From 6df1900f1ed28e00cc6a76be5955ef1e2197eca9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Kloeckner <>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2017 18:33:55 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add install instructions using conda forge

 doc/misc.rst | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/misc.rst b/doc/misc.rst
index d783e1cf..9043cf52 100644
--- a/doc/misc.rst
+++ b/doc/misc.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,87 @@
-Installation information is maintained collaboratively on the
-`PyOpenCL Wiki <>`_.
+By far the easiest way to install PyOpenCL is to use the packages available in
+`Conda Forge <>`_. Conda Forge is a repository of
+community-maintained packages for the `Conda <>`_
+package manager.
+On Linux and OS X, the following set of instructions should work:
+#.  Install a version of `miniconda <>`_
+    that fits your system. Both Python 2 and Python 3 work.
+    You can install these pieces of software in your user account and
+    do not need root/administrator privileges.
+    Note that if you already have Continuum Anaconda installed on your system,
+    you may just use that and do *not* need to install Miniconda.
+#.  ``source /WHERE/YOU/INSTALLED/MINICONDA/bin/activate root``
+#.  ``conda config --add channels conda-forge``
+#.  ``conda install pyopencl``
+The analogous steps for Windows should also work.
+Note that PyOpenCL is no fun (i.e. cannot run code).  without an OpenCL device
+driver (a so-called "ICD", for installable client driver) that provides access
+to hardware through OpenCL.  If you get an error message like
+``pyopencl.cffi_cl.LogicError: clGetPlatformIDs failed: <unknown error
+-1001>``, that means you have no OpenCL drivers installed.
+Note that drivers (ICDs) are separate pieces of software from PyOpenCL.  They
+might be provided by your hardware vendor (e.g.  for Nvidia or AMD GPUs). See
+below for instructions on how to make those work with PyOpenCL from Conda
+But OpenCL is not restricted to GPUs--it can easily work with CPUs, too.
+On Linux, type:
+#.  ``conda install pocl``
+to install a CPU-based OpenCL driver on Linux. On Windows, you may install e.g.
+the `OpenCL driver from Intel <>`.
+OS X has support for OpenCL built into the operating system and does not need
+additional software to run code based on PyOpenCL (but see below).
+Now you should be ready to run code based on PyOpenCL, such as the `code
+examples <>`_.
+Using vendor-supplied OpenCL drivers (Linux)
+On Linux, PyOpenCL finds which drivers are installed by looking for files with
+the extension ``.icd`` in a directory. PyOpenCL as installed from Conda will
+look for these files in
+:file:`/WHERE/YOU/INSTALLED/MINICONDA/etc/OpenCL/vendors`.  They are just
+simple text files containing the file names (or fully qualified path names) to
+the shared libraries providing the OpenCL driver.
+If you have other OpenCL drivers installed (such as for your GPU), those will be
+in :file:`/etc/OpenCL/vendors`. You can make them work with PyOpenCL from Conda Forge
+by simply copying them to the above folder.
+Getting a better CPU-based OpenCL driver (OS X)
+OS X has support for both CPU- and GPU-based OpenCL built in. Unfortunately,
+the built-in drivers can be tempermental, and they have not advanced as quickly
+as one might like. To make PyOpenCL use a more up-to-date (and open-source)
+CPU-based OpenCL driver, type the following:
+``conda install osx-pocl-opencl pocl`` (OS X)
+Note that, by installing ``osx-pocl-opencl``, you will no longer be able to
+use PyOpenCL to talk to the system-wide Apple OpenCL drivers. To regain access
+to those drivers, simply uninstall ``osx-pocl-opencl``.
+Installing from source
+Information on how to install PyOpenCL *from source* is maintained collaboratively on the
+`PyOpenCL Wiki <>`_, but that should
+mostly not be necessary.