import setuptools # noqa from setuptools import Extension def count_down_delay(delay): from time import sleep import sys while delay: sys.stdout.write("Continuing in %d seconds... \r" % delay) sys.stdout.flush() delay -= 1 sleep(1) print("") DASH_SEPARATOR = 75 * "-" def setup(*args, **kwargs): from setuptools import setup try: setup(*args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("Sorry, your build failed. Try rerunning with " "different options.") print(DASH_SEPARATOR) raise class NumpyExtension(Extension): # nicked from # # solution by Michael Hoffmann def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._include_dirs = self.include_dirs del self.include_dirs # restore overwritten property def get_numpy_incpath(self): from imp import find_module # avoid actually importing numpy, it screws up distutils file, pathname, descr = find_module("numpy") from os.path import join return join(pathname, "core", "include") def get_include_dirs(self): return self._include_dirs + [self.get_numpy_incpath()] def set_include_dirs(self, value): self._include_dirs = value def del_include_dirs(self): pass include_dirs = property(get_include_dirs, set_include_dirs, del_include_dirs) class PyUblasExtension(NumpyExtension): def get_module_include_path(self, name): from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename return resource_filename(Requirement.parse(name), "%s/include" % name) @property def include_dirs(self): return self._include_dirs + [ self.get_numpy_incpath(), self.get_module_include_path("pyublas"), ] class HedgeExtension(PyUblasExtension): @property def include_dirs(self): return self._include_dirs + [ self.get_numpy_incpath(), self.get_module_include_path("pyublas"), self.get_module_include_path("hedge"), ] # {{{ tools def flatten(list): """For an iterable of sub-iterables, generate each member of each sub-iterable in turn, i.e. a flattened version of that super-iterable. Example: Turn [[a,b,c],[d,e,f]] into [a,b,c,d,e,f]. """ for sublist in list: for j in sublist: yield j def humanize(sym_str): words = sym_str.lower().replace("_", " ").split(" ") return " ".join([word.capitalize() for word in words]) # }}} # {{{ siteconf handling def get_config(schema=None, warn_about_no_config=True): if schema is None: from setup import get_config_schema schema = get_config_schema() if (not schema.have_config() and not schema.have_global_config() and warn_about_no_config): print("*************************************************************") print("*** I have detected that you have not run") print("*************************************************************") print("*** Additionally, no global config files were found.") print("*** I will go ahead with the default configuration.") print("*** In all likelihood, this will not work out.") print("*** ") print("*** See README_SETUP.txt for more information.") print("*** ") print("*** If the build does fail, just re-run with the") print("*** correct arguments, and then retry. Good luck!") print("*************************************************************") print("*** HIT Ctrl-C NOW IF THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU WANT") print("*************************************************************") count_down_delay(delay=10) return expand_options(schema.read_config()) def hack_distutils(debug=False, fast_link=True, what_opt=3): # hack distutils.sysconfig to eliminate debug flags # stolen from mpi4py def remove_prefixes(optlist, bad_prefixes): for bad_prefix in bad_prefixes: for i, flag in enumerate(optlist): if flag.startswith(bad_prefix): optlist.pop(i) break return optlist import sys if not sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"): from distutils import sysconfig cvars = sysconfig.get_config_vars() cflags = cvars.get('OPT') if cflags: cflags = remove_prefixes(cflags.split(), ['-g', '-O', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-DNDEBUG']) if debug: cflags.append("-g") else: if what_opt is None: pass else: cflags.append("-O%s" % what_opt) cflags.append("-DNDEBUG") cvars['OPT'] = str.join(' ', cflags) cvars["CFLAGS"] = cvars["BASECFLAGS"] + " " + cvars["OPT"] if fast_link: for varname in ["LDSHARED", "BLDSHARED"]: ldsharedflags = cvars.get(varname) if ldsharedflags: ldsharedflags = remove_prefixes(ldsharedflags.split(), ['-Wl,-O']) cvars[varname] = str.join(' ', ldsharedflags) # }}} # {{{ configure guts def default_or(a, b): if a is None: return b else: return a def expand_str(s, options): import re def my_repl(match): sym = try: repl = options[sym] except KeyError: from os import environ repl = environ[sym] return expand_str(repl, options) return re.subn(r"\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}", my_repl, s)[0] def expand_value(v, options): if isinstance(v, str): return expand_str(v, options) elif isinstance(v, list): result = [] for i in v: try: exp_i = expand_value(i, options) except: pass else: result.append(exp_i) return result else: return v def expand_options(options): return dict( (k, expand_value(v, options)) for k, v in options.items()) class ConfigSchema: def __init__(self, options, conf_file="", conf_dir="."): self.optdict = dict((, opt) for opt in options) self.options = options self.conf_dir = conf_dir self.conf_file = conf_file from os.path import expanduser self.user_conf_file = expanduser("~/") import sys if not sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"): self.global_conf_file = "/etc/" else: self.global_conf_file = None def get_conf_file(self): import os return os.path.join(self.conf_dir, self.conf_file) def set_conf_dir(self, conf_dir): self.conf_dir = conf_dir def get_default_config(self): return dict((, opt.default) for opt in self.options) def read_config_from_pyfile(self, filename): result = {} filevars = {} infile = open(filename, "r") try: contents = finally: infile.close() exec(compile(contents, filename, "exec"), filevars) for key, value in filevars.items(): if key in self.optdict: result[key] = value return result def update_conf_file(self, filename, config): result = {} filevars = {} try: exec(compile(open(filename, "r").read(), filename, "exec"), filevars) except IOError: pass if "__builtins__" in filevars: del filevars["__builtins__"] for key, value in config.items(): if value is not None: filevars[key] = value keys = filevars.keys() keys.sort() outf = open(filename, "w") for key in keys: outf.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, repr(filevars[key]))) outf.close() return result def update_user_config(self, config): self.update_conf_file(self.user_conf_file, config) def update_global_config(self, config): if self.global_conf_file is not None: self.update_conf_file(self.global_conf_file, config) def get_default_config_with_files(self): result = self.get_default_config() import os confignames = [] if self.global_conf_file is not None: confignames.append(self.global_conf_file) confignames.append(self.user_conf_file) for fn in confignames: if os.access(fn, os.R_OK): result.update(self.read_config_from_pyfile(fn)) return result def have_global_config(self): import os result = os.access(self.user_conf_file, os.R_OK) if self.global_conf_file is not None: result = result or os.access(self.global_conf_file, os.R_OK) return result def have_config(self): import os return os.access(self.get_conf_file(), os.R_OK) def read_config(self, warn_if_none=True): import os cfile = self.get_conf_file() result = self.get_default_config_with_files() if os.access(cfile, os.R_OK): filevars = {} exec(compile(open(cfile, "r").read(), cfile, "exec"), filevars) for key, value in filevars.items(): if key in self.optdict: result[key] = value elif key == "__builtins__": pass else: raise KeyError("invalid config key in %s: %s" % ( cfile, key)) return result def add_to_configparser(self, parser, def_config=None): if def_config is None: def_config = self.get_default_config_with_files() for opt in self.options: default = default_or(def_config.get(, opt.default) opt.add_to_configparser(parser, default) def get_from_configparser(self, options): result = {} for opt in self.options: result[] = opt.take_from_configparser(options) return result def write_config(self, config): outf = open(self.get_conf_file(), "w") for opt in self.options: value = config[] if value is not None: outf.write("%s = %s\n" % (, repr(config[]))) outf.close() def make_substitutions(self, config): return dict((, opt.value_to_str(config[])) for opt in self.options) class Option(object): def __init__(self, name, default=None, help=None): = name self.default = default = help def as_option(self): return"_", "-") def metavar(self): last_underscore ="_") return[last_underscore+1:] def get_help(self, default): result = if self.default: result += " (default: %s)" % self.value_to_str( default_or(default, self.default)) return result def value_to_str(self, default): return default def add_to_configparser(self, parser, default=None): default = default_or(default, self.default) default_str = self.value_to_str(default) parser.add_option( "--" + self.as_option(),, default=default_str, metavar=self.metavar(), help=self.get_help(default)) def take_from_configparser(self, options): return getattr(options, class Switch(Option): def add_to_configparser(self, parser, default=None): if not isinstance(self.default, bool): raise ValueError("Switch options must have a default") if default is None: default = self.default option_name = self.as_option() if default: option_name = "no-" + option_name action = "store_false" else: action = "store_true" parser.add_option( "--" + option_name,, help=self.get_help(default), default=default, action=action) class StringListOption(Option): def value_to_str(self, default): if default is None: return None return ",".join([str(el).replace(",", r"\,") for el in default]) def get_help(self, default): return Option.get_help(self, default) + " (several ok)" def take_from_configparser(self, options): opt = getattr(options, if opt is None: return None else: if opt: import re sep = re.compile(r"(?<!\\),") result = sep.split(opt) result = [i.replace(r"\,", ",") for i in result] return result else: return [] class IncludeDir(StringListOption): def __init__(self, lib_name, default=None, human_name=None, help=None): StringListOption.__init__(self, "%s_INC_DIR" % lib_name, default, help=help or ("Include directories for %s" % (human_name or humanize(lib_name)))) class LibraryDir(StringListOption): def __init__(self, lib_name, default=None, human_name=None, help=None): StringListOption.__init__(self, "%s_LIB_DIR" % lib_name, default, help=help or ("Library directories for %s" % (human_name or humanize(lib_name)))) class Libraries(StringListOption): def __init__(self, lib_name, default=None, human_name=None, help=None): StringListOption.__init__(self, "%s_LIBNAME" % lib_name, default, help=help or ("Library names for %s (without lib or .so)" % (human_name or humanize(lib_name)))) class BoostLibraries(Libraries): def __init__(self, lib_base_name, default_lib_name=None): if default_lib_name is None: if lib_base_name == "python": import sys default_lib_name = "boost_python-py%d%d" % sys.version_info[:2] else: default_lib_name = "boost_%s" % lib_base_name Libraries.__init__(self, "BOOST_%s" % lib_base_name.upper(), [default_lib_name], help="Library names for Boost C++ %s library (without lib or .so)" % humanize(lib_base_name)) def set_up_shipped_boost_if_requested(project_name, conf, source_path=None, boost_chrono=False): """Set up the package to use a shipped version of Boost. Return a tuple of a list of extra C files to build and extra defines to be used. :arg boost_chrono: one of *False* and ``"header_only"`` (only relevant in shipped mode) """ from os.path import exists import sys if source_path is None: source_path = "bpl-subset/bpl_subset" if conf["USE_SHIPPED_BOOST"]: if not exists("%s/boost/version.hpp" % source_path): print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("The shipped Boost library was not found, but " "USE_SHIPPED_BOOST is True.") print("(The files should be under %s/.)" % source_path) print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("If you got this package from git, you probably want to do") print("") print(" $ git submodule update --init") print("") print("to fetch what you are presently missing. If you got this from") print("a distributed package on the net, that package is broken and") print("should be fixed. For now, I will turn off 'USE_SHIPPED_BOOST'") print("to try and see if the build succeeds that way, but in the long") print("run you might want to either get the missing bits or turn") print("'USE_SHIPPED_BOOST' off.") print(DASH_SEPARATOR) conf["USE_SHIPPED_BOOST"] = False count_down_delay(delay=10) if conf["USE_SHIPPED_BOOST"]: conf["BOOST_INC_DIR"] = [source_path] conf["BOOST_LIB_DIR"] = [] conf["BOOST_PYTHON_LIBNAME"] = [] conf["BOOST_THREAD_LIBNAME"] = [] from glob import glob source_files = (glob(source_path + "/libs/*/*/*/*.cpp") + glob(source_path + "/libs/*/*/*.cpp") + glob(source_path + "/libs/*/*.cpp")) # make sure next line succeeds even on Windows source_files = [f.replace("\\", "/") for f in source_files] source_files = [f for f in source_files if not f.startswith(source_path + "/libs/thread/src")] if sys.platform == "win32": source_files += glob( source_path + "/libs/thread/src/win32/*.cpp") source_files += glob( source_path + "/libs/thread/src/tss_null.cpp") else: source_files += glob( source_path + "/libs/thread/src/pthread/*.cpp") source_files = [f for f in source_files if not f.endswith("once_atomic.cpp")] from os.path import isdir main_boost_inc = source_path + "/boost" bpl_project_boost_inc = source_path + "/%sboost" % project_name if not isdir(bpl_project_boost_inc): try: from os import symlink symlink("boost", bpl_project_boost_inc) except (ImportError, OSError): from shutil import copytree print("Copying files, hang on... (do not interrupt)") copytree(main_boost_inc, bpl_project_boost_inc) defines = { # do not pick up libboost link dependency on windows "BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB": 1, "BOOST_THREAD_BUILD_DLL": 1, "BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_DISABLE_SERIALIZATION": 1, "BOOST_PYTHON_SOURCE": 1, "boost": '%sboost' % project_name, } if boost_chrono is False: defines["BOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_CHRONO"] = 1 elif boost_chrono == "header_only": defines["BOOST_CHRONO_HEADER_ONLY"] = 1 else: raise ValueError("invalid value of 'boost_chrono'") return (source_files, defines) else: return [], {} def make_boost_base_options(): return [ IncludeDir("BOOST", []), LibraryDir("BOOST", []), Option("BOOST_COMPILER", default="gcc43", help="The compiler with which Boost C++ was compiled, e.g. gcc43"), ] def configure_frontend(): from optparse import OptionParser from setup import get_config_schema schema = get_config_schema() if schema.have_config(): print("************************************************************") print("*** I have detected that you have already run configure.") print("*** I'm taking the configured values as defaults for this") print("*** configure run. If you don't want this, delete the file") print("*** %s." % schema.get_conf_file()) print("************************************************************") import sys description = "generate a configuration file for this software package" parser = OptionParser(description=description) parser.add_option( "--python-exe", dest="python_exe", default=sys.executable, help="Which Python interpreter to use", metavar="PATH") parser.add_option("--prefix", default=None, help="Ignored") parser.add_option("--enable-shared", help="Ignored", action="store_false") parser.add_option("--disable-static", help="Ignored", action="store_false") parser.add_option("--update-user", help="Update user config file (%s)" % schema.user_conf_file, action="store_true") parser.add_option("--update-global", help="Update global config file (%s)" % schema.global_conf_file, action="store_true") schema.add_to_configparser(parser, schema.read_config()) options, args = parser.parse_args() config = schema.get_from_configparser(options) schema.write_config(config) if options.update_user: schema.update_user_config(config) if options.update_global: schema.update_global_config(config) import os if os.access("", os.F_OK): substs = schema.make_substitutions(config) substs["PYTHON_EXE"] = options.python_exe substitute(substs, "Makefile") def substitute(substitutions, fname): import re var_re = re.compile(r"\$\{([A-Za-z_0-9]+)\}") string_var_re = re.compile(r"\$str\{([A-Za-z_0-9]+)\}") fname_in = fname+".in" lines = open(fname_in, "r").readlines() new_lines = [] for l in lines: made_change = True while made_change: made_change = False match = if match: varname = l = l[:match.start()] + str(substitutions[varname]) + l[match.end():] made_change = True match = if match: varname = subst = substitutions[varname] if subst is None: subst = "" else: subst = '"%s"' % subst l = l[:match.start()] + subst + l[match.end():] made_change = True new_lines.append(l) new_lines.insert(1, "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE -- " "it was generated by\n") import sys new_lines.insert(2, "# %s\n" % (" ".join(sys.argv))) open(fname, "w").write("".join(new_lines)) from os import stat, chmod infile_stat_res = stat(fname_in) chmod(fname, infile_stat_res.st_mode) def _run_git_command(cmd): git_error = None from subprocess import Popen, PIPE try: popen = Popen(["git"] + cmd, stdout=PIPE) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() if popen.returncode != 0: git_error = "git returned error code %d: %s" % (popen.returncode, stderr) except OSError: git_error = "(OS error, likely git not found)" if git_error is not None: print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("Trouble invoking git") print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("The package directory appears to be a git repository, but I could") print("not invoke git to check whether my submodules are up to date.") print("") print("The error was:") print(git_error) print("Hit Ctrl-C now if you'd like to think about the situation.") print(DASH_SEPARATOR) count_down_delay(delay=5) return stdout.decode("utf-8"), git_error def check_git_submodules(): from os.path import isdir if not isdir(".git"): # not a git repository return if isdir("../.repo"): # assume repo is in charge and bail return stdout, git_error = _run_git_command(["submodule", "status"]) if git_error is not None: return pkg_warnings = [] lines = stdout.split("\n") for l in lines: if not l.strip(): continue status = l[0] sha, package = l[1:].split(" ", 1) if package == "bpl-subset" or ( package.startswith("boost") and package.endswith("subset")): # treated separately continue if status == "+": pkg_warnings.append("version of '%s' is not what this " "outer package wants" % package) elif status == "-": pkg_warnings.append("subpackage '%s' is not initialized" % package) elif status == " ": pass else: pkg_warnings.append("subpackage '%s' has unrecognized status '%s'" % package) if pkg_warnings: print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("git submodules are not up-to-date or in odd state") print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("If this makes no sense, you probably want to say") print("") print(" $ git submodule update --init") print("") print("to fetch what you are presently missing and " "move on with your life.") print("If you got this from a distributed package on the " "net, that package is") print("broken and should be fixed. Please inform whoever " "gave you this package.") print("") print("These issues were found:") for w in pkg_warnings: print(" %s" % w) print("") print("I will try to initialize the submodules for you " "after a short wait.") print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("Hit Ctrl-C now if you'd like to think about the situation.") print(DASH_SEPARATOR) from os.path import exists if not exists(".dirty-git-ok"): count_down_delay(delay=10) stdout, git_error = _run_git_command( ["submodule", "update", "--init"]) if git_error is None: print(DASH_SEPARATOR) print("git submodules initialized successfully") print(DASH_SEPARATOR)