diff --git a/gen_wrap.py b/gen_wrap.py
index 4ea74e69b8cb3d22d8bd94b1d003bc6d2cb40b32..4b55f0a619596f9ee0b82f03921c77b8934e9baf 100644
--- a/gen_wrap.py
+++ b/gen_wrap.py
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ class Method:
         # /!\ Order matters, class names that are prefixes of others should go last.
-        "options",
         # lists
@@ -468,13 +467,8 @@ else:
         def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-        "equality": "constraint",
-        "inequality": "constraint",
-        "options": "ctx",
-        }
 SAFE_TYPES = list(ENUMS) + ["int", "unsigned", "uint32_t", "size_t", "double",
         "long", "unsigned long"]
@@ -764,14 +758,9 @@ class FunctionData:
         for cls in CLASSES:
             if name.startswith(cls):
                 found_class = True
+                name = name[len(cls)+1:]
-        if found_class:
-            name = name[len(cls)+1:]
-        if name.startswith("2"):
-            name = "two_"+name[1:]
         # Don't be tempted to chop off "_val"--the "_val" versions of
         # some methods are incompatible with the isl_int ones.
@@ -783,10 +772,16 @@ class FunctionData:
         # names are carried over to the Python level.
         if not found_class:
-            for fake_cls, cls in CLASS_MAP.items():
-                if name.startswith(fake_cls):
-                    found_class = True
-                    break
+            if name.startswith("options_"):
+                found_class = True
+                cls = "ctx"
+                name = name[len("options_"):]
+            elif name.startswith("equality_") or name.startswith("inequality_"):
+                found_class = True
+                cls = "constraint"
+        if name.startswith("2"):
+            name = "two_"+name[1:]
         assert found_class, name
@@ -800,7 +795,7 @@ class FunctionData:
             name = name + "_"
         if cls == "options":
-            assert name.startswith("set_") or name.startswith("get_")
+            assert name.startswith("set_") or name.startswith("get_"), (name, c_name)
             name = name[:4]+"option_"+name[4:]
         words = return_base_type.split()
diff --git a/islpy/__init__.py b/islpy/__init__.py
index 714c487390e265a7629dd5a62ca13c74dbe6dd04..d11c7089c1b863d8f592a5ffe9df3639e72b0b60 100644
--- a/islpy/__init__.py
+++ b/islpy/__init__.py
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ Error = _isl.Error
 # {{{ generated by gen_wrap as name_list.py
-Options = _isl.Options
 Context = _isl.Context
 IdList = _isl.IdList
 ValList = _isl.ValList
@@ -97,28 +96,31 @@ AstNode = _isl.AstNode
 AstPrintOptions = _isl.AstPrintOptions
 AstBuild = _isl.AstBuild
-format = _isl.format
-ast_expr_type = _isl.ast_expr_type
+bound = _isl.bound
+on_error = _isl.on_error
+schedule_algorithm = _isl.schedule_algorithm
 yaml_style = _isl.yaml_style
+ast_op_type = _isl.ast_op_type
+format = _isl.format
 error = _isl.error
+ast_expr_type = _isl.ast_expr_type
+stat = _isl.stat
+ast_node_type = _isl.ast_node_type
 dim_type = _isl.dim_type
 ast_loop_type = _isl.ast_loop_type
-ast_node_type = _isl.ast_node_type
-stat = _isl.stat
 fold = _isl.fold
-ast_op_type = _isl.ast_op_type
-ALL_CLASSES = [Options, Context, IdList, ValList, BasicSetList, BasicMapList,
-        SetList, MapList, UnionSetList, ConstraintList, AffList, PwAffList,
-        BandList, AstExprList, AstNodeList, IdToAstExpr, Printer, Val,
-        MultiVal, Vec, Mat, Aff, PwAff, UnionPwAff, MultiAff, MultiPwAff,
-        PwMultiAff, UnionPwMultiAff, UnionPwAffList, MultiUnionPwAff, Id,
-        Constraint, Space, LocalSpace, BasicSet, BasicMap, Set, Map, UnionMap,
-        UnionSet, Point, Vertex, Cell, Vertices, QPolynomialFold,
-        PwQPolynomialFold, UnionPwQPolynomialFold, UnionPwQPolynomial,
-        QPolynomial, PwQPolynomial, Term, Band, ScheduleConstraints,
-        ScheduleNode, Schedule, AccessInfo, Flow, Restriction, UnionAccessInfo,
-        UnionFlow, AstExpr, AstNode, AstPrintOptions, AstBuild]
+ALL_CLASSES = [Context, IdList, ValList, BasicSetList, BasicMapList, SetList,
+        MapList, UnionSetList, ConstraintList, AffList, PwAffList, BandList,
+        AstExprList, AstNodeList, IdToAstExpr, Printer, Val, MultiVal, Vec,
+        Mat, Aff, PwAff, UnionPwAff, MultiAff, MultiPwAff, PwMultiAff,
+        UnionPwMultiAff, UnionPwAffList, MultiUnionPwAff, Id, Constraint,
+        Space, LocalSpace, BasicSet, BasicMap, Set, Map, UnionMap, UnionSet,
+        Point, Vertex, Cell, Vertices, QPolynomialFold, PwQPolynomialFold,
+        UnionPwQPolynomialFold, UnionPwQPolynomial, QPolynomial, PwQPolynomial,
+        Term, Band, ScheduleConstraints, ScheduleNode, Schedule, AccessInfo,
+        Flow, Restriction, UnionAccessInfo, UnionFlow, AstExpr, AstNode,
+        AstPrintOptions, AstBuild]
 # }}}