From decacbed8e4442fe98ece4d4643ef2076210be99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Isuru Fernando <>
Date: Sun, 19 May 2019 18:23:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] fix issues found with Maxwell's

 sumpy/expansion/ | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 sumpy/              | 25 ++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sumpy/expansion/ b/sumpy/expansion/
index a0abecfb..ddf7b899 100644
--- a/sumpy/expansion/
+++ b/sumpy/expansion/
@@ -406,11 +406,8 @@ class LinearPDEBasedExpansionTermsWrangler(ExpansionTermsWrangler):
             s = solve_symbolic(n.T[:, idx_all_exprs], n.T)
             # Filter out coefficients belonging to this expression
-            indices = []
-            for idx in idx_all_exprs:
-                if idx >= offset*iexpr and idx < offset*(iexpr+1):
-                    indices.append(idx)
-            s = s[:len(indices), offset*iexpr:offset*(iexpr+1)]
+            indices = list(filter(lambda x: x < offset, idx_all_exprs))
+            s = s[:len(indices), :offset]
             stored_identifiers = [mis[i] for i in indices]
@@ -586,6 +583,39 @@ class PDE(object):
         return PDE(self.dim, eqs=eqs)
+    def diff(self, mi):
+        eqs = []
+        for eq in self.eqs:
+            new_eq = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+            for ident, v in eq.items():
+                new_mi = add_mi(ident.mi, mi)
+                new_ident = CoeffIdentifier(tuple(new_mi), ident.iexpr)
+                new_eq[new_ident] += v
+            eqs.append(dict(new_eq))
+        return PDE(self.dim, eqs=eqs)
+    def curl(self):
+        assert len(self.eqs) == self.dim
+        if self.dim == 2:
+            f1, f2 = self[0], self[1]
+            return f2.diff((1, 0)) - f1.diff((0, 1))
+        assert self.dim == 3
+        eqs = None
+        for d in range(3):
+            f1, f2 = self[(d+1) % 3], self[(d+2) % 3]
+            mi1 = [0, 0, 0]
+            mi1[(d+1) % 3] = 1
+            mi2 = [0, 0, 0]
+            mi2[(d+2) % 3] = 1
+            new_eqs = f2.diff(mi1) - f1.diff(mi2)
+            if eqs is None:
+                eqs = new_eqs
+            else:
+                eqs = eqs | new_eqs
+        return eqs
     def div(self):
         result = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
         for d, eq in enumerate(self.eqs):
@@ -615,10 +645,9 @@ def process_pde(pde):
                 if s1 == s2:
                 m = nth_root_assume_positive(val1/val2, s2 - s1)
-                if multiplier is None:
+                if multiplier is None and not isinstance(m, (int, sym.Integer)):
                     multiplier = m
-                elif multiplier != m:
-                    return pde, 1
     if multiplier is None:
         return pde, 1
     eqs = []
diff --git a/sumpy/ b/sumpy/
index 695694bf..7f09fb70 100644
--- a/sumpy/
+++ b/sumpy/
@@ -694,15 +694,17 @@ def reduced_row_echelon_form(m):
         scale = mat[index, i]
-        t = mat[index, :]//scale
-        not_exact = (t * scale != mat[index, :])
-        if (np.any(not_exact)):
-            for j in range(ncols):
-                if not_exact[j]:
-                    t[j] = sym.sympify(mat[index, j])/scale
-        mat[index, :] = t
+        if isinstance(scale, (int, sym.Integer)):
+            scale = int(scale)
+        for j in range(mat.shape[1]):
+            elem = mat[index, j]
+            if isinstance(scale, int) and isinstance(elem, (int, sym.Integer)):
+                quo = int(elem) // scale
+                if quo * scale == elem:
+                    mat[index, j] = quo
+                    continue
+            mat[index, j] = sym.sympify(elem)/scale
         for j in range(nrows):
             if (j == index):
@@ -735,7 +737,10 @@ def nullspace(m):
         vec[free_var] = 1
         for piv_row, piv_col in enumerate(pivot_cols):
             for pos in pivot_cols[piv_row+1:] + [free_var]:
-                vec[piv_col] -= mat[piv_row, pos]
+                if isinstance(mat[piv_row, pos], sym.Integer):
+                    vec[piv_col] -= int(mat[piv_row, pos])
+                else:
+                    vec[piv_col] -= mat[piv_row, pos]
     return np.array(n, dtype=object).T