diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 56516c971f7373cf50aa83f8ceda3635a8923b0d..64430f6213fa63d2cab1fd2071234309ce4e7c09 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -29,3 +29,6 @@ Links:
 * `Documentation <https://documen.tician.de/pytools>`_
 * `Github <https://github.com/inducer/pytools>`_
+* ``pytools.log`` has been spun out into a separate project,
+  `logpyle <https://github.com/illinois-ceesd/logpyle>`__.
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index adeecf8ab771f3ff5fa8a705afaddbfaee8d87f4..24e1d66373b8112d03b8ae9bc8ff343e50622ce8 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Welcome to pytools's documentation!
-    log
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/doc/log.rst b/doc/log.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index dabef32866ee11a41972ed737eb2a1d26e7f4241..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/doc/log.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Time series logging
-How do I use this?
-Consider this example of a 'simulation' logging various quantities:
-.. literalinclude:: ../examples/log.py
-(You can find this example as
-:download:`examples/log.py <../examples/log.py>` in the pytools
-source distribution.)
-Running this script will give you a file ``mylog.dat``. Note how log quantities
-given as "watches" are also periodically logged to the console.
-To analyze this data, we need some tools that are distributed as part of the
-`'datapyle' package on Github <https://github.com/inducer/datapyle>`__, which
-we need to install first::
-    $ pip install git+https://github.com/inducer/datapyle.git
-To prepare this data set for analysis, run ``runalyzer-gather`` as a script::
-    $ runalyzer-gather summary.dat mylog.dat
-    Scanning...          [########################################] ETA ?
-    Importing...         [########################################] ETA ?
-This step may look unnecessary here, but it serves two important functions:
-- If you would like to compare data from multiple runs, you can simply
-  add data files from multiple runs and analyze them side-by-side.
-- For distributed-memory runs, you can likewise gve data sets from
-  multiple ranks to be gathered in a single file for centralized analysis.
-- As well as, naturally, any combination of the above.
-After this, you may use ``runalyzer`` (also in ``datapyle``) to analyze
-the summary file::
-    # -m enables '$quantity' in SQL
-    $ runalyzer -m summary.dat
-    Runalyzer running on Python 3.8.5 (default, Aug  2 2020, 15:09:07)
-    [GCC 10.2.0]
-    Copyright (c) Andreas Kloeckner 2008
-    Run .help to see help for 'magic' commands
-    >>>
-This is a normal Python console, but it has a few extra tricks up its
-sleeve. ``.help`` gives an overview. Here, we'll focus on demonstrating
-two interesting features. First, lets get an overview of all the
-logged quantities::
-    >>> .quantities
-    id | name    | unit | description                 | rank_aggregator
-    ---+---------+------+-----------------------------+-----------------
-    7  | dt      | s    | Simulation Timestep         | None
-    9  | fifteen | None | None                        | None
-    5  | step    | 1    | Timesteps                   | None
-    2  | t_2step | s    | Step-to-step duration       | None
-    3  | t_cpu   | s    | Wall time                   | None
-    4  | t_log   | s    | Time spent updating the log | None
-    6  | t_sim   | s    | Simulation Time             | None
-    1  | t_step  | s    | Time step duration          | None
-    8  | t_vis   | s    | Time spent visualizing      | None
-Next, we could plot, e.g. time step duration against simulation time::
-    >>> .plot select $t_sim, $t_2step
-Next, a fact that the ``select`` may have given away: The argument to
-``.plot`` is a SQL query that is passed on to :mod:`sqlite3`, with support
-for some additional syntax. You can  see what this query expanded to internally::
-    >>> mangle_sql("select $t_sim, $t_2step")
-    'select t_sim.value, t_2step.value from runs  inner join t_sim on (t_sim.run_id = runs.id)  inner join t_2step on (t_2step.run_id = runs.id and t_sim.step = t_2step.step and t_sim.rank=t_2step.rank) '
-As you can see, by default these queries return data from all runs.
-You can filter which runs you are interested in through run properties::
-    >>> .runprops
-    cmdline
-    date
-    dirname
-    filename
-    id
-    is_parallel
-    machine
-    myconst
-    rank_count
-    schema_version
-    unique_run_id
-    unixtime
-simply by adding a SQL ``where`` clause referring to these properties.
-As you can see from the demo, you can of course add your own,
-application-focused run properties.
-This means that you have the full power of SQL available to analyze
-your time series data, for example:
-- Plot the solution 2-norms of all runs that were run on a Tuesday between time
-  step 2000 and 3000
-- Make a scatterplot correlating memory transfer amounts and simulation time
-.. automodule:: pytools.log
-.. no-doctest
diff --git a/examples/log.py b/examples/log.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eff36708dc3ca82f6dfd8cde6a50d0120c35f3b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/examples/log.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-from time import sleep
-from random import uniform
-from pytools.log import (LogManager, add_general_quantities,
-        add_simulation_quantities, add_run_info, IntervalTimer,
-        LogQuantity, set_dt)
-from warnings import warn
-class Fifteen(LogQuantity):
-    def __call__(self):
-        return 15
-def main():
-    logmgr = LogManager("mylog.dat", "w")  # , comm=...
-    # set a run property
-    logmgr.set_constant("myconst", uniform(0, 1))
-    add_run_info(logmgr)
-    add_general_quantities(logmgr)
-    add_simulation_quantities(logmgr)
-    vis_timer = IntervalTimer("t_vis", "Time spent visualizing")
-    logmgr.add_quantity(vis_timer)
-    logmgr.add_quantity(Fifteen("fifteen"))
-    logmgr.add_watches(["step.max", "t_sim.max", "t_step.max"])
-    for istep in range(200):
-        logmgr.tick_before()
-        dt = uniform(0.01, 0.1)
-        set_dt(logmgr, dt)
-        sleep(dt)
-        # Illustrate custom timers
-        if istep % 10 == 0:
-            with vis_timer.start_sub_timer():
-                sleep(0.05)
-        # Illustrate warnings capture
-        if uniform(0, 1) < 0.05:
-            warn("Oof. Something went awry.")
-        logmgr.tick_after()
-    logmgr.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/pytools/log.py b/pytools/log.py
index 5f502cbe73b2a49f3dc71ab31bb93154b9eb4733..33863dc4d0c72d42f4a281aec4cf0cf6bf63fb8c 100644
--- a/pytools/log.py
+++ b/pytools/log.py
@@ -1,1312 +1,8 @@
-Log Quantity Abstract Interfaces
+from warnings import warn
-.. autoclass:: LogQuantity
-.. autoclass:: PostLogQuantity
-.. autoclass:: MultiLogQuantity
-.. autoclass:: MultiPostLogQuantity
+warn("pytools.log was moved to https://github.com/illinois-ceesd/logpyle/. "
+        "I will try to import that for you. If the import fails, say "
+        "'pip install logpyle', and change your imports from 'pytools.log' "
+        "to 'logpyle'.", DeprecationWarning)
-Log Manager
-.. autoclass:: LogManager
-.. autofunction:: add_run_info
-Built-in Log General-Purpose Quantities
-.. autoclass:: IntervalTimer
-.. autoclass:: LogUpdateDuration
-.. autoclass:: EventCounter
-.. autoclass:: TimestepCounter
-.. autoclass:: StepToStepDuration
-.. autoclass:: TimestepDuration
-.. autoclass:: CPUTime
-.. autoclass:: ETA
-.. autofunction:: add_general_quantities
-Built-in Log Simulation-Related Quantities
-.. autoclass:: SimulationTime
-.. autoclass:: Timestep
-.. autofunction:: set_dt
-.. autofunction:: add_simulation_quantities
-__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Andreas Kloeckner"
-__license__ = """
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-import logging
-import six
-from six.moves import range
-from six.moves import zip
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# {{{ timing function
-def time():
-    """Return elapsed CPU time, as a float, in seconds."""
-    import os
-    time_opt = os.environ.get("PYTOOLS_LOG_TIME") or "wall"
-    if time_opt == "wall":
-        from time import time
-        return time()
-    elif time_opt == "rusage":
-        from resource import getrusage, RUSAGE_SELF
-        return getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF).ru_utime
-    else:
-        raise RuntimeError("invalid timing method '%s'" % time_opt)
-# }}}
-# {{{ abstract logging interface
-class LogQuantity(object):
-    """A source of loggable scalars.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    .. automethod:: tick
-    .. automethod:: __call__
-    """
-    sort_weight = 0
-    def __init__(self, name, unit=None, description=None):
-        self.name = name
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.description = description
-    @property
-    def default_aggregator(self):
-        return None
-    def tick(self):
-        """Perform updates required at every :class:`LogManager` tick."""
-        pass
-    def __call__(self):
-        """Return the current value of the diagnostic represented by this
-        :class:`LogQuantity` or None if no value is available.
-        This is only called if the invocation interval calls for it.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class PostLogQuantity(LogQuantity):
-    """A source of loggable scalars.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    .. automethod:: tick
-    .. automethod:: prepare_for_tick
-    """
-    sort_weight = 0
-    def prepare_for_tick(self):
-        pass
-class MultiLogQuantity(object):
-    """A source of multiple loggable scalars."""
-    sort_weight = 0
-    def __init__(self, names, units=None, descriptions=None):
-        self.names = names
-        if units is None:
-            units = len(names) * [None]
-        self.units = units
-        if descriptions is None:
-            descriptions = len(names) * [None]
-        self.descriptions = descriptions
-    @property
-    def default_aggregators(self):
-        return [None] * len(self.names)
-    def tick(self):
-        """Perform updates required at every :class:`LogManager` tick."""
-        pass
-    def __call__(self):
-        """Return an iterable of the current values of the diagnostic represented
-        by this :class:`MultiLogQuantity`.
-        This is only called if the invocation interval calls for it.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class MultiPostLogQuantity(MultiLogQuantity, PostLogQuantity):
-    pass
-class DtConsumer(object):
-    def __init__(self, dt):
-        self.dt = dt
-    def set_dt(self, dt):
-        self.dt = dt
-class TimeTracker(DtConsumer):
-    def __init__(self, dt):
-        DtConsumer.__init__(self, dt)
-        self.t = 0
-    def tick(self):
-        self.t += self.dt
-class SimulationLogQuantity(PostLogQuantity, DtConsumer):
-    """A source of loggable scalars that needs to know the simulation timestep."""
-    def __init__(self, dt, name, unit=None, description=None):
-        PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, unit, description)
-        DtConsumer.__init__(self, dt)
-class PushLogQuantity(LogQuantity):
-    def __init__(self, name, unit=None, description=None):
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, unit, description)
-        self.value = None
-    def push_value(self, value):
-        if self.value is not None:
-            raise RuntimeError("can't push two values per cycle")
-        self.value = value
-    def __call__(self):
-        v = self.value
-        self.value = None
-        return v
-class CallableLogQuantityAdapter(LogQuantity):
-    """Adapt a 0-ary callable as a :class:`LogQuantity`."""
-    def __init__(self, callable, name, unit=None, description=None):
-        self.callable = callable
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, unit, description)
-    def __call__(self):
-        return self.callable()
-# }}}
-# {{{ manager functionality
-class _GatherDescriptor(object):
-    def __init__(self, quantity, interval):
-        self.quantity = quantity
-        self.interval = interval
-class _QuantityData(object):
-    def __init__(self, unit, description, default_aggregator):
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.description = description
-        self.default_aggregator = default_aggregator
-def _join_by_first_of_tuple(list_of_iterables):
-    loi = [i.__iter__() for i in list_of_iterables]
-    if not loi:
-        return
-    key_vals = [next(iter) for iter in loi]
-    keys = [kv[0] for kv in key_vals]
-    values = [kv[1] for kv in key_vals]
-    target_key = max(keys)
-    force_advance = False
-    i = 0
-    while True:
-        while keys[i] < target_key or force_advance:
-            try:
-                new_key, new_value = next(loi[i])
-            except StopIteration:
-                return
-            assert keys[i] < new_key
-            keys[i] = new_key
-            values[i] = new_value
-            if new_key > target_key:
-                target_key = new_key
-            force_advance = False
-        i += 1
-        if i >= len(loi):
-            i = 0
-        if min(keys) == target_key:
-            yield target_key, values[:]
-            force_advance = True
-def _get_unique_id():
-    try:
-        from uuid import uuid1
-    except ImportError:
-        try:
-            import hashlib
-            checksum = hashlib.md5()
-        except ImportError:
-            # for Python << 2.5
-            import md5
-            checksum = md5.new()
-        from random import Random
-        rng = Random()
-        rng.seed()
-        for i in range(20):
-            checksum.update(str(rng.randrange(1 << 30)).encode("utf-32"))
-        return checksum.hexdigest()
-    else:
-        return uuid1().hex
-def _get_random_suffix(n):
-    characters = (
-            [chr(65+i) for i in range(26)]
-            + [chr(97+i) for i in range(26)]
-            + [chr(48+i) for i in range(10)])
-    from random import choice
-    return "".join(choice(characters) for i in range(n))
-def _set_up_schema(db_conn):
-    # initialize new database
-    db_conn.execute("""
-      create table quantities (
-        name text,
-        unit text,
-        description text,
-        default_aggregator blob)""")
-    db_conn.execute("""
-      create table constants (
-        name text,
-        value blob)""")
-    db_conn.execute("""
-      create table warnings (
-        rank integer,
-        step integer,
-        message text,
-        category text,
-        filename text,
-        lineno integer
-        )""")
-    schema_version = 2
-    return schema_version
-class LogManager(object):
-    """A distributed-memory-capable diagnostic time-series logging facility.
-    It is meant to log data from a computation, with certain log quantities
-    available before a cycle, and certain other ones afterwards. A timeline of
-    invocations looks as follows::
-        tick_before()
-        compute...
-        tick()
-        tick_after()
-        tick_before()
-        compute...
-        tick_after()
-        ...
-    In a time-dependent simulation, each group of :meth:`tick_before`
-    :meth:`tick_after` calls captures data for a single time state,
-    namely that in which the data may have been *before* the "compute"
-    step. However, some data (such as the length of the timestep taken
-    in a time-adpative method) may only be available *after* the completion
-    of the "compute..." stage, which is why :meth:`tick_after` exists.
-    A :class:`LogManager` logs any number of named time series of floats to
-    a file. Non-time-series data, in the form of constants, is also
-    supported and saved.
-    If MPI parallelism is used, the "head rank" below always refers to
-    rank 0.
-    Command line tools called :command:`runalyzer` (in the `datapyle package
-    <https://github.com/inducer/datapyle>`__) are available for looking at the
-    data in a saved log.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    .. automethod:: save
-    .. automethod:: close
-    .. rubric:: Data retrieval
-    .. automethod:: get_table
-    .. automethod:: get_warnings
-    .. automethod:: get_expr_dataset
-    .. automethod:: get_joint_dataset
-    .. rubric:: Configuration
-    .. automethod:: capture_warnings
-    .. automethod:: add_watches
-    .. automethod:: set_constant
-    .. automethod:: add_quantity
-    .. rubric:: Time Loop
-    .. automethod:: tick_before
-    .. automethod:: tick_after
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename=None, mode="r", mpi_comm=None, capture_warnings=True,
-            commit_interval=90):
-        """Initialize this log manager instance.
-        :param filename: If given, the filename to which this log is bound.
-          If this database exists, the current state is loaded from it.
-        :param mode: One of "w", "r" for write, read. "w" assumes that the
-          database is initially empty. May also be "wu" to indicate that
-          a unique filename should be chosen automatically.
-        :arg mpi_comm: A `mpi4py.MPI.Comm`. If given, logs are
-            periodically synchronized to the head node, which then writes them
-            out to disk.
-        :param capture_warnings: Tap the Python warnings facility and save warnings
-          to the log file.
-        :param commit_interval: actually perform a commit only every N times a commit
-          is requested.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(mode, six.string_types), "mode must be a string"
-        assert mode in ["w", "r", "wu"], "invalid mode"
-        self.quantity_data = {}
-        self.last_values = {}
-        self.before_gather_descriptors = []
-        self.after_gather_descriptors = []
-        self.tick_count = 0
-        self.commit_interval = commit_interval
-        self.commit_countdown = commit_interval
-        self.constants = {}
-        self.last_save_time = time()
-        # self-timing
-        self.start_time = time()
-        self.t_log = 0
-        # parallel support
-        self.head_rank = 0
-        self.mpi_comm = mpi_comm
-        self.is_parallel = mpi_comm is not None
-        if mpi_comm is None:
-            self.rank = 0
-        else:
-            self.rank = mpi_comm.rank
-            self.head_rank = 0
-        # watch stuff
-        self.watches = []
-        self.next_watch_tick = 1
-        self.have_nonlocal_watches = False
-        # database binding
-        try:
-            import sqlite3 as sqlite
-        except ImportError:
-            try:
-                from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
-            except ImportError:
-                raise ImportError("could not find a usable version of sqlite.")
-        if filename is None:
-            filename = ":memory:"
-        else:
-            if self.is_parallel:
-                filename += "-rank%d" % self.rank
-        while True:
-            suffix = ""
-            if mode == "wu":
-                suffix = "-"+_get_random_suffix(6)
-            self.db_conn = sqlite.connect(filename+suffix, timeout=30)
-            self.mode = mode
-            try:
-                self.db_conn.execute("select * from quantities;")
-            except sqlite.OperationalError:
-                # we're building a new database
-                if mode == "r":
-                    raise RuntimeError("Log database '%s' not found" % filename)
-                self.schema_version = _set_up_schema(self.db_conn)
-                self.set_constant("schema_version", self.schema_version)
-                self.set_constant("is_parallel", self.is_parallel)
-                # set globally unique run_id
-                if self.is_parallel:
-                    self.set_constant("unique_run_id",
-                            self.mpi_comm.bcast(_get_unique_id(),
-                                root=self.head_rank))
-                else:
-                    self.set_constant("unique_run_id", _get_unique_id())
-                if self.is_parallel:
-                    self.set_constant("rank_count", self.mpi_comm.Get_size())
-                else:
-                    self.set_constant("rank_count", 1)
-            else:
-                # we've opened an existing database
-                if mode == "w":
-                    raise RuntimeError("Log database '%s' already exists" % filename)
-                if mode == "wu":
-                    # try again with a new suffix
-                    continue
-                self._load()
-            break
-        self.old_showwarning = None
-        if capture_warnings:
-            self.capture_warnings(True)
-    def capture_warnings(self, enable=True):
-        def _showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
-            try:
-                self.old_showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line)
-            except TypeError:
-                # cater to Python 2.5 and earlier
-                self.old_showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno)
-            if self.schema_version >= 1 and self.mode == "w":
-                if self.schema_version >= 2:
-                    self.db_conn.execute("insert into warnings values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",
-                            (self.rank, self.tick_count, str(message), str(category),
-                                filename, lineno))
-                else:
-                    self.db_conn.execute("insert into warnings values (?,?,?,?,?)",
-                            (self.tick_count, str(message), str(category),
-                                filename, lineno))
-        import warnings
-        if enable:
-            if self.old_showwarning is None:
-                pass
-                self.old_showwarning = warnings.showwarning
-                warnings.showwarning = _showwarning
-            else:
-                raise RuntimeError("Warnings capture was enabled twice")
-        else:
-            if self.old_showwarning is None:
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                        "Warnings capture was disabled, but never enabled")
-            warnings.showwarning = self.old_showwarning
-            self.old_showwarning = None
-    def _load(self):
-        if self.mpi_comm and self.mpi_comm.rank != self.head_rank:
-            return
-        from pickle import loads
-        for name, value in self.db_conn.execute("select name, value from constants"):
-            self.constants[name] = loads(value)
-        self.schema_version = self.constants.get("schema_version", 0)
-        self.is_parallel = self.constants["is_parallel"]
-        for name, unit, description, def_agg in self.db_conn.execute(
-                "select name, unit, description, default_aggregator "
-                "from quantities"):
-            self.quantity_data[name] = _QuantityData(
-                    unit, description, loads(def_agg))
-    def close(self):
-        if self.old_showwarning is not None:
-            self.capture_warnings(False)
-        self.save()
-        self.db_conn.close()
-    def get_table(self, q_name):
-        if q_name not in self.quantity_data:
-            raise KeyError("invalid quantity name '%s'" % q_name)
-        from pytools.datatable import DataTable
-        result = DataTable(["step", "rank", "value"])
-        for row in self.db_conn.execute(
-                "select step, rank, value from %s" % q_name):
-            result.insert_row(row)
-        return result
-    def get_warnings(self):
-        columns = ["step", "message", "category", "filename", "lineno"]
-        if self.schema_version >= 2:
-            columns.insert(0, "rank")
-        from pytools.datatable import DataTable
-        result = DataTable(columns)
-        for row in self.db_conn.execute(
-                "select %s from warnings" % (", ".join(columns))):
-            result.insert_row(row)
-        return result
-    def add_watches(self, watches):
-        """Add quantities that are printed after every time step."""
-        from pytools import Record
-        class WatchInfo(Record):
-            pass
-        for watch in watches:
-            if isinstance(watch, tuple):
-                display, expr = watch
-            else:
-                display = watch
-                expr = watch
-            parsed = self._parse_expr(expr)
-            parsed, dep_data = self._get_expr_dep_data(parsed)
-            from pytools import any
-            self.have_nonlocal_watches = self.have_nonlocal_watches or \
-                    any(dd.nonlocal_agg for dd in dep_data)
-            from pymbolic import compile
-            compiled = compile(parsed, [dd.varname for dd in dep_data])
-            watch_info = WatchInfo(display=display, parsed=parsed, dep_data=dep_data,
-                    compiled=compiled)
-            self.watches.append(watch_info)
-    def set_constant(self, name, value):
-        """Make a named, constant value available in the log."""
-        existed = name in self.constants
-        self.constants[name] = value
-        from pickle import dumps
-        value = bytes(dumps(value))
-        if existed:
-            self.db_conn.execute("update constants set value = ? where name = ?",
-                    (value, name))
-        else:
-            self.db_conn.execute("insert into constants values (?,?)",
-                    (name, value))
-        self._commit()
-    def _insert_datapoint(self, name, value):
-        if value is None:
-            return
-        self.last_values[name] = value
-        try:
-            self.db_conn.execute("insert into %s values (?,?,?)" % name,
-                    (self.tick_count, self.rank, float(value)))
-        except Exception:
-            print("while adding datapoint for '%s':" % name)
-            raise
-    def _gather_for_descriptor(self, gd):
-        if self.tick_count % gd.interval == 0:
-            q_value = gd.quantity()
-            if isinstance(gd.quantity, MultiLogQuantity):
-                for name, value in zip(gd.quantity.names, q_value):
-                    self._insert_datapoint(name, value)
-            else:
-                self._insert_datapoint(gd.quantity.name, q_value)
-    def tick(self):
-        """Record data points from each added :class:`LogQuantity`.
-        May also checkpoint data to disk, and/or synchronize data points
-        to the head rank.
-        """
-        from warnings import warn
-        warn("LogManager.tick() is deprecated. "
-                "Use LogManager.tick_{before,after}().",
-                DeprecationWarning)
-        self.tick_before()
-        self.tick_after()
-    def tick_before(self):
-        """Record data points from each added :class:`LogQuantity` that
-        is not an instance of :class:`PostLogQuantity`. Also, invoke
-        :meth:`PostLogQuantity.prepare_for_tick` on :class:`PostLogQuantity`
-        instances.
-        """
-        tick_start_time = time()
-        for gd in self.before_gather_descriptors:
-            self._gather_for_descriptor(gd)
-        for gd in self.after_gather_descriptors:
-            gd.quantity.prepare_for_tick()
-        self.t_log = time() - tick_start_time
-    def tick_after(self):
-        """Record data points from each added :class:`LogQuantity` that
-        is an instance of :class:`PostLogQuantity`.
-        May also checkpoint data to disk.
-        """
-        tick_start_time = time()
-        for gd_lst in [self.before_gather_descriptors,
-                self.after_gather_descriptors]:
-            for gd in gd_lst:
-                gd.quantity.tick()
-        for gd in self.after_gather_descriptors:
-            self._gather_for_descriptor(gd)
-        self.tick_count += 1
-        if tick_start_time - self.start_time > 15*60:
-            save_interval = 5*60
-        else:
-            save_interval = 15
-        if tick_start_time > self.last_save_time + save_interval:
-            self.save()
-        # print watches
-        if self.tick_count == self.next_watch_tick:
-            self._watch_tick()
-        self.t_log += time() - tick_start_time
-    def _commit(self):
-        self.commit_countdown -= 1
-        if self.commit_countdown <= 0:
-            self.commit_countdown = self.commit_interval
-            self.db_conn.commit()
-    def save(self):
-        from sqlite3 import OperationalError
-        try:
-            self.db_conn.commit()
-        except OperationalError as e:
-            from warnings import warn
-            warn("encountered sqlite error during commit: %s" % e)
-        self.last_save_time = time()
-    def add_quantity(self, quantity, interval=1):
-        """Add an object derived from :class:`LogQuantity` to this manager."""
-        def add_internal(name, unit, description, def_agg):
-            logger.debug("add log quantity '%s'" % name)
-            if name in self.quantity_data:
-                raise RuntimeError("cannot add the same quantity '%s' twice" % name)
-            self.quantity_data[name] = _QuantityData(unit, description, def_agg)
-            from pickle import dumps
-            self.db_conn.execute("""insert into quantities values (?,?,?,?)""", (
-                name, unit, description,
-                bytes(dumps(def_agg))))
-            self.db_conn.execute("""create table %s
-              (step integer, rank integer, value real)""" % name)
-            self._commit()
-        gd = _GatherDescriptor(quantity, interval)
-        if isinstance(quantity, PostLogQuantity):
-            gd_list = self.after_gather_descriptors
-        else:
-            gd_list = self.before_gather_descriptors
-        gd_list.append(gd)
-        gd_list.sort(key=lambda gd: gd.quantity.sort_weight)
-        if isinstance(quantity, MultiLogQuantity):
-            for name, unit, description, def_agg in zip(
-                    quantity.names,
-                    quantity.units,
-                    quantity.descriptions,
-                    quantity.default_aggregators):
-                add_internal(name, unit, description, def_agg)
-        else:
-            add_internal(quantity.name,
-                    quantity.unit, quantity.description,
-                    quantity.default_aggregator)
-    def get_expr_dataset(self, expression, description=None, unit=None):
-        """Prepare a time-series dataset for a given expression.
-        :arg expression: A :mod:`pymbolic` expression that may involve
-          the time-series variables and the constants in this :class:`LogManager`.
-          If there is data from multiple ranks for a quantity occuring in
-          this expression, an aggregator may have to be specified.
-        :returns: ``(description, unit, table)``, where *table*
-          is a list of tuples ``(tick_nbr, value)``.
-        Aggregators are specified as follows:
-        - ``qty.min``, ``qty.max``, ``qty.avg``, ``qty.sum``, ``qty.norm2``
-        - ``qty[rank_nbr]``
-        - ``qty.loc``
-        """
-        parsed = self._parse_expr(expression)
-        parsed, dep_data = self._get_expr_dep_data(parsed)
-        # aggregate table data
-        for dd in dep_data:
-            table = self.get_table(dd.name)
-            table.sort(["step"])
-            dd.table = table.aggregated(["step"], "value", dd.agg_func).data
-        # evaluate unit and description, if necessary
-        if unit is None:
-            from pymbolic import substitute, parse
-            unit_dict = dict((dd.varname, dd.qdat.unit) for dd in dep_data)
-            from pytools import all
-            if all(v is not None for v in six.itervalues(unit_dict)):
-                unit_dict = dict((k, parse(v)) for k, v in six.iteritems(unit_dict))
-                unit = substitute(parsed, unit_dict)
-            else:
-                unit = None
-        if description is None:
-            description = expression
-        # compile and evaluate
-        from pymbolic import compile
-        compiled = compile(parsed, [dd.varname for dd in dep_data])
-        data = []
-        for key, values in _join_by_first_of_tuple(dd.table for dd in dep_data):
-            try:
-                data.append((key, compiled(*values)))
-            except ZeroDivisionError:
-                pass
-        return (description, unit, data)
-    def get_joint_dataset(self, expressions):
-        """Return a joint data set for a list of expressions.
-        :arg expressions: a list of either strings representing
-          expressions directly, or triples (descr, unit, expr).
-          In the former case, the description and the unit are
-          found automatically, if possible. In the latter case,
-          they are used as specified.
-        :returns: A triple ``(descriptions, units, table)``, where
-            *table* is a a list of ``[(tstep, (val_expr1, val_expr2,...)...]``.
-        """
-        # dubs is a list of (desc, unit, table) triples as
-        # returned by get_expr_dataset
-        dubs = []
-        for expr in expressions:
-            if isinstance(expr, str):
-                dub = self.get_expr_dataset(expr)
-            else:
-                expr_descr, expr_unit, expr_str = expr
-                dub = self.get_expr_dataset(
-                        expr_str,
-                        description=expr_descr,
-                        unit=expr_unit)
-            dubs.append(dub)
-        zipped_dubs = list(zip(*dubs))
-        zipped_dubs[2] = list(
-                _join_by_first_of_tuple(zipped_dubs[2]))
-        return zipped_dubs
-    def get_plot_data(self, expr_x, expr_y, min_step=None, max_step=None):
-        """Generate plot-ready data.
-        :return: ``(data_x, descr_x, unit_x), (data_y, descr_y, unit_y)``
-        """
-        (descr_x, descr_y), (unit_x, unit_y), data = \
-                self.get_joint_dataset([expr_x, expr_y])
-        if min_step is not None:
-            data = [(step, tup) for step, tup in data if min_step <= step]
-        if max_step is not None:
-            data = [(step, tup) for step, tup in data if step <= max_step]
-        stepless_data = [tup for step, tup in data]
-        if stepless_data:
-            data_x, data_y = list(zip(*stepless_data))
-        else:
-            data_x = []
-            data_y = []
-        return (data_x, descr_x, unit_x), \
-               (data_y, descr_y, unit_y)
-    def write_datafile(self, filename, expr_x, expr_y):
-        (data_x, label_x), (data_y, label_y) = self.get_plot_data(
-                expr_x, expr_y)
-        outf = open(filename, "w")
-        outf.write("# %s vs. %s" % (label_x, label_y))
-        for dx, dy in zip(data_x, data_y):
-            outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (repr(dx), repr(dy)))
-        outf.close()
-    def plot_matplotlib(self, expr_x, expr_y):
-        from matplotlib.pyplot import xlabel, ylabel, plot
-        (data_x, descr_x, unit_x), (data_y, descr_y, unit_y) = \
-                self.get_plot_data(expr_x, expr_y)
-        xlabel("%s [%s]" % (descr_x, unit_x))
-        ylabel("%s [%s]" % (descr_y, unit_y))
-        plot(data_x, data_y)
-    # {{{ private functionality
-    def _parse_expr(self, expr):
-        from pymbolic import parse, substitute
-        parsed = parse(expr)
-        # substitute in global constants
-        parsed = substitute(parsed, self.constants)
-        return parsed
-    def _get_expr_dep_data(self, parsed):
-        class Nth:
-            def __init__(self, n):
-                self.n = n
-            def __call__(self, lst):
-                return lst[self.n]
-        from pymbolic.mapper.dependency import DependencyMapper
-        deps = DependencyMapper(include_calls=False)(parsed)
-        # gather information on aggregation expressions
-        dep_data = []
-        from pymbolic.primitives import Variable, Lookup, Subscript
-        for dep_idx, dep in enumerate(deps):
-            nonlocal_agg = True
-            if isinstance(dep, Variable):
-                name = dep.name
-                if name == "math":
-                    continue
-                agg_func = self.quantity_data[name].default_aggregator
-                if agg_func is None:
-                    if self.is_parallel:
-                        raise ValueError(
-                                "must specify explicit aggregator for '%s'" % name)
-                    agg_func = lambda lst: lst[0]
-            elif isinstance(dep, Lookup):
-                assert isinstance(dep.aggregate, Variable)
-                name = dep.aggregate.name
-                agg_name = dep.name
-                if agg_name == "loc":
-                    agg_func = Nth(self.rank)
-                    nonlocal_agg = False
-                elif agg_name == "min":
-                    agg_func = min
-                elif agg_name == "max":
-                    agg_func = max
-                elif agg_name == "avg":
-                    from pytools import average
-                    agg_func = average
-                elif agg_name == "sum":
-                    agg_func = sum
-                elif agg_name == "norm2":
-                    from math import sqrt
-                    agg_func = lambda iterable: sqrt(
-                            sum(entry**2 for entry in iterable))
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError("invalid rank aggregator '%s'" % agg_name)
-            elif isinstance(dep, Subscript):
-                assert isinstance(dep.aggregate, Variable)
-                name = dep.aggregate.name
-                from pymbolic import evaluate
-                agg_func = Nth(evaluate(dep.index))
-            qdat = self.quantity_data[name]
-            from pytools import Record
-            class DependencyData(Record):
-                pass
-            this_dep_data = DependencyData(name=name, qdat=qdat, agg_func=agg_func,
-                    varname="logvar%d" % dep_idx, expr=dep,
-                    nonlocal_agg=nonlocal_agg)
-            dep_data.append(this_dep_data)
-        # substitute in the "logvar" variable names
-        from pymbolic import var, substitute
-        parsed = substitute(parsed,
-                dict((dd.expr, var(dd.varname)) for dd in dep_data))
-        return parsed, dep_data
-    def _watch_tick(self):
-        if not self.have_nonlocal_watches and self.rank != self.head_rank:
-            return
-        data_block = dict((qname, self.last_values.get(qname, 0))
-                for qname in six.iterkeys(self.quantity_data))
-        if self.mpi_comm is not None and self.have_nonlocal_watches:
-            gathered_data = self.mpi_comm.gather(data_block, self.head_rank)
-        else:
-            gathered_data = [data_block]
-        if self.rank == self.head_rank:
-            values = {}
-            for data_block in gathered_data:
-                for name, value in six.iteritems(data_block):
-                    values.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
-            def compute_watch_str(watch):
-                try:
-                    return "%s=%g" % (watch.display, watch.compiled(
-                        *[dd.agg_func(values[dd.name])
-                            for dd in watch.dep_data]))
-                except ZeroDivisionError:
-                    return "%s:div0" % watch.display
-            if self.watches:
-                print(" | ".join(
-                        compute_watch_str(watch) for watch in self.watches))
-        ticks_per_sec = self.tick_count/max(1, time()-self.start_time)
-        self.next_watch_tick = self.tick_count + int(max(1, ticks_per_sec))
-        if self.mpi_comm is not None and self.have_nonlocal_watches:
-            self.next_watch_tick = self.mpi_comm.bcast(
-                    self.next_watch_tick, self.head_rank)
-    # }}}
-# }}}
-# {{{ actual data loggers
-class _SubTimer:
-    def __init__(self, itimer):
-        self.itimer = itimer
-        self.start_time = time()
-        self.elapsed = 0
-    def stop(self):
-        self.elapsed += time() - self.start_time
-        del self.start_time
-        return self
-    def __enter__(self):
-        pass
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
-        self.stop()
-    def submit(self):
-        self.itimer.add_time(self.elapsed)
-        del self.elapsed
-class IntervalTimer(PostLogQuantity):
-    """Records elapsed times supplied by the user either through
-    sub-timers, or by explicitly calling :meth:`add_time`.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    .. automethod:: start_sub_timer
-    .. automethod:: add_time
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, description=None):
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", description)
-        self.elapsed = 0
-    def start_sub_timer(self):
-        return _SubTimer(self)
-    def add_time(self, t):
-        self.start_time = time()
-        self.elapsed += t
-    def __call__(self):
-        result = self.elapsed
-        self.elapsed = 0
-        return result
-class LogUpdateDuration(LogQuantity):
-    """Records how long the last log update in :class:`LogManager` took.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    """
-    # FIXME this is off by one tick
-    def __init__(self, mgr, name="t_log"):
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Time spent updating the log")
-        self.log_manager = mgr
-    def __call__(self):
-        return self.log_manager.t_log
-class EventCounter(PostLogQuantity):
-    """Counts events signaled by :meth:`add`.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    .. automethod:: add
-    .. automethod:: transfer
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name="interval", description=None):
-        PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "1", description)
-        self.events = 0
-    def add(self, n=1):
-        self.events += n
-    def transfer(self, counter):
-        self.events += counter.pop()
-    def prepare_for_tick(self):
-        self.events = 0
-    def __call__(self):
-        result = self.events
-        return result
-def time_and_count_function(f, timer, counter=None, increment=1):
-    def inner_f(*args, **kwargs):
-        if counter is not None:
-            counter.add(increment)
-        sub_timer = timer.start_sub_timer()
-        try:
-            return f(*args, **kwargs)
-        finally:
-            sub_timer.stop().submit()
-    return inner_f
-class TimestepCounter(LogQuantity):
-    """Counts the number of times :class:`LogManager` ticks."""
-    def __init__(self, name="step"):
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "1", "Timesteps")
-        self.steps = 0
-    def __call__(self):
-        result = self.steps
-        self.steps += 1
-        return result
-class StepToStepDuration(PostLogQuantity):
-    """Records the CPU time between invocations of
-    :meth:`LogManager.tick_before` and
-    :meth:`LogManager.tick_after`.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name="t_2step"):
-        PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Step-to-step duration")
-        self.last_start_time = None
-        self.last2_start_time = None
-    def prepare_for_tick(self):
-        self.last2_start_time = self.last_start_time
-        self.last_start_time = time()
-    def __call__(self):
-        if self.last2_start_time is None:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return self.last_start_time - self.last2_start_time
-class TimestepDuration(PostLogQuantity):
-    """Records the CPU time between the starts of time steps.
-    :meth:`LogManager.tick_before` and
-    :meth:`LogManager.tick_after`.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    """
-    # We would like to run last, so that if log gathering takes any
-    # significant time, we catch that, too. (CUDA sync-on-time-taking,
-    # I'm looking at you.)
-    sort_weight = 1000
-    def __init__(self, name="t_step"):
-        PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Time step duration")
-    def prepare_for_tick(self):
-        self.last_start = time()
-    def __call__(self):
-        now = time()
-        result = now - self.last_start
-        del self.last_start
-        return result
-class CPUTime(LogQuantity):
-    """Records (monotonically increasing) CPU time.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name="t_cpu"):
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Wall time")
-        self.start = time()
-    def __call__(self):
-        return time()-self.start
-class ETA(LogQuantity):
-    """Records an estimate of how long the computation will still take.
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    """
-    def __init__(self, total_steps, name="t_eta"):
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Estimated remaining duration")
-        self.steps = 0
-        self.total_steps = total_steps
-        self.start = time()
-    def __call__(self):
-        fraction_done = self.steps/self.total_steps
-        self.steps += 1
-        time_spent = time()-self.start
-        if fraction_done > 1e-9:
-            return time_spent/fraction_done-time_spent
-        else:
-            return 0
-def add_general_quantities(mgr):
-    """Add generally applicable :class:`LogQuantity` objects to *mgr*."""
-    mgr.add_quantity(TimestepDuration())
-    mgr.add_quantity(StepToStepDuration())
-    mgr.add_quantity(CPUTime())
-    mgr.add_quantity(LogUpdateDuration(mgr))
-    mgr.add_quantity(TimestepCounter())
-class SimulationTime(TimeTracker, LogQuantity):
-    """Record (monotonically increasing) simulation time."""
-    def __init__(self, dt, name="t_sim", start=0):
-        LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Simulation Time")
-        TimeTracker.__init__(self, dt)
-    def __call__(self):
-        return self.t
-class Timestep(SimulationLogQuantity):
-    """Record the magnitude of the simulated time step."""
-    def __init__(self, dt, name="dt", unit="s"):
-        SimulationLogQuantity.__init__(self, dt, name, unit, "Simulation Timestep")
-    def __call__(self):
-        return self.dt
-def set_dt(mgr, dt):
-    """Set the simulation timestep on :class:`LogManager` *mgr* to *dt*."""
-    for gd_lst in [mgr.before_gather_descriptors,
-            mgr.after_gather_descriptors]:
-        for gd in gd_lst:
-            if isinstance(gd.quantity, DtConsumer):
-                gd.quantity.set_dt(dt)
-def add_simulation_quantities(mgr, dt=None):
-    """Add :class:`LogQuantity` objects relating to simulation time."""
-    if dt is not None:
-        from warnings import warn
-        warn("Specifying dt ahead of time is a deprecated practice. "
-                "Use pytools.log.set_dt() instead.")
-    mgr.add_quantity(SimulationTime(dt))
-    mgr.add_quantity(Timestep(dt))
-def add_run_info(mgr):
-    """Add generic run metadata, such as command line, host, and time."""
-    import sys
-    mgr.set_constant("cmdline", " ".join(sys.argv))
-    from socket import gethostname
-    mgr.set_constant("machine", gethostname())
-    from time import localtime, strftime, time
-    mgr.set_constant("date", strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime()))
-    mgr.set_constant("unixtime", time())
-# }}}
-# vim: foldmethod=marker
+from logpyle import *  # noqa  # pylint: disable=import-error