diff --git a/doc/runtime.rst b/doc/runtime.rst
index f24c41b840c839549a10f8a73fed08a14f26cb71..bf639e26aaa2a0d1c7ad8bb6fe0f5ef69fbc2f91 100644
--- a/doc/runtime.rst
+++ b/doc/runtime.rst
@@ -145,6 +145,24 @@ Platforms, Devices and Contexts
         :func:`create_some_context`. See, e.g. this
         `explanation by AMD <http://developer.amd.com/support/KnowledgeBase/Lists/KnowledgeBase/DispForm.aspx?ID=71>`_.
+    .. note::
+        Because of how OpenCL changed in order to support Installable Client
+        Drivers (ICDs) in OpenCL 1.1, the following will *look* reasonable
+        but often actually not work::
+            import pyopencl as cl
+            ctx = cl.Context(dev_type=cl.device_type.ALL)
+        Instead, make sure to choose a platform when choosing a device by type::
+            import pyopencl as cl
+            platforms = cl.get_platforms()
+            ctx = cl.Context(
+                    dev_type=cl.device_type.ALL,
+                    properties=[(cl.context_properties.PLATFORM, platforms[0])])
     .. note::