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import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import pyopencl as cl
import pyopencl.array  # noqa
import  # noqa
import pyopencl.clrandom  # noqa
import loopy as lp  # noqa

from pytest import approx
from import (  # noqa
        as pytest_generate_tests)

_QUEUE = []

def get_queue(ctx_factory):
    if not _QUEUE:
    return _QUEUE[0]

def setup_queue(ctx_factory):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

_WENO_PRG = []

def parse_weno():
    fn = "WENO.F90"

    with open(fn, "r") as infile:
        infile_content =

    prg = lp.parse_transformed_fortran(infile_content, filename=fn)

def get_weno_program():
    if not _WENO_PRG:
    return _WENO_PRG[0]

class RoeParams:
    def __init__(self, nvars, ndim, d):
        self.nvars = nvars
        self.ndim = ndim
        self.d = d

    def mat_bounds(self):
        return self.nvars, self.nvars

    def vec_bounds(self):
        return self.nvars

class FluxDerivativeParams:
    def __init__(self, nvars, ndim, nx, ny, nz):
        self.nvars = nvars
        self.ndim = ndim

        self.nx = nx
        self.ny = ny = nz

        self.nhalo = 3
        self.nx_halo = self.nx + 2*self.nhalo
        self.ny_halo = self.ny + 2*self.nhalo
        self.nz_halo = + 2*self.nhalo

    def state_bounds(self):
        return self.nvars, self.nx_halo, self.ny_halo, self.nz_halo

    def flux_bounds(self):
        return self.nvars, self.ndim, self.nx_halo, self.ny_halo, self.nz_halo

    def metric_bounds(self):
        return self.ndim, self.ndim, self.nx_halo, self.ny_halo, self.nz_halo

    def jacobian_bounds(self):
        return self.nx_halo, self.ny_halo, self.nz_halo

class FluxDerivativeArrays:
    def __init__(self, states, fluxes, metrics, metric_jacobians):
        self.states = states
        self.fluxes = fluxes
        self.metrics = metrics
        self.metric_jacobians = metric_jacobians

def setup_roe_params(nvars, ndim, direction):
    dirs = {"x" : 1, "y" : 2, "z" : 3}
    return RoeParams(nvars, ndim, dirs[direction])

def setup_flux_derivative_params(nvars, ndim, n):
    return FluxDerivativeParams(nvars, ndim, n, n, n)

def setup_empty_array_on_device(queue, shape):
    return cl.array.empty(queue, shape, dtype=np.float32, order="F")

def setup_identity(n):
    return np.identity(n).astype(np.float32).copy(order="F")

def setup_random_array(*shape):
    return np.random.random_sample(shape).astype(np.float32).copy(order="F")

def setup_random_array_on_device(queue, *shape):
    return cl.array.to_device(queue, setup_random_array(*shape))

def setup_random_flux_derivative_arrays(params):
    states = setup_random_array(*params.state_bounds())
    fluxes = setup_random_array(*params.flux_bounds())
    metrics = setup_random_array(*params.metric_bounds())
    metric_jacobians = setup_random_array(*params.jacobian_bounds())

    return FluxDerivativeArrays(states, fluxes, metrics, metric_jacobians)

def setup_random_flux_derivative_arrays_on_device(ctx_factory, params):
    queue = get_queue(ctx_factory)

    states = setup_random_array_on_device(queue, *params.state_bounds())
    fluxes = setup_random_array_on_device(queue, *params.flux_bounds())
    metrics = setup_random_array_on_device(queue, *params.metric_bounds())
    metric_jacobians = setup_random_array_on_device(queue, *params.jacobian_bounds())

    return FluxDerivativeArrays(states, fluxes, metrics, metric_jacobians)

def arrays_from_string(string_arrays):
    return split_map_to_list(string_arrays, array_from_string, ":")

def array_from_string(string_array):
    if ";" not in string_array:
        if "," not in string_array:
            array = array_from_string_1d(string_array)
            array = array_from_string_2d(string_array)
        array = array_from_string_3d(string_array)
    return array.copy(order="F")

def array_from_string_3d(string_array):
    if string_array[0] == ";":
        return array_from_string_1d(string_array[1:]).reshape((-1, 1, 1))
        return np.array(split_map_to_list(string_array, array_from_string_2d, ";"))

def array_from_string_2d(string_array):
    if string_array[0] == ",":
        return array_from_string_1d(string_array[1:]).reshape((-1, 1))
        return np.array(split_map_to_list(string_array, array_from_string_1d, ","))

def array_from_string_1d(string_array):
    if string_array[0] == "i":
        return np.array(split_map_to_list(string_array[1:], int, " "))
        return np.array(split_map_to_list(string_array, float, " "), dtype=np.float32)

def split_map_to_list(string, map_func, splitter):
    return list(map(map_func, string.split(splitter)))

def compare_arrays(a, b):
    assert a == approx(b)

def compare_roe_identity(states, R, Rinv):
    dState = states[:,1] - states[:,0]
    compare_arrays(R@(Rinv@dState), dState)

def compare_roe_property(states, fluxes, R, Rinv, lam):
    dState = states[:,1] - states[:,0]
    dFlux = fluxes[:,1] - fluxes[:,0]

    temp = Rinv@dState
    temp = np.multiply(lam, temp)
    compare_arrays(R@temp, dFlux)

def transform_compute_flux_derivative_basic(prg):
    cfd = prg["compute_flux_derivatives"]

    cfd = lp.assume(cfd, "nx > 0 and ny > 0 and nz > 0")

    cfd = lp.set_temporary_scope(cfd, "flux_derivatives_generalized",
    cfd = lp.set_temporary_scope(cfd, "generalized_fluxes",
    cfd = lp.set_temporary_scope(cfd, "weno_flux_tmp",

    return prg.with_kernel(cfd)

def transform_weno_for_gpu(prg):
    prg = transform_compute_flux_derivative_basic(prg)

    cfd = prg["compute_flux_derivatives"]

    for suffix in ["", "_1", "_2", "_3", "_4", "_5", "_6", "_7"]:
        cfd = lp.split_iname(cfd, "i"+suffix, 16,
                outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0")
        cfd = lp.split_iname(cfd, "j"+suffix, 16,
                outer_tag="g.1", inner_tag="l.1")

    for var_name in ["delta_xi", "delta_eta", "delta_zeta"]:
        cfd = lp.assignment_to_subst(cfd, var_name)

    cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:to_generalized", "tag:flux_x_compute")
    cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_x_compute", "tag:flux_x_diff")
    cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_x_diff", "tag:flux_y_compute")
    cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_y_compute", "tag:flux_y_diff")
    cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_y_diff", "tag:flux_z_compute")
    cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_z_compute", "tag:flux_z_diff")
    cfd = lp.add_barrier(cfd, "tag:flux_z_diff", "tag:from_generalized")

    prg = prg.with_kernel(cfd)

    # FIXME: These should work, but don't
    # FIXME: Undo the hand-inlining in WENO.F90
    #prg = lp.inline_callable_kernel(prg, "convert_to_generalized")
    #prg = lp.inline_callable_kernel(prg, "convert_from_generalized")

    if 0:

    return prg

def transform_compute_flux_derivative_gpu(queue, prg):
    prg = transform_weno_for_gpu(prg)

    prg = prg.copy(target=lp.PyOpenCLTarget(queue.device))

    if 1:
        with open("", "w") as outf:

    prg = lp.set_options(prg, no_numpy=True)
    return prg

@pytest.mark.parametrize("states_str,fluxes_str,direction", [
    ("2 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,20 5.5", "4 1,11.2 2.6,8 1,8 1,46.4 7.1", "x"),
    ("2 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,20 5.5", "4 1,8 1,11.2 2.6,8 1,46.4 7.1", "y"),
    ("2 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,20 5.5", "4 1,8 1,8 1,11.2 2.6,46.4 7.1", "z"),
    ("1 2,-1 -4,-1 -4,-1 -4,5.5 20", "-1 -4,2.6 11.2,1 8,1 8,-7.1 -46.4", "x"),
    ("1 2,-1 -4,-1 -4,-1 -4,5.5 20", "-1 -4,1 8,2.6 11.2,1 8,-7.1 -46.4", "y"),
    ("1 2,-1 -4,-1 -4,-1 -4,5.5 20", "-1 -4,1 8,1 8,2.6 11.2,-7.1 -46.4", "z"),
    ("2 1,4 1,8 2,12 3,64 11", "4 1,11.2 2.6,16 2,24 3,134.4 12.6", "x"),
    ("2 1,4 1,8 2,12 3,64 11", "8 2,16 2,35.2 5.6,48 6,268.8 25.2", "y"),
    ("2 1,4 1,8 2,12 3,64 11", "12 3,24 3,48 6,75.2 10.6,403.2 37.8", "z")
def test_roe_uniform_grid(ctx_factory, states_str, fluxes_str, direction):
    queue = get_queue(ctx_factory)
    prg = get_weno_program()
    params = setup_roe_params(nvars=5, ndim=3, direction=direction)
    states = array_from_string(states_str)
    metrics_frozen = setup_identity(params.ndim)
    R, Rinv, lam = kernel.roe_eigensystem(queue, prg, params, states, metrics_frozen)

    compare_roe_identity(states, R, Rinv)
    fluxes = array_from_string(fluxes_str)
    compare_roe_property(states, fluxes, R, Rinv, lam)
def test_matvec(ctx_factory):
    queue = get_queue(ctx_factory)
    prg = get_weno_program()
    a = setup_random_array(10, 10)
    b = setup_random_array(10)
    c = kernel.mult_mat_vec(queue, prg, alpha=1.0, a=a, b=b)
    compare_arrays(a@b, c)
def test_compute_flux_derivatives(ctx_factory):
    queue = get_queue(ctx_factory)
    prg = get_weno_program()
    prg = transform_compute_flux_derivative_basic(prg)
    params = setup_flux_derivative_params(ndim=3, nvars=5, n=10)
    arrays = setup_random_flux_derivative_arrays(params)
    kernel.compute_flux_derivatives(queue, prg, params, arrays)
Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
def test_compute_flux_derivatives_gpu(ctx_factory):
    queue = get_queue(ctx_factory)
    prg = get_weno_program()
    prg = transform_compute_flux_derivative_gpu(queue, prg)
    params = setup_flux_derivative_params(ndim=3, nvars=5, n=10)
    arrays = setup_random_flux_derivative_arrays_on_device(ctx_factory, params)
    kernel.compute_flux_derivatives(queue, prg, params, arrays)
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Andreas Klöckner committed
# This lets you run 'python test_case(cl._csc)' without pytest.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: