# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Kloeckner" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from django.shortcuts import ( # noqa render, get_object_or_404, redirect) from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.db import connection from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from course.utils import course_view, render_course_page, PageInstanceCache from course.models import ( FlowSession, FlowPageVisit, participation_role, flow_permission) from course.content import get_flow_desc # {{{ flow list @login_required @course_view def flow_list(pctx): if pctx.role not in [ participation_role.teaching_assistant, participation_role.instructor, participation_role.observer, ]: raise PermissionDenied("must be at least TA to view analytics") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("select distinct flow_id from course_flowsession " "where course_id=%s order by flow_id", [pctx.course.id]) flow_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] return render_course_page(pctx, "course/analytics-flows.html", { "flow_ids": flow_ids, }) # }}} # {{{ histogram tool class BinInfo(object): def __init__(self, title, raw_weight, percentage, url=None): self.title = title self.raw_weight = raw_weight self.percentage = percentage self.url = url class Histogram(object): def __init__(self, num_bin_count=10, num_bin_starts=None, num_min_value=None, num_max_value=None, num_enforce_bounds=False, num_log_bins=False, num_bin_title_formatter=str): self.string_weights = {} self.num_values = [] self.num_bin_starts = num_bin_starts self.num_min_value = num_min_value self.num_max_value = num_max_value self.num_bin_count = num_bin_count self.num_log_bins = num_log_bins self.num_bin_title_formatter = num_bin_title_formatter def add_data_point(self, value, weight=1): if isinstance(value, basestring): self.string_weights[value] = \ self.string_weights.get(value, 0) + weight elif value is None: self.add_data_point("(None)", weight) else: if (self.num_max_value is not None and value > self.num_max_value): self.add_data_point("(value greater than max)", weight) elif (self.num_min_value is not None and value < self.num_min_value): self.add_data_point("(value smaller than min)", weight) else: self.num_values.append((value, weight)) def total_weight(self): return ( sum(weight for val, weight in self.num_values) + sum(self.string_weights.itervalues())) def get_bin_info_list(self): min_value = self.num_min_value max_value = self.num_max_value if self.num_bin_starts is not None: num_bin_starts = self.num_bin_starts else: if min_value is None: if self.num_values: min_value, _ = min(self.num_values) else: min_value = 1 if max_value is None: if self.num_values: max_value, _ = max(self.num_values) else: max_value = 1 if self.num_log_bins: from math import log, exp bin_width = (log(max_value) - log(min_value))/self.num_bin_count num_bin_starts = [ exp(log(min_value)+bin_width*i) for i in range(self.num_bin_count)] else: bin_width = (max_value - min_value)/self.num_bin_count num_bin_starts = [ min_value+bin_width*i for i in range(self.num_bin_count)] bins = [0 for i in range(len(num_bin_starts))] temp_string_weights = self.string_weights.copy() oob = "" from bisect import bisect for value, weight in self.num_values: if ((max_value is not None and value > max_value) or value < num_bin_starts[0]): temp_string_weights[oob] = \ temp_string_weights.get(oob, 0) + weight else: bin_nr = bisect(num_bin_starts, value)-1 bins[bin_nr] += weight total_weight = self.total_weight() num_bin_info = [ BinInfo( title=self.num_bin_title_formatter(start), raw_weight=weight, percentage=100*weight/total_weight) for start, weight in zip(num_bin_starts, bins)] str_bin_info = [ BinInfo( title=key, raw_weight=temp_string_weights[key], percentage=100*temp_string_weights[key]/total_weight) for key in sorted(temp_string_weights.iterkeys())] return num_bin_info + str_bin_info def html(self): bin_info_list = self.get_bin_info_list() max_len = max(len(bin.title) for bin in bin_info_list) if max_len < 20: from django.template.loader import render_to_string return render_to_string("course/histogram-wide.html", { "bin_info_list": self.get_bin_info_list(), }) else: from django.template.loader import render_to_string return render_to_string("course/histogram.html", { "bin_info_list": self.get_bin_info_list(), }) # }}} def is_flow_multiple_submit(flow_desc): if not hasattr(flow_desc, "rules"): return False for rule in flow_desc.rules.access: if flow_permission.change_answer in rule.permissions: return True return False # {{{ flow analytics def make_grade_histogram(pctx, flow_id): qset = FlowSession.objects.filter( course=pctx.course, flow_id=flow_id) hist = Histogram( num_min_value=0, num_max_value=100) for session in qset: if session.in_progress: hist.add_data_point("") else: hist.add_data_point(session.points_percentage()) return hist class PageAnswerStats(object): def __init__(self, group_id, page_id, title, average_correctness, average_emptiness, answer_count, total_count, url=None): self.group_id = group_id self.page_id = page_id self.title = title self.average_correctness_percent = 99.99*average_correctness self.average_emptiness_percent = 99.99*average_emptiness self.average_wrongness_percent = 99.99*( 1-average_correctness-average_emptiness) self.answer_count = answer_count self.total_count = total_count self.url = url def safe_div(num, denom): if denom == 0: return 0 return num/denom def make_page_answer_stats_list(pctx, flow_id, restrict_to_first_attempt): flow_desc = get_flow_desc(pctx.repo, pctx.course, flow_id, pctx.course_commit_sha) is_multiple_submit = is_flow_multiple_submit(flow_desc) page_cache = PageInstanceCache(pctx.repo, pctx.course, flow_id) page_info_list = [] for group_desc in flow_desc.groups: for page_desc in group_desc.pages: points = 0 graded_count = 0 answer_count = 0 total_count = 0 visits = (FlowPageVisit.objects .filter( flow_session__course=pctx.course, flow_session__flow_id=flow_id, page_data__group_id=group_desc.id, page_data__page_id=page_desc.id, is_submitted_answer=True, )) if connection.features.can_distinct_on_fields: if restrict_to_first_attempt: visits = (visits .distinct("flow_session__participation__id") .order_by("flow_session__participation__id", "visit_time")) elif is_multiple_submit: visits = (visits .distinct("page_data__id") .order_by("page_data__id", "-visit_time")) visits = (visits .select_related("flow_session") .select_related("page_data")) answer_expected = False title = None for visit in visits: page = page_cache.get_page(group_desc.id, page_desc.id, pctx.course_commit_sha) answer_expected = answer_expected or page.expects_answer() from course.page import PageContext grading_page_context = PageContext( course=pctx.course, repo=pctx.repo, commit_sha=pctx.course_commit_sha, flow_session=visit.flow_session) title = page.title(grading_page_context, visit.page_data.data) answer_feedback = visit.get_most_recent_feedback() if visit.answer is not None: answer_count += 1 total_count += 1 if (answer_feedback is not None and answer_feedback.correctness is not None): if visit.answer is None: assert answer_feedback.correctness == 0 else: points += answer_feedback.correctness graded_count += 1 if not answer_expected: continue page_info_list.append( PageAnswerStats( group_id=group_desc.id, page_id=page_desc.id, title=title, average_correctness=safe_div(points, graded_count), average_emptiness=safe_div( graded_count - answer_count, graded_count), answer_count=answer_count, total_count=total_count, url=reverse( "relate-page_analytics", args=( pctx.course_identifier, flow_id, group_desc.id, page_desc.id, )))) return page_info_list def make_time_histogram(pctx, flow_id): qset = FlowSession.objects.filter( course=pctx.course, flow_id=flow_id) hist = Histogram( num_log_bins=True, num_bin_title_formatter=lambda minutes: "$>$ %.1f min" % minutes) for session in qset: if session.in_progress: hist.add_data_point("") else: delta = session.completion_time - session.start_time minutes = delta.total_seconds() / 60 hist.add_data_point(minutes) return hist def count_participants(pctx, flow_id): if not connection.features.can_distinct_on_fields: return None qset = (FlowSession.objects .filter( course=pctx.course, flow_id=flow_id) .order_by("participation__id") .distinct("participation__id")) return qset.count() @login_required @course_view def flow_analytics(pctx, flow_id): if pctx.role not in [ participation_role.teaching_assistant, participation_role.instructor, participation_role.observer, ]: raise PermissionDenied("must be at least TA to view analytics") restrict_to_first_attempt = int( bool(pctx.request.GET.get("restrict_to_first_attempt") == "1")) return render_course_page(pctx, "course/analytics-flow.html", { "flow_identifier": flow_id, "grade_histogram": make_grade_histogram(pctx, flow_id), "page_answer_stats_list": make_page_answer_stats_list(pctx, flow_id, restrict_to_first_attempt), "time_histogram": make_time_histogram(pctx, flow_id), "participant_count": count_participants(pctx, flow_id), "restrict_to_first_attempt": restrict_to_first_attempt, }) # }}} # {{{ page analytics class AnswerStats(object): def __init__(self, normalized_answer, correctness, count, percentage): self.normalized_answer = normalized_answer self.correctness = correctness self.count = count self.percentage = percentage @login_required @course_view def page_analytics(pctx, flow_id, group_id, page_id): if pctx.role not in [ participation_role.teaching_assistant, participation_role.instructor, participation_role.observer, ]: raise PermissionDenied("must be at least TA to view analytics") flow_desc = get_flow_desc(pctx.repo, pctx.course, flow_id, pctx.course_commit_sha) restrict_to_first_attempt = int( bool(pctx.request.GET.get("restrict_to_first_attempt") == "1")) is_multiple_submit = is_flow_multiple_submit(flow_desc) page_cache = PageInstanceCache(pctx.repo, pctx.course, flow_id) visits = (FlowPageVisit.objects .filter( flow_session__course=pctx.course, flow_session__flow_id=flow_id, page_data__group_id=group_id, page_data__page_id=page_id, is_submitted_answer=True, )) if connection.features.can_distinct_on_fields: if restrict_to_first_attempt: visits = (visits .distinct("flow_session__participation__id") .order_by("flow_session__participation__id", "visit_time")) elif is_multiple_submit: visits = (visits .distinct("page_data__id") .order_by("page_data__id", "-visit_time")) visits = (visits .select_related("flow_session") .select_related("page_data")) normalized_answer_and_correctness_to_count = {} title = None body = None total_count = 0 graded_count = 0 for visit in visits: page = page_cache.get_page(group_id, page_id, pctx.course_commit_sha) from course.page import PageContext grading_page_context = PageContext( course=pctx.course, repo=pctx.repo, commit_sha=pctx.course_commit_sha, flow_session=visit.flow_session) title = page.title(grading_page_context, visit.page_data.data) body = page.body(grading_page_context, visit.page_data.data) normalized_answer = page.normalized_answer( grading_page_context, visit.page_data.data, visit.answer) answer_feedback = visit.get_most_recent_feedback() if answer_feedback is not None: key = (normalized_answer, answer_feedback.correctness) normalized_answer_and_correctness_to_count[key] = \ normalized_answer_and_correctness_to_count.get(key, 0) + 1 graded_count += 1 else: key = (normalized_answer, None) normalized_answer_and_correctness_to_count[key] = \ normalized_answer_and_correctness_to_count.get(key, 0) + 1 total_count += 1 answer_stats = [] for (normalized_answer, correctness), count in \ normalized_answer_and_correctness_to_count.iteritems(): answer_stats.append( AnswerStats( normalized_answer=normalized_answer, correctness=correctness, count=count, percentage=safe_div(100 * count, total_count))) answer_stats = sorted( answer_stats, key=lambda astats: astats.percentage, reverse=True) return render_course_page(pctx, "course/analytics-page.html", { "flow_identifier": flow_id, "group_id": group_id, "page_id": page_id, "title": title, "body": body, "answer_stats_list": answer_stats, "restrict_to_first_attempt": restrict_to_first_attempt, }) # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker