if expr.quadrature_tag is None:
-            return "Jac"
-        else:
-            return "JacQ[%s]" % expr.quadrature_tag
-    def map_forward_metric_derivative(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        result = "dx%d/dr%d" % (expr.xyz_axis, expr.rst_axis)
-        if expr.quadrature_tag is not None:
-            result += "Q[%s]" % expr.quadrature_tag
-        return result
-    def map_inverse_metric_derivative(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        result = "dr%d/dx%d" % (expr.rst_axis, expr.xyz_axis)
-        if expr.quadrature_tag is not None:
-            result += "Q[%s]" % expr.quadrature_tag
-        return result
     # }}}
     def map_operator_binding(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
@@ -789,14 +754,11 @@ class StringifyMapper(pymbolic.mapper.stringifier.StringifyMapper):
         return "ScalarPar[%s]" % expr.name
     def map_quad_grid_upsampler(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "ToQ[%s]" % expr.quadrature_tag
+        return "Upsamp" + self._format_op_props(expr)
     def map_quad_int_faces_grid_upsampler(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
         return "ToIntFaceQ[%s]" % expr.quadrature_tag
-    def map_quad_bdry_grid_upsampler(self, expr, enclosing_prec):
-        return "ToBdryQ[%s,%s]" % (expr.quadrature_tag, expr.boundary_tag)
 class PrettyStringifyMapper(
@@ -1200,10 +1162,6 @@ class _InnerDerivativeJoiner(pymbolic.mapper.RecursiveMapper):
         return DerivativeJoiner()(expr)
     map_node_coordinate_component = map_algebraic_leaf
-    map_normal_component = map_algebraic_leaf
-    map_jacobian = map_algebraic_leaf
-    map_inverse_metric_derivative = map_algebraic_leaf
-    map_forward_metric_derivative = map_algebraic_leaf
 class DerivativeJoiner(CSECachingMapperMixin, IdentityMapper):
@@ -1385,10 +1343,6 @@ class CollectorMixin(OperatorReducerMixin, LocalOpReducerMixin, FluxOpReducerMix
     map_variable = map_constant
     map_ones = map_constant
     map_node_coordinate_component = map_constant
-    map_normal_component = map_constant
-    map_jacobian = map_constant
-    map_forward_metric_derivative = map_constant
-    map_inverse_metric_derivative = map_constant
     map_scalar_parameter = map_constant
     map_c_function = map_constant
@@ -1433,12 +1387,9 @@ class BoundaryTagCollector(CollectorMixin, CombineMapper):
         return set([bpair.tag])
-class GeometricFactorCollector(CollectorMixin, CombineMapper):
-    def map_jacobian(self, expr):
-        return set([expr])
-    map_forward_metric_derivative = map_jacobian
-    map_inverse_metric_derivative = map_jacobian
+# I'm not sure this works still.
+#class GeometricFactorCollector(CollectorMixin, CombineMapper):
+#    pass
 class BoundOperatorCollector(CSECachingMapperMixin, CollectorMixin, CombineMapper):
diff --git a/grudge/symbolic/operators.py b/grudge/symbolic/operators.py
index c74b083bbde5a2b9afefc638378099c624be2175..923092142e1d7ecf7ee11d596aced56d32c79054 100644
--- a/grudge/symbolic/operators.py
+++ b/grudge/symbolic/operators.py
@@ -35,6 +35,16 @@ from pytools import Record, memoize_method
 # {{{ base classes
 class Operator(pymbolic.primitives.Leaf):
+    """
+    .. attribute:: where
+        *None* for the default volume discretization or a boundary
+        tag for an operation on the denoted part of the boundary.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, where=None):
+        self.where = where
     def stringifier(self):
         from grudge.symbolic.mappers import StringifyMapper
         return StringifyMapper
@@ -73,17 +83,15 @@ class Operator(pymbolic.primitives.Leaf):
         return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and \
                 self.__getinitargs__() == other.__getinitargs__()
-class StatelessOperator(Operator):
     def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return ()
+        return (self.where,)
 # }}}
 # {{{ sum, integral, max
-class NodalReductionOperator(StatelessOperator):
+class NodalReductionOperator(Operator):
@@ -159,12 +167,12 @@ class QuadratureStiffnessTOperator(DiffOperatorBase):
         in favor of operators on the reference element.
-    def __init__(self, xyz_axis, quadrature_tag):
-        DiffOperatorBase.__init__(self, xyz_axis)
-        self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
+    def __init__(self, xyz_axis, input_quadrature_tag, where=None):
+        super(QuadratureStiffnessTOperator, self).__init__(xyz_axis, where=where)
+        self.input_quadrature_tag = input_quadrature_tag
     def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.xyz_axis, self.quadrature_tag)
+        return (self.xyz_axis, self.input_quadrature_tag, self.where)
     mapper_method = intern("map_quad_stiffness_t")
@@ -179,16 +187,15 @@ def DiffOperatorVector(els):
 # {{{ reference-element differentiation
 class ReferenceDiffOperatorBase(Operator):
-    def __init__(self, rst_axis):
-        Operator.__init__(self)
+    def __init__(self, rst_axis, where=None):
+        super(ReferenceDiffOperatorBase, self).__init__(where)
         self.rst_axis = rst_axis
+        if self.where is None:
+            1/0
     def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.rst_axis,)
-    def preimage_ranges(self, eg):
-        return eg.ranges
+        return (self.rst_axis, self.where)
     def equal_except_for_axis(self, other):
         return (type(self) == type(other)
@@ -197,18 +204,10 @@ class ReferenceDiffOperatorBase(Operator):
 class ReferenceDifferentiationOperator(ReferenceDiffOperatorBase):
-    @staticmethod
-    def matrices(element_group):
-        return element_group.differentiation_matrices
     mapper_method = intern("map_ref_diff")
 class ReferenceStiffnessTOperator(ReferenceDiffOperatorBase):
-    @staticmethod
-    def matrices(element_group):
-        return element_group.stiffness_t_matrices
     mapper_method = intern("map_ref_stiffness_t")
@@ -221,22 +220,17 @@ class ReferenceQuadratureStiffnessTOperator(ReferenceDiffOperatorBase):
         when a :class:`StiffnessTOperator` is applied to a quadrature field.
-    def __init__(self, rst_axis, quadrature_tag):
-        ReferenceDiffOperatorBase.__init__(self, rst_axis)
-        self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
+    def __init__(self, rst_axis, input_quadrature_tag, where=None):
+        ReferenceDiffOperatorBase.__init__(self, rst_axis, where)
+        self.input_quadrature_tag = input_quadrature_tag
     def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.rst_axis, self.quadrature_tag)
+        return (self.rst_axis,
+                self.input_quadrature_tag,
+                self.where)
     mapper_method = intern("map_ref_quad_stiffness_t")
-    def preimage_ranges(self, eg):
-        return eg.quadrature_info[self.quadrature_tag].ranges
-    def matrices(self, element_group):
-        return element_group.quadrature_info[self.quadrature_tag] \
-                .ldis_quad_info.stiffness_t_matrices()
 # }}}
 # }}}
@@ -254,7 +248,7 @@ class ElementwiseLinearOperator(Operator):
     mapper_method = intern("map_elementwise_linear")
-class ElementwiseMaxOperator(StatelessOperator):
+class ElementwiseMaxOperator(Operator):
     mapper_method = intern("map_elementwise_max")
@@ -267,8 +261,9 @@ class QuadratureGridUpsampler(Operator):
     In pre-processing, the boundary quad interpolation is specialized to
     a separate operator, :class:`QuadratureBoundaryGridUpsampler`.
-    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag):
+    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag, where=None):
         self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
+        self.where = where
     def __getinitargs__(self):
         return (self.quadrature_tag,)
@@ -291,24 +286,6 @@ class QuadratureInteriorFacesGridUpsampler(Operator):
     mapper_method = intern("map_quad_int_faces_grid_upsampler")
-class QuadratureBoundaryGridUpsampler(Operator):
-    """
-    .. note::
-        This operator is purely for internal use. It is inserted
-        by :class:`grudge.symbolic.mappers.OperatorSpecializer`
-        when a :class:`MassOperator` is applied to a quadrature field.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag, boundary_tag):
-        self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
-        self.boundary_tag = boundary_tag
-    def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.quadrature_tag, self.boundary_tag)
-    mapper_method = intern("map_quad_bdry_grid_upsampler")
 # }}}
@@ -345,7 +322,7 @@ class FilterOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator):
         return mat
-class OnesOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
+class OnesOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator):
     def matrix(self, eg):
         ldis = eg.local_discretization
@@ -353,7 +330,7 @@ class OnesOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
         return np.ones((node_count, node_count), dtype=np.float64)
-class AveragingOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
+class AveragingOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator):
     def matrix(self, eg):
         # average matrix, so that AVE*fields = cellaverage(fields)
         # see Hesthaven and Warburton page 227
@@ -367,14 +344,14 @@ class AveragingOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
         return avg_mat
-class InverseVandermondeOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
+class InverseVandermondeOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator):
     def matrix(self, eg):
         return np.asarray(
-class VandermondeOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
+class VandermondeOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator):
     def matrix(self, eg):
         return np.asarray(
@@ -387,7 +364,7 @@ class VandermondeOperator(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
 # {{{ mass operators
-class MassOperatorBase(ElementwiseLinearOperator, StatelessOperator):
+class MassOperatorBase(ElementwiseLinearOperator):
@@ -445,11 +422,12 @@ class ReferenceQuadratureMassOperator(Operator):
         when a :class:`MassOperator` is applied to a quadrature field.
-    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag):
+    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag, where=None):
+        super(Operator, self).__init__(self.where)
         self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
     def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.quadrature_tag,)
+        return (self.quadrature_tag, self.where)
     mapper_method = intern("map_ref_quad_mass")
diff --git a/grudge/symbolic/primitives.py b/grudge/symbolic/primitives.py
index 67543ed20a8eeae22a08fdfab5a8aa2a99775ed7..e5c8c2e276dde519c706e274a85f0d3edbb6980a 100644
--- a/grudge/symbolic/primitives.py
+++ b/grudge/symbolic/primitives.py
@@ -28,10 +28,13 @@ from six.moves import range
 import numpy as np
 import pymbolic.primitives
-from meshmode.mesh import BTAG_ALL
+from meshmode.mesh import BTAG_ALL, BTAG_NONE  # noqa
 from pymbolic.primitives import (  # noqa
-        make_common_subexpression, If, Comparison)
+        cse_scope as cse_scope_base,
+        make_common_subexpression as cse, If, Comparison)
+from pymbolic.geometric_algebra import MultiVector
+from pytools.obj_array import join_fields, make_obj_array  # noqa
 class LeafBase(pymbolic.primitives.AlgebraicLeaf):
@@ -40,8 +43,48 @@ class LeafBase(pymbolic.primitives.AlgebraicLeaf):
         return StringifyMapper
+class VTAG_ALL:
+    """This is used in a 'where' field to denote the volume discretization."""
+    pass
+__doc__ = """
+.. autoclass:: Field
+.. autoclass:: make_sym_vector
+.. autoclass:: make_sym_array
+.. autoclass:: ScalarParameter
+.. autoclass:: CFunction
+.. autoclass:: OperatorBinding
+.. autoclass:: PrioritizedSubexpression
+.. autoclass:: BoundaryPair
+.. autoclass:: Ones
+Geometry data
+.. autoclass:: NodeCoordinateComponent
+.. autofunction:: nodes
+.. autofunction:: mv_nodes
+.. autofunction:: forward_metric_derivative
+.. autofunction:: inverse_metric_derivative
+.. autofunction:: area_element
+.. autofunction:: mv_normal
+.. autofunction:: normal
 # {{{ variables
+class cse_scope(cse_scope_base):  # noqa
+    DISCRETIZATION = "grudge_discretization"
 Field = pymbolic.primitives.Variable
 make_sym_vector = pymbolic.primitives.make_sym_vector
@@ -162,68 +205,64 @@ class BoundaryPair(LeafBase):
 class Ones(LeafBase):
-    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag=None):
+    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag=None, where=None):
+        self.where = where
         self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
     def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.quadrature_tag,)
+        return (self.where, self.quadrature_tag,)
     mapper_method = intern("map_ones")
 # {{{ geometry data
-class NodeCoordinateComponent(LeafBase):
-    def __init__(self, axis, quadrature_tag=None):
-        self.axis = axis
-        self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
-    def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.axis, self.quadrature_tag)
-    mapper_method = intern("map_node_coordinate_component")
+class DiscretizationProperty(LeafBase):
+    """
+    .. attribute:: where
+        *None* for the default volume discretization or a boundary
+        tag for an operation on the denoted part of the boundary.
-def nodes(dim, quadrature_tag=None):
-    return np.array([NodeCoordinateComponent(i, quadrature_tag)
-        for i in range(dim)], dtype=object)
+    .. attribute:: quadrature_tag
+        quadrature tag for the grid on
+        which this geometric factor is needed, or None for
+        nodal representation.
+    """
-class BoundaryNormalComponent(LeafBase):
-    def __init__(self, boundary_tag, axis, quadrature_tag=None):
-        self.boundary_tag = boundary_tag
-        self.axis = axis
+    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag, where=None):
         self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
+        self.where = where
     def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.boundary_tag, self.axis, self.quadrature_tag)
+        return (self.quadrature_tag, self.where)
-    mapper_method = intern("map_normal_component")
+class NodeCoordinateComponent(DiscretizationProperty):
-def normal(tag, dimensions):
-    return np.array([BoundaryNormalComponent(tag, i)
-        for i in range(dimensions)], dtype=object)
+    def __init__(self, axis, quadrature_tag=None, where=None):
+        super(NodeCoordinateComponent, self).__init__(quadrature_tag, where)
+        self.axis = axis
+    def __getinitargs__(self):
+        return (self.axis, self.quadrature_tag)
+    mapper_method = intern("map_node_coordinate_component")
-class GeometricFactorBase(LeafBase):
-    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag):
-        """
-        :param quadrature_tag: quadrature tag for the grid on
-        which this geometric factor is needed, or None for
-        nodal representation.
-        """
-        self.quadrature_tag = quadrature_tag
-    def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.quadrature_tag,)
+def nodes(ambient_dim, quadrature_tag=None, where=None):
+    return np.array([NodeCoordinateComponent(i, quadrature_tag, where)
+        for i in range(ambient_dim)], dtype=object)
-class Jacobian(GeometricFactorBase):
-    mapper_method = intern("map_jacobian")
+def mv_nodes(ambient_dim, quadrature_tag=None, where=None):
+    return MultiVector(
+            nodes(ambient_dim, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag, where=where))
-class ForwardMetricDerivative(GeometricFactorBase):
+def forward_metric_derivative(xyz_axis, rst_axis, where=None,
+        quadrature_tag=None):
     Pointwise metric derivatives representing
@@ -231,48 +270,87 @@ class ForwardMetricDerivative(GeometricFactorBase):
         \frac{d x_{\mathtt{xyz\_axis}} }{d r_{\mathtt{rst\_axis}} }
+    from grudge.symbolic.operators import (
+            ReferenceDifferentiationOperator, QuadratureGridUpsampler)
+    diff_op = ReferenceDifferentiationOperator(
+            rst_axis, where=where)
-    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag, xyz_axis, rst_axis):
-        """
-        :param quadrature_tag: quadrature tag for the grid on
-        which this geometric factor is needed, or None for
-        nodal representation.
-        """
+    result = diff_op(NodeCoordinateComponent(xyz_axis, where=where))
-        GeometricFactorBase.__init__(self, quadrature_tag)
-        self.xyz_axis = xyz_axis
-        self.rst_axis = rst_axis
+    if quadrature_tag is not None:
+        result = QuadratureGridUpsampler(quadrature_tag, where)(result)
-    def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.quadrature_tag, self.xyz_axis, self.rst_axis)
+    return cse(
+            result,
+            prefix="dx%d_dr%d" % (xyz_axis, rst_axis),
+            scope=cse_scope.DISCRETIZATION)
-    mapper_method = intern("map_forward_metric_derivative")
+def parametrization_derivative(ambient_dim, dim=None, where=None,
+        quadrature_tag=None):
+    if dim is None:
+        dim = ambient_dim
-class InverseMetricDerivative(GeometricFactorBase):
-    r"""
-    Pointwise metric derivatives representing
+    par_grad = np.zeros((ambient_dim, dim), np.object)
+    for i in range(ambient_dim):
+        for j in range(dim):
+            par_grad[i, j] = forward_metric_derivative(
+                    i, j, where=where, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag)
-    .. math::
+    from pytools import product
+    return product(MultiVector(vec) for vec in par_grad.T)
-        \frac{d r_{\mathtt{rst\_axis}} }{d x_{\mathtt{xyz\_axis}} }
-    """
-    def __init__(self, quadrature_tag, rst_axis, xyz_axis):
-        """
-        :param quadrature_tag: quadrature tag for the grid on
-        which this geometric factor is needed, or None for
-        nodal representation.
-        """
+def inverse_metric_derivative(rst_axis, xyz_axis, ambient_dim, dim=None,
+        quadrature_tag=None):
+    if dim is None:
+        dim = ambient_dim
-        GeometricFactorBase.__init__(self, quadrature_tag)
-        self.rst_axis = rst_axis
-        self.xyz_axis = xyz_axis
+    if dim != ambient_dim:
+        raise ValueError("not clear what inverse_metric_derivative means if "
+                "the derivative matrix is not square")
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+def pseudoscalar(ambient_dim, dim=None, where=None, quadrature_tag=None):
+    if dim is None:
+        dim = ambient_dim
+    return cse(
+        parametrization_derivative(ambient_dim, dim, where=where,
+            quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag)
+        .project_max_grade(),
+        "pseudoscalar", cse_scope.DISCRETIZATION)
+def area_element(ambient_dim, dim=None, where=None, quadrature_tag=None):
+    return cse(
+            CFunction("sqrt")(
+                pseudoscalar(ambient_dim, dim, where, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag)
+                .norm_squared()),
+            "area_element", cse_scope.DISCRETIZATION)
+def mv_normal(tag, ambient_dim, dim=None, quadrature_tag=None):
+    """Exterior unit normal as a MultiVector."""
+    if dim is None:
+        dim = ambient_dim - 1
+    # Don't be tempted to add a sign here. As it is, it produces
+    # exterior normals for positively oriented curves.
+    pder = (
+            pseudoscalar(ambient_dim, dim, tag, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag)
+            /
+            area_element(ambient_dim, dim, tag, quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag))
+    return cse(pder.I | pder, "normal",
+            cse_scope.DISCRETIZATION)
-    def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.quadrature_tag, self.rst_axis, self.xyz_axis)
-    mapper_method = intern("map_inverse_metric_derivative")
+def normal(tag, ambient_dim, dim=None, quadrature_tag=None):
+    return mv_normal(tag, ambient_dim, dim,
+            quadrature_tag=quadrature_tag).as_vector()
 # }}}