diff --git a/sumpy/expansion/__init__.py b/sumpy/expansion/__init__.py
index f680347c3e7656f90c5325ab4a00ceea4977f798..68a99197c991c5630bca8dbf6867e801f1531fc3 100644
--- a/sumpy/expansion/__init__.py
+++ b/sumpy/expansion/__init__.py
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class LinearRecurrenceBasedExpansionTermsWrangler(ExpansionTermsWrangler):
     def _get_stored_ids_and_coeff_mat(self):
         from six import iteritems
-        from sumpy.tools import nullspace
+        from sumpy.tools import nullspace, solve_symbolic
         tol = 1e-13
         stored_identifiers = []
@@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ class LinearRecurrenceBasedExpansionTermsWrangler(ExpansionTermsWrangler):
                         eq[coeff_ident_enumerate_dict[c]] = coeff
         if len(pde_mat) > 0:
             Find a matrix :math:`s` such that :math:`K = S^T K_{[r]}`
@@ -399,7 +400,7 @@ class LinearRecurrenceBasedExpansionTermsWrangler(ExpansionTermsWrangler):
             n = nullspace(pde_mat)
             idx = self.get_reduced_coeffs()
             assert len(idx) >= n.shape[1]
-            s = n.T[:, idx].solve(n.T)
+            s = solve_symbolic(n.T[:,idx], n.T)
             stored_identifiers = [mis[i] for i in idx]
             s = np.eye(len(mis))
diff --git a/sumpy/tools.py b/sumpy/tools.py
index c5438320517642aad4ef7acb590511e42290d3f1..996f75f08b7812cea060fe018c8fc731e8489449 100644
--- a/sumpy/tools.py
+++ b/sumpy/tools.py
@@ -657,45 +657,56 @@ def my_syntactic_subs(expr, subst_dict):
         return expr
-def rref(mat):
-    rows = len(mat)
-    cols = len(mat[0])
-    col = 0
-    pivot_cols = []
-    for row in range(rows):
-        if col >= cols:
+def rref(m):
+    l = np.array(m, dtype=object)
+    index = 0
+    nrows = l.shape[0]
+    ncols = l.shape[1]
+    pivot_cols = []
+    for i in range(ncols):
+        if index == nrows:
-        i = row
-        while mat[i][col] == 0:
-            i += 1
-            if i == rows:
-                i = row
-                col += 1
-                if col == cols:
-                    return mat, pivot_cols
-        pivot_cols.append(col)
-        mat[i], mat[row] = mat[row], mat[i]
-        piv = mat[row][col]
-        for c in range(col, cols):
-            mat[row][c] /= piv
-        for r in range(rows):
-            if r == row:
+        pivot = nrows
+        for k in range(index, nrows):
+            if l[k, i] != 0 and pivot == nrows:
+                pivot = k
+            if abs(l[k, i]) == 1:
+                pivot = k
+                break
+        if pivot == nrows:
+            continue
+        if pivot != index:
+            l[pivot,:], l[index,:] = l[index,:].copy(), l[pivot,:].copy()
+        pivot_cols.append(i)
+        scale = l[index, i]
+        t = l[index,:]//scale
+        not_exact = (t * scale != l[index, :])
+        if (np.any(not_exact)):
+            for j in range(ncols):
+                if not_exact[j]:
+                    t[j] = sym.sympify(l[index, j])/scale
+        l[index,:] = t
+        for j in range(nrows):
+            if (j == index):
-            piv = mat[r][col]
-            for c in range(col, cols):
-                mat[r][c] -= piv * mat[row][c]
-        col += 1
-    return mat, pivot_cols
+            scale = l[j, i]
+            if scale != 0:
+                l[j,:] = l[j,:] - l[index,:]*scale
+        index = index + 1
+    return l, pivot_cols
 def nullspace(m):
-    m2 = [[sym.sympify(col) for col in row] for row in m]
-    mat, pivot_cols = rref(m2)
-    cols = len(mat[0])
+    mat, pivot_cols = rref(m)
+    pivot_cols = list(pivot_cols)
+    cols = mat.shape[1]
     free_vars = [i for i in range(cols) if i not in pivot_cols]
@@ -705,8 +716,17 @@ def nullspace(m):
         vec[free_var] = 1
         for piv_row, piv_col in enumerate(pivot_cols):
             for pos in pivot_cols[piv_row+1:] + [free_var]:
-                vec[piv_col] -= mat[piv_row][pos]
+                vec[piv_col] -= mat[piv_row,pos]
-    return sym.Matrix(n).T
+    return np.array(n, dtype=object).T
+def solve_symbolic(A, b):
+    if isinstance(A, sym.Matrix):
+        big = A.row_join(b)
+    else:
+        big = np.hstack((A, b))
+    red = rref(big)[0]
+    return red[:,big.shape[0]:]
 # vim: fdm=marker