# Environment variables # # * PYTEST_ADDOPTS is used to filter test runs. The default value is "-k-slowtest", # which skips the slow running tests. # * SKIP_EXAMPLES, if non-empty, can be used to skip the examples job. Python 2.7 POCL: script: - export PY_EXE=python2.7 - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable:pthread - export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=${PYTEST_ADDOPTS:--k-slowtest} - export EXTRA_INSTALL="Cython pybind11 numpy scipy mako" - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project.sh - ". ./build-and-test-py-project.sh" tags: - python2.7 - pocl - large-node except: - tags artifacts: reports: junit: test/pytest.xml Python 3 POCL: script: - export PY_EXE=python3 - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable:pthread - export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=${PYTEST_ADDOPTS:--k-slowtest} - export EXTRA_INSTALL="Cython pybind11 numpy scipy mako" - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project.sh - ". ./build-and-test-py-project.sh" tags: - python3 - pocl - large-node except: - tags artifacts: reports: junit: test/pytest.xml Python 3 Intel: script: - export PY_EXE=python3 - source /opt/enable-intel-cl.sh - export PYOPENCL_TEST="intel(r):pu" - export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=${PYTEST_ADDOPTS:--k-slowtest} - export EXTRA_INSTALL="Cython pybind11 numpy scipy mako" - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project.sh - ". ./build-and-test-py-project.sh" tags: - python3 - intel-cl-cpu - large-node except: - tags artifacts: reports: junit: test/pytest.xml Python 3 POCL Examples: script: - test -n "$SKIP_EXAMPLES" && exit - export PY_EXE=python3 - export PYOPENCL_TEST=portable:pthread - export EXTRA_INSTALL="Cython pybind11 numpy mako pyvisfile matplotlib" - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-py-project-and-run-examples.sh - ". ./build-py-project-and-run-examples.sh" tags: - python3 - pocl - large-node except: - tags artifacts: reports: junit: test/pytest.xml Python 3 Conda: script: - export SUMPY_FORCE_SYMBOLIC_BACKEND=symengine - export CONDA_ENVIRONMENT=.test-conda-env-py3.yml - export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=${PYTEST_ADDOPTS:--k-slowtest} - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project-within-miniconda.sh - ". ./build-and-test-py-project-within-miniconda.sh" tags: - linux - large-node except: - tags artifacts: reports: junit: test/pytest.xml Python 3 Conda Apple: script: - export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 - export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 - export CONDA_ENVIRONMENT=.test-conda-env-py3-macos.yml - export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=${PYTEST_ADDOPTS:--k-slowtest} - export CC=clang - set -o xtrace - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-and-test-py-project-within-miniconda.sh - ". ./build-and-test-py-project-within-miniconda.sh" tags: - apple except: - tags retry: 2 artifacts: reports: junit: test/pytest.xml Documentation: script: - EXTRA_INSTALL="Cython pybind11 numpy mako" - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/build-docs.sh - ". ./build-docs.sh" tags: - python3 only: - master Pylint: script: # Needed to avoid name shadowing issues when running from source directory. # Pylint won't find the Cython bits without this - PROJECT_INSTALL_FLAGS="--editable" - export PY_EXE=python3 # Pin to numpy 1.15 # See https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/2721 - EXTRA_INSTALL="Cython pybind11 numpy==1.15 mako matplotlib" - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/prepare-and-run-pylint.sh - ". ./prepare-and-run-pylint.sh pytential test/test_*.py" tags: - python3 except: - tags Flake8: script: - curl -L -O -k https://gitlab.tiker.net/inducer/ci-support/raw/master/prepare-and-run-flake8.sh - ". ./prepare-and-run-flake8.sh pytential test examples" tags: - python3 except: - tags