diff --git a/grudge/trace_pair.py b/grudge/trace_pair.py
index 235aebe2745ea28d0cf1b051552a558a7a057dac..c076510384492eaef3f85b60f7c0ce89433179a5 100644
--- a/grudge/trace_pair.py
+++ b/grudge/trace_pair.py
@@ -557,7 +557,6 @@ class _RankBoundaryCommunicationLazy:
 def cross_rank_trace_pairs(
         dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, ary: ArrayOrContainer,
-        tag: Hashable = None,
         *, comm_tag: Hashable = None,
         volume_dd: DOFDesc | None = None) -> list[TracePair]:
     r"""Get a :class:`list` of *ary* trace pairs for each partition boundary.
@@ -598,16 +597,6 @@ def cross_rank_trace_pairs(
     if volume_dd.discretization_tag != DISCR_TAG_BASE:
         raise TypeError(f"expected a base-discretized DOFDesc, got '{volume_dd}'")
-    if tag is not None:
-        warn("Specifying 'tag' is deprecated and will stop working in July of 2022. "
-                "Specify 'comm_tag' (keyword-only) instead.",
-                DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        if comm_tag is not None:
-            raise TypeError("may only specify one of 'tag' and 'comm_tag'")
-        else:
-            comm_tag = tag
-    del tag
     # }}}
     if isinstance(ary, Number):