From eab299d4525d6906a9a15648587317fa2f075e73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sotiris Niarchos <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 12:27:18 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] turned arrays-in-struct test into a full kernel run

 test/ | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index e51740b2..2e8c02b0 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
 import numpy as np
+import pyopencl as cl
 import pyopencl.cltypes as cltypes
 import as cl_tools
+from pyopencl import mem_flags
 from import (  # noqa
         pytest_generate_tests_for_pyopencl as pytest_generate_tests)
@@ -40,16 +42,54 @@ def test_struct_with_array_fields(ctx_factory):
     cl_ctx = ctx_factory()
     device = cl_ctx.devices[0]
-    uint_arr_2 = np.dtype((cltypes.uint, 2))
-    uint_arr_2 = cl_tools.get_or_register_dtype('uint_arr_2', uint_arr_2)
-    uint_arr_3_4 = np.dtype((cltypes.uint, (3, 4)))
-    uint_arr_3_4 = cl_tools.get_or_register_dtype('uint_arr_3_4', uint_arr_3_4)
+    queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx)
     my_struct = np.dtype([
-        ('x', uint_arr_2),
-        ('y', cltypes.float),
-        ('z', uint_arr_3_4)
+        ("x", cltypes.uint, 2),
+        ("y",,
+        ("z", cltypes.uint, (3, 4))
-    my_struct, _ = cl_tools.match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, 'my_struct', my_struct)
+    my_struct, cdecl = cl_tools.match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, "my_struct", my_struct)
+    # a random buffer of 4 structs
+    my_struct_arr = np.array([
+        ([81, 24], -57, [[15, 28, 45,  7], [71, 95, 65, 84], [ 2, 11, 59,  9]]),
+        ([ 5, 20],  47, [[15, 53,  7, 59], [73, 22, 27, 86], [59,  6, 39, 49]]),
+        ([11, 99], -32, [[73, 83,  4, 65], [19, 21, 22, 27], [ 1, 55,  6, 64]]),
+        ([57, 38], -54, [[74, 90, 38, 67], [77, 30, 99, 18], [91,  3, 63, 67]])
+    ], dtype=my_struct)
+    expected_res = []
+    for x in my_struct_arr:
+        expected_res.append(int(np.sum(x[0]) + x[1] + np.sum(x[2])))
+    expected_res = np.array(expected_res,
+    kernel_src = """%s
+    // this kernel sums every number contained in each struct
+    __kernel void array_structs(__global my_struct *structs, __global int *res) {
+        int i = get_global_id(0);
+        my_struct s = structs[i];
+        res[i] = s.x[0] + s.x[1] + s.y;
+        for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
+            for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+                res[i] += s.z[r][c];
+    }""" % cdecl
+    from pyopencl import mem_flags
+    mem_flags1 = mem_flags.READ_ONLY | mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR
+    mem_flags2 = mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY
+    my_struct_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mem_flags1, hostbuf=my_struct_arr)
+    res_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mem_flags2, size=expected_res.nbytes)
+    program = cl.Program(cl_ctx, kernel_src).build()
+    kernel = program.array_structs
+    kernel(queue, (4,), None, my_struct_buf, res_buf)
+    res = np.empty_like(expected_res)
+    cl.enqueue_copy(queue, res, res_buf)
+    assert (res == expected_res).all()
 if __name__ == "__main__":