From 694569b4ce3b05c0e70f1c66ddd6316090bdbb7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Kloeckner <>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 15:36:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Finish, test SVM

 doc/runtime_memory.rst       |  11 ++-
 pyopencl/         |  12 +++
 pyopencl/          | 163 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/c_wrapper/svm.cpp        |   4 +-
 src/c_wrapper/wrap_cl_core.h |   3 +-
 test/         |  66 ++++++++++++--
 6 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/runtime_memory.rst b/doc/runtime_memory.rst
index 3816abaa..e3312973 100644
--- a/doc/runtime_memory.rst
+++ b/doc/runtime_memory.rst
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ Buffer
     .. versionadded:: 2011.2
 .. _svm:
 Shared Virtual Memory (SVM)
@@ -133,6 +132,14 @@ Allocating SVM
 .. autofunction:: fsvm_empty
 .. autofunction:: fsvm_empty_like
+Operations on SVM
+(See also :ref:`mem-transfer`.)
+.. autofunction:: enqueue_svm_memfill
+.. autofunction:: enqueue_svm_migratemem
 SVM Allocation Holder
@@ -267,6 +274,8 @@ Image
     .. versionadded:: 2011.2
+.. _mem-transfer:
diff --git a/pyopencl/ b/pyopencl/
index b2e437fd..015431e1 100644
--- a/pyopencl/
+++ b/pyopencl/
@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ from pyopencl.cffi_cl import (  # noqa
+        enqueue_svm_memfill,
+        enqueue_svm_migratemem,
@@ -854,6 +856,12 @@ def enqueue_copy(queue, dest, src, **kwargs):
             raise ValueError("invalid dest mem object type")
+    elif isinstance(dest, SVM):
+        # to SVM
+        if isinstance(src, SVM):
+            src = src.mem
+        return _cl._enqueue_svm_memcpy(queue, dest.mem, src, **kwargs)
         # assume to-host
@@ -877,6 +885,10 @@ def enqueue_copy(queue, dest, src, **kwargs):
                         queue, src, origin, region, dest, **kwargs)
                 raise ValueError("invalid src mem object type")
+        elif isinstance(src, SVM):
+            # from svm
+            # dest is not a SVM instance, otherwise we'd be in the branch above
+            return _cl._enqueue_svm_memcpy(queue, dest, src.mem, **kwargs)
             # assume from-host
             raise TypeError("enqueue_copy cannot perform host-to-host transfers")
diff --git a/pyopencl/ b/pyopencl/
index b23fbae1..0a5f6abd 100644
--- a/pyopencl/
+++ b/pyopencl/
@@ -1122,10 +1122,11 @@ class SVMAllocation(object):
         self.is_fine_grain = flags & svm_mem_flags.SVM_FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER
         if _interface is not None:
-            _interface["data"] = (
-                    int(_ffi.cast("intptr_t", self.ptr)),
+            read_write = (
                     flags & mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY != 0
                     or flags & mem_flags.READ_WRITE != 0)
+            _interface["data"] = (
+                    int(_ffi.cast("intptr_t", self.ptr)), not read_write)
             self.__array_interface__ = _interface
     def __del__(self):
@@ -1159,13 +1160,7 @@ class SVMAllocation(object):
 # {{{ SVM
-# doc example
-# finish copy
-#  test
-# fill
-#  test
-# migrate
+# TODO add clSetKernelExecInfo
 class SVM(_CLKernelArg):
     """Tags an object exhibiting the Python buffer interface (such as a
@@ -1177,25 +1172,54 @@ class SVM(_CLKernelArg):
     *   coarse-grain shared memory as returned by (e.g.) :func:`csvm_empty`
         for any implementation of OpenCL 2.0.
+        This is how coarse-grain SVM may be used from both host and device::
+            svm_ary = cl.SVM(cl.csvm_empty(ctx, 1000, np.float32, alignment=64))
+            assert isinstance(svm_ary.mem, np.ndarray)
+            with svm_ary.map_rw(queue) as ary:
+                ary.fill(17)  # use from host
+            prg.twice(queue, svm_ary.mem.shape, None, svm_ary)
     *   fine-grain shared memory as returned by (e.g.) :func:`fsvm_empty`,
         if the implementation supports fine-grained shared virtual memory.
+        This memory may directly be passed to a kernel::
+            ary = cl.fsvm_empty(ctx, 1000, np.float32)
+            assert isinstance(ary, np.ndarray)
+            prg.twice(queue, ary.shape, None, cl.SVM(ary))
+            queue.finish() # synchronize
+            print(ary) # access from host
+        Observe how mapping (as needed in coarse-grain SVM) is no longer
+        necessary.
     *   any :class:`numpy.ndarray` (or other Python object with a buffer
         interface) if the implementation supports fine-grained *system* shared
         virtual memory.
+        This is how plain :mod:`numpy` arrays may directly be passed to a
+        kernel::
+            ary = np.zeros(1000, np.float32)
+            prg.twice(queue, ary.shape, None, cl.SVM(ary))
+            queue.finish() # synchronize
+            print(ary) # access from host
     Objects of this type may be passed to kernel calls and :func:`enqueue_copy`.
     Coarse-grain shared-memory *must* be mapped into host address space using
     :meth:`map` before being accessed through the :mod:`numpy` interface.
     .. note::
-        This object merely serves as a 'tag' that changes the meaning
+        This object merely serves as a 'tag' that changes the behavior
         of functions to which it is passed. It has no special management
         relationship to the memory it tags. For example, it is permissible
-        to grab a :mod:`numpy.array` out of :attr:`SVM.memory` of one
+        to grab a :mod:`numpy.array` out of :attr:`SVM.mem` of one
         :class:`SVM` instance and use the array to construct another.
-        Neither of the tags needs to be kept alive.
+        Neither of the tags need to be kept alive.
     .. versionadded:: 2016.2
@@ -1205,13 +1229,15 @@ class SVM(_CLKernelArg):
     .. automethod:: __init__
     .. automethod:: map
+    .. automethod:: map_ro
+    .. automethod:: map_rw
     .. automethod:: as_buffer
     def __init__(self, mem):
         self.mem = mem
-    def map(self, queue, is_blocking=True, flags=None, wait_for=None):
+    def map(self, queue, flags, is_blocking=True, wait_for=None):
         :arg is_blocking: If *False*, subsequent code must wait on
             :attr:`SVMMap.event` in the returned object before accessing the
@@ -1222,11 +1248,9 @@ class SVM(_CLKernelArg):
-        if flags is None:
-            flags = map_flags.READ | map_flags.WRITE
-        c_buf, size, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(self.mem, writable=bool(
-            flags & (map_flags.WRITE | map_flags.INVALIDATE_REGION)))
+        writable = bool(
+            flags & (map_flags.WRITE | map_flags.WRITE_INVALIDATE_REGION))
+        c_buf, size, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(self.mem, writable=writable)
         ptr_event ='clobj_t*')
         c_wait_for, num_wait_for = _clobj_list(wait_for)
@@ -1235,9 +1259,21 @@ class SVM(_CLKernelArg):
             c_buf, size,
             c_wait_for, num_wait_for))
-        evt = Event._create(ptr_event[0]), SVMMap(self.mem)
+        evt = Event._create(ptr_event[0])
         return SVMMap(self, queue, evt)
+    def map_ro(self, queue, is_blocking=True, wait_for=None):
+        """Like :meth:`map`, but with *flags* set for a read-only map."""
+        return, map_flags.READ,
+                is_blocking=is_blocking, wait_for=wait_for)
+    def map_rw(self, queue, is_blocking=True, wait_for=None):
+        """Like :meth:`map`, but with *flags* set for a read-only map."""
+        return, map_flags.READ | map_flags.WRITE,
+                is_blocking=is_blocking, wait_for=wait_for)
     def _enqueue_unmap(self, queue, wait_for=None):
         c_buf, _, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(self.mem)
@@ -1248,7 +1284,7 @@ class SVM(_CLKernelArg):
             c_wait_for, num_wait_for))
-        return Event._create(ptr_event[0]), SVMMap(self.mem)
+        return Event._create(ptr_event[0])
     def as_buffer(self, ctx, flags=None):
@@ -1266,6 +1302,93 @@ class SVM(_CLKernelArg):
         return Buffer(ctx, flags, size=self.mem.nbytes, hostbuf=self.mem)
+def _enqueue_svm_memcpy(queue, dst, src, size=None,
+        wait_for=None, is_blocking=True):
+    dst_buf, dst_size, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(dst, writable=True)
+    src_buf, src_size, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(src, writable=False)
+    if size is None:
+        size = min(dst_size, src_size)
+    ptr_event ='clobj_t*')
+    c_wait_for, num_wait_for = _clobj_list(wait_for)
+    _handle_error(_lib.enqueue_svm_memcpy(
+        ptr_event, queue.ptr,  bool(is_blocking),
+        dst_buf, src_buf, size,
+        c_wait_for, num_wait_for,
+        NannyEvent._handle((dst_buf, src_buf))))
+    return NannyEvent._create(ptr_event[0])
+def enqueue_svm_memfill(queue, dest, pattern, byte_count=None, wait_for=None):
+    """Fill shared virtual memory with a pattern.
+    :arg dest: a Python buffer object, optionally wrapped in an :class:`SVM` object
+    :arg pattern: a Python buffer object (e.g. a :class:`numpy.ndarray` with the
+        fill pattern to be used.
+    :arg byte_count: The size of the memory to be fill. Defaults to the
+        entirety of *dest*.
+    |std-enqueue-blurb|
+    .. versionadded:: 2016.2
+    """
+    if isinstance(dest, SVM):
+        dest = dest.mem
+    dst_buf, dst_size, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(dest, writable=True)
+    pattern_buf, pattern_size, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(pattern, writable=False)
+    if byte_count is None:
+        byte_count = dst_size
+    # pattern is copied, no need to nanny.
+    ptr_event ='clobj_t*')
+    c_wait_for, num_wait_for = _clobj_list(wait_for)
+    _handle_error(_lib.enqueue_svm_memfill(
+        ptr_event, queue.ptr,
+        dst_buf, pattern_buf, pattern_size, byte_count,
+        c_wait_for, num_wait_for))
+    return Event._create(ptr_event[0])
+def enqueue_svm_migratemem(queue, svms, flags, wait_for=None):
+    """
+    :arg svms: a collection of Python buffer objects (e.g. :mod:`numpy`
+        arrrays), optionally wrapped in :class:`SVM` objects.
+    :arg flags: a combination of :class:`mem_migration_flags`
+    |std-enqueue-blurb|
+    .. versionadded:: 2016.2
+    This function requires OpenCL 2.1.
+    """
+    svm_pointers ='void *', len(svms))
+    sizes ='size_t', len(svms))
+    for i, svm in enumerate(svms):
+        if isinstance(svm, SVM):
+            svm = svm.mem
+        buf, size, _ = _c_buffer_from_obj(svm, writable=False)
+        svm_pointers[i] = buf
+        sizes[i] = size
+    ptr_event ='clobj_t*')
+    c_wait_for, num_wait_for = _clobj_list(wait_for)
+    _handle_error(_lib.enqueue_svm_memfill(
+        ptr_event, queue.ptr,
+        len(svms), svm_pointers, sizes, flags,
+        c_wait_for, num_wait_for))
+    return Event._create(ptr_event[0])
 # }}}
diff --git a/src/c_wrapper/svm.cpp b/src/c_wrapper/svm.cpp
index 875c9271..8452ec99 100644
--- a/src/c_wrapper/svm.cpp
+++ b/src/c_wrapper/svm.cpp
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ enqueue_svm_memcpy(
     clobj_t *evt, clobj_t _queue,
     cl_bool is_blocking,
     void *dst_ptr, const void *src_ptr, size_t size,
-    const clobj_t *_wait_for, uint32_t num_wait_for)
+    const clobj_t *_wait_for, uint32_t num_wait_for, void *pyobj)
 #if PYOPENCL_CL_VERSION >= 0x2000
     const auto wait_for = buf_from_class<event>(_wait_for, num_wait_for);
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ enqueue_svm_memcpy(
             clEnqueueSVMMemcpy, queue,
             dst_ptr, src_ptr, size,
-            wait_for, event_out(evt));
+            wait_for, nanny_event_out(evt, pyobj));
diff --git a/src/c_wrapper/wrap_cl_core.h b/src/c_wrapper/wrap_cl_core.h
index 7a4992f4..746c1b9d 100644
--- a/src/c_wrapper/wrap_cl_core.h
+++ b/src/c_wrapper/wrap_cl_core.h
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ error* enqueue_svm_memcpy(
     clobj_t *evt, clobj_t _queue,
     cl_bool is_blocking,
     void *dst_ptr, const void *src_ptr, size_t size,
-    const clobj_t *_wait_for, uint32_t num_wait_for);
+    const clobj_t *_wait_for, uint32_t num_wait_for,
+    void *pyobj);
 error* enqueue_svm_memfill(
     clobj_t *evt, clobj_t _queue,
     void *svm_ptr,
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 43624afe..f2b5b645 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -934,28 +934,80 @@ def test_spirv(ctx_factory):
 def test_coarse_grain_svm(ctx_factory):
     ctx = ctx_factory()
-    # queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
+    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
     if (ctx._get_cl_version() < (2, 0) or
             cl.get_cl_header_version() < (2, 0)):
         from pytest import skip
         skip("SVM only available in OpenCL 2.0 and higher")
-    svm_ary = cl.csvm_empty(ctx, (100, 100), np.float32, alignment=64)
-    assert isinstance(svm_ary.base, cl.SVMAllocation)
+    n = 3000
+    svm_ary = cl.SVM(cl.csvm_empty(ctx, (n,), np.float32, alignment=64))
+    assert isinstance(svm_ary.mem.base, cl.SVMAllocation)
+    if ctx.devices[0] != "Portable Computing Language":
+        # pocl 0.13 has a bug misinterpreting the size parameter
+        cl.enqueue_svm_memfill(queue, svm_ary, np.zeros((), svm_ary.mem.dtype))
+    with svm_ary.map_rw(queue) as ary:
+        ary.fill(17)
+        orig_ary = ary.copy()
+    prg = cl.Program(ctx, """
+        __kernel void twice(__global float *a_g)
+        {
+          a_g[get_global_id(0)] *= 2;
+        }
+        """).build()
+    prg.twice(queue, svm_ary.mem.shape, None, svm_ary)
+    with svm_ary.map_ro(queue) as ary:
+        print(ary)
+        assert np.array_equal(orig_ary*2, ary)
+    new_ary = np.empty_like(orig_ary)
+    new_ary.fill(-1)
+    if ctx.devices[0] != "Portable Computing Language":
+        # "Blocking memcpy is unimplemented (clEnqueueSVMMemcpy.c:61)"
+        # in pocl 0.13.
+        cl.enqueue_copy(queue, new_ary, svm_ary)
+        assert np.array_equal(orig_ary*2, new_ary)
 def test_fine_grain_svm(ctx_factory):
     ctx = ctx_factory()
-    # queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
+    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
+    from pytest import skip
     if (ctx._get_cl_version() < (2, 0) or
             cl.get_cl_header_version() < (2, 0)):
-        from pytest import skip
         skip("SVM only available in OpenCL 2.0 and higher")
-    svm_ary = cl.fsvm_empty(ctx, (100, 100), np.float32, alignment=64)
-    assert isinstance(svm_ary.base, cl.SVMAllocation)
+    if not (ctx.devices[0].svm_capabilities
+            & cl.device_svm_capabilities.FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER):
+        skip("device does not support fine-grain SVM")
+    n = 3000
+    ary = cl.fsvm_empty(ctx, n, np.float32, alignment=64)
+    assert isinstance(ary.base, cl.SVMAllocation)
+    ary.fill(17)
+    orig_ary = ary.copy()
+    prg = cl.Program(ctx, """
+        __kernel void twice(__global float *a_g)
+        {
+          a_g[get_global_id(0)] *= 2;
+        }
+        """).build()
+    prg.twice(queue, ary.shape, None, cl.SVM(ary))
+    print(ary)
+    assert np.array_equal(orig_ary*2, ary)
 if __name__ == "__main__":