# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Kloeckner" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from django.conf import settings import re import datetime import six from django.utils.timezone import now from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, ImproperlyConfigured from markdown.extensions import Extension from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor from HTMLParser import HTMLParser from jinja2 import BaseLoader as BaseTemplateLoader, TemplateNotFound from relate.utils import dict_to_struct import threading from yaml import load as load_yaml # {{{ repo interaction def get_course_repo_path(course): from os.path import join return join(settings.GIT_ROOT, course.identifier) # All this because dulwich is stateful and not reentrant. _THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE = threading.local() def get_course_repos_dict(): try: return _THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE.COURSE_REPOS except AttributeError: _THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE.COURSE_REPOS = {} return _THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE.COURSE_REPOS def get_course_repo(course): try: return get_course_repos_dict()[course.pk] except KeyError: from dulwich.repo import Repo repo = Repo(get_course_repo_path(course)) get_course_repos_dict()[course.pk] = repo return repo def get_repo_blob(repo, full_name, commit_sha): names = full_name.split("/") tree_sha = repo[commit_sha].tree tree = repo[tree_sha] try: for name in names[:-1]: mode, blob_sha = tree[name.encode()] tree = repo[blob_sha] mode, blob_sha = tree[names[-1].encode()] return repo[blob_sha] except KeyError: raise ObjectDoesNotExist("resource '%s' not found" % full_name) def get_repo_blob_data_cached(repo, full_name, commit_sha): cache_key = "%%%1".join((repo.controldir(), full_name, str(commit_sha))) try: import django.core.cache as cache except ImproperlyConfigured: return get_repo_blob(repo, full_name, commit_sha).data def_cache = cache.caches["default"] result = def_cache.get(cache_key) if result is not None: return result result = get_repo_blob(repo, full_name, commit_sha).data def_cache.add(cache_key, result, None) return result JINJA_YAML_RE = re.compile( r"^\[JINJA\]\s*$(.*?)^\[\/JINJA\]\s*$", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) def expand_yaml_macros(repo, commit_sha, yaml_str): if isinstance(yaml_str, six.binary_type): yaml_str = yaml_str.decode("utf-8") def compute_replacement(match): jinja_src = match.group(1) from jinja2 import Environment, StrictUndefined env = Environment( loader=GitTemplateLoader(repo, commit_sha), undefined=StrictUndefined) template = env.from_string(jinja_src) return template.render() result, _ = JINJA_YAML_RE.subn(compute_replacement, yaml_str) return result def get_raw_yaml_from_repo(repo, full_name, commit_sha): """Return decoded YAML data structure from the given file in *repo* at *commit_sha*. """ cache_key = "%RAW%%2".join((repo.controldir(), full_name, commit_sha)) import django.core.cache as cache def_cache = cache.caches["default"] result = def_cache.get(cache_key) if result is not None: return result result = load_yaml( expand_yaml_macros( repo, commit_sha, get_repo_blob(repo, full_name, commit_sha).data)) def_cache.add(cache_key, result, None) return result def get_yaml_from_repo(repo, full_name, commit_sha, cached=True): """Return decoded, struct-ified YAML data structure from the given file in *repo* at *commit_sha*. See :class:`relate.utils.Struct` for more on struct-ification. """ if cached: cache_key = "%%%2".join((repo.controldir(), full_name, commit_sha)) import django.core.cache as cache def_cache = cache.caches["default"] result = def_cache.get(cache_key) if result is not None: return result result = dict_to_struct( load_yaml( expand_yaml_macros( repo, commit_sha, get_repo_blob(repo, full_name, commit_sha).data))) if cached: def_cache.add(cache_key, result, None) return result # }}} # {{{ markup def _attr_to_string(key, val): if val is None: return key elif "\"" in val: return "%s='%s'" % (key, val) else: return "%s=\"%s\"" % (key, val) class TagProcessingHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self, out_file, process_tag_func): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.out_file = out_file self.process_tag_func = process_tag_func def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = dict(attrs) attrs.update(self.process_tag_func(tag, attrs)) self.out_file.write("<%s %s>" % (tag, " ".join( _attr_to_string(k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()))) def handle_endtag(self, tag): self.out_file.write("" % tag) def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = dict(attrs) attrs.update(self.process_tag_func(tag, attrs)) self.out_file.write("<%s %s/>" % (tag, " ".join( _attr_to_string(k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()))) def handle_data(self, data): self.out_file.write(data) def handle_entityref(self, name): self.out_file.write("&%s;" % name) def handle_charref(self, name): self.out_file.write("&#%s;" % name) def handle_comment(self, data): self.out_file.write("" % data) def handle_decl(self, decl): self.out_file.write("" % decl) def handle_pi(self, data): raise NotImplementedError("I have no idea what a processing instruction is.") def unknown_decl(self, data): self.out_file.write("" % data) class LinkFixerTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor): def __init__(self, md, course, commit_sha, reverse_func): Treeprocessor.__init__(self) self.md = md self.course = course self.commit_sha = commit_sha self.reverse_func = reverse_func def get_course_identifier(self): if self.course is None: return "bogus-course-identifier" else: return self.course.identifier def process_url(self, url): if url.startswith("flow:"): flow_id = url[5:] return self.reverse_func("course.flow.start_flow", args=(self.get_course_identifier(), flow_id)) elif url.startswith("media:"): media_path = url[6:] return self.reverse_func("course.views.get_media", args=( self.get_course_identifier(), self.commit_sha, media_path)) elif url.strip() == "calendar:": return self.reverse_func("course.calendar.view_calendar", args=(self.get_course_identifier(),)) return None def process_tag(self, tag_name, attrs): changed_attrs = {} if tag_name == "table": changed_attrs["class"] = "table table-condensed" if tag_name == "a" and "href" in attrs: new_href = self.process_url(attrs["href"]) if new_href is not None: changed_attrs["href"] = new_href elif tag_name == "img" and "src" in attrs: new_src = self.process_url(attrs["src"]) if new_src is not None: changed_attrs["src"] = new_src return changed_attrs def process_etree_element(self, element): changed_attrs = self.process_tag(element.tag, element.attrib) for key, val in changed_attrs.iteritems(): element.set(key, val) def walk_and_process_tree(self, root): self.process_etree_element(root) for child in root: self.walk_and_process_tree(child) def run(self, root): self.walk_and_process_tree(root) # root through and process Markdown's HTML stash (gross!) from StringIO import StringIO for i, (html, safe) in enumerate(self.md.htmlStash.rawHtmlBlocks): outf = StringIO() parser = TagProcessingHTMLParser(outf, self.process_tag) parser.feed(html) self.md.htmlStash.rawHtmlBlocks[i] = (outf.getvalue(), safe) class LinkFixerExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, course, commit_sha, reverse_func): Extension.__init__(self) self.course = course self.commit_sha = commit_sha self.reverse_func = reverse_func def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): md.treeprocessors["relate_link_fixer"] = \ LinkFixerTreeprocessor(md, self.course, self.commit_sha, reverse_func=self.reverse_func) class GitTemplateLoader(BaseTemplateLoader): def __init__(self, repo, commit_sha): self.repo = repo self.commit_sha = commit_sha def get_source(self, environment, template): try: data = get_repo_blob_data_cached(self.repo, template, self.commit_sha) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise TemplateNotFound(template) source = data.decode('utf-8') def is_up_to_date(): # There's not much point to caching here, because we create # a new loader for every request anyhow... return False return source, None, lambda: False def remove_prefix(prefix, s): if s.startswith(prefix): return s[len(prefix):] else: return s JINJA_PREFIX = "[JINJA]" def markup_to_html(course, repo, commit_sha, text, reverse_func=None, validate_only=False): if reverse_func is None: from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse reverse_func = reverse if text.lstrip().startswith(JINJA_PREFIX): text = remove_prefix(JINJA_PREFIX, text.lstrip()) from jinja2 import Environment, StrictUndefined env = Environment( loader=GitTemplateLoader(repo, commit_sha), undefined=StrictUndefined) template = env.from_string(text) text = template.render() if validate_only: return from course.mdx_mathjax import MathJaxExtension import markdown return markdown.markdown(text, extensions=[ LinkFixerExtension(course, commit_sha, reverse_func=reverse_func), MathJaxExtension(), "markdown.extensions.extra", "markdown.extensions.codehilite", ], output_format="html5") # }}} DATE_RE = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)\-([01][0-9])\-([0-3][0-9])$") TRAILING_NUMERAL_RE = re.compile(r"^(.*)\s+([0-9]+)$") class InvalidDatespec(ValueError): def __init__(self, datespec): ValueError.__init__(self, str(datespec)) self.datespec = datespec AT_TIME_RE = re.compile(r"^(.*)\s*@\s*([0-2]?[0-9])\:([0-9][0-9])\s*$") class AtTimePostprocessor(object): def __init__(self, hour, minute, second=0): self.hour = hour self.minute = minute self.second = second @classmethod def parse(cls, s): match = AT_TIME_RE.match(s) if match is not None: hour = int(match.group(2)) minute = int(match.group(3)) if not (0 <= hour < 24): raise InvalidDatespec(s) if not (0 <= minute < 60): raise InvalidDatespec(s) return match.group(1), AtTimePostprocessor(hour, minute) else: return s, None def apply(self, dtm): from pytz import timezone server_tz = timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) return dtm.astimezone(server_tz).replace( hour=self.hour, minute=self.minute, second=self.second) PLUS_DELTA_RE = re.compile(r"^(.*)\s*([+-])\s*([0-9]+)\s+" "(weeks?|days?|hours?|minutes?)$") class PlusDeltaPostprocessor(object): def __init__(self, count, period): self.count = count self.period = period @classmethod def parse(cls, s): match = PLUS_DELTA_RE.match(s) if match is not None: count = int(match.group(3)) if match.group(2) == "-": count = -count period = match.group(4) return match.group(1), PlusDeltaPostprocessor(count, period) else: return s, None def apply(self, dtm): if self.period.startswith("week"): d = datetime.timedelta(weeks=self.count) elif self.period.startswith("day"): d = datetime.timedelta(days=self.count) elif self.period.startswith("hour"): d = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.count) elif self.period.startswith("minute"): d = datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.count) else: raise InvalidDatespec("invalid period: %s" % self.period) return dtm + d DATESPEC_POSTPROCESSORS = [ AtTimePostprocessor, PlusDeltaPostprocessor, ] def parse_date_spec(course, datespec, return_now_on_error=True): if datespec is None: return None if isinstance(datespec, datetime.datetime): return datespec if isinstance(datespec, datetime.date): return datetime.datetime(datespec) datespec = datespec.strip() # {{{ parse postprocessors postprocs = [] while True: parsed_one = False for pp_class in DATESPEC_POSTPROCESSORS: datespec, postproc = pp_class.parse(datespec) if postproc is not None: parsed_one = True postprocs.insert(0, postproc) break datespec = datespec.strip() if not parsed_one: break # }}} def apply_postprocs(dtime): for postproc in postprocs: dtime = postproc.apply(dtime) return dtime match = DATE_RE.match(datespec) if match: return apply_postprocs( datetime.date( int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)), int(match.group(3)))) from course.models import Event match = TRAILING_NUMERAL_RE.match(datespec) if match: try: return apply_postprocs( Event.objects.get( course=course, kind=match.group(1), ordinal=int(match.group(2))).time) except ObjectDoesNotExist: if return_now_on_error: return now() else: raise InvalidDatespec(datespec) try: return apply_postprocs( Event.objects.get( course=course, kind=datespec, ordinal=None).time) except ObjectDoesNotExist: if return_now_on_error: return now() else: raise InvalidDatespec(datespec) def compute_chunk_weight_and_shown(course, chunk, role, now_datetime): for rule in chunk.rules: if hasattr(rule, "if_has_role"): if role not in rule.if_has_role: continue if hasattr(rule, "if_after"): start_date = parse_date_spec(course, rule.if_after) if now_datetime < start_date: continue if hasattr(rule, "if_before"): end_date = parse_date_spec(course, rule.if_before) if end_date < now_datetime: continue # {{{ deprecated if hasattr(rule, "roles"): if role not in rule.roles: continue if hasattr(rule, "start"): start_date = parse_date_spec(course, rule.start) if now_datetime < start_date: continue if hasattr(rule, "end"): end_date = parse_date_spec(course, rule.end) if end_date < now_datetime: continue # }}} shown = True if hasattr(rule, "shown"): shown = rule.shown return rule.weight, shown return 0, True def get_course_desc(repo, course, commit_sha): return get_yaml_from_repo(repo, course.course_file, commit_sha) def get_processed_course_chunks(course, repo, commit_sha, course_desc, role, now_datetime): for chunk in course_desc.chunks: chunk.weight, chunk.shown = \ compute_chunk_weight_and_shown( course, chunk, role, now_datetime) chunk.html_content = markup_to_html(course, repo, commit_sha, chunk.content) course_desc.chunks.sort(key=lambda chunk: chunk.weight, reverse=True) return [chunk for chunk in course_desc.chunks if chunk.shown] def get_flow_desc(repo, course, flow_id, commit_sha): flow = get_yaml_from_repo(repo, "flows/%s.yml" % flow_id, commit_sha) flow.description_html = markup_to_html( course, repo, commit_sha, getattr(flow, "description", None)) return flow def get_flow_page_desc(flow_id, flow_desc, group_id, page_id): for grp in flow_desc.groups: if grp.id == group_id: for page in grp.pages: if page.id == page_id: return page raise ObjectDoesNotExist("page '%s/%s' in flow '%s'" % (group_id, page_id, flow_id)) class ClassNotFoundError(RuntimeError): pass def import_class(name): components = name.split('.') if len(components) < 2: # need at least one module plus class name raise ClassNotFoundError(name) module_name = ".".join(components[:-1]) try: mod = __import__(module_name) except ImportError: raise ClassNotFoundError(name) for comp in components[1:]: try: mod = getattr(mod, comp) except AttributeError: raise ClassNotFoundError(name) return mod def get_flow_page_class(repo, typename, commit_sha): # look among default page types import course.page try: return getattr(course.page, typename) except AttributeError: pass # try a global dotted-name import try: return import_class(typename) except ClassNotFoundError: pass if typename.startswith("repo:"): stripped_typename = typename[5:] components = stripped_typename.split(".") if len(components) != 2: raise ClassNotFoundError("repo page class must conist of two " "dotted components (invalid: '%s')" % typename) module, classname = components module_name = "code/"+module+".py" module_code = get_repo_blob(repo, module_name, commit_sha).data module_dict = {} exec(compile(module_code, module_name, 'exec'), module_dict) try: return module_dict[classname] except AttributeError: raise ClassNotFoundError(typename) else: raise ClassNotFoundError(typename) def instantiate_flow_page(location, repo, page_desc, commit_sha): class_ = get_flow_page_class(repo, page_desc.type, commit_sha) return class_(None, location, page_desc) def set_up_flow_session_page_data(repo, flow_session, course_identifier, flow_desc, commit_sha): from course.models import FlowPageData data = None ordinal = 0 for grp in flow_desc.groups: for page_desc in grp.pages: data = FlowPageData() data.flow_session = flow_session data.ordinal = ordinal data.is_last = False data.group_id = grp.id data.page_id = page_desc.id page = instantiate_flow_page( "course '%s', flow '%s', page '%s/%s'" % (course_identifier, flow_session.flow_id, grp.id, page_desc.id), repo, page_desc, commit_sha) data.data = page.make_page_data() data.save() ordinal += 1 return ordinal def get_course_commit_sha(course, participation): sha = course.active_git_commit_sha if participation is not None and participation.preview_git_commit_sha: sha = participation.preview_git_commit_sha return sha.encode() def list_flow_ids(repo, commit_sha): flow_ids = [] try: flows_tree = get_repo_blob(repo, "flows", commit_sha) except ObjectDoesNotExist: # That's OK--no flows yet. pass else: for entry in flows_tree.items(): if entry.path.endswith(".yml"): flow_ids.append(entry.path[:-4]) return sorted(flow_ids) # vim: foldmethod=marker