# This is processed by make-outline-tree.sh to make outline-tree.html. text: "CS 123" nodes: - text: "Introduction" icon: "fa fa-cube" opened: true section: 0 nodes: - text: "Notes" icon: "fa fa-book" # see http://fontawesome.io/icons/ link: "http://andreask.cs.illinois.edu/cs598apk-f15/notes/notes.pdf" - text: "Dense Matrices and Computation" section: 1 icon: "fa fa-cube" opened: true nodes: - text: "Notes" icon: "fa fa-book" link: "http://andreask.cs.illinois.edu/cs598apk-f15/notes/notes.pdf#page=10" - text: "Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions by Halko/Martinsson/Tropp" icon: "fa fa-paperclip" link: http://arxiv.org/abs/0909.4061 - text: "Sources and Targets" - text: "Point Interactions and Matrix Entries" - text: "Rank and Complexity" - text: "Numerical Rank" - text: "Representation as Right Preconditioning"