diff --git a/doc/source/array.rst b/doc/source/array.rst
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+The :class:`Array` Class
+.. module:: pyopencl.array
+.. class:: DefaultAllocator(context, flags=pyopencl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE)
+    An Allocator that uses :class:`pyopencl.Buffer` with the given *flags*.
+    .. method:: __call__(self, size)
+.. class:: Array(context, shape, dtype, order="C", allocator=None, base=None, data=None, queue=None)
+    A :class:`numpy.ndarray` work-alike that stores its data and performs its
+    computations on the compute device.  *shape* and *dtype* work exactly as in
+    :mod:`numpy`.  Arithmetic methods in :class:`Array` support the
+    broadcasting of scalars. (e.g. `array+5`) If the
+    *allocator* is a callable that, upon being called with an argument of the number
+    of bytes to be allocated, returns an object that can be cast to an
+    :class:`int` representing the address of the newly allocated memory.
+    (See :class:`DefaultAllocator`.)
+    .. attribute :: data
+        The :class:`pyopencl.MemoryObject` instance created for the memory that backs
+        this :class:`Array`.
+    .. attribute :: shape
+        The tuple of lengths of each dimension in the array.
+    .. attribute :: dtype
+        The :class:`numpy.dtype` of the items in the GPU array.
+    .. attribute :: size
+        The number of meaningful entries in the array. Can also be computed by
+        multiplying up the numbers in :attr:`shape`.
+    .. attribute :: mem_size
+        The total number of entries, including padding, that are present in
+        the array.
+    .. attribute :: nbytes
+        The size of the entire array in bytes. Computed as :attr:`size` times
+        ``dtype.itemsize``.
+    .. method :: __len__()
+        Returns the size of the leading dimension of *self*.
+    .. method :: set(ary, queue=None, async=False)
+        Transfer the contents the :class:`numpy.ndarray` object *ary*
+        onto the device.
+        *ary* must have the same dtype and size (not necessarily shape) as *self*.
+    .. method :: get(queue=None, ary=None, async=False)
+        Transfer the contents of *self* into *ary* or a newly allocated
+        :mod:`numpy.ndarray`. If *ary* is given, it must have the right
+        size (not necessarily shape) and dtype.
+    .. method :: __str__()
+    .. method :: __repr__()
+    .. method :: mul_add(self, selffac, other, otherfac, queue=None):
+        Return `selffac*self + otherfac*other`.
+    .. method :: __add__(other)
+    .. method :: __sub__(other)
+    .. method :: __iadd__(other)
+    .. method :: __isub__(other)
+    .. method :: __neg__(other)
+    .. method :: __mul__(other)
+    .. method :: __div__(other)
+    .. method :: __rdiv__(other)
+    .. method :: __pow__(other)
+    .. method :: __abs__()
+        Return a :class:`Array` containing the absolute value of each
+        element of *self*.
+    .. UNDOC reverse()
+    .. method :: fill(scalar, queue=None)
+        Fill the array with *scalar*.
+    .. method :: astype(dtype, queue=None)
+        Return *self*, cast to *dtype*.
+Constructing :class:`Array` Instances
+.. function:: to_device(context, queue, ary, allocator=None, async=False)
+    Return a :class:`Array` that is an exact copy of the :class:`numpy.ndarray`
+    instance *ary*.
+    See :class:`Array` for the meaning of *allocator*.
+.. function:: empty(context, shape, dtype, order="C", allocator=None, base=None, data=None, queue=None)
+    A synonym for the :class:`Array` constructor.
+.. function:: zeros(context, queue, shape, dtype, allocator=None)
+    Same as :func:`empty`, but the :class:`Array` is zero-initialized before
+    being returned.
+.. function:: empty_like(other_ary)
+    Make a new, uninitialized :class:`Array` having the same properties
+    as *other_ary*.
+.. function:: zeros_like(other_ary)
+    Make a new, zero-initialized :class:`Array` having the same properties
+    as *other_ary*.
+.. function:: arange(context, queue, start, stop, step, dtype=None)
+    Create a :class:`Array` filled with numbers spaced `step` apart,
+    starting from `start` and ending at `stop`.
+    For floating point arguments, the length of the result is
+    `ceil((stop - start)/step)`.  This rule may result in the last
+    element of the result being greater than `stop`.
+    *dtype*, if not specified, is taken as the largest common type
+    of *start*, *stop* and *step*.
+.. function:: take(a, indices, out=None, queue=None)
+    Return the :class:`Array` ``[a[indices[0]], ..., a[indices[n]]]``.
+    For the moment, *a* must be a type that can be bound to a texture.
+.. function:: if_positive(criterion, then_, else_, out=None, queue=None)
+    Return an array like *then_*, which, for the element at index *i*,
+    contains *then_[i]* if *criterion[i]>0*, else *else_[i]*. (added in 0.94)
+.. function:: maximum(a, b, out=None, queue=None)
+    Return the elementwise maximum of *a* and *b*. (added in 0.94)
+.. function:: minimum(a, b, out=None, queue=None)
+    Return the elementwise minimum of *a* and *b*. (added in 0.94)
+Elementwise Functions on :class:`Arrray` Instances
+.. module:: pyopencl.clmath
+The :mod:`pyopencl.clmath` module contains exposes array versions of the C
+functions available in the OpenCL standard. (See table 6.8 in the spec.)
+.. function:: acos(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: acosh(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: acospi(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: asin(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: asinh(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: asinpi(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: atan(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: atan2
+.. function:: atanh(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: atanpi(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: atan2pi
+.. function:: cbrt(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: ceil(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: copysign
+.. function:: cos(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: cosh(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: cospi(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: erfc(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: erf(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: exp(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: exp2(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: exp10(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: expm1(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: fabs(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: fdim
+.. function:: floor(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: fma
+.. TODO: fmax
+.. TODO: fmin
+.. function:: fmod(arg, mod, queue=None)
+    Return the floating point remainder of the division `arg/mod`,
+    for each element in `arg` and `mod`.
+.. TODO: fract
+.. function:: frexp(arg, queue=None)
+    Return a tuple `(significands, exponents)` such that
+    `arg == significand * 2**exponent`.
+.. TODO: hypot
+.. function:: ilogb(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: ldexp(significand, exponent, queue=None)
+    Return a new array of floating point values composed from the
+    entries of `significand` and `exponent`, paired together as
+    `result = significand * 2**exponent`.
+.. function:: lgamma(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: lgamma_r
+.. function:: log(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: log2(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: log10(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: log1p(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: logb(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: mad
+.. TODO: maxmag
+.. TODO: minmag
+.. function:: modf(arg, queue=None)
+    Return a tuple `(fracpart, intpart)` of arrays containing the
+    integer and fractional parts of `arg`.
+.. function:: nan(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: nextafter
+.. TODO: remainder
+.. TODO: remquo
+.. function:: rint(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: rootn
+.. function:: round(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: sin(array, queue=None)
+.. TODO: sincos
+.. function:: sinh(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: sinpi(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: sqrt(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: tan(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: tanh(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: tanpi(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: tgamma(array, queue=None)
+.. function:: trunc(array, queue=None)
+Generating Arrays of Random Numbers
+.. module:: pyopencl.clrandom
+.. function:: rand(context, queue, shape, dtype)
+    Return an array of `shape` filled with random values of `dtype`
+    in the range [0,1).
+Single-pass Custom Expression Evaluation
+.. warning::
+    The following functionality is included in this documentation in the
+    hope that it may be useful, but its interface may change in future
+    revisions. Feedback is welcome.
+.. module:: pyopencl.elementwise
+Evaluating involved expressions on :class:`pyopencl.array.Array` instances can be
+somewhat inefficient, because a new temporary is created for each
+intermediate result. The functionality in the module :mod:`pyopencl.elementwise`
+contains tools to help generate kernels that evaluate multi-stage expressions
+on one or several operands in a single pass.
+.. class:: ElementwiseKernel(context, arguments, operation, name="kernel", options=[])
+    Generate a kernel that takes a number of scalar or vector *arguments*
+    and performs the scalar *operation* on each entry of its arguments, if that
+    argument is a vector.
+    *arguments* is specified as a string formatted as a C argument list.
+    *operation* is specified as a C assignment statement, without a semicolon.
+    Vectors in *operation* should be indexed by the variable *i*.
+    *name* specifies the name as which the kernel is compiled, 
+    and *options* are passed unmodified to :meth:`pyopencl.Program.build`.
+    .. method:: __call__(*args)
+        Invoke the generated scalar kernel. The arguments may either be scalars or
+        :class:`GPUArray` instances.
+Here's a usage example::
+    import pyopencl as cl
+    import pyopencl.array as cl_array
+    import numpy
+    ctx = cl.create_some_context()
+    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
+    n = 10
+    a_gpu = cl_array.to_device(
+            ctx, queue, numpy.random.randn(n).astype(numpy.float32))
+    b_gpu = cl_array.to_device(
+            ctx, queue, numpy.random.randn(n).astype(numpy.float32))
+    from pyopencl.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel
+    lin_comb = ElementwiseKernel(ctx,
+            "float a, float *x, "
+            "float b, float *y, "
+            "float *z",
+            "z[i] = a*x[i] + b*y[i]",
+            "linear_combination")
+    c_gpu = cl_array.empty_like(a_gpu)
+    lin_comb(5, a_gpu, 6, b_gpu, c_gpu)
+    import numpy.linalg as la
+    assert la.norm((c_gpu - (5*a_gpu+6*b_gpu)).get()) < 1e-5
+(You can find this example as :file:`examples/demo_elementwise.py` in the PyOpenCL
+Fast Fourier Transforms
+Bogdan Opanchuk's `pyfft <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyfft>`_ package offers a
+variety of GPU-based FFT implementations.
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 38456e96a14eabd00176b328c123d2a72df1aa51..c3bca32474ce1b000205fe330b7da38bc0f622d7 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ Contents
     :maxdepth: 2
+    array
 Note that this guide does not explain OpenCL programming and technology. Please 
diff --git a/doc/source/misc.rst b/doc/source/misc.rst
index 3d1e1141f5982bb72c582e22cd6b756320caa37b..bd92d09d13c627b9c3c121a2eb3ce93ca21079a1 100644
--- a/doc/source/misc.rst
+++ b/doc/source/misc.rst
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ Version 0.92
   emphasize the importance of *loccal_size*.
 * Add :meth:`pyopencl.Kernel.set_scalar_arg_dtypes`.
 * Add support for the
-  `cl_nv_device_attribute_query <ghttp://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/extensions/khr/cl_nv_device_attribute_query.txt>`_
+  `cl_nv_device_attribute_query <http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/extensions/khr/cl_nv_device_attribute_query.txt>`_
-* Add :meth:`pyopencl.Kernel.set_args`.
+* Add :meth:`pyopencl.array.Array` and related functionality.
+* Make build not depend on Boost C++.
 Version 0.91.5