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modepy: Basis Functions, Node Sets, Quadratures
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Andreas Klöckner committed
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Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed

``modepy`` helps you create well-behaved high-order discretizations on
simplices (i.e. segments, triangles and tetrahedra) and tensor products of
simplices (i.e. squares, cubes, prisms, etc.). These are a key building block
for high-order unstructured discretizations, as often used in a finite
element context. Features include:

- Support for simplex and tensor product elements in any dimension.
- Orthogonal bases:
    - Jacobi polynomials with derivatives
    - Orthogonal polynomials for simplices up to 3D and tensor product elements
      and their derivatives.
    - All bases permit symbolic evaluation, for code generation.
- Access to numerous quadrature rules:
    - Jacobi-Gauss, Jacobi-Gauss-Lobatto in 1D
      (includes Legendre, Chebyshev, ultraspherical, Gegenbauer)
    - Clenshaw-Curtis and Fejér in 1D
    - Grundmann-Möller on the simplex
    - Xiao-Gimbutas on the simplex
    - Vioreanu-Rokhlin on the simplex
    - Jaśkowiec-Sukumar on the tetrahedron
    - Witherden-Vincent on the hypercube
    - Generic tensor products built on the above, e.g. for prisms and hypercubes
- Matrices for FEM, usable across all element types:
    - generalized Vandermonde,
    - mass matrices (including lumped diagonal),
    - face mass matrices,
    - differentiation matrices, and
    - resampling matrices.
- Objects to represent 'element shape' and 'function space',
  generic node/mode/quadrature retrieval based on them.

Its roots closely followed the approach taken in the book
Andreas Klöckner's avatar
Andreas Klöckner committed
  Hesthaven, Jan S., and Tim Warburton. "Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods:
  Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications". 1st ed. Springer, 2007.
  `Book web page <>`_
but much has been added beyond that basic functionality.


* `documentation <>`_
* `wiki home page <>`_
* `source code via git <>`_