from __future__ import division import math import numpy as np import pytools.test def have_cl(): try: import pyopencl return True except: return False if have_cl(): import pyopencl.array as cl_array import pyopencl as cl import pyopencl.clmath as clmath from import pytest_generate_tests_for_pyopencl \ as pytest_generate_tests from pyopencl.characterize import has_double_support sizes = [10, 128, 1<<10, 1<<11, 1<<13] numpy_func_names = { "asin": "arcsin", "acos": "arccos", "atan": "arctan", } def make_unary_function_test(name, limits=(0, 1), threshold=0, use_complex=False): (a, b) = limits a = float(a) b = float(b) def test(ctx_factory): context = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(context) gpu_func = getattr(clmath, name) cpu_func = getattr(np, numpy_func_names.get(name, name)) if has_double_support(context.devices[0]): if use_complex: dtypes = [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128] else: dtypes = [np.float32, np.float64] else: if use_complex: dtypes = [np.float32, np.complex64] else: dtypes = [np.float32] for s in sizes: for dtype in dtypes: dtype = np.dtype(dtype) args = cl_array.arange(queue, a, b, (b-a)/s, dtype=dtype) if dtype.kind == "c": args = args+dtype.type(1j)*args gpu_results = gpu_func(args).get() cpu_results = cpu_func(args.get()) my_threshold = threshold if dtype.kind == "c" and isinstance(use_complex, float): my_threshold = use_complex max_err = np.max(np.abs(cpu_results - gpu_results)) assert (max_err <= my_threshold).all(), \ (max_err, name, dtype) return pytools.test.mark_test.opencl(test) if have_cl(): test_ceil = make_unary_function_test("ceil", (-10, 10)) test_floor = make_unary_function_test("ceil", (-10, 10)) test_fabs = make_unary_function_test("fabs", (-10, 10)) test_exp = make_unary_function_test("exp", (-3, 3), 1e-5, use_complex=True) test_log = make_unary_function_test("log", (1e-5, 1), 1e-6, use_complex=True) test_log10 = make_unary_function_test("log10", (1e-5, 1), 5e-7) test_sqrt = make_unary_function_test("sqrt", (1e-5, 1), 3e-7, use_complex=True) test_sin = make_unary_function_test("sin", (-10, 10), 2e-7, use_complex=2e-3) test_cos = make_unary_function_test("cos", (-10, 10), 2e-7, use_complex=2e-3) test_asin = make_unary_function_test("asin", (-0.9, 0.9), 5e-7) test_acos = make_unary_function_test("acos", (-0.9, 0.9), 5e-7) test_tan = make_unary_function_test("tan", (-math.pi/2 + 0.1, math.pi/2 - 0.1), 1e-5, use_complex=True) test_atan = make_unary_function_test("atan", (-10, 10), 2e-7) test_sinh = make_unary_function_test("sinh", (-3, 3), 1e-6, use_complex=2e-3) test_cosh = make_unary_function_test("cosh", (-3, 3), 1e-6, use_complex=2e-3) test_tanh = make_unary_function_test("tanh", (-3, 3), 2e-6, use_complex=True) @pytools.test.mark_test.opencl def test_fmod(ctx_factory): context = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(context) for s in sizes: a = cl_array.arange(queue, s, dtype=np.float32)/10 a2 = cl_array.arange(queue, s, dtype=np.float32)/45.2 + 0.1 b = clmath.fmod(a, a2) a = a.get() a2 = a2.get() b = b.get() for i in range(s): assert math.fmod(a[i], a2[i]) == b[i] @pytools.test.mark_test.opencl def test_ldexp(ctx_factory): context = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(context) for s in sizes: a = cl_array.arange(queue, s, dtype=np.float32) a2 = cl_array.arange(queue, s, dtype=np.float32)*1e-3 b = clmath.ldexp(a,a2) a = a.get() a2 = a2.get() b = b.get() for i in range(s): assert math.ldexp(a[i], int(a2[i])) == b[i] @pytools.test.mark_test.opencl def test_modf(ctx_factory): context = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(context) for s in sizes: a = cl_array.arange(queue, s, dtype=np.float32)/10 fracpart, intpart = clmath.modf(a) a = a.get() intpart = intpart.get() fracpart = fracpart.get() for i in range(s): fracpart_true, intpart_true = math.modf(a[i]) assert intpart_true == intpart[i] assert abs(fracpart_true - fracpart[i]) < 1e-4 @pytools.test.mark_test.opencl def test_frexp(ctx_factory): context = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(context) for s in sizes: a = cl_array.arange(queue, s, dtype=np.float32)/10 significands, exponents = clmath.frexp(a) a = a.get() significands = significands.get() exponents = exponents.get() for i in range(s): sig_true, ex_true = math.frexp(a[i]) assert sig_true == significands[i] assert ex_true == exponents[i] @pytools.test.mark_test.opencl def test_bessel_j(ctx_factory): try: import scipy.special as spec except ImportError: from py.test import skip skip("scipy not present--cannot test Bessel function") a = np.logspace(-5, 5, 10**6) ctx = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) if not has_double_support(ctx.devices[0]): from py.test import skip skip("no double precision support--cannot test bessel function") a_dev = cl_array.to_device(queue, a) for n in range(0, 30): cl_bessel = clmath.bessel_jn(n, a_dev).get() scipy_bessel = spec.jn(n, a) error = np.max(np.abs(cl_bessel-scipy_bessel)) print(n, error) assert error < 1e-10 assert not np.isnan(cl_bessel).any() if 0 and n == 15: import matplotlib.pyplot as pt #pt.plot(scipy_bessel) #pt.plot(cl_bessel) pt.loglog(a, np.abs(cl_bessel-scipy_bessel)) if __name__ == "__main__": # make sure that import failures get reported, instead of skipping the tests. import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: exec(sys.argv[1]) else: from py.test.cmdline import main main([__file__])