#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- def get_config_schema(): from aksetup_helper import ConfigSchema, Option, \ IncludeDir, LibraryDir, Libraries, BoostLibraries, \ Switch, StringListOption, make_boost_base_options import sys if 'darwin' in sys.platform: import platform osx_ver, _, _ = platform.mac_ver() osx_ver = '.'.join(osx_ver.split('.')[:2]) sysroot_paths = [ "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/" "MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX%s.sdk" % osx_ver, "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX%s.sdk" % osx_ver ] default_libs = [] default_cxxflags = ['-arch', 'i386', '-arch', 'x86_64'] from os.path import isdir for srp in sysroot_paths: if isdir(srp): default_cxxflags.extend(['-isysroot', srp]) break default_ldflags = default_cxxflags[:] + ["-Wl,-framework,OpenCL"] else: default_libs = ["OpenCL"] default_cxxflags = [] default_ldflags = [] return ConfigSchema(make_boost_base_options() + [ BoostLibraries("python"), Switch("USE_SHIPPED_BOOST", True, "Use included Boost library"), Switch("CL_TRACE", False, "Enable OpenCL API tracing"), Switch("CL_ENABLE_GL", False, "Enable OpenCL<->OpenGL interoperability"), Switch("CL_ENABLE_DEVICE_FISSION", True, "Enable device fission extension, if present"), Option("CL_PRETEND_VERSION", None, "Dotted CL version (e.g. 1.2) which you'd like to use."), IncludeDir("CL", []), LibraryDir("CL", []), Libraries("CL", default_libs), StringListOption("CXXFLAGS", default_cxxflags, help="Any extra C++ compiler options to include"), StringListOption("LDFLAGS", default_ldflags, help="Any extra linker options to include"), ]) def main(): from aksetup_helper import (hack_distutils, get_config, setup, NumpyExtension, set_up_shipped_boost_if_requested, check_git_submodules) check_git_submodules() hack_distutils() conf = get_config(get_config_schema(), warn_about_no_config=False) EXTRA_OBJECTS, EXTRA_DEFINES = \ set_up_shipped_boost_if_requested("pyopencl", conf) LIBRARY_DIRS = conf["BOOST_LIB_DIR"] LIBRARIES = conf["BOOST_PYTHON_LIBNAME"] EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS = [] EXTRA_DEFINES["PYGPU_PACKAGE"] = "pyopencl" EXTRA_DEFINES["PYGPU_PYOPENCL"] = "1" if conf["CL_TRACE"]: EXTRA_DEFINES["PYOPENCL_TRACE"] = 1 INCLUDE_DIRS = conf["BOOST_INC_DIR"] + conf["CL_INC_DIR"] if conf["CL_ENABLE_GL"]: EXTRA_DEFINES["HAVE_GL"] = 1 if conf["CL_ENABLE_DEVICE_FISSION"]: EXTRA_DEFINES["PYOPENCL_USE_DEVICE_FISSION"] = 1 if conf["CL_PRETEND_VERSION"]: try: major, minor = [int(x) for x in conf["CL_PRETEND_VERSION"].split(".")] EXTRA_DEFINES["PYOPENCL_PRETEND_CL_VERSION"] = \ 0x1000*major + 0x10 * minor except: print("CL_PRETEND_VERSION must be of the form M.N, " "with two integers M and N") raise ver_dic = {} version_file = open("pyopencl/version.py") try: version_file_contents = version_file.read() finally: version_file.close() exec(compile(version_file_contents, "pyopencl/version.py", 'exec'), ver_dic) SEPARATOR = "-"*75 try: from distutils.command.build_py import build_py_2to3 as build_py except ImportError: # 2.x from distutils.command.build_py import build_py try: import mako # noqa except ImportError: print(SEPARATOR) print("Mako is not installed.") print(SEPARATOR) print("That is not a problem, as most of PyOpenCL will be just fine ") print("without it.Some higher-level parts of pyopencl (such as ") print("pyopencl.reduction) will not function without the templating engine ") print("Mako [1] being installed. If you would like this functionality to ") print("work, you might want to install Mako after you finish ") print("installing PyOpenCL.") print("") print("[1] http://www.makotemplates.org/") print(SEPARATOR) print("Hit Ctrl-C now if you'd like to think about the situation.") print(SEPARATOR) from aksetup_helper import count_down_delay count_down_delay(delay=5) might_be_cuda = False for inc_dir in conf["CL_INC_DIR"]: inc_dir = inc_dir.lower() if "nv" in inc_dir or "cuda" in inc_dir: might_be_cuda = True if might_be_cuda and conf["CL_ENABLE_DEVICE_FISSION"]: print(SEPARATOR) print("You might be compiling against Nvidia CUDA with device " "fission enabled.") print(SEPARATOR) print("That is not a problem on CUDA 4.0 and newer. If you are " "using CUDA 3.2,") print("your build will break, because Nvidia shipped a broken CL header in") print("in your version. The fix is to set CL_ENABLE_DEVICE_FISSION to False") print("in your PyOpenCL configuration.") print(SEPARATOR) print("Hit Ctrl-C now if you'd like to think about the situation.") print(SEPARATOR) from aksetup_helper import count_down_delay count_down_delay(delay=5) import sys if sys.version_info >= (3,): pvt_struct_source = "src/wrapper/_pvt_struct_v3.cpp" else: pvt_struct_source = "src/wrapper/_pvt_struct_v2.cpp" setup(name="pyopencl", # metadata version=ver_dic["VERSION_TEXT"], description="Python wrapper for OpenCL", long_description=open("README.rst", "rt").read(), author="Andreas Kloeckner", author_email="inform@tiker.net", license="MIT", url="http://mathema.tician.de/software/pyopencl", classifiers=[ 'Environment :: Console', 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Other Audience', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Programming Language :: C++', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics', ], # build info packages=["pyopencl", "pyopencl.characterize", "pyopencl.compyte"], setup_requires=[ "numpy", ], install_requires=[ "numpy", "pytools>=2014.2", "pytest>=2", "decorator>=3.2.0", "appdirs>=1.4.0", # "Mako>=0.3.6", ], ext_package="pyopencl", ext_modules=[ NumpyExtension("_cl", [ "src/wrapper/wrap_cl.cpp", "src/wrapper/wrap_cl_part_1.cpp", "src/wrapper/wrap_cl_part_2.cpp", "src/wrapper/wrap_constants.cpp", "src/wrapper/wrap_mempool.cpp", "src/wrapper/bitlog.cpp", ]+EXTRA_OBJECTS, include_dirs=INCLUDE_DIRS + EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS, library_dirs=LIBRARY_DIRS + conf["CL_LIB_DIR"], libraries=LIBRARIES + conf["CL_LIBNAME"], define_macros=list(EXTRA_DEFINES.items()), extra_compile_args=conf["CXXFLAGS"], extra_link_args=conf["LDFLAGS"], ), NumpyExtension("_pvt_struct", [pvt_struct_source], extra_compile_args=conf["CXXFLAGS"], extra_link_args=conf["LDFLAGS"], ), ], include_package_data=True, package_data={ "pyopencl": [ "cl/*.cl", "cl/*.h", ] }, # 2to3 invocation cmdclass={'build_py': build_py}, zip_safe=False) if __name__ == '__main__': main()