# dealings with ez_setup ------------------------------------------------------ import distribute_setup distribute_setup.use_setuptools() import setuptools from setuptools import Extension if 'distribute' not in setuptools.__file__: print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Setuptools conflict detected.") print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("When I imported setuptools, I did not get the distribute version of") print("setuptools, which is troubling--this package really wants to be used") print("with distribute rather than the old setuptools package. More than likely,") print("you have both distribute and setuptools installed, which is bad.") print("") print("See this page for more information:") print("http://wiki.tiker.net/DistributeVsSetuptools") print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("I will continue after a short while, fingers crossed.") print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------") delay = 10 from time import sleep import sys while delay: sys.stdout.write("Continuing in %d seconds... \r" % delay) sys.stdout.flush() delay -= 1 sleep(1) def setup(*args, **kwargs): from setuptools import setup import traceback try: setup(*args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: print ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------") print ("Sorry, your build failed. Try rerunning configure.py with different options.") print ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------") raise class NumpyExtension(Extension): # nicked from # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2007-September/008253.html # solution by Michael Hoffmann def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._include_dirs = self.include_dirs del self.include_dirs # restore overwritten property def get_numpy_incpath(self): from imp import find_module # avoid actually importing numpy, it screws up distutils file, pathname, descr = find_module("numpy") from os.path import join return join(pathname, "core", "include") @property def include_dirs(self): return self._include_dirs + [self.get_numpy_incpath()] class PyUblasExtension(NumpyExtension): def get_module_include_path(self, name): from imp import find_module file, pathname, descr = find_module(name) from os.path import join, exists installed_path = join(pathname, "..", "include") development_path = join(pathname, "..", "src", "cpp") if exists(installed_path): return installed_path elif exists(development_path): return development_path else: raise RuntimeError("could not find C include path for module '%s'" % name) @property def include_dirs(self): return self._include_dirs + [ self.get_numpy_incpath(), self.get_module_include_path("pyublas"), ] class HedgeExtension(PyUblasExtension): @property def include_dirs(self): return self._include_dirs + [ self.get_numpy_incpath(), self.get_module_include_path("pyublas"), self.get_module_include_path("hedge"), ] # tools ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def flatten(list): """For an iterable of sub-iterables, generate each member of each sub-iterable in turn, i.e. a flattened version of that super-iterable. Example: Turn [[a,b,c],[d,e,f]] into [a,b,c,d,e,f]. """ for sublist in list: for j in sublist: yield j def humanize(sym_str): words = sym_str.lower().replace("_", " ").split(" ") return " ".join([word.capitalize() for word in words]) # siteconf handling ----------------------------------------------------------- def get_config(schema=None, warn_about_no_config=True): if schema is None: from setup import get_config_schema schema = get_config_schema() if (not schema.have_config() and not schema.have_global_config() and warn_about_no_config): print("*************************************************************") print("*** I have detected that you have not run configure.py.") print("*************************************************************") print("*** Additionally, no global config files were found.") print("*** I will go ahead with the default configuration.") print("*** In all likelihood, this will not work out.") print("*** ") print("*** See README_SETUP.txt for more information.") print("*** ") print("*** If the build does fail, just re-run configure.py with the") print("*** correct arguments, and then retry. Good luck!") print("*************************************************************") print("*** HIT Ctrl-C NOW IF THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU WANT") print("*************************************************************") delay = 10 from time import sleep import sys while delay: sys.stdout.write("Continuing in %d seconds... \r" % delay) sys.stdout.flush() delay -= 1 sleep(1) return schema.read_config() def hack_distutils(debug=False, fast_link=True): # hack distutils.sysconfig to eliminate debug flags # stolen from mpi4py def remove_prefixes(optlist, bad_prefixes): for bad_prefix in bad_prefixes: for i, flag in enumerate(optlist): if flag.startswith(bad_prefix): optlist.pop(i) break return optlist import sys if not sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"): from distutils import sysconfig cvars = sysconfig.get_config_vars() cflags = cvars.get('OPT') if cflags: cflags = remove_prefixes(cflags.split(), ['-g', '-O', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-DNDEBUG']) if debug: cflags.append("-g") else: cflags.append("-O3") cflags.append("-DNDEBUG") cvars['OPT'] = str.join(' ', cflags) cvars["CFLAGS"] = cvars["BASECFLAGS"] + " " + cvars["OPT"] if fast_link: for varname in ["LDSHARED", "BLDSHARED"]: ldsharedflags = cvars.get(varname) if ldsharedflags: ldsharedflags = remove_prefixes(ldsharedflags.split(), ['-Wl,-O']) cvars[varname] = str.join(' ', ldsharedflags) # configure guts -------------------------------------------------------------- def default_or(a, b): if a is None: return b else: return a def expand_str(s, options): import re def my_repl(match): sym = match.group(1) try: repl = options[sym] except KeyError: from os import environ repl = environ[sym] return expand_str(repl, options) return re.subn(r"\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}", my_repl, s)[0] def expand_value(v, options): if isinstance(v, str): return expand_str(v, options) elif isinstance(v, list): return [expand_value(i, options) for i in v] else: return v def expand_options(options): for k in options.keys(): options[k] = expand_value(options[k], options) return options class ConfigSchema: def __init__(self, options, conf_file="siteconf.py", conf_dir="."): self.optdict = dict((opt.name, opt) for opt in options) self.options = options self.conf_dir = conf_dir self.conf_file = conf_file from os.path import expanduser self.user_conf_file = expanduser("~/.aksetup-defaults.py") import sys if not sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"): self.global_conf_file = "/etc/aksetup-defaults.py" else: self.global_conf_file = None def get_conf_file(self): import os return os.path.join(self.conf_dir, self.conf_file) def set_conf_dir(self, conf_dir): self.conf_dir = conf_dir def get_default_config(self): return dict((opt.name, opt.default) for opt in self.options) def read_config_from_pyfile(self, filename): result = {} filevars = {} exec(compile(open(filename, "r").read(), filename, "exec"), filevars) for key, value in filevars.items(): if key in self.optdict: result[key] = value return result def update_conf_file(self, filename, config): result = {} filevars = {} try: exec(compile(open(filename, "r").read(), filename, "exec"), filevars) except IOError: pass del filevars["__builtins__"] for key, value in config.items(): if value is not None: filevars[key] = value keys = filevars.keys() keys.sort() outf = open(filename, "w") for key in keys: outf.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, repr(filevars[key]))) outf.close() return result def update_user_config(self, config): self.update_conf_file(self.user_conf_file, config) def update_global_config(self, config): if self.global_conf_file is not None: self.update_conf_file(self.global_conf_file, config) def get_default_config_with_files(self): result = self.get_default_config() import os confignames = [] if self.global_conf_file is not None: confignames.append(self.global_conf_file) confignames.append(self.user_conf_file) for fn in confignames: if os.access(fn, os.R_OK): result.update(self.read_config_from_pyfile(fn)) return result def have_global_config(self): import os result = os.access(self.user_conf_file, os.R_OK) if self.global_conf_file is not None: result = result or os.access(self.global_conf_file, os.R_OK) return result def have_config(self): import os return os.access(self.get_conf_file(), os.R_OK) def read_config(self, warn_if_none=True): import os cfile = self.get_conf_file() result = self.get_default_config_with_files() if os.access(cfile, os.R_OK): filevars = {} exec(compile(open(cfile, "r").read(), cfile, "exec"), filevars) for key, value in filevars.items(): if key in self.optdict: result[key] = value elif key == "__builtins__": pass else: raise KeyError("invalid config key in %s: %s" % ( cfile, key)) expand_options(result) return result def add_to_configparser(self, parser, def_config=None): if def_config is None: def_config = self.get_default_config_with_files() for opt in self.options: default = default_or(def_config.get(opt.name), opt.default) opt.add_to_configparser(parser, default) def get_from_configparser(self, options): result = {} for opt in self.options: result[opt.name] = opt.take_from_configparser(options) expand_options(result) return result def write_config(self, config): import os outf = open(self.get_conf_file(), "w") for opt in self.options: value = config[opt.name] if value is not None: outf.write("%s = %s\n" % (opt.name, repr(config[opt.name]))) outf.close() def make_substitutions(self, config): return dict((opt.name, opt.value_to_str(config[opt.name])) for opt in self.options) class Option(object): def __init__(self, name, default=None, help=None): self.name = name self.default = default self.help = help def as_option(self): return self.name.lower().replace("_", "-") def metavar(self): last_underscore = self.name.rfind("_") return self.name[last_underscore+1:] def get_help(self, default): result = self.help if self.default: result += " (default: %s)" % self.value_to_str( default_or(default, self.default)) return result def value_to_str(self, default): return default def add_to_configparser(self, parser, default=None): default = default_or(default, self.default) default_str = self.value_to_str(default) parser.add_option( "--" + self.as_option(), dest=self.name, default=default_str, metavar=self.metavar(), help=self.get_help(default)) def take_from_configparser(self, options): return getattr(options, self.name) class Switch(Option): def add_to_configparser(self, parser, default=None): option = self.as_option() if not isinstance(self.default, bool): raise ValueError("Switch options must have a default") if default is None: default = self.default if default: action = "store_false" else: action = "store_true" parser.add_option( "--" + self.as_option(), dest=self.name, help=self.get_help(default), default=default, action=action) class StringListOption(Option): def value_to_str(self, default): if default is None: return None return ",".join([str(el) for el in default]) def get_help(self, default): return Option.get_help(self, default) + " (several ok)" def take_from_configparser(self, options): opt = getattr(options, self.name) if opt is None: return None else: if opt: return opt.split(",") else: return [] class IncludeDir(StringListOption): def __init__(self, lib_name, default=None, human_name=None, help=None): StringListOption.__init__(self, "%s_INC_DIR" % lib_name, default, help=help or ("Include directories for %s" % (human_name or humanize(lib_name)))) class LibraryDir(StringListOption): def __init__(self, lib_name, default=None, human_name=None, help=None): StringListOption.__init__(self, "%s_LIB_DIR" % lib_name, default, help=help or ("Library directories for %s" % (human_name or humanize(lib_name)))) class Libraries(StringListOption): def __init__(self, lib_name, default=None, human_name=None, help=None): StringListOption.__init__(self, "%s_LIBNAME" % lib_name, default, help=help or ("Library names for %s (without lib or .so)" % (human_name or humanize(lib_name)))) class BoostLibraries(Libraries): def __init__(self, lib_base_name): Libraries.__init__(self, "BOOST_%s" % lib_base_name.upper(), ["boost_%s-${BOOST_COMPILER}-mt" % lib_base_name], help="Library names for Boost C++ %s library (without lib or .so)" % humanize(lib_base_name)) def set_up_shipped_boost_if_requested(conf): """Set up the package to use a shipped version of Boost. Return a tuple of a list of extra C files to build and extra defines to be used. """ from os.path import exists import sys if conf["USE_SHIPPED_BOOST"]: if not exists("bpl-subset/bpl_subset/boost/version.hpp"): print("------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("The shipped Boost library was not found, but USE_SHIPPED_BOOST is True.") print("(The files should be under bpl-subset/.)") print("------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("If you got this package from git, you probably want to do") print("") print(" $ git submodule init") print(" $ git submodule update") print("") print("to fetch what you are presently missing. If you got this from") print("a distributed package on the net, that package is broken and") print("should be fixed. For now, I will turn off 'USE_SHIPPED_BOOST'") print("to try and see if the build succeeds that way, but in the long") print("run you might want to either get the missing bits or turn") print("'USE_SHIPPED_BOOST' off.") print("------------------------------------------------------------------------") conf["USE_SHIPPED_BOOST"] = False delay = 10 from time import sleep import sys while delay: sys.stdout.write("Continuing in %d seconds... \r" % delay) sys.stdout.flush() delay -= 1 sleep(1) if conf["USE_SHIPPED_BOOST"]: conf["BOOST_INC_DIR"] = ["bpl-subset/bpl_subset"] conf["BOOST_LIB_DIR"] = [] conf["BOOST_PYTHON_LIBNAME"] = [] conf["BOOST_THREAD_LIBNAME"] = [] from glob import glob source_files = (glob("bpl-subset/bpl_subset/libs/*/*/*/*.cpp") + glob("bpl-subset/bpl_subset/libs/*/*/*.cpp") + glob("bpl-subset/bpl_subset/libs/*/*.cpp")) source_files = [f for f in source_files if not f.startswith("bpl-subset/bpl_subset/libs/thread/src")] import sys if sys.platform == "nt": source_files += glob( "bpl-subset/bpl_subset/libs/thread/src/win32/*.cpp") else: source_files += glob( "bpl-subset/bpl_subset/libs/thread/src/pthread/*.cpp") return (source_files, {"BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_DISABLE_SERIALIZATION": 1} ) else: return [], {} def make_boost_base_options(): return [ IncludeDir("BOOST", []), LibraryDir("BOOST", []), Option("BOOST_COMPILER", default="gcc43", help="The compiler with which Boost C++ was compiled, e.g. gcc43"), ] def configure_frontend(): from optparse import OptionParser from setup import get_config_schema schema = get_config_schema() if schema.have_config(): print("************************************************************") print("*** I have detected that you have already run configure.") print("*** I'm taking the configured values as defaults for this") print("*** configure run. If you don't want this, delete the file") print("*** %s." % schema.get_conf_file()) print("************************************************************") import sys description = "generate a configuration file for this software package" parser = OptionParser(description=description) parser.add_option( "--python-exe", dest="python_exe", default=sys.executable, help="Which Python interpreter to use", metavar="PATH") parser.add_option("--prefix", default=None, help="Ignored") parser.add_option("--enable-shared", help="Ignored", action="store_false") parser.add_option("--disable-static", help="Ignored", action="store_false") parser.add_option("--update-user", help="Update user config file (%s)" % schema.user_conf_file, action="store_true") parser.add_option("--update-global", help="Update global config file (%s)" % schema.global_conf_file, action="store_true") schema.add_to_configparser(parser, schema.read_config()) options, args = parser.parse_args() config = schema.get_from_configparser(options) schema.write_config(config) if options.update_user: schema.update_user_config(config) if options.update_global: schema.update_global_config(config) import os if os.access("Makefile.in", os.F_OK): substs = schema.make_substitutions(config) substs["PYTHON_EXE"] = options.python_exe substitute(substs, "Makefile") def substitute(substitutions, fname): import re var_re = re.compile(r"\$\{([A-Za-z_0-9]+)\}") string_var_re = re.compile(r"\$str\{([A-Za-z_0-9]+)\}") fname_in = fname+".in" lines = open(fname_in, "r").readlines() new_lines = [] for l in lines: made_change = True while made_change: made_change = False match = var_re.search(l) if match: varname = match.group(1) l = l[:match.start()] + str(substitutions[varname]) + l[match.end():] made_change = True match = string_var_re.search(l) if match: varname = match.group(1) subst = substitutions[varname] if subst is None: subst = "" else: subst = '"%s"' % subst l = l[:match.start()] + subst + l[match.end():] made_change = True new_lines.append(l) new_lines.insert(1, "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE -- it was generated by configure.py\n") import sys new_lines.insert(2, "# %s\n" % (" ".join(sys.argv))) open(fname, "w").write("".join(new_lines)) from os import stat, chmod infile_stat_res = stat(fname_in) chmod(fname, infile_stat_res.st_mode)