import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la import pyopencl as cl import pyopencl.array # noqa import pyopencl.clrandom # noqa import loopy as lp # noqa import sys import logging from import ( # noqa pytest_generate_tests_for_pyopencl as pytest_generate_tests) from fixtures import LoopyFixture f = LoopyFixture() def test_matvec(ctx_factory): a = f.random_array(10, 10) b = f.random_array(10) c = f.mult_mat_vec(ctx_factory, a=a, b=b, alpha=1.0) assert la.norm(a@b - c, 2)/la.norm(c) < 1e-5 def test_compute_flux_derivatives(ctx_factory): logging.basicConfig(level="INFO") ndim = 3 nvars = 5 nx = 10 ny = 10 nz = 10 states = f.random_array(nvars, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) fluxes = f.random_array(nvars, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) metrics = f.random_array(ndim, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) metric_jacobians = f.random_array(nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) f.compute_flux_derivatives(ctx_factory, nvars=nvars, ndim=ndim, nx=nx, ny=ny, nz=nz, states=states, fluxes=fluxes, metrics=metrics, metric_jacobians=metric_jacobians) def get_gpu_transformed_weno(): prg = f.prg cfd = prg["compute_flux_derivatives"] cfd = lp.assume(cfd, "nx > 0 and ny > 0 and nz > 0") cfd = lp.set_temporary_scope(cfd, "flux_derivatives_generalized", lp.AddressSpace.GLOBAL) cfd = lp.set_temporary_scope(cfd, "generalized_fluxes", lp.AddressSpace.GLOBAL) cfd = lp.set_temporary_scope(cfd, "weno_flux_tmp", lp.AddressSpace.GLOBAL) for suffix in ["", "_1", "_2", "_3", "_4", "_5", "_6"]: cfd = lp.split_iname(cfd, "i"+suffix, 16, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") cfd = lp.split_iname(cfd, "j"+suffix, 16, outer_tag="g.1", inner_tag="l.1") for var_name in ["delta_xi", "delta_eta", "delta_zeta"]: cfd = lp.assignment_to_subst(cfd, var_name) cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:to_generalized", "tag:flux_x_compute") cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_x_compute", "tag:flux_x_diff") cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_x_diff", "tag:flux_y_compute") cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_y_compute", "tag:flux_y_diff") cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_y_diff", "tag:flux_z_compute") cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_z_compute", "tag:flux_z_diff") cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_z_diff", "tag:from_generalized") prg = prg.with_kernel(cfd) # FIXME: These should work, but don't # FIXME: Undo the hand-inlining in WENO.F90 #prg = lp.inline_callable_kernel(prg, "convert_to_generalized") #prg = lp.inline_callable_kernel(prg, "convert_from_generalized") if 0: print(prg["convert_to_generalized_frozen"]) 1/0 return prg def test_compute_flux_derivatives_gpu(ctx_factory): logging.basicConfig(level="INFO") prg = get_gpu_transformed_weno() queue = f.get_queue(ctx_factory) ndim = 3 nvars = 5 nx = 10 ny = 10 nz = 10 states = f.random_array(nvars, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) fluxes = f.random_array(nvars, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) metrics = f.random_array(ndim, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) metric_jacobians = f.random_array(nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) flux_derivatives_dev = cl.array.empty(queue, (nvars, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6), dtype=np.float32, order="F") if 1: with open("", "w") as outf: outf.write(lp.generate_code_v2(prg).device_code()) prg(queue, nvars=nvars, ndim=ndim, states=states, fluxes=fluxes, metrics=metrics, metric_jacobians=metric_jacobians, flux_derivatives=flux_derivatives_dev) def benchmark_compute_flux_derivatives_gpu(ctx_factory): logging.basicConfig(level="INFO") prg = get_gpu_transformed_weno() queue = f.get_queue(ctx_factory) ndim = 3 nvars = 5 n = 100 nx = n ny = n nz = n states = f.random_array(nvars, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) fluxes = f.random_array(nvars, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) metrics = f.random_array(ndim, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) metric_jacobians = f.random_array(nx+6, ny+6, nz+6) flux_derivatives_dev = cl.array.empty(queue, (nvars, ndim, nx+6, ny+6, nz+6), dtype=np.float32, order="F") if 0: with open("", "w") as outf: outf.write(lp.generate_code_v2(prg).device_code()) prg = prg.copy(target=lp.PyOpenCLTarget(queue.device)) prg = lp.set_options(prg, ignore_boostable_into=True, write_wrapper=True) #op_map = lp.get_op_map(prg, count_redundant_work=False) #print(op_map) from functools import partial run = partial(prg, queue, nvars=nvars, ndim=ndim, states=states, fluxes=fluxes, metrics=metrics, metric_jacobians=metric_jacobians, flux_derivatives=flux_derivatives_dev) print("warmup") for iwarmup_round in range(2): run() nrounds = 10 queue.finish() print("timing") from time import time start = time() for iround in range(nrounds): run() queue.finish() one_round = (time() - start)/nrounds print(f"DOFs/s: {n**3/one_round}, elapsed per round: {one_round} s") # This lets you run 'python test_case(cl._csc)' without pytest. if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: exec(sys.argv[1]) else: from pytest import main main([__file__])