#!/usr/bin/env python import os from distutils.core import setup,Extension home = os.getenv("HOME") boost_path = "%s/work/boost" % home include_dirs = [boost_path, "src"] library_dirs = ["%s/pool/lib" % home] libraries = ["boost_python"] triangle_macros = [ ( "EXTERNAL_TEST", 1 ), ( "ANSI_DECLARATORS", 1 ), ( "TRILIBRARY", 1 ) , ] tetgen_macros = [ ("TETLIBRARY", 1), ( "SELF_CHECK", 1 ) , ] setup(name="MeshPy", version="0.90", description="A wrapper around the TetGen and Triangle", author="Andreas Kloeckner", author_email="inform@tiker.net", license = "BSD for the wrapper/non-commercial MIT for the meshers", url="http://news.tiker.net/software/meshpy", packages = [ "meshpy" ], ext_modules = [ Extension( "meshpy._triangle", ["src/wrap_triangle.cpp","src/triangle.c"], include_dirs = include_dirs, library_dirs = library_dirs, libraries = libraries, define_macros=triangle_macros ), Extension( "meshpy._tetgen", ["src/tetgen.cpp", "src/predicates.cpp", "src/wrap_tetgen.cpp"], include_dirs = include_dirs, library_dirs = library_dirs, libraries = libraries, define_macros=tetgen_macros ), ] )