import 'katex/dist/katex.min.css'; // prosemirror imports import { Schema, Node } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { EditorState, Plugin, PluginKey } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { schema as basicSchema } from 'prosemirror-schema-basic'; import { addListNodes } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; import { chainCommands, deleteSelection, selectNodeBackward, joinBackward, } from 'prosemirror-commands'; import { keymap } from 'prosemirror-keymap'; import { inputRules } from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; import 'prosemirror-view/style/prosemirror.css'; import 'prosemirror-menu/style/menu.css'; import { exampleSetup } from 'prosemirror-example-setup'; import 'prosemirror-example-setup/style/style.css'; import { mathPlugin, mathBackspaceCmd, insertMathCmd, mathSerializer, makeBlockMathInputRule, makeInlineMathInputRule, REGEX_INLINE_MATH_DOLLARS, REGEX_BLOCK_MATH_DOLLARS, // I've no idea why eslint can't find the module; rollup can. // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved } from '@benrbray/prosemirror-math'; import '@benrbray/prosemirror-math/dist/prosemirror-math.css'; let anyEditorChangedFlag = false; export function anyEditorChanged() { return anyEditorChangedFlag; } export function resetAnyEditorChanged() { anyEditorChangedFlag = false; } const schema = new Schema({ nodes: addListNodes(basicSchema.spec.nodes, 'paragraph block*', 'block') .remove('image') .addToEnd('math_inline', { group: 'inline math', content: 'text*', // important! inline: true, // important! atom: true, // important! toDOM: () => ['math-inline', { class: 'math-node' }, 0], parseDOM: [{ tag: 'math-inline', // important! }], }) .addToEnd('math_display', { group: 'block math', content: 'text*', // important! atom: true, // important! code: true, // important! toDOM: () => ['math-display', { class: 'math-node' }, 0], parseDOM: [{ tag: 'math-display', // important! }], }), marks: basicSchema.spec.marks, }); const inlineMathInputRule = makeInlineMathInputRule( REGEX_INLINE_MATH_DOLLARS, schema.nodes.math_inline, ); const blockMathInputRule = makeBlockMathInputRule( REGEX_BLOCK_MATH_DOLLARS, schema.nodes.math_display, ); const readonlyPlugin = new Plugin({ key: new PluginKey('readonly'), // Allow selections but prevent any other changes filterTransaction: (transaction) => transaction.docChanged === false, }); const changeListenerPlugin = new Plugin({ key: new PluginKey('readonly'), filterTransaction: (transaction) => { if (transaction.docChanged) { anyEditorChangedFlag = true; } return true; }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export export function editorFromTextArea(textarea, autofocus) { const plugins = [ ...exampleSetup({ schema }), mathPlugin, keymap({ 'Mod-Space': insertMathCmd(schema.nodes.math_inline), Backspace: chainCommands( deleteSelection, mathBackspaceCmd, joinBackward, selectNodeBackward, ), }), inputRules({ rules: [inlineMathInputRule, blockMathInputRule] }), ]; if (textarea.disabled || textarea.readOnly) { plugins.push(readonlyPlugin); } // Change listener should be after readonly. plugins.push(changeListenerPlugin); let docJson = null; if (textarea.value) { docJson = JSON.parse(textarea.value); } let doc; if (docJson) { doc = Node.fromJSON(schema, docJson); } else { doc = schema.topNodeType.createAndFill(); } const state = EditorState.create({ schema, plugins, doc }); const editorElt = document.createElement('div'); editorElt.classList.add('rl-prosemirror-container'); const view = new EditorView(editorElt, { state, clipboardTextSerializer: mathSerializer.serializeSlice, }); if (autofocus) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { view.focus(); }); } textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(editorElt, textarea); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign = 'none'; if (textarea.form) { textarea.form.addEventListener('submit', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign textarea.value = JSON.stringify(view.state.doc.toJSON()); }); } textarea.classList.add('rl-managed-by-prosemirror'); return view; }