# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Kloeckner" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from course.utils import course_view, render_course_page from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ObjectDoesNotExist from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError from django.contrib import messages # noqa import django.forms as forms from crispy_forms.layout import Submit from bootstrap3_datetime.widgets import DateTimePicker from relate.utils import StyledForm from course.models import (participation_role, Event) # {{{ creation @login_required @course_view def check_events(pctx): if pctx.role not in [ participation_role.instructor, participation_role.teaching_assistant]: raise PermissionDenied("only instructors and TAs may do that") invalid_datespecs = {} from course.content import InvalidDatespec, parse_date_spec def datespec_callback(location, datespec): try: parse_date_spec(pctx.course, datespec, return_now_on_error=False) except InvalidDatespec as e: invalid_datespecs.setdefault(e.datespec, []).append(location) from course.validation import validate_course_content validate_course_content( pctx.repo, pctx.course.course_file, pctx.course.events_file, pctx.course_commit_sha, datespec_callback=datespec_callback) return render_course_page(pctx, "course/invalid-datespec-list.html", { "invalid_datespecs": sorted(invalid_datespecs.iteritems()), }) class RecurringEventForm(StyledForm): kind = forms.CharField(required=True, help_text="Should be lower_case_with_underscores, no spaces allowed.") time = forms.DateTimeField( widget=DateTimePicker( options={"format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", "sideBySide": True})) duration_in_minutes = forms.FloatField(required=False) interval = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=( ("weekly", "Weekly"), )) starting_ordinal = forms.IntegerField(required=False) count = forms.IntegerField(required=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RecurringEventForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper.add_input( Submit("submit", "Create", css_class="col-lg-offset-2")) class EventAlreadyExists(Exception): pass @transaction.atomic def _create_recurring_events_backend(course, time, kind, starting_ordinal, interval, count, duration_in_minutes): ordinal = starting_ordinal import datetime for i in xrange(count): evt = Event() evt.course = course evt.kind = kind evt.ordinal = ordinal evt.time = time if duration_in_minutes: evt.end_time = evt.time + datetime.timedelta( minutes=duration_in_minutes) try: evt.save() except IntegrityError: raise EventAlreadyExists("'%s %d' already exists" % (kind, ordinal)) if interval == "weekly": date = time.date() date += datetime.timedelta(weeks=1) time = time.tzinfo.localize( datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.minute, time.second)) del date else: raise ValueError("unknown interval: %s" % interval) ordinal += 1 @login_required @course_view def create_recurring_events(pctx): if pctx.role not in [ participation_role.instructor, participation_role.teaching_assistant]: raise PermissionDenied("only instructors and TAs may do that") request = pctx.request if request.method == "POST": form = RecurringEventForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): if form.cleaned_data["starting_ordinal"] is not None: starting_ordinal = form.cleaned_data["starting_ordinal"] starting_ordinal_specified = True else: starting_ordinal = 1 starting_ordinal_specified = False while True: try: _create_recurring_events_backend( course=pctx.course, time=form.cleaned_data["time"], kind=form.cleaned_data["kind"], starting_ordinal=starting_ordinal, interval=form.cleaned_data["interval"], count=form.cleaned_data["count"], duration_in_minutes=( form.cleaned_data["duration_in_minutes"])) except EventAlreadyExists as e: if starting_ordinal_specified: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "%s: %s. No events created." % ( type(e).__name__, str(e))) else: starting_ordinal += 10 continue except Exception as e: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "%s: %s. No events created." % ( type(e).__name__, str(e))) else: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, "Events created.") break else: form = RecurringEventForm() return render_course_page(pctx, "course/generic-course-form.html", { "form": form, "form_description": "Create recurring events", }) class RenumberEventsForm(StyledForm): kind = forms.CharField(required=True, help_text="Should be lower_case_with_underscores, no spaces allowed.") starting_ordinal = forms.IntegerField(required=True, initial=1) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RenumberEventsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper.add_input( Submit("submit", "Renumber", css_class="col-lg-offset-2")) @transaction.atomic @login_required @course_view def renumber_events(pctx): if pctx.role not in [ participation_role.instructor, participation_role.teaching_assistant]: raise PermissionDenied("only instructors and TAs may do that") request = pctx.request if request.method == "POST": form = RenumberEventsForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): events = list(Event.objects .filter(course=pctx.course, kind=form.cleaned_data["kind"]) .order_by('time')) if events: queryset = (Event.objects .filter(course=pctx.course, kind=form.cleaned_data["kind"])) queryset.delete() ordinal = form.cleaned_data["starting_ordinal"] for event in events: new_event = Event() new_event.course = pctx.course new_event.kind = form.cleaned_data["kind"] new_event.ordinal = ordinal new_event.time = event.time new_event.end_time = event.end_time new_event.all_day = event.all_day new_event.shown_in_calendar = event.shown_in_calendar new_event.save() ordinal += 1 messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, "Events renumbered.") else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "No events found.") else: form = RenumberEventsForm() return render_course_page(pctx, "course/generic-course-form.html", { "form": form, "form_description": "Renumber events", }) # }}} # {{{ calendar class EventInfo(object): def __init__(self, id, human_title, start_time, end_time, description): self.id = id self.human_title = human_title self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self.description = description @course_view def view_calendar(pctx): from course.content import markup_to_html events_json = [] from course.content import get_raw_yaml_from_repo try: event_descr = get_raw_yaml_from_repo(pctx.repo, pctx.course.events_file, pctx.course_commit_sha) except ObjectDoesNotExist: event_descr = {} event_kinds_desc = event_descr.get("event_kinds", {}) event_info_desc = event_descr.get("events", {}) event_info_list = [] for event in (Event.objects .filter( course=pctx.course, shown_in_calendar=True) .order_by("-time")): kind_desc = event_kinds_desc.get(event.kind) human_title = unicode(event) event_json = { "id": event.id, "start": event.time.isoformat(), "allDay": event.all_day, } if event.end_time is not None: event_json["end"] = event.end_time.isoformat() if kind_desc is not None: if "color" in kind_desc: event_json["color"] = kind_desc["color"] if "title" in kind_desc: if event.ordinal is not None: human_title = kind_desc["title"].format(nr=event.ordinal) else: human_title = kind_desc["title"] description = None event_desc = event_info_desc.get(unicode(event)) if event_desc is not None: if "description" in event_desc: description = markup_to_html( pctx.course, pctx.repo, pctx.course_commit_sha, event_desc["description"]) if "title" in event_desc: human_title = event_desc["title"] if "color" in event_desc: human_title = event_desc["color"] event_json["title"] = human_title if description: event_json["url"] = "#event-%d" % event.id start_time = event.time end_time = event.end_time if event.all_day: start_time = start_time.date() end_time = end_time.date() event_info_list.append( EventInfo( id=event.id, human_title=human_title, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, description=description )) events_json.append(event_json) from json import dumps return render_course_page(pctx, "course/calendar.html", { "events_json": dumps(events_json), "event_info_list": event_info_list, }) # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker