__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Kloeckner" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import django.forms as forms from crispy_forms.layout import Field, Layout from django.utils.translation import gettext as _, gettext_lazy from course.page.base import ( PageBaseWithCorrectAnswer, PageBaseWithHumanTextFeedback, PageBaseWithTitle, PageBaseWithValue, markup_to_html, ) from course.validation import ValidationError from relate.utils import StyledForm, string_concat # {{{ upload question class FileUploadForm(StyledForm): show_save_button = False uploaded_file = forms.FileField(required=True, label=gettext_lazy("Uploaded file")) def __init__(self, maximum_megabytes, mime_types, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.max_file_size = maximum_megabytes * 1024**2 self.mime_types = mime_types # 'accept=' doesn't work right for at least application/octet-stream. # We'll start with a whitelist. allow_accept = False if mime_types == ["application/pdf"]: allow_accept = True field_kwargs = {} if allow_accept: field_kwargs["accept"] = ",".join(mime_types) self.helper.layout = Layout( Field("uploaded_file", **field_kwargs)) def clean_uploaded_file(self): uploaded_file = self.cleaned_data["uploaded_file"] from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat if uploaded_file.size > self.max_file_size: raise forms.ValidationError( _("Please keep file size under %(allowedsize)s. " "Current filesize is %(uploadedsize)s.") % {"allowedsize": filesizeformat(self.max_file_size), "uploadedsize": filesizeformat(uploaded_file.size)}) if self.mime_types is not None and self.mime_types == ["application/pdf"]: if uploaded_file.read()[:4] != b"%PDF": raise forms.ValidationError(_("Uploaded file is not a PDF.")) return uploaded_file class FileUploadQuestion(PageBaseWithTitle, PageBaseWithValue, PageBaseWithHumanTextFeedback, PageBaseWithCorrectAnswer): """ A page allowing the submission of a file upload that will be graded with text feedback by a human grader. Supports automatic computation of point values from textual feedback. See :ref:`points-from-feedback`. .. attribute:: id |id-page-attr| .. attribute:: type ``Page`` .. attribute:: is_optional_page |is-optional-page-attr| .. attribute:: access_rules |access-rules-page-attr| .. attribute:: title |title-page-attr| .. attribute:: value |value-page-attr| .. attribute:: prompt Required. The prompt for this question, in :ref:`markup`. .. attribute:: mime_types Required. A list of `MIME types `_ that the question will accept. For now, the following are allowed: * ``application/pdf`` (will check for a PDF header) * ``text/plain`` (no check performed) * ``application/octet-stream`` (no check performed) .. attribute:: maximum_megabytes Required. The largest file size (in `Mebibyte `) that the page will accept. .. attribute:: correct_answer Optional. Content that is revealed when answers are visible (see :ref:`flow-permissions`). Written in :ref:`markup`. .. attribute:: rubric Required. The grading guideline for this question, in :ref:`markup`. """ ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES = [ "application/pdf", "text/plain", "application/octet-stream", ] def __init__(self, vctx, location, page_desc): super().__init__(vctx, location, page_desc) if not (set(page_desc.mime_types) <= set(self.ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES)): raise ValidationError( string_concat( location, ": ", _("unrecognized mime types"), " '%(presenttype)s'") % { "presenttype": ", ".join( set(page_desc.mime_types) - set(self.ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES))}) if page_desc.maximum_megabytes <= 0: raise ValidationError( string_concat( location, ": ", _("'maximum_megabytes' expects a positive value, " "got %(value)s instead") % {"value": str(page_desc.maximum_megabytes)})) if vctx is not None: if not hasattr(page_desc, "value"): vctx.add_warning(location, _("upload question does not have " "assigned point value")) def required_attrs(self): return super().required_attrs() + ( ("prompt", "markup"), ("mime_types", list), ("maximum_megabytes", (int, float)), ) def allowed_attrs(self): return super().allowed_attrs() + ( ("correct_answer", "markup"), ) def human_feedback_point_value(self, page_context, page_data): return self.max_points(page_data) def markup_body_for_title(self): return self.page_desc.prompt def body(self, page_context, page_data): return markup_to_html(page_context, self.page_desc.prompt) def get_submission_filename_pattern(self, page_context, mime_type): from mimetypes import guess_extension if mime_type is not None: ext = guess_extension(mime_type) else: ext = ".bin" username = "anon" flow_id = "unk_flow" if page_context.flow_session is not None: if page_context.flow_session.participation is not None: username = page_context.flow_session.participation.user.username if page_context.flow_session.flow_id: flow_id = page_context.flow_session.flow_id return ("submission/" f"{page_context.course.identifier}/" "file-upload/" f"{flow_id}/" f"{self.page_desc.id}/" f"{username}" f"{ext}") def file_to_answer_data(self, page_context, uploaded_file, mime_type): if len(self.page_desc.mime_types) == 1: mime_type, = self.page_desc.mime_types from django.conf import settings uploaded_file.seek(0) saved_name = settings.RELATE_BULK_STORAGE.save( self.get_submission_filename_pattern(page_context, mime_type), uploaded_file) return { "storage_filename": saved_name, "mime_type": mime_type, } @staticmethod def get_content_from_answer_data(answer_data): mime_type = answer_data.get("mime_type", "application/octet-stream") if "storage_filename" in answer_data: from django.conf import settings with settings.RELATE_BULK_STORAGE.open( answer_data["storage_filename"]) as inf: return inf.read(), mime_type elif "base64_data" in answer_data: from base64 import b64decode return b64decode(answer_data["base64_data"]), mime_type else: raise ValueError("could not get submitted data from answer_data JSON") def make_form(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data, page_behavior): form = FileUploadForm( self.page_desc.maximum_megabytes, self.page_desc.mime_types) return form def process_form_post(self, page_context, page_data, post_data, files_data, page_behavior): form = FileUploadForm( self.page_desc.maximum_megabytes, self.page_desc.mime_types, post_data, files_data) return form def form_to_html(self, request, page_context, form, answer_data): ctx = {"form": form} if answer_data is not None: from base64 import b64encode subm_data, subm_mime = self.get_content_from_answer_data(answer_data) ctx["mime_type"] = subm_mime ctx["data_url"] = "data:{};base64,{}".format( subm_mime, b64encode(subm_data).decode()) from django.template.loader import render_to_string return render_to_string( "course/file-upload-form.html", ctx, request) def answer_data(self, page_context, page_data, form, files_data): uploaded_file = files_data["uploaded_file"] return self.file_to_answer_data(page_context, uploaded_file, mime_type=uploaded_file.content_type) def normalized_bytes_answer(self, page_context, page_data, answer_data): if answer_data is None: return None subm_data, subm_mime = self.get_content_from_answer_data(answer_data) from mimetypes import guess_extension ext = guess_extension(subm_mime) if ext is None: ext = ".dat" return (ext, subm_data) # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker