From ffec7cab44b1385e8d93d9e5631258359dfebb76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Stevens <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 11:36:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] added op counter that distinguishes operations, reg counter
 still in progress

 loopy/     | 164 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/ | 264 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loopy/ b/loopy/
index 60a6e8911..48fda3e04 100755
--- a/loopy/
+++ b/loopy/
@@ -220,6 +220,144 @@ class ExpressionOpCounter(CombineMapper):
         raise NotImplementedError("ExpressionOpCounter encountered slice, "
                                   "map_slice not implemented.")
+class ExpressionOpCounter2(CombineMapper):
+    def __init__(self, knl):
+        self.knl = knl
+        from loopy.expression import TypeInferenceMapper
+        self.type_inf = TypeInferenceMapper(knl)
+    def combine(self, values):
+        return sum(values)
+    def map_constant(self, expr):
+        return ToCountMap()
+    map_tagged_variable = map_constant
+    map_variable = map_constant
+    #def map_wildcard(self, expr):
+    #    return 0,0
+    #def map_function_symbol(self, expr):
+    #    return 0,0
+    map_call = map_constant
+    # def map_call_with_kwargs(self, expr):  # implemented in CombineMapper
+    def map_subscript(self, expr):  # implemented in CombineMapper
+        return self.rec(expr.index)
+    # def map_lookup(self, expr):  # implemented in CombineMapper
+    def map_sum(self, expr):
+        if expr.children:
+            return ToCountMap(
+                        {(self.type_inf(expr), 'add'): len(expr.children)-1}
+                        ) + sum(self.rec(child) for child in expr.children)
+        else:
+            return ToCountMap() #TODO when does this happen?
+    def map_product(self, expr):
+        from pymbolic.primitives import is_zero
+        if expr.children:
+            # Do not count '(-1)* ' (as produced by
+            # subtraction in pymbolic): Assume this
+            # gets implemented as a sign flip or
+            # as subtraction. (Confirmed to be true on
+            # at least Nvidia 352.30.)
+            return sum(ToCountMap({(self.type_inf(expr), 'mul'): 1})
+                       + self.rec(child)
+                       for child in expr.children
+                       if not is_zero(child + 1)) + \
+                       ToCountMap({(self.type_inf(expr), 'mul'): -1})
+        else:
+            return ToCountMap() #TODO when does this happen?
+    def map_quotient(self, expr, *args):
+        return ToCountMap({(self.type_inf(expr), 'div'): 1}) \
+                                + self.rec(expr.numerator) \
+                                + self.rec(expr.denominator)
+    map_floor_div = map_quotient
+    map_remainder = map_quotient  # implemented in CombineMapper
+    def map_power(self, expr):
+        return ToCountMap({(self.type_inf(expr), 'pow'): 1}) \
+                                + self.rec(expr.base) \
+                                + self.rec(expr.exponent)
+    def map_left_shift(self, expr):  # implemented in CombineMapper
+        return ToCountMap({(self.type_inf(expr), 'shift'): 1}) \
+                                + self.rec(expr.shiftee) \
+                                + self.rec(expr.shift)
+    map_right_shift = map_left_shift
+    def map_bitwise_not(self, expr):  # implemented in CombineMapper
+        return ToCountMap({(self.type_inf(expr), 'bw'): 1}) \
+                                + self.rec(expr.child)
+    def map_bitwise_or(self, expr):
+        # implemented in CombineMapper, maps to map_sum;
+        return ToCountMap(
+                        {(self.type_inf(expr), 'bw'): len(expr.children)-1}
+                        ) + sum(self.rec(child) for child in expr.children)
+    map_bitwise_xor = map_bitwise_or
+    # implemented in CombineMapper, maps to map_sum;
+    map_bitwise_and = map_bitwise_or
+    # implemented in CombineMapper, maps to map_sum;
+    def map_comparison(self, expr):  # implemented in CombineMapper
+        return self.rec(expr.left)+self.rec(expr.right)
+    def map_logical_not(self, expr):
+        return self.rec(expr.child)
+    def map_logical_or(self, expr):
+        return sum(self.rec(child) for child in expr.children)
+    map_logical_and = map_logical_or
+    def map_if(self, expr):  # implemented in CombineMapper, recurses
+        warnings.warn("ExpressionOpCounter counting DRAM accesses as "
+                      "sum of if-statement branches.")
+        return self.rec(expr.condition) + self.rec(expr.then) + self.rec(expr.else_)
+    def map_if_positive(self, expr):  # implemented in FlopCounter
+        warnings.warn("ExpressionOpCounter counting DRAM accesses as "
+                      "sum of if_pos-statement branches.")
+        return self.rec(expr.criterion) + self.rec(expr.then) + self.rec(expr.else_)
+    def map_min(self, expr):
+        # implemented in CombineMapper, maps to map_sum;
+        return ToCountMap(
+                        {(self.type_inf(expr), 'maxmin'): len(expr.children)-1}
+                        ) + sum(self.rec(child) for child in expr.children)
+    # implemented in CombineMapper, maps to map_sum;  # TODO test
+    map_max = map_min  # implemented in CombineMapper, maps to map_sum;  # TODO test
+    def map_common_subexpression(self, expr):
+        raise NotImplementedError("ExpressionOpCounter encountered "
+                                  "common_subexpression, "
+                                  "map_common_subexpression not implemented.")
+    def map_substitution(self, expr):
+        raise NotImplementedError("ExpressionOpCounter encountered substitution, "
+                                  "map_substitution not implemented.")
+    def map_derivative(self, expr):
+        raise NotImplementedError("ExpressionOpCounter encountered derivative, "
+                                  "map_derivative not implemented.")
+    def map_slice(self, expr):
+        raise NotImplementedError("ExpressionOpCounter encountered slice, "
+                                  "map_slice not implemented.")
 class GlobalSubscriptCounter(CombineMapper):
@@ -417,6 +555,14 @@ class RegisterUsageEstimator(CombineMapper):
             print("new var found: ", expr)
+            print("knl.temp_vars: \n", self.knl.temporary_variables)
+            print("found in temp_vars? ", in self.knl.temporary_variables)
+            print("found in inames? ", in self.knl.all_inames)
+            #print("knl.vars: \n", self.knl.variables)
+            if in self.knl.temporary_variables:
+                print("local? ", self.knl.temporary_variables[].is_local)
+            #print("local? ", self.knl.temporary_variables[].is_local)
             if "_dim_" in str(expr): #TODO how to remove block/thread size/id vars?
                 return 0
@@ -602,6 +748,24 @@ def get_op_poly(knl):
     return op_poly.dict
+def get_op_poly2(knl):
+    from loopy.preprocess import preprocess_kernel, infer_unknown_types
+    knl = infer_unknown_types(knl, expect_completion=True)
+    knl = preprocess_kernel(knl)
+    op_poly = ToCountMap()
+    op_counter = ExpressionOpCounter2(knl)
+    for insn in knl.instructions:
+        # how many times is this instruction executed?
+        # check domain size:
+        insn_inames = knl.insn_inames(insn)
+        inames_domain = knl.get_inames_domain(insn_inames)
+        domain = (inames_domain.project_out_except(insn_inames, [dim_type.set]))
+        ops = op_counter(insn.assignee) + op_counter(insn.expression)
+        op_poly = op_poly + ops*count(knl, domain)
+    return op_poly.dict
 def get_gmem_access_poly(knl):  # for now just counting subscripts
     """Count the number of global memory accesses in a loopy kernel.
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index ffef1996e..fedf119dd 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from import (  # noqa
         as pytest_generate_tests)
 import loopy as lp
 from loopy.statistics import get_op_poly, get_gmem_access_poly, get_barrier_poly
-from loopy.statistics import get_regs_per_thread
+from loopy.statistics import get_op_poly2, get_regs_per_thread
 import numpy as np
@@ -50,9 +50,10 @@ def test_op_counter_basic():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
-    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
-    f64 = poly[np.dtype(np.float64)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
-    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64 = poly[np.dtype(np.float64)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == 3*n*m*l
     assert f64 == n*m
     assert i32 == n*m*2
@@ -72,7 +73,8 @@ def test_op_counter_reduction():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
-    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == 2*n*m*l
@@ -92,9 +94,10 @@ def test_op_counter_logic():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
-    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
-    f64 = poly[np.dtype(np.float64)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
-    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64 = poly[np.dtype(np.float64)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == n*m
     assert f64 == 3*n*m
     assert i32 == n*m
@@ -118,9 +121,10 @@ def test_op_counter_specialops():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
-    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
-    f64 = poly[np.dtype(np.float64)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
-    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64 = poly[np.dtype(np.float64)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == 4*n*m*l
     assert f64 == 3*n*m
     assert i32 == n*m
@@ -147,8 +151,9 @@ def test_op_counter_bitwise():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
-    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
-    i64 = poly[np.dtype(np.int64)].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})  # noqa
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i64 = poly[np.dtype(np.int64)].eval_with_dict(params)  # noqa
     assert np.dtype(np.float64) not in poly
     assert i32 == n*m+3*n*m*l
     assert i64 == 6*n*m
@@ -185,6 +190,152 @@ def test_op_counter_triangular_domain():
         assert flops == 78
+def test_op_counter2_basic():
+    knl = lp.make_kernel(
+            "[n,m,l] -> {[i,k,j]: 0<=i<n and 0<=k<m and 0<=j<l}",
+            [
+                """
+                c[i, j, k] = a[i,j,k]*b[i,j,k]/3.0+a[i,j,k]
+                e[i, k+1] = -g[i,k]*h[i,k+1]
+                """
+            ],
+            name="basic", assumptions="n,m,l >= 1")
+    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl,
+                        dict(a=np.float32, b=np.float32, g=np.float64, h=np.float64))
+    poly = get_op_poly2(knl)
+    n = 512
+    m = 256
+    l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32add = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f32mul = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'mul')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f32div = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'div')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64mul = poly[(np.dtype(np.float64), 'mul')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i32add = poly[(np.dtype(np.int32), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    assert f32add == f32mul == f32div == n*m*l
+    assert f64mul == n*m
+    assert i32add == n*m*2
+def test_op_counter2_reduction():
+    knl = lp.make_kernel(
+            "{[i,k,j]: 0<=i<n and 0<=k<m and 0<=j<l}",
+            [
+                "c[i, j] = sum(k, a[i, k]*b[k, j])"
+            ],
+            name="matmul_serial", assumptions="n,m,l >= 1")
+    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, dict(a=np.float32, b=np.float32))
+    poly = get_op_poly2(knl)
+    n = 512
+    m = 256
+    l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32add = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f32mul = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'mul')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    assert f32add == f32mul == n*m*l
+def test_op_counter2_logic():
+    knl = lp.make_kernel(
+            "{[i,k,j]: 0<=i<n and 0<=k<m and 0<=j<l}",
+            [
+                """
+                e[i,k] = if(not(k<l-2) and k>6 or k/2==l, g[i,k]*2, g[i,k]+h[i,k]/2)
+                """
+            ],
+            name="logic", assumptions="n,m,l >= 1")
+    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, dict(g=np.float32, h=np.float64))
+    poly = get_op_poly2(knl)
+    n = 512
+    m = 256
+    l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32mul = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'mul')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64add = poly[(np.dtype(np.float64), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64div = poly[(np.dtype(np.float64), 'div')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i32add = poly[(np.dtype(np.int32), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    #f32 = poly[np.dtype(np.float32)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    #f64 = poly[np.dtype(np.float64)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    #i32 = poly[np.dtype(np.int32)].eval_with_dict(params)
+    assert f32mul == n*m
+    #assert f64 == 3*n*m
+    assert f64div == 2*n*m  #TODO why?
+    assert f64add == n*m
+    assert i32add == n*m
+def test_op_counter2_specialops():
+    knl = lp.make_kernel(
+            "{[i,k,j]: 0<=i<n and 0<=k<m and 0<=j<l}",
+            [
+                """
+                c[i, j, k] = (2*a[i,j,k])%(2+b[i,j,k]/3.0)
+                e[i, k] = (1+g[i,k])**(1+h[i,k+1])
+                """
+            ],
+            name="specialops", assumptions="n,m,l >= 1")
+    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl,
+                        dict(a=np.float32, b=np.float32, g=np.float64, h=np.float64))
+    poly = get_op_poly2(knl)
+    n = 512
+    m = 256
+    l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    f32mul = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'mul')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f32div = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'div')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f32add = poly[(np.dtype(np.float32), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64pow = poly[(np.dtype(np.float64), 'pow')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    f64add = poly[(np.dtype(np.float64), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i32add = poly[(np.dtype(np.int32), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    assert f32div == 2*n*m*l
+    assert f32mul == f32add == n*m*l
+    assert f64add == 2*n*m
+    assert f64pow == i32add == n*m
+def test_op_counter2_bitwise():
+    knl = lp.make_kernel(
+            "{[i,k,j]: 0<=i<n and 0<=k<m and 0<=j<l}",
+            [
+                """
+                c[i, j, k] = (a[i,j,k] | 1) + (b[i,j,k] & 1)
+                e[i, k] = (g[i,k] ^ k)*(~h[i,k+1]) + (g[i, k] << (h[i,k] >> k))
+                """
+            ],
+            name="bitwise", assumptions="n,m,l >= 1")
+    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(
+            knl, dict(
+                a=np.int32, b=np.int32,
+                g=np.int64, h=np.int64))
+    poly = get_op_poly2(knl)
+    n = 512
+    m = 256
+    l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    i32add = poly[(np.dtype(np.int32), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i32bw = poly[(np.dtype(np.int32), 'bw')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i64bw = poly[(np.dtype(np.int64), 'bw')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i64mul = poly[(np.dtype(np.int64), 'mul')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i64add = poly[(np.dtype(np.int64), 'add')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    i64shift = poly[(np.dtype(np.int64), 'shift')].eval_with_dict(params)
+    assert i32add == n*m+n*m*l
+    assert i32bw == 2*n*m*l
+    assert i64bw == 2*n*m
+    assert i64add == i64mul == n*m
+    assert i64shift == 2*n*m
 def test_gmem_access_counter_basic():
     knl = lp.make_kernel(
@@ -203,21 +354,22 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_basic():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     f32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'uniform', 'load')
-                   ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                   ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f64 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'load')
-                   ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                   ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == 3*n*m*l
     assert f64 == 2*n*m
     f32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'uniform', 'store')
-                   ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                   ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f64 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'store')
-                   ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                   ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == n*m*l
     assert f64 == n*m
@@ -236,14 +388,15 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_reduction():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     f32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'uniform', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == 2*n*m*l
     f32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'uniform', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == n*l
@@ -263,18 +416,19 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_logic():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     f32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'uniform', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f64 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == 2*n*m
     assert f64 == n*m
     f64 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f64 == n*m
@@ -296,21 +450,22 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_specialops():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     f32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'uniform', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f64 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == 2*n*m*l
     assert f64 == 2*n*m
     f32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'uniform', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f64 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32 == n*m*l
     assert f64 == n*m
@@ -336,14 +491,15 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_bitwise():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     i32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.int32), 'uniform', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert i32 == 4*n*m+2*n*m*l
     i32 = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.int32), 'uniform', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert i32 == n*m+n*m*l
@@ -367,21 +523,22 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_mixed():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     f64uniform = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f32nonconsec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'nonconsecutive', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f64uniform == 2*n*m
     assert f32nonconsec == 3*n*m*l
     f64uniform = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'uniform', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f32nonconsec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'nonconsecutive', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f64uniform == n*m
     assert f32nonconsec == n*m*l
@@ -406,21 +563,22 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_nonconsec():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     f64nonconsec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'nonconsecutive', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f32nonconsec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'nonconsecutive', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f64nonconsec == 2*n*m
     assert f32nonconsec == 3*n*m*l
     f64nonconsec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'nonconsecutive', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f32nonconsec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'nonconsecutive', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f64nonconsec == n*m
     assert f32nonconsec == n*m*l
@@ -444,22 +602,23 @@ def test_gmem_access_counter_consec():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
     f64consec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'consecutive', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f32consec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'consecutive', 'load')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f64consec == 2*n*m
     assert f32consec == 3*n*m*l
     f64consec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float64), 'consecutive', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f32consec = poly[
                     (np.dtype(np.float32), 'consecutive', 'store')
-                    ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                    ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f64consec == n*m
     assert f32consec == n*m*l
@@ -482,7 +641,8 @@ def test_barrier_counter_nobarriers():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
-    barrier_count = poly.eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    barrier_count = poly.eval_with_dict(params)
     assert barrier_count == 0
@@ -507,10 +667,11 @@ def test_barrier_counter_barriers():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
-    barrier_count = poly.eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
+    barrier_count = poly.eval_with_dict(params)
     assert barrier_count == 50*10*2
 def test_reg_counter_basic():
     knl = lp.make_kernel(
@@ -526,7 +687,7 @@ def test_reg_counter_basic():
     knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl,
                         dict(a=np.float32, b=np.float32, g=np.float64, h=np.float64))
     regs = get_regs_per_thread(knl)
-    #1/0
+    1/0
     assert regs == 6
@@ -596,7 +757,7 @@ def test_reg_counter_bitwise():
                 g=np.int64, h=np.int64))
     regs = get_regs_per_thread(knl)
     assert regs == 6
 def test_all_counters_parallel_matmul():
@@ -613,17 +774,18 @@ def test_all_counters_parallel_matmul():
     n = 512
     m = 256
     l = 128
+    params = {'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l}
-    barrier_count = get_barrier_poly(knl).eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+    barrier_count = get_barrier_poly(knl).eval_with_dict(params)
     assert barrier_count == 0
     op_map = get_op_poly(knl)
     f32ops = op_map[
-                        ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                        ].eval_with_dict(params)
     i32ops = op_map[
-                        ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                        ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32ops == n*m*l*2
     assert i32ops == n*m*l*4 + l*n*4
@@ -631,17 +793,17 @@ def test_all_counters_parallel_matmul():
     subscript_map = get_gmem_access_poly(knl)
     f32uncoal = subscript_map[
                         (np.dtype(np.float32), 'nonconsecutive', 'load')
-                        ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                        ].eval_with_dict(params)
     f32coal = subscript_map[
                         (np.dtype(np.float32), 'consecutive', 'load')
-                        ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                        ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32uncoal == n*m*l
     assert f32coal == n*m*l
     f32coal = subscript_map[
                         (np.dtype(np.float32), 'consecutive', 'store')
-                        ].eval_with_dict({'n': n, 'm': m, 'l': l})
+                        ].eval_with_dict(params)
     assert f32coal == n*l