.. include:: subst.rst OpenCL Runtime: Platforms, Devices and Contexts =============================================== .. currentmodule:: pyopencl Platform -------- .. function:: get_platforms() Return a list of :class:`Platform` instances. .. class:: Platform .. attribute:: info Lower case versions of the :class:`platform_info` constants may be used as attributes on instances of this class to directly query info attributes. .. method:: get_info(param) See :class:`platform_info` for values of *param*. .. method:: get_devices(device_type=device_type.ALL) Return a list of devices matching *device_type*. See :class:`device_type` for values of *device_type*. .. versionchanged:: 2013.2 This used to raise an exception if no matching devices were found. Now, it will simply return an empty list. .. automethod:: from_int_ptr .. autoattribute:: int_ptr |comparable| Device ------ .. class:: Device Two instances of this class may be compared using *=="* and *"!="*. .. attribute:: info Lower case versions of the :class:`device_info` constants may be used as attributes on instances of this class to directly query info attributes. .. method:: get_info(param) See :class:`device_info` for values of *param*. .. automethod:: from_int_ptr .. autoattribute:: int_ptr .. attribute :: hashable_model_and_version_identifier An unspecified data type that can be used to (as precisely as possible, given identifying information available in OpenCL) identify a given model and software stack version of a compute device. Note that this identifier does not differentiate between different instances of the same device installed in a single host. The returned data type is hashable. .. versionadded:: 2020.1 .. method:: create_sub_devices(properties) *properties* is an array of one (or more) of the forms:: [ dpp.EQUALLY, 8] [ dpp.BY_COUNTS, 5, 7, 9, dpp.PARTITION_BY_COUNTS_LIST_END] [ dpp.BY_NAMES, 5, 7, 9, dpp.PARTITION_BY_NAMES_LIST_END] [ dpp.BY_AFFINITY_DOMAIN, dad.L1_CACHE] where ``dpp`` represents :class:`device_partition_property` and ``dad`` represent :class:`device_affinity_domain`. ``PROPERTIES_LIST_END_EXT`` is added automatically. Only available with CL 1.2. .. versionadded:: 2011.2 .. method:: device_and_host_timer :returns: a tuple ``(device_timestamp, host_timestamp)``. Only available with CL 2.0. .. versionadded:: 2020.3 .. method:: host_timer Only available with CL 2.0. .. versionadded:: 2020.3 Context ------- .. class:: Context(devices=None, properties=None, dev_type=None, cache_dir=None) Create a new context. *properties* is a list of key-value tuples, where each key must be one of :class:`context_properties`. At most one of *devices* and *dev_type* may be not *None*, where *devices* is a list of :class:`Device` instances, and *dev_type* is one of the :class:`device_type` constants. If neither is specified, a context with a *dev_type* of :attr:`device_type.DEFAULT` is created. If *cache_dir* is not *None* - it will be used as default *cache_dir* for all its' :class:`Program` instances builds (see also :meth:`Program.build`). .. note:: Calling the constructor with no arguments will fail for recent CL drivers that support the OpenCL ICD. If you want similar, just-give-me-a-context-already behavior, we recommend :func:`create_some_context`. See, e.g. this `explanation by AMD <https://web.archive.org/web/20101114195033/https://developer.amd.com/support/KnowledgeBase/Lists/KnowledgeBase/DispForm.aspx?ID=71>`__. .. note:: Because of how OpenCL changed in order to support Installable Client Drivers (ICDs) in OpenCL 1.1, the following will *look* reasonable but often actually not work:: import pyopencl as cl ctx = cl.Context(dev_type=cl.device_type.ALL) Instead, make sure to choose a platform when choosing a device by type:: import pyopencl as cl platforms = cl.get_platforms() ctx = cl.Context( dev_type=cl.device_type.ALL, properties=[(cl.context_properties.PLATFORM, platforms[0])]) .. note:: For ``context_properties.CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR``, ``context_properties.CL_EGL_DISPLAY_KHR``, ``context_properties.CL_GLX_DISPLAY_KHR``, ``context_properties.CL_WGL_HDC_KHR``, and ``context_properties.CL_CGL_SHAREGROUP_KHR`` ``context_properties.CL_CGL_SHAREGROUP_APPLE`` the value in the key-value pair is a PyOpenGL context or display instance. .. versionchanged:: 0.91.2 Constructor arguments *dev_type* added. .. attribute:: info Lower case versions of the :class:`context_info` constants may be used as attributes on instances of this class to directly query info attributes. .. method:: get_info(param) See :class:`context_info` for values of *param*. .. automethod:: from_int_ptr .. autoattribute:: int_ptr .. method:: set_default_device_command_queue(dev, queue) |comparable| .. function:: create_some_context(interactive=True, answers=None, cache_dir=None) Create a :class:`Context` 'somehow'. If multiple choices for platform and/or device exist, *interactive* is True, and *sys.stdin.isatty()* is also True, then the user is queried about which device should be chosen. Otherwise, a device is chosen in an implementation-defined manner.