diff --git a/doc/source/array.rst b/doc/source/array.rst
index 6fd3ffb5086041d06301c87e606a8d7fbd4c7781..01235d5b37f55cee3ffd0fd4c9c053065a716ece 100644
--- a/doc/source/array.rst
+++ b/doc/source/array.rst
@@ -764,17 +764,6 @@ Debugging aids
 .. _predefined-scans:
-Pre-defined higher-level operations
-.. autofunction:: copy_if
-.. autofunction:: remove_if
-.. autofunction:: partition
-.. autofunction:: unique
 Simple / Legacy Interface
@@ -817,7 +806,25 @@ Here's a usage example::
     assert (dev_data.get() == np.cumsum(host_data, axis=0)).all()
+Higher-level algorithms
+.. module:: pyopencl.algorithm
+.. autofunction:: copy_if
+.. autofunction:: remove_if
+.. autofunction:: partition
+.. autofunction:: unique
+.. autoclass:: RadixSort
+    .. automethod:: __call__
 Fast Fourier Transforms
diff --git a/pyopencl/algorithm.py b/pyopencl/algorithm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0aa4a02fc5ecb72e7efaaee45e19a8a4c84e84c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyopencl/algorithm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+"""Scan primitive."""
+from __future__ import division
+__copyright__ = """
+Copyright 2011-2012 Andreas Kloeckner
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import numpy as np
+import pyopencl as cl
+import pyopencl.array
+from pyopencl.scan import GenericScanKernel
+from pyopencl.tools import dtype_to_ctype
+from pyopencl.tools import context_dependent_memoize
+from pytools import memoize
+from mako.template import Template
+# {{{ copy_if
+def _get_copy_if_kernel(ctx, dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
+        extra_args_types, preamble):
+    ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
+    arguments = [
+        "__global %s *ary" % ctype,
+        "__global %s *out" % ctype,
+        "__global unsigned long *count",
+        ] + [
+                "%s %s" % (dtype_to_ctype(arg_dtype), name)
+                for name, arg_dtype in extra_args_types]
+    return GenericScanKernel(
+            ctx, dtype,
+            arguments=", ".join(arguments),
+            input_expr="(%s) ? 1 : 0" % predicate,
+            scan_expr="a+b", neutral="0",
+            output_statement="""
+                if (prev_item != item) out[item-1] = ary[i];
+                if (i+1 == N) *count = item;
+                """,
+            preamble=preamble)
+def copy_if(ary, predicate, extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
+    """Copy the elements of *ary* satisfying *predicate* to an output array.
+    :arg predicate: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
+        The value to test is available as `ary[i]`, and if the expression evaluates
+        to `true`, then this value ends up in the output.
+    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
+    :arg preamble: |preamble|
+    :returns: a tuple *(out, count)* where *out* is the output array and *count*
+        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
+        how many elements satisfied *predicate*.
+    """
+    if len(ary) > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max:
+        scan_dtype = np.uint64
+    else:
+        scan_dtype = np.uint32
+    extra_args_types = tuple((name, val.dtype) for name, val in extra_args)
+    extra_args_values = tuple(val for name, val in extra_args)
+    knl = _get_copy_if_kernel(ary.context, ary.dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
+            extra_args_types, preamble=preamble)
+    out = cl.array.empty_like(ary)
+    count = ary._new_with_changes(data=None, shape=(), strides=(), dtype=np.uint64)
+    knl(ary, out, count, *extra_args_values, queue=queue)
+    return out, count
+# }}}
+# {{{ remove_if
+def remove_if(ary, predicate, extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
+    """Copy the elements of *ary* not satisfying *predicate* to an output array.
+    :arg predicate: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
+        The value to test is available as `ary[i]`, and if the expression evaluates
+        to `false`, then this value ends up in the output.
+    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
+    :arg preamble: |preamble|
+    :returns: a tuple *(out, count)* where *out* is the output array and *count*
+        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
+        how many elements did not satisfy *predicate*.
+    """
+    return copy_if(ary, "!(%s)" % predicate, extra_args=extra_args, queue=queue,
+            preamble=preamble)
+# }}}
+# {{{ partition
+def _get_partition_kernel(ctx, dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
+        extra_args_types, preamble):
+    ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
+    arguments = [
+        "__global %s *ary" % ctype,
+        "__global %s *out_true" % ctype,
+        "__global %s *out_false" % ctype,
+        "__global unsigned long *count_true",
+        ] + [
+                "%s %s" % (dtype_to_ctype(arg_dtype), name)
+                for name, arg_dtype in extra_args_types]
+    return GenericScanKernel(
+            ctx, dtype,
+            arguments=", ".join(arguments),
+            input_expr="(%s) ? 1 : 0" % predicate,
+            scan_expr="a+b", neutral="0",
+            output_statement="""
+                if (prev_item != item)
+                    out_true[item-1] = ary[i];
+                else
+                    out_false[i-item] = ary[i];
+                if (i+1 == N) *count_true = item;
+                """,
+            preamble=preamble)
+def partition(ary, predicate, extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
+    """Copy the elements of *ary* into one of two arrays depending on whether
+    they satisfy *predicate*.
+    :arg predicate: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
+        The value to test is available as `ary[i]`.
+    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
+    :arg preamble: |preamble|
+    :returns: a tuple *(out_true, out_false, count)* where *count*
+        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
+        how many elements satisfied the predicate.
+    """
+    if len(ary) > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max:
+        scan_dtype = np.uint64
+    else:
+        scan_dtype = np.uint32
+    extra_args_types = tuple((name, val.dtype) for name, val in extra_args)
+    extra_args_values = tuple(val for name, val in extra_args)
+    knl = _get_partition_kernel(ary.context, ary.dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
+            extra_args_types, preamble)
+    out_true = cl.array.empty_like(ary)
+    out_false = cl.array.empty_like(ary)
+    count = ary._new_with_changes(data=None, shape=(), strides=(), dtype=np.uint64)
+    knl(ary, out_true, out_false, count, *extra_args_values, queue=queue)
+    return out_true, out_false, count
+# }}}
+# {{{ unique
+def _get_unique_kernel(ctx, dtype, is_equal_expr, scan_dtype,
+        extra_args_types, preamble):
+    ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
+    arguments = [
+        "__global %s *ary" % ctype,
+        "__global %s *out" % ctype,
+        "__global unsigned long *count_unique",
+        ] + [
+                "%s %s" % (dtype_to_ctype(arg_dtype), name)
+                for name, arg_dtype in extra_args_types]
+    from pyopencl.scan import _process_code_for_macro
+    key_expr_define = "#define IS_EQUAL_EXPR(a, b) %s\n" \
+            % _process_code_for_macro(is_equal_expr)
+    return GenericScanKernel(
+            ctx, dtype,
+            arguments=", ".join(arguments),
+            input_fetch_exprs=[
+                ("ary_im1", "ary", -1),
+                ("ary_i", "ary", 0),
+                ],
+            input_expr="(i == 0) || (IS_EQUAL_EXPR(ary_im1, ary_i) ? 0 : 1)",
+            scan_expr="a+b", neutral="0",
+            output_statement="""
+                if (prev_item != item) out[item-1] = ary[i];
+                if (i+1 == N) *count_unique = item;
+                """,
+            preamble=preamble+"\n\n"+key_expr_define)
+def unique(ary, is_equal_expr="a == b", extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
+    """Copy the elements of *ary* into the output if *is_equal_expr*, applied to the
+    array element and its predecessor, yields false.
+    Works like the UNIX command :program:`uniq`, with a potentially custom comparison.
+    This operation is often used on sorted sequences.
+    :arg is_equal_expr: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
+        The elements being compared are available as `a` and `b`. If this expression
+        yields `false`, the two are considered distinct.
+    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
+    :arg preamble: |preamble|
+    :returns: a tuple *(out, count)* where *out* is the output array and *count*
+        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
+        how many elements satisfied the predicate.
+    """
+    if len(ary) > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max:
+        scan_dtype = np.uint64
+    else:
+        scan_dtype = np.uint32
+    extra_args_types = tuple((name, val.dtype) for name, val in extra_args)
+    extra_args_values = tuple(val for name, val in extra_args)
+    knl = _get_unique_kernel(ary.context, ary.dtype, is_equal_expr, scan_dtype,
+            extra_args_types, preamble)
+    out = cl.array.empty_like(ary)
+    count = ary._new_with_changes(data=None, shape=(), strides=(), dtype=np.uint64)
+    knl(ary, out, count, *extra_args_values, queue=queue)
+    return out, count
+# }}}
+# {{{ radix_sort
+def _padded_bin(i, l):
+    s = bin(i)[2:]
+    while len(s) < l:
+        s = '0' + s
+    return s
+def _make_sort_scan_type(device, bits, index_dtype):
+    fields = []
+    for mnr in range(2**bits):
+        fields.append(('c%s' % _padded_bin(mnr, bits), index_dtype))
+    fields.append(("segment_start_index", index_dtype))
+    fields.append(("bin_nr", np.uint8))
+    assert bits <= 8
+    dtype = np.dtype(fields)
+    name = "pyopencl_sort_scan_%s_%dbits_t" % (
+            index_dtype.type.__name__, bits)
+    from pyopencl.tools import register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct
+    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, dtype)
+    register_dtype(dtype, name)
+    return name, dtype, c_decl
+# {{{ types, helpers preamble
+RADIX_SORT_PREAMBLE_TPL = Template(r"""//CL//
+    typedef ${scan_ctype} scan_t;
+    typedef ${key_ctype} key_t;
+    typedef ${index_ctype} index_t;
+    // #define DEBUG
+    #ifdef DEBUG
+        #define dbg_printf(ARGS) printf ARGS
+    #else
+        #define dbg_printf(ARGS) /* */
+    #endif
+    <%
+      def get_count_branch(known_bits):
+          if len(known_bits) == bits:
+              return "s.c%s" % known_bits
+          b = len(known_bits)
+          boundary_mnr = known_bits + "1" + (bits-b-1)*"0"
+          return ("((mnr < %s) ? %s : %s)" % (
+              int(boundary_mnr, 2),
+              get_count_branch(known_bits+"0"),
+              get_count_branch(known_bits+"1")))
+    %>
+    index_t get_count(scan_t s, int mnr)
+    {
+        return ${get_count_branch("")};
+    }
+""", strict_undefined=True)
+# }}}
+# {{{ scan helpers
+    scan_t scan_t_neutral()
+    {
+        scan_t result;
+        %for mnr in range(2**bits):
+            result.c${padded_bin(mnr, bits)} = 0;
+        %endfor
+        result.segment_start_index = ${index_type_max};
+        return result;
+    }
+    // considers bits start_bit,start_bit-1,...,start_bit-bits+1
+    scan_t scan_t_from_value(
+        key_t key,
+        int start_bit,
+        int i
+    )
+    {
+        // extract relevant bit range
+        key_t bin_nr = (key >> (start_bit-${bits}+1)) & ${2**bits - 1};
+        dbg_printf(("i: %d key:%d bin_nr:%d\n", i, key, bin_nr));
+        scan_t result;
+        %for mnr in range(2**bits):
+            <% field = "c"+padded_bin(mnr, bits) %>
+            result.${field} = (bin_nr == ${mnr});
+        %endfor
+        result.bin_nr = bin_nr;
+        result.segment_start_index = i;
+        return result;
+    }
+    scan_t scan_t_add(scan_t a, scan_t b, bool across_seg_boundary)
+    {
+        if (!across_seg_boundary)
+        {
+            %for mnr in range(2**bits):
+                <% field = "c"+padded_bin(mnr, bits) %>
+                b.${field} = a.${field} + b.${field};
+            %endfor
+            b.segment_start_index =
+                min(a.segment_start_index, b.segment_start_index);
+        }
+        // directly use b.bin_nr
+        return b;
+    }
+""", strict_undefined=True)
+    {
+        /* Am I the last particle in my current box? */
+        /* NOTE: assumes past-end seg flag is set to one! */
+        if (seg_start_flags[i+1])
+        {
+            %for mnr in range(2**bits):
+                segment_bin_counts[
+                    item.segment_start_index + ${mnr}*padded_n]
+                        = item.c${padded_bin(mnr, bits)};
+            %endfor
+        }
+        bin_counts[i] = get_count(item, item.bin_nr);
+        dbg_printf(("bins %d (%d): %d %d %d %d\n",
+            i, item.bin_nr, item.c00, item.c01, item.c10, item.c11));
+        bin_number[i] = item.bin_nr;
+        segment_starts[i] = item.segment_start_index;
+    }
+""", strict_undefined=True)
+# }}}
+# {{{ reorder kernel
+    index_t segment_start = segment_starts[i];
+    unsigned char my_bin_nr = bin_number[i];
+    index_t previous_segments_size = 0;
+    %for mnr in range(2**bits):
+        previous_segments_size +=
+            (my_bin_nr > ${mnr})
+                ? segment_bin_counts[segment_start + ${mnr}*padded_n]
+                : 0;
+    %endfor
+    index_t my_bin_index = bin_counts[i]-1;
+    index_t tgt_idx =
+        segment_start
+        + previous_segments_size
+        + my_bin_index;
+    dbg_printf(("moving %d -> %d\n", i, tgt_idx));
+    dbg_printf(("my_bin_index %d\n", my_bin_index));
+    %for arg_name in sort_arg_names:
+        sorted_${arg_name}[tgt_idx] = ${arg_name}[i];
+    %endfor
+    /* Am I at the start of a new segment? */
+    if (my_bin_index == 0)
+    {
+        seg_start_flags[tgt_idx] = 1;
+    }
+""", strict_undefined=True)
+# }}}
+# {{{ driver
+class RadixSort(object):
+    """Provides a general least-significant-digit `radix sort
+    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_sort>`_ on the compute device.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, context, arguments, key_expr, sort_arg_names,
+            bits_at_a_time=4, index_dtype=np.int32, key_dtype=np.uint32,
+            options=[]):
+        """
+        :arg arguments: A string of comma-separated C argument declarations.
+            If *arguments* is specified, then *input_expr* must also be
+            specified. All types used here must be known to PyOpenCL.
+            (see :func:`pyopencl.tools.register_dtype`).
+        :arg key_expr: An integer-valued C expression returning the
+            key to which radix sort is applied. The array index
+            for which the key is to be computed is available as `i`.
+            The expression may refer to any of the *arguments*.
+        :arg sort_arg_names: A list of argument names whose corresponding
+            array arguments will be sorted according to *key_expr*.
+        """
+        # {{{ arg processing
+        from pyopencl.scan import _parse_args
+        self.arguments = _parse_args(arguments)
+        del arguments
+        self.sort_arg_names = sort_arg_names
+        self.bits = int(bits_at_a_time)
+        self.index_dtype = np.dtype(index_dtype)
+        self.key_dtype = np.dtype(key_dtype)
+        self.options = options
+        # }}}
+        # {{{ kernel creation
+        scan_ctype, scan_dtype, scan_t_cdecl = \
+                _make_sort_scan_type(context.devices[0], self.bits, self.index_dtype)
+        from pyopencl.tools import VectorArg, ScalarArg
+        scan_arguments = list(self.arguments) + [
+                VectorArg(np.uint8, "seg_start_flags"),
+                VectorArg(self.index_dtype, "segment_starts"), # [n]
+                VectorArg(self.index_dtype, "bin_counts"), # [n]
+                VectorArg(self.index_dtype, "segment_bin_counts"), # [nbins * pad(n)]
+                VectorArg(np.uint8, "bin_number"), # [n]
+                ScalarArg(np.int32, "start_bit"),
+                ScalarArg(self.index_dtype, "padded_n"),
+                ]
+        codegen_args = dict(
+                bits=self.bits,
+                key_ctype=dtype_to_ctype(self.key_dtype),
+                index_ctype=dtype_to_ctype(self.index_dtype),
+                index_type_max=np.iinfo(self.index_dtype).max,
+                padded_bin=_padded_bin,
+                scan_ctype=scan_ctype,
+                sort_arg_names=sort_arg_names,
+                )
+        preamble = scan_t_cdecl+RADIX_SORT_PREAMBLE_TPL.render(**codegen_args)
+        scan_preamble = preamble + RADIX_SORT_SCAN_PREAMBLE_TPL.render(**codegen_args)
+        from pyopencl.scan import GenericScanKernel
+        self.scan_kernel = GenericScanKernel(
+                context, scan_dtype,
+                arguments=scan_arguments,
+                input_expr="scan_t_from_value(%s, start_bit, i)" % key_expr,
+                scan_expr="scan_t_add(a, b, across_seg_boundary)",
+                neutral="scan_t_neutral()",
+                is_segment_start_expr="seg_start_flags[i]",
+                output_statement=RADIX_SORT_OUTPUT_STMT_TPL.render(**codegen_args),
+                preamble=scan_preamble, options=self.options)
+        postproc_kernel_source = RADIX_POSTPROC_KERNEL_TPL.render(**codegen_args)
+        from pyopencl.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel
+        self.postproc_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(
+                context,
+                scan_arguments
+                + [VectorArg(arg.dtype, "sorted_"+arg.name) for arg in self.arguments
+                    if arg.name in sort_arg_names],
+                str(postproc_kernel_source), name="postproc",
+                preamble=str(preamble), options=self.options)
+        for i, arg in enumerate(self.arguments):
+            if isinstance(arg, VectorArg):
+                self.first_array_arg_idx = i
+        # }}}
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Run the radix sort. In addition to *args* which must match the
+        *arguments* specification on the constructor, the following
+        keyword arguments are supported:
+        :arg key_bits: specify how many bits (starting from least-significant)
+            there are in the key.
+        :arg queue: A :class:`pyopencl.CommandQueue`, defaulting to the
+            one from the first argument array.
+        :arg allocator: See the *allocator* argument of :func:`pyopencl.array.empty`.
+        :returns: Sorted copies of the arrays named in *sorted_args*, in the order
+            of that list.
+        """
+        # {{{ run control
+        key_bits = kwargs.pop("key_bits", None)
+        if key_bits is None:
+            key_bits = int(np.iinfo(self.key_dtype).bits)
+        n = len(args[self.first_array_arg_idx])
+        allocator = kwargs.pop("allocator", None)
+        if allocator is None:
+            allocator = args[self.first_array_arg_idx].allocator
+        queue = kwargs.pop("allocator", None)
+        if queue is None:
+            queue = args[self.first_array_arg_idx].queue
+        from pytools import div_ceil
+        padded_n = div_ceil(n, 256)*256
+        nbins = 2**self.bits
+        seg_start_flags = cl.array.zeros(queue, n+1, dtype=np.uint8,
+                allocator=allocator)
+        # set last seg_start_flag to 1
+        cl.enqueue_copy(queue, seg_start_flags.data,
+                seg_start_flags.dtype.type(1),
+                device_offset=seg_start_flags.dtype.itemsize*n)
+        segment_starts = cl.array.zeros(queue, n, dtype=self.index_dtype,
+                allocator=allocator)
+        bin_counts = cl.array.empty(queue, n, dtype=self.index_dtype,
+                allocator=allocator)
+        segment_bin_counts = cl.array.empty(queue, padded_n*nbins, dtype=self.index_dtype,
+                allocator=allocator)
+        bin_number = cl.array.empty(queue, n, dtype=np.uint8,
+                allocator=allocator)
+        args = list(args)
+        kwargs = dict(queue=queue)
+        start_bit = int(key_bits) - 1
+        while start_bit >= 0:
+            scan_args = args + [
+                    seg_start_flags,
+                    segment_starts,
+                    bin_counts,
+                    segment_bin_counts,
+                    bin_number,
+                    start_bit, padded_n]
+            self.scan_kernel(*scan_args, **kwargs)
+            sorted_args = [
+                    cl.array.empty(queue, n, arg_descr.dtype, allocator=allocator)
+                    for arg_descr in self.arguments
+                    if arg_descr.name in self.sort_arg_names]
+            self.postproc_kernel(*(scan_args+sorted_args), **kwargs)
+            # substitute sorted
+            for i, arg_descr in enumerate(self.arguments):
+                if arg_descr.name in self.sort_arg_names:
+                    args[i] = sorted_args[self.sort_arg_names.index(arg_descr.name)]
+            start_bit -= self.bits
+        return [arg_val
+                for arg_descr, arg_val in zip(self.arguments, args)
+                if arg_descr.name in self.sort_arg_names]
+        # }}}
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# vim: filetype=pyopencl:fdm=marker
diff --git a/pyopencl/scan.py b/pyopencl/scan.py
index 778a1420eecd053960f62047928b8f5362ea96d8..6217de597da7d903a6d5b87b63a8cd3a913b1770 100644
--- a/pyopencl/scan.py
+++ b/pyopencl/scan.py
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@ https://code.google.com/p/thrust/source/browse/thrust/detail/backend/cuda/detail
 import numpy as np
 import pyopencl as cl
-import pyopencl.array as cl_array
+import pyopencl.array
 from pyopencl.tools import dtype_to_ctype, bitlog2
 import pyopencl._mymako as mako
 from pyopencl._cluda import CLUDA_PREAMBLE
-from pyopencl.tools import context_dependent_memoize
@@ -1123,7 +1122,7 @@ class GenericScanKernel(_GenericScanKernelBase):
                 + self.index_dtype.itemsize*wg_size
                 + k_group_size*wg_size*sum(
-                    self.arg_dtypes[arg_name]
+                    arg_dtypes[arg_name].itemsize
                     for arg_name, ife_offsets in fetch_expr_offsets.items()
                     if -1 in ife_offsets or len(ife_offsets) > 1))
@@ -1210,16 +1209,16 @@ class GenericScanKernel(_GenericScanKernelBase):
         # {{{ allocate some buffers
-        interval_results = cl_array.empty(queue,
+        interval_results = cl.array.empty(queue,
                 num_intervals, dtype=self.dtype,
-        partial_scan_buffer = cl_array.empty(
+        partial_scan_buffer = cl.array.empty(
                 queue, n, dtype=self.dtype,
         if self.store_segment_start_flags:
-            segment_start_flags = cl_array.empty(
+            segment_start_flags = cl.array.empty(
                     queue, n, dtype=np.bool,
@@ -1232,7 +1231,7 @@ class GenericScanKernel(_GenericScanKernelBase):
         if self.is_segmented:
-            first_segment_start_in_interval = cl_array.empty(queue,
+            first_segment_start_in_interval = cl.array.empty(queue,
                     num_intervals, dtype=self.index_dtype,
@@ -1350,8 +1349,6 @@ class GenericDebugScanKernel(_GenericScanKernelBase):
                 + [self.index_dtype])
-        # }}}
     def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         # {{{ argument processing
@@ -1407,7 +1404,7 @@ class _LegacyScanKernelBase(GenericScanKernel): # FIXME
             output_ary = input_ary
         if isinstance(output_ary, (str, unicode)) and output_ary == "new":
-            output_ary = cl_array.empty_like(input_ary, allocator=allocator)
+            output_ary = cl.array.empty_like(input_ary, allocator=allocator)
         if input_ary.shape != output_ary.shape:
             raise ValueError("input and output must have the same shape")
@@ -1434,189 +1431,4 @@ class ExclusiveScanKernel(_LegacyScanKernelBase):
 # }}}
-# {{{ higher-level trickery
-def _get_copy_if_kernel(ctx, dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
-        extra_args_types, preamble):
-    ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
-    arguments = [
-        "__global %s *ary" % ctype,
-        "__global %s *out" % ctype,
-        "__global unsigned long *count",
-        ] + [
-                "%s %s" % (dtype_to_ctype(arg_dtype), name)
-                for name, arg_dtype in extra_args_types]
-    return GenericScanKernel(
-            ctx, dtype,
-            arguments=", ".join(arguments),
-            input_expr="(%s) ? 1 : 0" % predicate,
-            scan_expr="a+b", neutral="0",
-            output_statement="""
-                if (prev_item != item) out[item-1] = ary[i];
-                if (i+1 == N) *count = item;
-                """,
-            preamble=preamble)
-def copy_if(ary, predicate, extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
-    """Copy the elements of *ary* satisfying *predicate* to an output array.
-    :arg predicate: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
-        The value to test is available as `ary[i]`, and if the expression evaluates
-        to `true`, then this value ends up in the output.
-    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
-    :arg preamble: |preamble|
-    :returns: a tuple *(out, count)* where *out* is the output array and *count*
-        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
-        how many elements satisfied *predicate*.
-    """
-    if len(ary) > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max:
-        scan_dtype = np.uint64
-    else:
-        scan_dtype = np.uint32
-    extra_args_types = tuple((name, val.dtype) for name, val in extra_args)
-    extra_args_values = tuple(val for name, val in extra_args)
-    knl = _get_copy_if_kernel(ary.context, ary.dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
-            extra_args_types, preamble=preamble)
-    out = cl_array.empty_like(ary)
-    count = ary._new_with_changes(data=None, shape=(), strides=(), dtype=np.uint64)
-    knl(ary, out, count, *extra_args_values, queue=queue)
-    return out, count
-def remove_if(ary, predicate, extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
-    """Copy the elements of *ary* not satisfying *predicate* to an output array.
-    :arg predicate: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
-        The value to test is available as `ary[i]`, and if the expression evaluates
-        to `false`, then this value ends up in the output.
-    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
-    :arg preamble: |preamble|
-    :returns: a tuple *(out, count)* where *out* is the output array and *count*
-        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
-        how many elements did not satisfy *predicate*.
-    """
-    return copy_if(ary, "!(%s)" % predicate, extra_args=extra_args, queue=queue,
-            preamble=preamble)
-def _get_partition_kernel(ctx, dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
-        extra_args_types, preamble):
-    ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
-    arguments = [
-        "__global %s *ary" % ctype,
-        "__global %s *out_true" % ctype,
-        "__global %s *out_false" % ctype,
-        "__global unsigned long *count_true",
-        ] + [
-                "%s %s" % (dtype_to_ctype(arg_dtype), name)
-                for name, arg_dtype in extra_args_types]
-    return GenericScanKernel(
-            ctx, dtype,
-            arguments=", ".join(arguments),
-            input_expr="(%s) ? 1 : 0" % predicate,
-            scan_expr="a+b", neutral="0",
-            output_statement="""
-                if (prev_item != item)
-                    out_true[item-1] = ary[i];
-                else
-                    out_false[i-item] = ary[i];
-                if (i+1 == N) *count_true = item;
-                """,
-            preamble=preamble)
-def partition(ary, predicate, extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
-    """Copy the elements of *ary* into one of two arrays depending on whether
-    they satisfy *predicate*.
-    :arg predicate: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
-        The value to test is available as `ary[i]`.
-    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
-    :arg preamble: |preamble|
-    :returns: a tuple *(out_true, out_false, count)* where *count*
-        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
-        how many elements satisfied the predicate.
-    """
-    if len(ary) > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max:
-        scan_dtype = np.uint64
-    else:
-        scan_dtype = np.uint32
-    extra_args_types = tuple((name, val.dtype) for name, val in extra_args)
-    extra_args_values = tuple(val for name, val in extra_args)
-    knl = _get_partition_kernel(ary.context, ary.dtype, predicate, scan_dtype,
-            extra_args_types, preamble)
-    out_true = cl_array.empty_like(ary)
-    out_false = cl_array.empty_like(ary)
-    count = ary._new_with_changes(data=None, shape=(), strides=(), dtype=np.uint64)
-    knl(ary, out_true, out_false, count, *extra_args_values, queue=queue)
-    return out_true, out_false, count
-def _get_unique_kernel(ctx, dtype, is_equal_expr, scan_dtype,
-        extra_args_types, preamble):
-    ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype)
-    arguments = [
-        "__global %s *ary" % ctype,
-        "__global %s *out" % ctype,
-        "__global unsigned long *count_unique",
-        ] + [
-                "%s %s" % (dtype_to_ctype(arg_dtype), name)
-                for name, arg_dtype in extra_args_types]
-    key_expr_define = "#define IS_EQUAL_EXPR(a, b) %s\n" \
-            % _process_code_for_macro(is_equal_expr)
-    return GenericScanKernel(
-            ctx, dtype,
-            arguments=", ".join(arguments),
-            input_fetch_exprs=[
-                ("ary_im1", "ary", -1),
-                ("ary_i", "ary", 0),
-                ],
-            input_expr="(i == 0) || (IS_EQUAL_EXPR(ary_im1, ary_i) ? 0 : 1)",
-            scan_expr="a+b", neutral="0",
-            output_statement="""
-                if (prev_item != item) out[item-1] = ary[i];
-                if (i+1 == N) *count_unique = item;
-                """,
-            preamble=preamble+"\n\n"+key_expr_define)
-def unique(ary, is_equal_expr="a == b", extra_args=[], queue=None, preamble=""):
-    """Copy the elements of *ary* into the output if *is_equal_expr*, applied to the
-    array element and its predecessor, yields false.
-    Works like the UNIX command :program:`uniq`, with a potentially custom comparison.
-    This operation is often used on sorted sequences.
-    :arg is_equal_expr: a C expression evaluating to a `bool`, represented as a string.
-        The elements being compared are available as `a` and `b`. If this expression
-        yields `false`, the two are considered distinct.
-    :arg extra_args: |scan_extra_args|
-    :arg preamble: |preamble|
-    :returns: a tuple *(out, count)* where *out* is the output array and *count*
-        is an on-device scalar (fetch to host with `count.get()`) indicating
-        how many elements satisfied the predicate.
-    """
-    if len(ary) > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max:
-        scan_dtype = np.uint64
-    else:
-        scan_dtype = np.uint32
-    extra_args_types = tuple((name, val.dtype) for name, val in extra_args)
-    extra_args_values = tuple(val for name, val in extra_args)
-    knl = _get_unique_kernel(ary.context, ary.dtype, is_equal_expr, scan_dtype,
-            extra_args_types, preamble)
-    out = cl_array.empty_like(ary)
-    count = ary._new_with_changes(data=None, shape=(), strides=(), dtype=np.uint64)
-    knl(ary, out, count, *extra_args_values, queue=queue)
-    return out, count
-# }}}
 # vim: filetype=pyopencl:fdm=marker
diff --git a/test/test_array.py b/test/test_array.py
index c5b25b855f6a8bb687cf3b996a3c98af25ac5504..0fde15a4da5533e84b963c4783e6ad8ccf56de20 100644
--- a/test/test_array.py
+++ b/test/test_array.py
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ def test_copy_if(ctx_factory):
         a_dev = clrand(queue, (n,), dtype=np.int32, a=0, b=1000)
         a = a_dev.get()
-        from pyopencl.scan import copy_if
+        from pyopencl.algorithm import copy_if
         crit = a_dev.dtype.type(300)
         selected = a[a>crit]
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ def test_partition(ctx_factory):
         true_host = a[a>crit]
         false_host = a[a<=crit]
-        from pyopencl.scan import partition
+        from pyopencl.algorithm import partition
         true_dev, false_dev, count_true_dev = partition(a_dev, "ary[i] > myval", [("myval", crit)])
         count_true_dev = count_true_dev.get()
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ def test_unique(ctx_factory):
         a_unique_host = np.unique(a)
-        from pyopencl.scan import unique
+        from pyopencl.algorithm import unique
         a_unique_dev, count_unique_dev = unique(a_dev)
         count_unique_dev = count_unique_dev.get()
@@ -1036,6 +1036,34 @@ def test_segmented_scan(ctx_factory):
             print("%d excl:%s done" % (n, is_exclusive))
+def test_sort(ctx_factory):
+    context = ctx_factory()
+    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)
+    dtype = np.int32
+    from pyopencl.algorithm import RadixSort
+    sort = RadixSort(context, "int *ary", key_expr="ary[i]",
+            sort_arg_names=["ary"])
+    from pyopencl.clrandom import RanluxGenerator
+    rng = RanluxGenerator(queue, seed=15)
+    for n in scan_test_counts:
+        print n
+        print "rng"
+        a_dev = rng.uniform(queue, (n,), dtype=dtype, a=0, b=2**16)
+        a = a_dev.get()
+        print "device"
+        a_dev_sorted, = sort(a_dev, key_bits=16)
+        queue.finish()
+        print "numpy"
+        a_sorted = np.sort(a)
+        assert (a_dev_sorted.get() == a_sorted).all()
 # }}}