diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 172c3b70e4f141914a163a438495119d00b5eb52..a520df17f99f8343ad33639bdee13125d2136d17 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ distribute-*.tar.gz
 # needed by jenkins env
diff --git a/pyopencl/__init__.py b/pyopencl/__init__.py
index a8bdea15c238a114c5197ebfbd36b91aa3c78e65..bb7e0fb735dbbe84520a28cc024cb8cdf660199a 100644
--- a/pyopencl/__init__.py
+++ b/pyopencl/__init__.py
@@ -340,7 +340,20 @@ def _add_functionality():
     def platform_repr(self):
         return "<pyopencl.Platform '%s' at 0x%x>" % (self.name, self.int_ptr)
+    def platform_get_cl_version(self):
+        import re
+        version_string = self.version
+        match = re.match(r"^OpenCL ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+) .*$", version_string)
+        if match is None:
+            raise RuntimeError("platform %s returned non-conformant "
+                               "platform version string '%s'" %
+                               (self, version_string))
+        return int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2))
     Platform.__repr__ = platform_repr
+    Platform._get_cl_version = platform_get_cl_version
     # }}}
@@ -367,16 +380,7 @@ def _add_functionality():
                 ", ".join(repr(dev) for dev in self.devices))
     def context_get_cl_version(self):
-        import re
-        platform = self.devices[0].platform
-        plat_version_string = platform.version
-        match = re.match(r"^OpenCL ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+) .*$",
-                plat_version_string)
-        if match is None:
-            raise RuntimeError("platform %s returned non-conformant "
-                    "platform version string '%s'" % (platform, plat_version_string))
-        return int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2))
+        return self.devices[0].platform._get_cl_version()
     Context.__repr__ = context_repr
     from pytools import memoize_method
diff --git a/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp b/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp
index af524fd9b7bdb3d984352ce10c2fb63227ad1a88..95ebc9b0448870973aa9843b6c17944d7cc14c87 100644
--- a/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp
+++ b/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp
@@ -4236,6 +4236,13 @@ namespace pyopencl
     PyArray_Descr *tp_descr;
     if (PyArray_DescrConverter(dtype.ptr(), &tp_descr) != NPY_SUCCEED)
       throw py::error_already_set();
+    cl_mem_flags mem_flags;
+    PYOPENCL_CALL_GUARDED(clGetMemObjectInfo,
+            (mem_obj.data(), CL_MEM_FLAGS, sizeof(mem_flags), &mem_flags, 0));
+    if (!(mem_flags & CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR))
+      throw pyopencl::error("MemoryObject.get_host_array", CL_INVALID_VALUE,
+                            "Only MemoryObject with USE_HOST_PTR "
+                            "is supported.");
     py::extract<npy_intp> shape_as_int(shape);
     std::vector<npy_intp> dims;
diff --git a/test/test_wrapper.py b/test/test_wrapper.py
index 2e3636cb11019e4d152e42b9ba1fccae4ce77790..971ca27d6f959b9adb91843acc5038e35d305505 100644
--- a/test/test_wrapper.py
+++ b/test/test_wrapper.py
@@ -629,10 +629,8 @@ def test_wait_for_events(ctx_factory):
     cl.wait_for_events([evt1, evt2])
-def test_unload_compiler(ctx_factory):
-    ctx = ctx_factory()
-    platform = ctx.devices[0].platform
-    if (ctx._get_cl_version() < (1, 2) or
+def test_unload_compiler(platform):
+    if (platform._get_cl_version() < (1, 2) or
             cl.get_cl_header_version() < (1, 2)):
         from pytest import skip
         skip("clUnloadPlatformCompiler is only available in OpenCL 1.2")
@@ -673,6 +671,94 @@ def test_enqueue_task(ctx_factory):
     assert la.norm(a[::-1] - b) == 0
+def test_platform_get_devices(platform):
+    dev_types = [cl.device_type.ACCELERATOR, cl.device_type.ALL,
+                 cl.device_type.CPU, cl.device_type.DEFAULT, cl.device_type.GPU]
+    if (platform._get_cl_version() >= (1, 2) and
+            cl.get_cl_header_version() >= (1, 2)):
+        dev_types.append(cl.device_type.CUSTOM)
+    for dev_type in dev_types:
+        devs = platform.get_devices(dev_type)
+        if dev_type in (cl.device_type.DEFAULT,
+                        cl.device_type.ALL,
+                        getattr(cl.device_type, 'CUSTOM', None)):
+            continue
+        for dev in devs:
+            assert dev.type == dev_type
+def test_user_event(ctx_factory):
+    ctx = ctx_factory()
+    if (ctx._get_cl_version() < (1, 1) and
+            cl.get_cl_header_version() < (1, 1)):
+        from pytest import skip
+        skip("UserEvent is only available in OpenCL 1.1")
+    status = {}
+    def event_waiter1(e, key):
+        e.wait()
+        status[key] = True
+    def event_waiter2(e, key):
+        cl.wait_for_events([e])
+        status[key] = True
+    from threading import Thread
+    from time import sleep
+    evt = cl.UserEvent(ctx)
+    Thread(target=event_waiter1, args=(evt, 1)).start()
+    sleep(.05)
+    if status.get(1, False):
+        raise RuntimeError('UserEvent triggered before set_status')
+    evt.set_status(cl.command_execution_status.COMPLETE)
+    sleep(.05)
+    if not status.get(1, False):
+        raise RuntimeError('UserEvent.wait timeout')
+    assert evt.command_execution_status == cl.command_execution_status.COMPLETE
+    evt = cl.UserEvent(ctx)
+    Thread(target=event_waiter2, args=(evt, 2)).start()
+    sleep(.05)
+    if status.get(2, False):
+        raise RuntimeError('UserEvent triggered before set_status')
+    evt.set_status(cl.command_execution_status.COMPLETE)
+    sleep(.05)
+    if not status.get(2, False):
+        raise RuntimeError('cl.wait_for_events timeout on UserEvent')
+    assert evt.command_execution_status == cl.command_execution_status.COMPLETE
+def test_buffer_get_host_array(ctx_factory):
+    ctx = ctx_factory()
+    mf = cl.mem_flags
+    host_buf = np.random.rand(25).astype(np.float32)
+    buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=host_buf)
+    host_buf2 = buf.get_host_array(25, np.float32)
+    assert (host_buf == host_buf2).all()
+    assert (host_buf.__array_interface__['data'][0] ==
+            host_buf.__array_interface__['data'][0])
+    assert host_buf2.base is buf
+    buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, size=100)
+    try:
+        host_buf2 = buf.get_host_array(25, np.float32)
+        assert False, ("MemoryObject.get_host_array should not accept buffer "
+                       "without USE_HOST_PTR")
+    except cl.LogicError:
+        pass
+    host_buf = np.random.rand(25).astype(np.float32)
+    buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=host_buf)
+    try:
+        host_buf2 = buf.get_host_array(25, np.float32)
+        assert False, ("MemoryObject.get_host_array should not accept buffer "
+                       "without USE_HOST_PTR")
+    except cl.LogicError:
+        pass
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     # make sure that import failures get reported, instead of skipping the tests.
     import pyopencl  # noqa