# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Kloeckner" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from six.moves import range import django.forms as forms from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import ( ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext, string_concat) from relate.utils import StyledForm from course.page.base import ( AnswerFeedback, PageBaseWithTitle, PageBaseWithValue, markup_to_html) from course.content import remove_prefix from course.validation import validate_markup, ValidationError class ChoiceAnswerForm(StyledForm): def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): super(ChoiceAnswerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["choice"] = field # Translators: "choice" in Choice Answer Form in a single-choice question. self.fields["choice"].label = _("Choice") class MultipleChoiceAnswerForm(StyledForm): def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): super(MultipleChoiceAnswerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["choice"] = field # Translators: "Choice" in Choice Answer Form in a multiple # choice question in which multiple answers can be chosen. self.fields["choice"].label = _("Choices") def markup_to_html_plain(page_context, s): # tricks to remove wrapping

tags generated by markdown, or else # the correct answer feedback for choices questions will be in an # indepenent line. s = ''.join(['', s.strip(), '']) s = markup_to_html(page_context, s) s = s[5:-5] return s # {{{ choice question class ChoiceQuestion(PageBaseWithTitle, PageBaseWithValue): """ A page asking the participant to choose one of multiple answers. .. attribute:: id |id-page-attr| .. attribute:: type ``ChoiceQuestion`` .. attribute:: access_rules |access-rules-page-attr| .. attribute:: title |title-page-attr| .. attribute:: value |value-page-attr| .. attribute:: prompt The page's prompt, written in :ref:`markup`. .. attribute:: choices A list of choices, each in :ref:`markup`. Correct choices are indicated by the prefix ``~CORRECT~``. .. attribute:: shuffle Optional. ``True`` or ``False``. If true, the choices will be presented in random order. """ CORRECT_TAG = "~CORRECT~" @classmethod def process_choice_string(cls, page_context, s): if not isinstance(s, str): s = str(s) s = remove_prefix(cls.CORRECT_TAG, s) s = markup_to_html_plain(page_context, s) # allow HTML in option s = mark_safe(s) return s def __init__(self, vctx, location, page_desc): super(ChoiceQuestion, self).__init__(vctx, location, page_desc) correct_choice_count = 0 for choice_idx, choice in enumerate(page_desc.choices): try: choice = str(choice) except: raise ValidationError( string_concat( "%(location)s, ", _("choice %(idx)d: unable to convert to string") ) % {'location': location, 'idx': choice_idx+1}) if choice.startswith(self.CORRECT_TAG): correct_choice_count += 1 if vctx is not None: validate_markup(vctx, location, remove_prefix(self.CORRECT_TAG, choice)) if correct_choice_count < 1: raise ValidationError( string_concat( "%(location)s: ", _("one or more correct answer(s) " "expected, %(n_correct)d found")) % { 'location': location, 'n_correct': correct_choice_count}) def required_attrs(self): return super(ChoiceQuestion, self).required_attrs() + ( ("prompt", "markup"), ("choices", list), ) def allowed_attrs(self): return super(ChoiceQuestion, self).allowed_attrs() + ( ("shuffle", bool), ) def markup_body_for_title(self): return self.page_desc.prompt def body(self, page_context, page_data): return markup_to_html(page_context, self.page_desc.prompt) def make_page_data(self): import random perm = list(range(len(self.page_desc.choices))) if getattr(self.page_desc, "shuffle", False): random.shuffle(perm) return {"permutation": perm} def make_choice_form( self, page_context, page_data, page_behavior, *args, **kwargs): permutation = page_data["permutation"] choices = tuple( (i, self.process_choice_string( page_context, self.page_desc.choices[src_i])) for i, src_i in enumerate(permutation)) form = ChoiceAnswerForm( forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=tuple(choices), coerce=int, widget=forms.RadioSelect()), *args, **kwargs) if not page_behavior.may_change_answer: form.fields['choice'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True return form def make_form(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, page_behavior): if answer_data is not None: form_data = {"choice": answer_data["choice"]} form = self.make_choice_form( page_context, page_data, page_behavior, form_data) else: form = self.make_choice_form( page_context, page_data, page_behavior) return form def process_form_post(self, page_context, page_data, post_data, files_data, page_behavior): return self.make_choice_form( page_context, page_data, page_behavior, post_data, files_data) def answer_data(self, page_context, page_data, form, files_data): return {"choice": form.cleaned_data["choice"]} def unpermuted_correct_indices(self): result = [] for i, choice_text in enumerate(self.page_desc.choices): if str(choice_text).startswith(self.CORRECT_TAG): result.append(i) return result def grade(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, grade_data): if answer_data is None: return AnswerFeedback(correctness=0, feedback=ugettext("No answer provided.")) permutation = page_data["permutation"] choice = answer_data["choice"] if permutation[choice] in self.unpermuted_correct_indices(): correctness = 1 else: correctness = 0 return AnswerFeedback(correctness=correctness) def correct_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, grade_data): corr_idx = self.unpermuted_correct_indices()[0] return (string_concat(_("A correct answer is"), ": '%s'.") % self.process_choice_string( page_context, self.page_desc.choices[corr_idx]).lstrip()) def normalized_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data): if answer_data is None: return None permutation = page_data["permutation"] choice = answer_data["choice"] return self.process_choice_string( page_context, self.page_desc.choices[permutation[choice]]) # }}} # {{{ multiple choice question class MultipleChoiceQuestion(ChoiceQuestion): """ A page asking the participant to choose a few of multiple available answers. .. attribute:: id |id-page-attr| .. attribute:: type ``MultipleChoiceQuestion`` .. attribute:: access_rules |access-rules-page-attr| .. attribute:: title |title-page-attr| .. attribute:: value |value-page-attr| .. attribute:: prompt The page's prompt, written in :ref:`markup`. .. attribute:: choices A list of choices, each in :ref:`markup`. Correct choices are indicated by the prefix ``~CORRECT~``. .. attribute:: shuffle Optional. ``True`` or ``False``. If true, the choices will be presented in random order. .. attribute:: allow_partial_credit Optional. ``True`` or ``False``. If False (default), only answers in which all check marks match the reference solution will be counted as correct. If True, answers with subset of correct choices will receive credit for each matching check box, irrespective of whether it is checked or not. .. attribute:: allow_partial_credit_strict Optional. ``True`` or ``False``. If False (default), only answers in which all check marks match the reference solution will be counted as correct. If True, partial credits will only be granted to answers which are strict subsets of reference solution. """ def __init__(self, vctx, location, page_desc): super(MultipleChoiceQuestion, self).__init__(vctx, location, page_desc) if ( getattr(self.page_desc, "allow_partial_credit", False) and getattr(self.page_desc, "allow_partial_credit_strict", False)): raise ValidationError( string_concat( "%(location)s: ", _("'allow_partial_credit' and " "'allow_partial_credit_strict' are not allowed to " "co-exist when both attribute are 'True'")) % {'location': location}) def allowed_attrs(self): return super(MultipleChoiceQuestion, self).allowed_attrs() + ( ("allow_partial_credit", bool), ("allow_partial_credit_strict", bool), ) def make_choice_form(self, page_context, page_data, page_behavior, *args, **kwargs): permutation = page_data["permutation"] choices = tuple( (i, self.process_choice_string( page_context, self.page_desc.choices[src_i])) for i, src_i in enumerate(permutation)) form = MultipleChoiceAnswerForm( forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField( choices=tuple(choices), coerce=int, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple()), *args, **kwargs) if not page_behavior.may_change_answer: form.fields['choice'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True return form def grade(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, grade_data): if answer_data is None: return AnswerFeedback(correctness=0, feedback=ugettext("No answer provided.")) permutation = page_data["permutation"] choice = answer_data["choice"] unpermed_idx_set = set([permutation[idx] for idx in choice]) correct_idx_set = set(self.unpermuted_correct_indices()) if unpermed_idx_set == correct_idx_set: correctness = 1 else: if getattr(self.page_desc, "allow_partial_credit", False): correctness = ( ( len(self.page_desc.choices) - len(unpermed_idx_set .symmetric_difference(correct_idx_set))) / len(self.page_desc.choices)) elif getattr(self.page_desc, "allow_partial_credit_strict", False): if unpermed_idx_set < correct_idx_set: correctness = ( len(unpermed_idx_set)/len(correct_idx_set)) else: correctness = 0 else: correctness = 0 return AnswerFeedback(correctness=correctness) def get_answer_html(self, page_context, idx_list, unpermute=False): answer_html_list = [] if unpermute: idx_list = list(set(idx_list)) for idx in idx_list: answer_html_list.append( "

  • " + (self.process_choice_string( page_context, self.page_desc.choices[idx]) .lstrip()) + "
  • " ) answer_html = "" return answer_html def correct_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, grade_data): corr_idx_list = self.unpermuted_correct_indices() return (string_concat(_("The correct answer is"), ": %s.") % self.get_answer_html(page_context, corr_idx_list)) def normalized_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data): if answer_data is None: return None permutation = page_data["permutation"] choice = answer_data["choice"] return self.get_answer_html( page_context, [permutation[idx] for idx in choice], unpermute=True) # }}} # {{{ survey choice question class SurveyChoiceQuestion(PageBaseWithTitle): """ A page asking the participant to choose one of multiple answers. .. attribute:: id |id-page-attr| .. attribute:: type ``ChoiceQuestion`` .. attribute:: access_rules |access-rules-page-attr| .. attribute:: title |title-page-attr| .. attribute:: prompt The page's prompt, written in :ref:`markup`. .. attribute:: choices A list of choices, each in :ref:`markup`. """ @classmethod def process_choice_string(cls, page_context, s): if not isinstance(s, str): s = str(s) s = markup_to_html(page_context, s) # allow HTML in option s = mark_safe(s) return s def __init__(self, vctx, location, page_desc): super(SurveyChoiceQuestion, self).__init__(vctx, location, page_desc) for choice_idx, choice in enumerate(page_desc.choices): try: choice = str(choice) except: raise ValidationError( string_concat( "%(location)s, ", _("choice %(idx)d: unable to convert to string") ) % {"location": location, "idx": choice_idx+1}) if vctx is not None: validate_markup(vctx, location, choice) def required_attrs(self): return super(SurveyChoiceQuestion, self).required_attrs() + ( ("prompt", "markup"), ("choices", list), ) def allowed_attrs(self): return super(SurveyChoiceQuestion, self).allowed_attrs() + ( ("answer_comment", "markup"), ) def correct_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, grade_data): if hasattr(self.page_desc, "answer_comment"): return markup_to_html(page_context, self.page_desc.answer_comment) else: return None def markup_body_for_title(self): return self.page_desc.prompt def body(self, page_context, page_data): return markup_to_html(page_context, self.page_desc.prompt) def make_choice_form(self, page_context, page_data, page_behavior, *args, **kwargs): choices = tuple( (i, self.process_choice_string( page_context, self.page_desc.choices[i])) for i in range(len(self.page_desc.choices))) form = ChoiceAnswerForm( forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=tuple(choices), coerce=int, widget=forms.RadioSelect()), *args, **kwargs) if not page_behavior.may_change_answer: form.fields['choice'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True return form def make_form(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, page_behavior): if answer_data is not None: form_data = {"choice": answer_data["choice"]} form = self.make_choice_form( page_context, page_data, page_behavior, form_data) else: form = self.make_choice_form( page_context, page_data, page_behavior) return form def process_form_post(self, page_context, page_data, post_data, files_data, page_behavior): return self.make_choice_form( page_context, page_data, page_behavior, post_data, files_data) def answer_data(self, page_context, page_data, form, files_data): return {"choice": form.cleaned_data["choice"]} def expects_answer(self): return True def is_answer_gradable(self): return False def normalized_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data): if answer_data is None: return None choice = answer_data["choice"] return self.process_choice_string( page_context, self.page_desc.choices[choice]) # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker