diff --git a/doc/howto.rst b/doc/howto.rst
index 92244c43a69ef61ba3b33a581bc4a696ed9e7705..5c5b04d22b7179847a459fe36a4299920247b0f5 100644
--- a/doc/howto.rst
+++ b/doc/howto.rst
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ the device:
     >>> ary_host["field1"].fill(217)
     >>> ary_host["field2"].fill(1000)
     >>> ary_host[13]["field2"] = 12
-    >>> print(ary_host)
+    >>> print(ary_host) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
     [(217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.)
      (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.)
      (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,  1000.) (217,    12.) (217,  1000.)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ We can then operate on the array with our own kernels:
     ...     """).build()
     >>> evt = prg.set_to_1(queue, ary.shape, None, ary.data)
-    >>> print(ary)
+    >>> print(ary) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
     [(1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.)
      (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.)
      (1,  1000.) (1,    12.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.) (1,  1000.)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ as well as with PyOpenCL's built-in operations:
     >>> elwise = ElementwiseKernel(ctx, "my_struct *a", "a[i].field1 = 2;",
     ...    preamble=my_struct_c_decl)
     >>> evt = elwise(ary)
-    >>> print(ary)
+    >>> print(ary) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
     [(2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.)
      (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.)
      (2,  1000.) (2,    12.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.) (2,  1000.)
diff --git a/pyopencl/tools.py b/pyopencl/tools.py
index 6a72ee9796d8b728d3bc919633a1da27a891c584..7304cfc73dbcf722223e5bb2da1510dd909de6dc 100644
--- a/pyopencl/tools.py
+++ b/pyopencl/tools.py
@@ -249,38 +249,38 @@ def pytest_generate_tests_for_pyopencl(metafunc):
     test_plat_and_dev = get_test_platforms_and_devices()
-    if ("device" in metafunc.funcargnames
-            or "ctx_factory" in metafunc.funcargnames
-            or "ctx_getter" in metafunc.funcargnames):
-        arg_dict = {}
-        for platform, plat_devs in test_plat_and_dev:
-            if "platform" in metafunc.funcargnames:
-                arg_dict["platform"] = platform
-            for device in plat_devs:
-                if "device" in metafunc.funcargnames:
-                    arg_dict["device"] = device
-                if "ctx_factory" in metafunc.funcargnames:
-                    arg_dict["ctx_factory"] = ContextFactory(device)
-                if "ctx_getter" in metafunc.funcargnames:
-                    from warnings import warn
-                    warn("The 'ctx_getter' arg is deprecated in "
-                            "favor of 'ctx_factory'.",
-                            DeprecationWarning)
-                    arg_dict["ctx_getter"] = ContextFactory(device)
-                metafunc.addcall(funcargs=arg_dict.copy(),
-                        id=", ".join("%s=%s" % (arg, value)
-                                for arg, value in six.iteritems(arg_dict)))
-    elif "platform" in metafunc.funcargnames:
-        for platform, plat_devs in test_plat_and_dev:
-            metafunc.addcall(
-                    funcargs=dict(platform=platform),
-                    id=str(platform))
+    arg_names = []
+    for arg in ("platform", "device", "ctx_factory", "ctx_getter"):
+        if arg not in metafunc.funcargnames:
+            continue
+        if arg == "ctx_getter":
+            from warnings import warn
+            warn("The 'ctx_getter' arg is deprecated in "
+                    "favor of 'ctx_factory'.",
+                    DeprecationWarning)
+        arg_names.append(arg)
+    arg_values = []
+    for platform, plat_devs in test_plat_and_dev:
+        if arg_names == ["platform"]:
+            arg_values.append((platform,))
+            continue
+        arg_dict = {"platform": platform}
+        for device in plat_devs:
+            arg_dict["device"] = device
+            arg_dict["ctx_factory"] = ContextFactory(device)
+            arg_dict["ctx_getter"] = ContextFactory(device)
+            arg_values.append(tuple(arg_dict[name] for name in arg_names))
+    if arg_names:
+        metafunc.parametrize(arg_names, arg_values, ids=str)
 # {{{ C argument lists